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來源 : 行政院環境保護署-環保專案摘要資料
欄位 : ProjectId、Title、Abstract、Keyword、EngTitle、EngAbstract、EngKeyword、GovCategory、ProjectType、ProjectNo、ProjectYear、ProjectBudget、ProjectStartDate、ProjectEndDate、SponsorOrg、Undertaker、ExecutingOrg、ProjectDirector、AssistDirector、CoDirector、PublicFullVersionURL

ProjectId "1080517849"
Title "108年度「屏東縣室內空氣品質稽巡查管理計畫」"
Abstract " 屏東縣應符合室內空氣品質管理法之第一及第二批公告場所分別有12及34家,第一批公告場所中,除屏東縣政府文化處(圖書館)因館舍整修暫停執行室內空氣品質業務外,其他均依規定辦理各項工作;第二批公告場所中,除108年新增列管驛站百貨股份有限公司、柏文健康事業股份有限公司潮州營業所、屏東市立復興圖書館及香港商世界健身事業有限公司潮州分公司,並解除列管台灣糖業股份有限公司量販事業部屏東量販店(歇業)及太平洋百貨二館(刪除百貨公司業)外,其餘30家均已完成專責人員設置、維護管理文件訂定及第一次定檢與申報。 在公私場所現場訪查作業方面,共完成164家場所訪查作業(含第一批公告場所11家、第二批公告場所34家、非公告場所119家),各場所主要問題為:(1)幼兒園因長時間使用空調,午休完教室內常有二氧化碳累積情形,且部分冷氣出風口積塵嚴重;(2)托嬰中心因烹煮食品行為,甲醛與PM2.5濃度蓄積情形;(3)百貨事業餐飲區之烹飪行為,導致有甲醛瞬間高值情形;(4)政府機關因部分辦公場所因來訪民眾為數眾多,常有CO2瞬間高值情形;部分辦公場所受室外空品不佳影響,懸浮微粒濃度有偏高情形;(5)博物館部分則是因環境清潔度不佳,而有PM瞬間讀值偏高情形;(6)健身場所因運動民眾大量換氣,常有CO2瞬間濃度偏高情形,小型健身場所則常有PM2.5瞬間濃度偏高情形,主要為引入外氣時未能有效過濾室外空氣污染物;(7)電影院的販賣部前常有甲醛及PM2.5瞬間濃度偏高情形;(8)圖書館之自修室常有CO2瞬間濃度偏高情形;(9)銀行在民眾辦理業務之尖峰時段,CO2會有瞬間濃度偏高情形;(10)醫療機構之服務台和候診區,因人數眾多,常有CO2瞬間濃度偏高情形;(11)車站現場因進駐商場進行裝修,有PM2.5瞬間濃度偏高情形 在推動維護管理制度方面,共輔導22家場所訂定維護管理計畫文件;另外,追蹤40家歷年已設置維護管理文件之場所,以確認該場所訂定之室內空氣品質維護管理計畫文件與現況符合,並協助其修正維護管理文件的相關內容。 在專責人員設置情形調查方面,共計67家場所(包含23家非屬公告場所)已取得證照,而所有公告場所均已完成專責人員設置(含新增4家場所)。 在巡查檢測方面,總計執行164家場所、1255點次的巡查檢測工作,彙整巡檢結果發現:CO2、CO、甲醛、TVOC、PM2.5、PM10之瞬間高值發生率分別為8.6%、0%、14.3%、2.4%、20.6%及2.9%。 在標準值檢測方面,共計完成13家次(含1家次二氧化碳複測作業),包括2家第一批公告場所、8家第二批公告場所及3家非公告場所,均未有出現超標情形。 本年度共計完成3場次室內空氣品質法規宣導明會,第一場次共計28個單位、35人與會,宣導主題有室內空氣品質法規說明及室內生物性污染之預防;第二場說明會共計133單位、150人與會,以介紹室內空氣品質法規及基本空調維護管理知識為主要內容;第三場說明會共計40單位、45人與會,乃針對室內空氣品質改善與空調系統管理做深入淺出解說,並介紹校園淨化室內空氣品質植栽與綠圍籬之應用。 本計畫共辦理5家場所之現場全方位輔導會議,分別為屏東市仁愛國民小學、潮州鎮潮州國民小學、安泰醫療社團法人潮州安泰醫院、屏東縣藝術館與屏東縣里港鄉公所(里港鄉立圖書館),每場次邀請3位專家學者針對場所在室內環境、空調系統及建築物等方面之缺失提出改善建議供場所參考。"
Keyword "室內空氣品質"
EngTitle "Inspection and investigation of indoor air quality at Pingtung ( 2019 )"
EngAbstract " There are 12 and 34 officially announced premises that shall meet Indoor Air Quality Act for the first and the second batch respectively in Pingtung County. The first batch of announced premises have implemented every task comply with the regulation except the suspension of the Cultural Affairs Department of Pingtung County Government (Library) due to its rebuilding renovation; the second batch of announced premises have installed dedicated personnel, determined an indoor air quality maintenance and management plan and performed first regular analyses and results reporting except the four new regulatory listing announced premises – Yizhan Department Store at Pingtung Railway Station, Power Wind Health Industry Incorporated (Chaozhou Fitness Factory), Fuxing Library of Pingtung City and Word Gym Chaozhou and the two terminated existing announced premises – Pingtung Wholesale Store of Taiwan Sugar Corporation and the Pacific Department Store Pingtung. This project has inspected 164 public or private premises including 11 and 34 officially announced premises for the first and the second batch respectively and 119 non-announced premises. The results of inspection show that main problems for different types of premises as follows: (1) CO2 accumulation in kindergartens noon break classrooms and dust accumulation at the venting outlet due to long term use of air conditioners; (2) HCHO and PM2.5 accumulation in childcare centers because of indoor cooking behavior; (3) instant high HCHO concentration in department store dining areas due to indoor cooking behavior; (4) instant high CO2 concentration and higher particulate matter concentration in some parts of government offices because of too many visitors and poor outdoor air quality respectively;(5) instant higher particulate matter concentration in some exhibition rooms of museums due to poor environmental cleanliness; (6) high level of CO2 concentration in fitness centers because of exercisers’ heavy breathing during workout and instant higher particulate matter concentration in fitness studios due to poor filtration efficiency of draw-in outdoor air; (7) instant higher HCHO and PM2.5 concentration at the food vending counters in cinemas; (8) instant higher CO2 concentration in library study rooms; (9) instant higher CO2 concentration in banks during the rush hour; (10) instant higher CO2 concentration at the service counters and in the waiting areas of medical institutions due to the crowded; (11) instant higher PM2.5 concentration in railway stations because of the renovation of the new marching department store. As regards the promotion of indoor air quality maintenance and management system, we have comprehensively guided 22 premises to determine their indoor air quality maintenance and management plans and 40 premises to revise their maintenance and management plans that already established to match the current situation. With respect to the installment of dedicated personnel, 67 premises including 23 non-announced premises have obtained qualification certificates of dedicated personnel for indoor air quality maintenance and management and all of the officially announced premises including 4 new ones have installed dedicated personnel. As regards the inspection testing, we have executed 1255 times of inspection testing for 164 premises by using portable direct reading instruments during on-site inspection service. The results show that the incidences of instant high value for CO2, CO, HCHO, TVOC, PM2.5 and PM10 are 8.6%, 0%, 14.3%, 2.4%, 20.6% and 2.9% respectively. With respect to the analyses of indoor air quality standards, we have completed 13 premises (one for CO2 retesting) including 2 and 8 officially announced premises for the first and the second batch respectively and 3 non-announced premises and no one fails to comply with the Indoor Air Quality Standards...."
EngKeyword "Indoor Air Quality"
GovCategory "大氣空氣"
ProjectType "科技研究類專案"
ProjectNo ""
ProjectYear 108
ProjectBudget "3568"
ProjectStartDate 2019-01-01
ProjectEndDate 2019-12-31
SponsorOrg "屏東縣政府環境保護局"
Undertaker "錢湘媛"
ExecutingOrg "環益工程顧問股份有限公司"
ProjectDirector "李俊彥"
AssistDirector ""
CoDirector ""

ProjectId "1081615035"
Title "108年度「屏東縣河川揚塵防制及改善推動計畫」期末報告(正式搞)"
Abstract "本計畫執行期自108年5月18日起至109年5月17日止,各項合約工作目標均已完成,並依規定於108年11月17日及109年4月27日前提交期中及期末報告初稿送審。以下即為各項工作執行成果摘要: 本年度計畫執行期間共發生3次高屏溪河川揚塵事件(108年9月20~21日及109年2月15日與3月26日),為確認河川揚塵潛勢區,本計畫透由事件日分析與衛星圖資比對及現地巡查結果,持續調查評估可能的揚塵潛勢區,並劃定里港鄉沿岸村里為河川揚塵高度影響區域,而調查分析結果亦提供第七河川局做為揚塵抑制場址選址之參考。統計108年共改善601.8公頃河床裸露地,依據實際抑制期程推估,其PM10削減量為41.4公噸。 為了提升相關單位及民眾應變之時效性,本計畫利用氣象預報資訊比對自擬之高屏溪河川揚塵預警參考標準,提供6次揚塵預警資訊,並成功預測108年9月21日中級河川揚塵事件、109年2月13日河道揚塵情事(該日亦為高雄市中級河川揚塵事件)、109年2月15日中級河川揚塵事件、109年5月15日河道揚塵情事(該日亦為高雄市中級河川揚塵事件)及109年5月16日河川揚塵預警(該日亦為高雄市中級河川揚塵事件),而為使未來能及早掌握揚塵可能之影響範圍,本計畫也以ISCST3模擬上述河川揚塵事件影響之程度及範圍,模擬結果顯示測站PM10增量濃度層級及擴散結果與事件日相似,顯示其結果有助於河川揚塵事件可能影響範圍之掌握。 本計畫於執行期間共完成3,071.9公里之河川揚塵影響區域環境清理作業,推估PM10削減量為8.0公噸。另彙整各單位及各計畫於高屏溪沿岸鄉鎮之洗灑成效,截至108年共洗灑32,243.5公里,推估PM10削減量為83.8公噸,而根據中山大學社會科學院民意與市場調查中心之民眾滿意度調查結果,屏東縣高屏溪沿岸重點鄉鎮之民眾對於道路乾淨之改善給予87.7%的正面評價。 本年度共辦理辦理2場沿岸村里河川揚塵教育訓練,3場學校河川揚塵教育宣導活動,2場高屏溪河川揚塵防制聯繫會議,以及1場河川揚塵預通報及自我防護演練作業,另透過本計畫之問卷調查,有96%之受訪者對於環保局推動河川揚塵防制相關工作給予正面的評價。"
Keyword "高屏溪、河川揚塵、ISCST3"
EngTitle "Prevention and promotion to improve river fugitive dust programs in Pingtung County, 2019."
EngAbstract "The execution period of this project is from May 18, 2019 to May 17, 2020. All contract goals of work items have been accomplished and the first drafts of midterm report and term report have been submitted by November 17, 2019 and April 27, 2020 respectively. Extracts of the enforcement results of all work items are shown as follows: During the execution period of this project, three river fugitive dust episodes of Gaoping River occurred on September 20~21, 2019 and February 15 and March 26, 2020. To make sure the dust emission potential areas on riverbed, this project continued to investigate and assess possible dust emission potential areas by episode day analyses, satellite image comparisons and field inspections, and marked out the riverside villages of Ligang Township as high-impact areas of river fugitive dust. This project also offered the Seventh River Management Office related results as reference for selecting the dust control sites. A total of 601.8 hectares of exposed riverbed have been improved in 2019 and reduced about 41.4 tons of PM10 emission per year based on their actual control periods. To enhance response efficiency of departments and organizations concerned and the public, this project compared weather forecast information to the self-developed Gaoping River Dust early-warning parameters to predict river dust episode event and offered six times of dust early-warning information to the Bureau, and successfully predicted the intermediate river dust episode for Pingtung County on September 21, 2019, and the intermediate river dust episode for Kaohsiung City on February 13, the intermediate river dust episode for Pingtung County on February 15, the river course dust episode for Pingtung County and the intermediate river dust episode for Kaohsiung City on May15, and the intermediate river dust episode for Kaohsiung City on May 16, 2020. For holding the possible major impact areas earlier in future, this project also utilized ISCST3 Dispersion Model to simulate the impact levels and extents of the episodes mentioned above, and the results showed that the levels of PM10 incremental concentration at monitoring stations and dispersion trend of river fugitive dust met the actual situation occurred during episode days. It shows that the simulation results can help us have a better knowledge of the possible impact extents of river fugitive dust events. This project has finished 3,071.9 kilometers of environmental cleanup in river fugitive dust impact areas during the execution period with a total PM10 emission reduction of about eight tons. In addition, a total length of 32,243.5 kilometers of road washing/cleaning executed by government organizations concerned and related projects has been reached in 2019 with a total PM10 emission reduction of 83.8 tons. According to the results of the public satisfaction survey executed by Nsysu Survey Center, the public of the key townships along the Gaoping River in Pingtung County gave a positive rating of 87.7% for the improvement of road cleaning. Two training sessions of river dust education for villages along the Gaoping River, three propaganda of river dust education for schools, two liaison meetings for Gaoping River dust control and a river dust pre-notification and self-protection drill have been hold this year. Furthermore, through the questionnaire survey executed by this project, 96% of the respondents gave positive evaluation to Environmental Protection Bureau, Pingtung County Government for its promoting related work regarding river fugitive dust control."
EngKeyword "Gaoping River, River fugitive dust, ISCST3"
GovCategory "大氣空氣"
ProjectType "科技研究類專案"
ProjectNo ""
ProjectYear 108
ProjectBudget "7920"
ProjectStartDate 2019-05-18
ProjectEndDate 2020-05-17
SponsorOrg "屏東縣政府環境保護局"
Undertaker "謝錦彰"
ExecutingOrg "環益工程顧問股份有限公司"
ProjectDirector "鄭以鴻"
AssistDirector "陳紀璿;李俊彥"
CoDirector ""


全國營業(稅籍)登記資料集。因考量營業稅歷年停歇業資料量太大,開啟檔案困難,故所開放檔案僅涵蓋營業中資料,並建議使用Microsoft Word Viewer開檔,中文請選UTF-8中文碼;或使用Notepad++、UltraEdit等其他工具開檔。 資料連結於109年6月22日調整為
來源 : 財政部財政資訊中心-全國營業(稅籍)登記資料集
欄位 : 營業地址、統一編號、總機構統一編號、營業人名稱、資本額、設立日期、組織別名稱、使用統一發票、行業代號、名稱、行業代號1、名稱1、行業代號2、名稱2、行業代號3、名稱3

營業地址 高雄市鳳山區埤頂里埤北路61巷11號1樓
統一編號 53905146
營業人名稱 環益工程顧問股份有限公司
資本額 10000000
設立日期 1020204
組織別名稱 股份有限公司
使用統一發票 Y
行業代號 711299
名稱 其他工程服務及相關技術顧問


來源 : 經濟部商業司-公司登記(依營業項目別)-管理系統驗證業
欄位 : 統一編號、公司名稱、公司地址、實收資本額、公司狀態、產製日期

統一編號 53905146
公司名稱 環益工程顧問股份有限公司
公司地址 高雄市鳳山區埤北路61巷11號1樓
實收資本額 10000000
公司狀態 核准設立
產製日期 2022-09-01 02:43:30.037


來源 : 行政院環境保護署-EPQSummary_Air
欄位 : eng_title、eng_Subject、proj_year、org_name、exe_unit、allfileid、publish_date

eng_title "Control of pollutions during constructions in Pingtung county-Year 2018"
eng_Subject "Pintung county is well-known for its width and beautiful scenery, which bring lots of tourists and the following industries and commercial activities. Many new constructions including area development, sighseeing farms, agricultural technical parks, hotels, restaurants, and even houses located in this area. Making new highways accelerated various exploitations, and therefore prospered local economics. It would become a major impulse on ecology if we don’t take proper anti-polluting measures and try to decrease granular discharge during the construction. In order to know the extent of granular pollution in construction sites in Pintung area, we have to know the current construction plans and their process. We have accomplished 10,037inspection rounds, superintended 5,133construction sites, assisted 50construction sites, improved environment peripheral to the construction sites totally reached 8,580kilometers and washed sightseeing routes to 5,880 kilometers during the past year. The decrease of the TSP amounts of construction was 7,473.5kilotons with an average decrement about 63.9%. We also helped the environmental protection agent of Pintung-couty-government to levy the prevent-air pollution fee. The total case number is 5,308cases, and the total amount is 195,555,222NT. This year, we focus on “river-dredge constructions” and “city-road-lining-system constructions” controls to lower the dust and dirty during the construction. We also hope to overcome the inconvenience of the public during the constructions."
proj_year 2018
org_name "Environmental Protection Bureau, Pingtung County"
exe_unit "環益工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20190704

eng_title "Control of pollutions during constructions in Pingtung county-Year 2017"
eng_Subject "Pintung county is well-known for its width and beautiful scenery, which bring lots of tourists and the following industries and commercial activities. Many new constructions including area development, sighseeing farms, agricultural technical parks, hotels, restaurants, and even houses located in this area. Making new highways accelerated various exploitations, and therefore prospered local economics. It would become a major impulse on ecology if we don’t take proper anti-polluting measures and try to decrease granular discharge during the construction. In order to know the extent of granular pollution in construction sites in Pintung area, we have to know the current construction plans and their process. We have accomplished 8,865inspection rounds, superintended 4,595construction sites, assisted 35construction sites, improved environment peripheral to the construction sites totally reached 19,695kilometers and washed sightseeing routes to 7,056 kilometers during the past year. The decrease of the TSP amounts of construction was 6,161.3kilotons with an average decrement about 62.8%. We also helped the environmental protection agent of Pintung-couty-government to levy the prevent-air pollution fee. The total case number is 3,733cases, and the total amount is 97,253,476NT. This year, we focus on “river-dredge constructions” and “city-road-lining-system constructions” controls to lower the dust and dirty during the construction. We also hope to overcome the inconvenience of the public during the constructions."
proj_year 2017
org_name "Environmental Protection Bureau, Pingtung County"
exe_unit "環益工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20180701


來源 : 經濟部商業司-高雄市公司登記資料-I專業、科學及技術服務業
欄位 : 統一編號、公司名稱、公司地址、實收資本額、核准設立日期、營業地址(財政資訊中心匯入)、行業代號(財政資訊中心匯入)、財政資訊中心匯入日期、股票代號(金融監督管理委員會匯入)、產業別(金融監督管理委員會匯入)、金融監督管理委員會匯入日期、商標資料(智慧財產局匯入)、智慧財產局匯入日期

統一編號 53905146
公司名稱 環益工程顧問股份有限公司
公司地址 高雄市鳳山區埤北路61巷11號1樓
實收資本額 10000000
核准設立日期 1020204
營業地址(財政資訊中心匯入) 高雄市鳳山區埤頂里埤北路61巷11號1樓
行業代號(財政資訊中心匯入) 711299,,,
財政資訊中心匯入日期 30-AUG-22


來源 : 國家發展委員會檔案管理局-Web版公文製作之全國通訊錄
欄位 : 機關名稱、機關代碼、單位代碼、郵遞區號、地址、電子交換、發文方式

機關名稱 環益工程顧問股份有限公司
機關代碼 ''EB53905146''
單位代碼 '' ''
郵遞區號 830010
地址 高雄市鳳山區埤北路61巷11號
發文方式 電子交換


來源 : 經濟部商業司-公司設立登記清冊(月份)
欄位 : 序號、統一編號、公司名稱、公司所在地、代表人、資本額、核准設立日期

序號 112
統一編號 53905146
公司名稱 環益工程顧問股份有限公司
公司所在地 高雄市鳳山區中山西路364之5號8樓
代表人 陳彥宇
資本額 5000000
核准設立日期 1020204


來源 : 國家發展委員會檔案管理局-公文電子交換系統地址簿

ORGID EB53905146
ORGNAME 環益工程顧問股份有限公司
UPDATETIME 2022-03-16 17:15:32


來源 : 國家發展委員會檔案管理局-公文電子交換系統地址簿

2022-03-16 17:15:32


來源 : 經濟部商業司-董監事資料集
欄位 : 統一編號、公司名稱、職稱、姓名、所代表法人、持有股份數

統一編號 53905146
公司名稱 環益工程顧問股份有限公司
職稱 董事長
姓名 陳紀璿
持有股份數 150

統一編號 53905146
公司名稱 環益工程顧問股份有限公司
職稱 董事
姓名 陳哲寬
持有股份數 400

統一編號 53905146
公司名稱 環益工程顧問股份有限公司
職稱 董事
姓名 許峻誠
持有股份數 50

統一編號 53905146
公司名稱 環益工程顧問股份有限公司
職稱 監察人
姓名 陳彥宇
持有股份數 250


來源 : 經濟部商業司-高雄市公司登記資料-J文化、運動、休閒及其他服務業
欄位 : 統一編號、公司名稱、公司地址、實收資本額、核准設立日期、營業地址(財政資訊中心匯入)、行業代號(財政資訊中心匯入)、財政資訊中心匯入日期、股票代號(金融監督管理委員會匯入)、產業別(金融監督管理委員會匯入)、金融監督管理委員會匯入日期、商標資料(智慧財產局匯入)、智慧財產局匯入日期

統一編號 53905146
公司名稱 環益工程顧問股份有限公司
公司地址 高雄市鳳山區埤北路61巷11號1樓
實收資本額 10000000
核准設立日期 1020204
營業地址(財政資訊中心匯入) 高雄市鳳山區埤頂里埤北路61巷11號1樓
行業代號(財政資訊中心匯入) 711299,,,
財政資訊中心匯入日期 30-AUG-22


來源 : 經濟部商業司-高雄市公司登記資料-E營造及工程業
欄位 : 統一編號、公司名稱、公司地址、實收資本額、核准設立日期、營業地址(財政資訊中心匯入)、行業代號(財政資訊中心匯入)、財政資訊中心匯入日期、股票代號(金融監督管理委員會匯入)、產業別(金融監督管理委員會匯入)、金融監督管理委員會匯入日期、商標資料(智慧財產局匯入)、智慧財產局匯入日期

統一編號 53905146
公司名稱 環益工程顧問股份有限公司
公司地址 高雄市鳳山區埤北路61巷11號1樓
實收資本額 10000000
核准設立日期 1020204
營業地址(財政資訊中心匯入) 高雄市鳳山區埤頂里埤北路61巷11號1樓
行業代號(財政資訊中心匯入) 711299,,,
財政資訊中心匯入日期 30-AUG-22


來源 : 經濟部商業司-公司登記(依營業項目別)-國際貿易業
欄位 : 統一編號、公司名稱、負責人、公司地址、實收資本額、公司狀態、產製日期

統一編號 53905146
公司名稱 環益工程顧問股份有限公司
負責人 陳O璿
公司地址 高雄市鳳山區埤北路61巷11號1樓
實收資本額 10000000
公司狀態 核准設立
產製日期 2022-10-01 03:35:18.977


來源 : 經濟部商業司-高雄市公司登記資料-F零售、批發及餐飲業
欄位 : 統一編號、公司名稱、公司地址、實收資本額、核准設立日期、營業地址(財政資訊中心匯入)、行業代號(財政資訊中心匯入)、財政資訊中心匯入日期、股票代號(金融監督管理委員會匯入)、產業別(金融監督管理委員會匯入)、金融監督管理委員會匯入日期、商標資料(智慧財產局匯入)、智慧財產局匯入日期

統一編號 53905146
公司名稱 環益工程顧問股份有限公司
公司地址 高雄市鳳山區埤北路61巷11號1樓
實收資本額 10000000
核准設立日期 1020204
營業地址(財政資訊中心匯入) 高雄市鳳山區埤頂里埤北路61巷11號1樓
行業代號(財政資訊中心匯入) 711299,,,
財政資訊中心匯入日期 30-AUG-22


來源 : 經濟部商業司-公司變更登記清冊(月份)
欄位 : 序號、統一編號、公司名稱、公司所在地、代表人、資本額、核准變更日期

序號 8142
統一編號 53905146
公司名稱 環益工程顧問股份有限公司
公司所在地 高雄市鳳山區中山西路364之5號8樓
代表人 許峻誠
資本額 5000000
核准變更日期 1020805


來源 : 經濟部商業司-公司變更登記清冊(月份)
欄位 : 序號、統一編號、公司名稱、公司所在地、代表人、資本額、核准變更日期

序號 17502
統一編號 53905146
公司名稱 環益工程顧問股份有限公司
公司所在地 高雄市鳳山區五甲一路328巷6弄16號
代表人 陳哲寬
資本額 5000000
核准變更日期 1050812


來源 : 經濟部商業司-公司變更登記清冊(月份)
欄位 : 序號、統一編號、公司名稱、公司所在地、代表人、資本額、核准變更日期

序號 8759
統一編號 53905146
公司名稱 環益工程顧問股份有限公司
公司所在地 高雄市鳳山區埤北路61巷11號1樓
代表人 陳紀璿
資本額 10000000
核准變更日期 1070817


來源 : 經濟部商業司-公司變更登記清冊(月份)
欄位 : 序號、統一編號、公司名稱、公司所在地、代表人、資本額、核准變更日期

序號 7504
統一編號 53905146
公司名稱 環益工程顧問股份有限公司
公司所在地 高雄市鳳山區埤北路61巷11號1樓
代表人 陳紀璿
資本額 10000000
核准變更日期 1100706


來源 : 經濟部商業司-公司登記(依營業項目別)-環保服務
欄位 : 統一編號、公司名稱、公司地址、實收資本額、公司狀態、產製日期

統一編號 53905146
公司名稱 環益工程顧問股份有限公司
公司地址 高雄市鳳山區埤北路61巷11號1樓
實收資本額 10000000
公司狀態 核准設立
產製日期 2022-10-01 02:45:03.8


來源 : 經濟部商業司-高雄市公司登記資料-Z其他未分類業
欄位 : 統一編號、公司名稱、公司地址、實收資本額、核准設立日期、營業地址(財政資訊中心匯入)、行業代號(財政資訊中心匯入)、財政資訊中心匯入日期、股票代號(金融監督管理委員會匯入)、產業別(金融監督管理委員會匯入)、金融監督管理委員會匯入日期、商標資料(智慧財產局匯入)、智慧財產局匯入日期

統一編號 53905146
公司名稱 環益工程顧問股份有限公司
公司地址 高雄市鳳山區埤北路61巷11號1樓
實收資本額 10000000
核准設立日期 1020204
營業地址(財政資訊中心匯入) 高雄市鳳山區埤頂里埤北路61巷11號1樓
行業代號(財政資訊中心匯入) 711299,,,
財政資訊中心匯入日期 30-AUG-22


來源 : 行政院環境保護署-環保專案摘要資料
欄位 : chi_title、chi_subject、eng_title、eng_subject、proj_year、org_name、exe_unit、allfileid、publish_date

chi_title 106年營建工程污染管理發展計畫
chi_subject 屏東縣幅員廣大,擁有全國聞名的好山好水,民眾樂於到此遊憩,亦隨之帶動工商業發展,境內各類區域開發、觀光休閒農園、農業科技園區、旅館、飯店與民眾住宅新建等營建工程建設,紛紛選擇屏東縣落腳。隨著快速道路興築,加速各種開發案之進行,帶動地方經濟開發,若未妥善管制營建工程施工過程或作業所應採行之污染防制設施,減少粒狀物排放,勢必造成環境生態衝擊。為重點掌握屏東地區營建工地粒狀污染情形,實有必要先行掌握縣內各項工程規劃及施工狀況。本年度計畫共完成8,865處巡查管制作業、列管4,595處工地、輔導35處工地、營建工區周圍環境認養19,695公里、觀光路線洗掃7,056公里。執行營建工程TSP總削減量為6,162.3公噸,平均削減率為62.8%。協助屏東縣政府環境保護局辦理營建工程空氣污染防制費申繳案件3,733件,收費金額達97,253,476元。針對本年度加強『河川疏濬工程』及『市區道路管線工程』管制作業,降低因施工所造成之環境髒亂,以期有效改變民眾對營建工程施工所造成之不便。
eng_title "Control of pollutions during constructions in Pingtung county-Year 2017"
eng_subject "Pintung county is well-known for its width and beautiful scenery, which bring lots of tourists and the following industries and commercial activities. Many new constructions including area development, sighseeing farms, agricultural technical parks, hotels, restaurants, and even houses located in this area. Making new highways accelerated various exploitations, and therefore prospered local economics. It would become a major impulse on ecology if we don’t take proper anti-polluting measures and try to decrease granular discharge during the construction. In order to know the extent of granular pollution in construction sites in Pintung area, we have to know the current construction plans and their process. We have accomplished 8,865inspection rounds, superintended 4,595construction sites, assisted 35construction sites, improved environment peripheral to the construction sites totally reached 19,695kilometers and washed sightseeing routes to 7,056 kilometers during the past year. The decrease of the TSP amounts of construction was 6,161.3kilotons with an average decrement about 62.8%. We also helped the environmental protection agent of Pintung-couty-government to levy the prevent-air pollution fee. The total case number is 3,733cases, and the total amount is 97,253,476NT. This year, we focus on “river-dredge constructions” and “city-road-lining-system constructions” controls to lower the dust and dirty during the construction. We also hope to overcome the inconvenience of the public during the constructions."
proj_year 106
org_name 屏東縣政府環境保護局
exe_unit 環益工程顧問股份有限公司

chi_title "108年度「屏東縣室內空氣品質稽巡查管理計畫」"
chi_subject " 屏東縣應符合室內空氣品質管理法之第一及第二批公告場所分別有12及34家,第一批公告場所中,除屏東縣政府文化處(圖書館)因館舍整修暫停執行室內空氣品質業務外,其他均依規定辦理各項工作;第二批公告場所中,除108年新增列管驛站百貨股份有限公司、柏文健康事業股份有限公司潮州營業所、屏東市立復興圖書館及香港商世界健身事業有限公司潮州分公司,並解除列管台灣糖業股份有限公司量販事業部屏東量販店(歇業)及太平洋百貨二館(刪除百貨公司業)外,其餘30家均已完成專責人員設置、維護管理文件訂定及第一次定檢與申報。 在公私場所現場訪查作業方面,共完成164家場所訪查作業(含第一批公告場所11家、第二批公告場所34家、非公告場所119家),各場所主要問題為:(1)幼兒園因長時間使用空調,午休完教室內常有二氧化碳累積情形,且部分冷氣出風口積塵嚴重;(2)托嬰中心因烹煮食品行為,甲醛與PM2.5濃度蓄積情形;(3)百貨事業餐飲區之烹飪行為,導致有甲醛瞬間高值情形;(4)政府機關因部分辦公場所因來訪民眾為數眾多,常有CO2瞬間高值情形;部分辦公場所受室外空品不佳影響,懸浮微粒濃度有偏高情形;(5)博物館部分則是因環境清潔度不佳,而有PM瞬間讀值偏高情形;(6)健身場所因運動民眾大量換氣,常有CO2瞬間濃度偏高情形,小型健身場所則常有PM2.5瞬間濃度偏高情形,主要為引入外氣時未能有效過濾室外空氣污染物;(7)電影院的販賣部前常有甲醛及PM2.5瞬間濃度偏高情形;(8)圖書館之自修室常有CO2瞬間濃度偏高情形;(9)銀行在民眾辦理業務之尖峰時段,CO2會有瞬間濃度偏高情形;(10)醫療機構之服務台和候診區,因人數眾多,常有CO2瞬間濃度偏高情形;(11)車站現場因進駐商場進行裝修,有PM2.5瞬間濃度偏高情形 在推動維護管理制度方面,共輔導22家場所訂定維護管理計畫文件;另外,追蹤40家歷年已設置維護管理文件之場所,以確認該場所訂定之室內空氣品質維護管理計畫文件與現況符合,並協助其修正維護管理文件的相關內容。 在專責人員設置情形調查方面,共計67家場所(包含23家非屬公告場所)已取得證照,而所有公告場所均已完成專責人員設置(含新增4家場所)。 在巡查檢測方面,總計執行164家場所、1255點次的巡查檢測工作,彙整巡檢結果發現:CO2、CO、甲醛、TVOC、PM2.5、PM10之瞬間高值發生率分別為8.6%、0%、14.3%、2.4%、20.6%及2.9%。 在標準值檢測方面,共計完成13家次(含1家次二氧化碳複測作業),包括2家第一批公告場所、8家第二批公告場所及3家非公告場所,均未有出現超標情形。 本年度共計完成3場次室內空氣品質法規宣導明會,第一場次共計28個單位、35人與會,宣導主題有室內空氣品質法規說明及室內生物性污染之預防;第二場說明會共計133單位、150人與會,以介紹室內空氣品質法規及基本空調維護管理知識為主要內容;第三場說明會共計40單位、45人與會,乃針對室內空氣品質改善與空調系統管理做深入淺出解說,並介紹校園淨化室內空氣品質植栽與綠圍籬之應用。 本計畫共辦理5家場所之現場全方位輔導會議,分別為屏東市仁愛國民小學、潮州鎮潮州國民小學、安泰醫療社團法人潮州安泰醫院、屏東縣藝術館與屏東縣里港鄉公所(里港鄉立圖書館),每場次邀請3位專家學者針對場所在室內環境、空調系統及建築物等方面之缺失提出改善建議供場所參考。"
eng_title "Inspection and investigation of indoor air quality at Pingtung ( 2019 )"
eng_subject " There are 12 and 34 officially announced premises that shall meet Indoor Air Quality Act for the first and the second batch respectively in Pingtung County. The first batch of announced premises have implemented every task comply with the regulation except the suspension of the Cultural Affairs Department of Pingtung County Government (Library) due to its rebuilding renovation; the second batch of announced premises have installed dedicated personnel, determined an indoor air quality maintenance and management plan and performed first regular analyses and results reporting except the four new regulatory listing announced premises – Yizhan Department Store at Pingtung Railway Station, Power Wind Health Industry Incorporated (Chaozhou Fitness Factory), Fuxing Library of Pingtung City and Word Gym Chaozhou and the two terminated existing announced premises – Pingtung Wholesale Store of Taiwan Sugar Corporation and the Pacific Department Store Pingtung. This project has inspected 164 public or private premises including 11 and 34 officially announced premises for the first and the second batch respectively and 119 non-announced premises. The results of inspection show that main problems for different types of premises as follows: (1) CO2 accumulation in kindergartens noon break classrooms and dust accumulation at the venting outlet due to long term use of air conditioners; (2) HCHO and PM2.5 accumulation in childcare centers because of indoor cooking behavior; (3) instant high HCHO concentration in department store dining areas due to indoor cooking behavior; (4) instant high CO2 concentration and higher particulate matter concentration in some parts of government offices because of too many visitors and poor outdoor air quality respectively;(5) instant higher particulate matter concentration in some exhibition rooms of museums due to poor environmental cleanliness; (6) high level of CO2 concentration in fitness centers because of exercisers’ heavy breathing during workout and instant higher particulate matter concentration in fitness studios due to poor filtration efficiency of draw-in outdoor air; (7) instant higher HCHO and PM2.5 concentration at the food vending counters in cinemas; (8) instant higher CO2 concentration in library study rooms; (9) instant higher CO2 concentration in banks during the rush hour; (10) instant higher CO2 concentration at the service counters and in the waiting areas of medical institutions due to the crowded; (11) instant higher PM2.5 concentration in railway stations because of the renovation of the new marching department store. As regards the promotion of indoor air quality maintenance and management system, we have comprehensively guided 22 premises to determine their indoor air quality maintenance and management plans and 40 premises to revise their maintenance and management plans that already established to match the current situation. With respect to the installment of dedicated personnel, 67 premises including 23 non-announced premises have obtained qualification certificates of dedicated personnel for indoor air quality maintenance and management and all of the officially announced premises including 4 new ones have installed dedicated personnel. As regards the inspection testing, we have executed 1255 times of inspection testing for 164 premises by using portable direct reading instruments during on-site inspection service. The results show that the incidences of instant high value for CO2, CO, HCHO, TVOC, PM2.5 and PM10 are 8.6%, 0%, 14.3%, 2.4%, 20.6% and 2.9% respectively. With respect to the analyses of indoor air quality standards, we have completed 13 premises (one for CO2 retesting) including 2 and 8 officially announced premises for the first and the second batch respectively and 3 non-announced premises and no one fails to comply with the Indoor Air Quality Standards...."
proj_year 108
org_name "屏東縣政府環境保護局"
exe_unit "環益工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20200312

chi_title "108年度「屏東縣河川揚塵防制及改善推動計畫」期末報告(正式搞)"
chi_subject "本計畫執行期自108年5月18日起至109年5月17日止,各項合約工作目標均已完成,並依規定於108年11月17日及109年4月27日前提交期中及期末報告初稿送審。以下即為各項工作執行成果摘要: 本年度計畫執行期間共發生3次高屏溪河川揚塵事件(108年9月20~21日及109年2月15日與3月26日),為確認河川揚塵潛勢區,本計畫透由事件日分析與衛星圖資比對及現地巡查結果,持續調查評估可能的揚塵潛勢區,並劃定里港鄉沿岸村里為河川揚塵高度影響區域,而調查分析結果亦提供第七河川局做為揚塵抑制場址選址之參考。統計108年共改善601.8公頃河床裸露地,依據實際抑制期程推估,其PM10削減量為41.4公噸。 為了提升相關單位及民眾應變之時效性,本計畫利用氣象預報資訊比對自擬之高屏溪河川揚塵預警參考標準,提供6次揚塵預警資訊,並成功預測108年9月21日中級河川揚塵事件、109年2月13日河道揚塵情事(該日亦為高雄市中級河川揚塵事件)、109年2月15日中級河川揚塵事件、109年5月15日河道揚塵情事(該日亦為高雄市中級河川揚塵事件)及109年5月16日河川揚塵預警(該日亦為高雄市中級河川揚塵事件),而為使未來能及早掌握揚塵可能之影響範圍,本計畫也以ISCST3模擬上述河川揚塵事件影響之程度及範圍,模擬結果顯示測站PM10增量濃度層級及擴散結果與事件日相似,顯示其結果有助於河川揚塵事件可能影響範圍之掌握。 本計畫於執行期間共完成3,071.9公里之河川揚塵影響區域環境清理作業,推估PM10削減量為8.0公噸。另彙整各單位及各計畫於高屏溪沿岸鄉鎮之洗灑成效,截至108年共洗灑32,243.5公里,推估PM10削減量為83.8公噸,而根據中山大學社會科學院民意與市場調查中心之民眾滿意度調查結果,屏東縣高屏溪沿岸重點鄉鎮之民眾對於道路乾淨之改善給予87.7%的正面評價。 本年度共辦理辦理2場沿岸村里河川揚塵教育訓練,3場學校河川揚塵教育宣導活動,2場高屏溪河川揚塵防制聯繫會議,以及1場河川揚塵預通報及自我防護演練作業,另透過本計畫之問卷調查,有96%之受訪者對於環保局推動河川揚塵防制相關工作給予正面的評價。"
eng_title "Prevention and promotion to improve river fugitive dust programs in Pingtung County, 2019."
eng_subject "The execution period of this project is from May 18, 2019 to May 17, 2020. All contract goals of work items have been accomplished and the first drafts of midterm report and term report have been submitted by November 17, 2019 and April 27, 2020 respectively. Extracts of the enforcement results of all work items are shown as follows: During the execution period of this project, three river fugitive dust episodes of Gaoping River occurred on September 20~21, 2019 and February 15 and March 26, 2020. To make sure the dust emission potential areas on riverbed, this project continued to investigate and assess possible dust emission potential areas by episode day analyses, satellite image comparisons and field inspections, and marked out the riverside villages of Ligang Township as high-impact areas of river fugitive dust. This project also offered the Seventh River Management Office related results as reference for selecting the dust control sites. A total of 601.8 hectares of exposed riverbed have been improved in 2019 and reduced about 41.4 tons of PM10 emission per year based on their actual control periods. To enhance response efficiency of departments and organizations concerned and the public, this project compared weather forecast information to the self-developed Gaoping River Dust early-warning parameters to predict river dust episode event and offered six times of dust early-warning information to the Bureau, and successfully predicted the intermediate river dust episode for Pingtung County on September 21, 2019, and the intermediate river dust episode for Kaohsiung City on February 13, the intermediate river dust episode for Pingtung County on February 15, the river course dust episode for Pingtung County and the intermediate river dust episode for Kaohsiung City on May15, and the intermediate river dust episode for Kaohsiung City on May 16, 2020. For holding the possible major impact areas earlier in future, this project also utilized ISCST3 Dispersion Model to simulate the impact levels and extents of the episodes mentioned above, and the results showed that the levels of PM10 incremental concentration at monitoring stations and dispersion trend of river fugitive dust met the actual situation occurred during episode days. It shows that the simulation results can help us have a better knowledge of the possible impact extents of river fugitive dust events. This project has finished 3,071.9 kilometers of environmental cleanup in river fugitive dust impact areas during the execution period with a total PM10 emission reduction of about eight tons. In addition, a total length of 32,243.5 kilometers of road washing/cleaning executed by government organizations concerned and related projects has been reached in 2019 with a total PM10 emission reduction of 83.8 tons. According to the results of the public satisfaction survey executed by Nsysu Survey Center, the public of the key townships along the Gaoping River in Pingtung County gave a positive rating of 87.7% for the improvement of road cleaning. Two training sessions of river dust education for villages along the Gaoping River, three propaganda of river dust education for schools, two liaison meetings for Gaoping River dust control and a river dust pre-notification and self-protection drill have been hold this year. Furthermore, through the questionnaire survey executed by this project, 96% of the respondents gave positive evaluation to Environmental Protection Bureau, Pingtung County Government for its promoting related work regarding river fugitive dust control."
proj_year 108
org_name "屏東縣政府環境保護局"
exe_unit "環益工程顧問股份有限公司"
publish_date 20200708


來源 : 行政院環境保護署-環保專案摘要資料
欄位 : projectid(專案登錄碼);title(中文標題);abstract(中文摘要);keyword(中文關鍵字);engtitle(英文標題);engabstract(英文摘要);engkeyword(英文關鍵字);govcategory(施政分類);projecttype(專案類型說明);projectno(專案計劃編號);projectyear(專案年度);projectbudget(專案經費);projectstartdate(合約開始日期);projectenddate(合約結束日期);sponsororg(主辦單位);undertaker(承辦人);executingorg(執行單位);projectdirector(專案主持人);assistdirector(協同主持人);codirector(共同主持人);publicfullversionurl(專案報告下載url)

"Control of pollutions during constructions in Pingtung county-Year 2017"
"Pintung county is well-known for its width and beautiful scenery, which bring lots of tourists and the following industries and commercial activities. Many new constructions including area development, sighseeing farms, agricultural technical parks, hotels, restaurants, and even houses located in this area. Making new highways accelerated various exploitations, and therefore prospered local economics. It would become a major impulse on ecology if we don’t take proper anti-polluting measures and try to decrease granular discharge during the construction. In order to know the extent of granular pollution in construction sites in Pintung area, we have to know the current construction plans and their process. We have accomplished 8,865inspection rounds, superintended 4,595construction sites, assisted 35construction sites, improved environment peripheral to the construction sites totally reached 19,695kilometers and washed sightseeing routes to 7,056 kilometers during the past year. The decrease of the TSP amounts of construction was 6,161.3kilotons with an average decrement about 62.8%. We also helped the environmental protection agent of Pintung-couty-government to levy the prevent-air pollution fee. The total case number is 3,733cases, and the total amount is 97,253,476NT. This year, we focus on “river-dredge constructions” and “city-road-lining-system constructions” controls to lower the dust and dirty during the construction. We also hope to overcome the inconvenience of the public during the constructions."

" 屏東縣應符合室內空氣品質管理法之第一及第二批公告場所分別有12及34家,第一批公告場所中,除屏東縣政府文化處(圖書館)因館舍整修暫停執行室內空氣品質業務外,其他均依規定辦理各項工作;第二批公告場所中,除108年新增列管驛站百貨股份有限公司、柏文健康事業股份有限公司潮州營業所、屏東市立復興圖書館及香港商世界健身事業有限公司潮州分公司,並解除列管台灣糖業股份有限公司量販事業部屏東量販店(歇業)及太平洋百貨二館(刪除百貨公司業)外,其餘30家均已完成專責人員設置、維護管理文件訂定及第一次定檢與申報。 在公私場所現場訪查作業方面,共完成164家場所訪查作業(含第一批公告場所11家、第二批公告場所34家、非公告場所119家),各場所主要問題為:(1)幼兒園因長時間使用空調,午休完教室內常有二氧化碳累積情形,且部分冷氣出風口積塵嚴重;(2)托嬰中心因烹煮食品行為,甲醛與PM2.5濃度蓄積情形;(3)百貨事業餐飲區之烹飪行為,導致有甲醛瞬間高值情形;(4)政府機關因部分辦公場所因來訪民眾為數眾多,常有CO2瞬間高值情形;部分辦公場所受室外空品不佳影響,懸浮微粒濃度有偏高情形;(5)博物館部分則是因環境清潔度不佳,而有PM瞬間讀值偏高情形;(6)健身場所因運動民眾大量換氣,常有CO2瞬間濃度偏高情形,小型健身場所則常有PM2.5瞬間濃度偏高情形,主要為引入外氣時未能有效過濾室外空氣污染物;(7)電影院的販賣部前常有甲醛及PM2.5瞬間濃度偏高情形;(8)圖書館之自修室常有CO2瞬間濃度偏高情形;(9)銀行在民眾辦理業務之尖峰時段,CO2會有瞬間濃度偏高情形;(10)醫療機構之服務台和候診區,因人數眾多,常有CO2瞬間濃度偏高情形;(11)車站現場因進駐商場進行裝修,有PM2.5瞬間濃度偏高情形 在推動維護管理制度方面,共輔導22家場所訂定維護管理計畫文件;另外,追蹤40家歷年已設置維護管理文件之場所,以確認該場所訂定之室內空氣品質維護管理計畫文件與現況符合,並協助其修正維護管理文件的相關內容。 在專責人員設置情形調查方面,共計67家場所(包含23家非屬公告場所)已取得證照,而所有公告場所均已完成專責人員設置(含新增4家場所)。 在巡查檢測方面,總計執行164家場所、1255點次的巡查檢測工作,彙整巡檢結果發現:CO2、CO、甲醛、TVOC、PM2.5、PM10之瞬間高值發生率分別為8.6%、0%、14.3%、2.4%、20.6%及2.9%。 在標準值檢測方面,共計完成13家次(含1家次二氧化碳複測作業),包括2家第一批公告場所、8家第二批公告場所及3家非公告場所,均未有出現超標情形。 本年度共計完成3場次室內空氣品質法規宣導明會,第一場次共計28個單位、35人與會,宣導主題有室內空氣品質法規說明及室內生物性污染之預防;第二場說明會共計133單位、150人與會,以介紹室內空氣品質法規及基本空調維護管理知識為主要內容;第三場說明會共計40單位、45人與會,乃針對室內空氣品質改善與空調系統管理做深入淺出解說,並介紹校園淨化室內空氣品質植栽與綠圍籬之應用。 本計畫共辦理5家場所之現場全方位輔導會議,分別為屏東市仁愛國民小學、潮州鎮潮州國民小學、安泰醫療社團法人潮州安泰醫院、屏東縣藝術館與屏東縣里港鄉公所(里港鄉立圖書館),每場次邀請3位專家學者針對場所在室內環境、空調系統及建築物等方面之缺失提出改善建議供場所參考。"
"Inspection and investigation of indoor air quality at Pingtung ( 2019 )"
" There are 12 and 34 officially announced premises that shall meet Indoor Air Quality Act for the first and the second batch respectively in Pingtung County. The first batch of announced premises have implemented every task comply with the regulation except the suspension of the Cultural Affairs Department of Pingtung County Government (Library) due to its rebuilding renovation; the second batch of announced premises have installed dedicated personnel, determined an indoor air quality maintenance and management plan and performed first regular analyses and results reporting except the four new regulatory listing announced premises – Yizhan Department Store at Pingtung Railway Station, Power Wind Health Industry Incorporated (Chaozhou Fitness Factory), Fuxing Library of Pingtung City and Word Gym Chaozhou and the two terminated existing announced premises – Pingtung Wholesale Store of Taiwan Sugar Corporation and the Pacific Department Store Pingtung. This project has inspected 164 public or private premises including 11 and 34 officially announced premises for the first and the second batch respectively and 119 non-announced premises. The results of inspection show that main problems for different types of premises as follows: (1) CO2 accumulation in kindergartens noon break classrooms and dust accumulation at the venting outlet due to long term use of air conditioners; (2) HCHO and PM2.5 accumulation in childcare centers because of indoor cooking behavior; (3) instant high HCHO concentration in department store dining areas due to indoor cooking behavior; (4) instant high CO2 concentration and higher particulate matter concentration in some parts of government offices because of too many visitors and poor outdoor air quality respectively;(5) instant higher particulate matter concentration in some exhibition rooms of museums due to poor environmental cleanliness; (6) high level of CO2 concentration in fitness centers because of exercisers’ heavy breathing during workout and instant higher particulate matter concentration in fitness studios due to poor filtration efficiency of draw-in outdoor air; (7) instant higher HCHO and PM2.5 concentration at the food vending counters in cinemas; (8) instant higher CO2 concentration in library study rooms; (9) instant higher CO2 concentration in banks during the rush hour; (10) instant higher CO2 concentration at the service counters and in the waiting areas of medical institutions due to the crowded; (11) instant higher PM2.5 concentration in railway stations because of the renovation of the new marching department store. As regards the promotion of indoor air quality maintenance and management system, we have comprehensively guided 22 premises to determine their indoor air quality maintenance and management plans and 40 premises to revise their maintenance and management plans that already established to match the current situation. With respect to the installment of dedicated personnel, 67 premises including 23 non-announced premises have obtained qualification certificates of dedicated personnel for indoor air quality maintenance and management and all of the officially announced premises including 4 new ones have installed dedicated personnel. As regards the inspection testing, we have executed 1255 times of inspection testing for 164 premises by using portable direct reading instruments during on-site inspection service. The results show that the incidences of instant high value for CO2, CO, HCHO, TVOC, PM2.5 and PM10 are 8.6%, 0%, 14.3%, 2.4%, 20.6% and 2.9% respectively. With respect to the analyses of indoor air quality standards, we have completed 13 premises (one for CO2 retesting) including 2 and 8 officially announced premises for the first and the second batch respectively and 3 non-announced premises and no one fails to comply with the Indoor Air Quality Standards...."

"本計畫執行期自108年5月18日起至109年5月17日止,各項合約工作目標均已完成,並依規定於108年11月17日及109年4月27日前提交期中及期末報告初稿送審。以下即為各項工作執行成果摘要: 本年度計畫執行期間共發生3次高屏溪河川揚塵事件(108年9月20~21日及109年2月15日與3月26日),為確認河川揚塵潛勢區,本計畫透由事件日分析與衛星圖資比對及現地巡查結果,持續調查評估可能的揚塵潛勢區,並劃定里港鄉沿岸村里為河川揚塵高度影響區域,而調查分析結果亦提供第七河川局做為揚塵抑制場址選址之參考。統計108年共改善601.8公頃河床裸露地,依據實際抑制期程推估,其PM10削減量為41.4公噸。 為了提升相關單位及民眾應變之時效性,本計畫利用氣象預報資訊比對自擬之高屏溪河川揚塵預警參考標準,提供6次揚塵預警資訊,並成功預測108年9月21日中級河川揚塵事件、109年2月13日河道揚塵情事(該日亦為高雄市中級河川揚塵事件)、109年2月15日中級河川揚塵事件、109年5月15日河道揚塵情事(該日亦為高雄市中級河川揚塵事件)及109年5月16日河川揚塵預警(該日亦為高雄市中級河川揚塵事件),而為使未來能及早掌握揚塵可能之影響範圍,本計畫也以ISCST3模擬上述河川揚塵事件影響之程度及範圍,模擬結果顯示測站PM10增量濃度層級及擴散結果與事件日相似,顯示其結果有助於河川揚塵事件可能影響範圍之掌握。 本計畫於執行期間共完成3,071.9公里之河川揚塵影響區域環境清理作業,推估PM10削減量為8.0公噸。另彙整各單位及各計畫於高屏溪沿岸鄉鎮之洗灑成效,截至108年共洗灑32,243.5公里,推估PM10削減量為83.8公噸,而根據中山大學社會科學院民意與市場調查中心之民眾滿意度調查結果,屏東縣高屏溪沿岸重點鄉鎮之民眾對於道路乾淨之改善給予87.7%的正面評價。 本年度共辦理辦理2場沿岸村里河川揚塵教育訓練,3場學校河川揚塵教育宣導活動,2場高屏溪河川揚塵防制聯繫會議,以及1場河川揚塵預通報及自我防護演練作業,另透過本計畫之問卷調查,有96%之受訪者對於環保局推動河川揚塵防制相關工作給予正面的評價。"
"Prevention and promotion to improve river fugitive dust programs in Pingtung County, 2019."
"The execution period of this project is from May 18, 2019 to May 17, 2020. All contract goals of work items have been accomplished and the first drafts of midterm report and term report have been submitted by November 17, 2019 and April 27, 2020 respectively. Extracts of the enforcement results of all work items are shown as follows: During the execution period of this project, three river fugitive dust episodes of Gaoping River occurred on September 20~21, 2019 and February 15 and March 26, 2020. To make sure the dust emission potential areas on riverbed, this project continued to investigate and assess possible dust emission potential areas by episode day analyses, satellite image comparisons and field inspections, and marked out the riverside villages of Ligang Township as high-impact areas of river fugitive dust. This project also offered the Seventh River Management Office related results as reference for selecting the dust control sites. A total of 601.8 hectares of exposed riverbed have been improved in 2019 and reduced about 41.4 tons of PM10 emission per year based on their actual control periods. To enhance response efficiency of departments and organizations concerned and the public, this project compared weather forecast information to the self-developed Gaoping River Dust early-warning parameters to predict river dust episode event and offered six times of dust early-warning information to the Bureau, and successfully predicted the intermediate river dust episode for Pingtung County on September 21, 2019, and the intermediate river dust episode for Kaohsiung City on February 13, the intermediate river dust episode for Pingtung County on February 15, the river course dust episode for Pingtung County and the intermediate river dust episode for Kaohsiung City on May15, and the intermediate river dust episode for Kaohsiung City on May 16, 2020. For holding the possible major impact areas earlier in future, this project also utilized ISCST3 Dispersion Model to simulate the impact levels and extents of the episodes mentioned above, and the results showed that the levels of PM10 incremental concentration at monitoring stations and dispersion trend of river fugitive dust met the actual situation occurred during episode days. It shows that the simulation results can help us have a better knowledge of the possible impact extents of river fugitive dust events. This project has finished 3,071.9 kilometers of environmental cleanup in river fugitive dust impact areas during the execution period with a total PM10 emission reduction of about eight tons. In addition, a total length of 32,243.5 kilometers of road washing/cleaning executed by government organizations concerned and related projects has been reached in 2019 with a total PM10 emission reduction of 83.8 tons. According to the results of the public satisfaction survey executed by Nsysu Survey Center, the public of the key townships along the Gaoping River in Pingtung County gave a positive rating of 87.7% for the improvement of road cleaning. Two training sessions of river dust education for villages along the Gaoping River, three propaganda of river dust education for schools, two liaison meetings for Gaoping River dust control and a river dust pre-notification and self-protection drill have been hold this year. Furthermore, through the questionnaire survey executed by this project, 96% of the respondents gave positive evaluation to Environmental Protection Bureau, Pingtung County Government for its promoting related work regarding river fugitive dust control."


來源 : 行政院環境保護署-EPQSummary_Air
欄位 : eng_title、eng_subject、proj_year、org_name、exe_unit、allfileid、publish_date

eng_title Control of pollutions during constructions in Pingtung county-Year 2018
eng_subject Pintung county is well-known for its width and beautiful scenery, which bring lots of tourists and the following industries and commercial activities. Many new constructions including area development, sighseeing farms, agricultural technical parks, hotels, restaurants, and even houses located in this area. Making new highways accelerated various exploitations, and therefore prospered local economics. It would become a major impulse on ecology if we don’t take proper anti-polluting measures and try to decrease granular discharge during the construction. In order to know the extent of granular pollution in construction sites in Pintung area, we have to know the current construction plans and their process. We have accomplished 10,037inspection rounds, superintended 5,133construction sites, assisted 50construction sites, improved environment peripheral to the construction sites totally reached 8,580kilometers and washed sightseeing routes to 5,880 kilometers during the past year. The decrease of the TSP amounts of construction was 7,473.5kilotons with an average decrement about 63.9%. We also helped the environmental protection agent of Pintung-couty-government to levy the prevent-air pollution fee. The total case number is 5,308cases, and the total amount is 195,555,222NT. This year, we focus on “river-dredge constructions” and “city-road-lining-system constructions” controls to lower the dust and dirty during the construction. We also hope to overcome the inconvenience of the public during the constructions.
proj_year 2018
org_name Environmental Protection Bureau, Pingtung County
exe_unit 環益工程顧問股份有限公司
publish_date 20190704

eng_title Control of pollutions during constructions in Pingtung county-Year 2019
eng_subject Pintung county is well-known for its width and beautiful scenery, which bring lots of tourists and the following industries and commercial activities. Many new constructions including area development, sighseeing farms, agricultural technical parks, hotels, restaurants, and even houses located in this area. Making new highways accelerated various exploitations, and therefore prospered local economics. It would become a major impulse on ecology if we don’t take proper anti-polluting measures and try to decrease granular discharge during the construction. In order to know the extent of granular pollution in construction sites in Pintung area, we have to know the current construction plans and their process. We have accomplished 10,727inspection rounds, superintended 4,361construction sites, assisted 63construction sites, improved environment peripheral to the construction sites totally reached 7,960kilometers and washed sightseeing routes to 6,600 kilometers during the past year. The decrease of the TSP amounts of construction was 6,351.9kilotons with an average decrement about 66.6%. We also helped the environmental protection agent of Pintung-couty-government to levy the prevent-air pollution fee. The total case number is 4,540cases, and the total amount is 156,122,639NT. This year, we focus on “river-dredge constructions” and “city-road-lining-system constructions” controls to lower the dust and dirty during the construction. We also hope to overcome the inconvenience of the public during the constructions.
proj_year 2019
org_name Environmental Protection Bureau, Pingtung County
exe_unit 環益工程顧問股份有限公司
publish_date 20210903

eng_title Prevention and promotion to improve river fugitive dust programs in Pingtung County, 2019.
eng_subject The execution period of this project is from May 18, 2019 to May 17, 2020. All contract goals of work items have been accomplished and the first drafts of midterm report and term report have been submitted by November 17, 2019 and April 27, 2020 respectively. Extracts of the enforcement results of all work items are shown as follows: During the execution period of this project, three river fugitive dust episodes of Gaoping River occurred on September 20~21, 2019 and February 15 and March 26, 2020. To make sure the dust emission potential areas on riverbed, this project continued to investigate and assess possible dust emission potential areas by episode day analyses, satellite image comparisons and field inspections, and marked out the riverside villages of Ligang Township as high-impact areas of river fugitive dust. This project also offered the Seventh River Management Office related results as reference for selecting the dust control sites. A total of 601.8 hectares of exposed riverbed have been improved in 2019 and reduced about 41.4 tons of PM10 emission per year based on their actual control periods. To enhance response efficiency of departments and organizations concerned and the public, this project compared weather forecast information to the self-developed Gaoping River Dust early-warning parameters to predict river dust episode event and offered six times of dust early-warning information to the Bureau, and successfully predicted the intermediate river dust episode for Pingtung County on September 21, 2019, and the intermediate river dust episode for Kaohsiung City on February 13, the intermediate river dust episode for Pingtung County on February 15, the river course dust episode for Pingtung County and the intermediate river dust episode for Kaohsiung City on May15, and the intermediate river dust episode for Kaohsiung City on May 16, 2020. For holding the possible major impact areas earlier in future, this project also utilized ISCST3 Dispersion Model to simulate the impact levels and extents of the episodes mentioned above, and the results showed that the levels of PM10 incremental concentration at monitoring stations and dispersion trend of river fugitive dust met the actual situation occurred during episode days. It shows that the simulation results can help us have a better knowledge of the possible impact extents of river fugitive dust events. This project has finished 3,071.9 kilometers of environmental cleanup in river fugitive dust impact areas during the execution period with a total PM10 emission reduction of about eight tons. In addition, a total length of 32,243.5 kilometers of road washing/cleaning executed by government organizations concerned and related projects has been reached in 2019 with a total PM10 emission reduction of 83.8 tons. According to the results of the public satisfaction survey executed by Nsysu Survey Center, the public of the key townships along the Gaoping River in Pingtung County gave a positive rating of 87.7% for the improvement of road cleaning. Two training sessions of river dust education for villages along the Gaoping River, three propaganda of river dust education for schools, two liaison meetings for Gaoping River dust control and a river dust pre-notification and self-protection drill have been hold this year. Furthermore, through the questionnaire survey executed by this project, 96% of the respondents gave positive evaluation to Environmental Protection Bureau, Pingtung County Government for its promoting related work regarding river fugitive dust control.
proj_year 2019
org_name Environmental Protection Bureau, Pingtung County
exe_unit 環益工程顧問股份有限公司
publish_date 20200708

eng_title Inspection and investigation of indoor air quality at Pingtung ( 2019 )
eng_subject There are 12 and 34 officially announced premises that shall meet Indoor Air Quality Act for the first and the second batch respectively in Pingtung County. The first batch of announced premises have implemented every task comply with the regulation except the suspension of the Cultural Affairs Department of Pingtung County Government (Library) due to its rebuilding renovation; the second batch of announced premises have installed dedicated personnel, determined an indoor air quality maintenance and management plan and performed first regular analyses and results reporting except the four new regulatory listing announced premises – Yizhan Department Store at Pingtung Railway Station, Power Wind Health Industry Incorporated (Chaozhou Fitness Factory), Fuxing Library of Pingtung City and Word Gym Chaozhou and the two terminated existing announced premises – Pingtung Wholesale Store of Taiwan Sugar Corporation and the Pacific Department Store Pingtung. This project has inspected 164 public or private premises including 11 and 34 officially announced premises for the first and the second batch respectively and 119 non-announced premises. The results of inspection show that main problems for different types of premises as follows: (1) CO2 accumulation in kindergartens noon break classrooms and dust accumulation at the venting outlet due to long term use of air conditioners; (2) HCHO and PM2.5 accumulation in childcare centers because of indoor cooking behavior; (3) instant high HCHO concentration in department store dining areas due to indoor cooking behavior; (4) instant high CO2 concentration and higher particulate matter concentration in some parts of government offices because of too many visitors and poor outdoor air quality respectively;(5) instant higher particulate matter concentration in some exhibition rooms of museums due to poor environmental cleanliness; (6) high level of CO2 concentration in fitness centers because of exercisers’ heavy breathing during workout and instant higher particulate matter concentration in fitness studios due to poor filtration efficiency of draw-in outdoor air; (7) instant higher HCHO and PM2.5 concentration at the food vending counters in cinemas; (8) instant higher CO2 concentration in library study rooms; (9) instant higher CO2 concentration in banks during the rush hour; (10) instant higher CO2 concentration at the service counters and in the waiting areas of medical institutions due to the crowded; (11) instant higher PM2.5 concentration in railway stations because of the renovation of the new marching department store. As regards the promotion of indoor air quality maintenance and management system, we have comprehensively guided 22 premises to determine their indoor air quality maintenance and management plans and 40 premises to revise their maintenance and management plans that already established to match the current situation. With respect to the installment of dedicated personnel, 67 premises including 23 non-announced premises have obtained qualification certificates of dedicated personnel for indoor air quality maintenance and management and all of the officially announced premises including 4 new ones have installed dedicated personnel. As regards the inspection testing, we have executed 1255 times of inspection testing for 164 premises by using portable direct reading instruments during on-site inspection service. The results show that the incidences of instant high value for CO2, CO, HCHO, TVOC, PM2.5 and PM10 are 8.6%, 0%, 14.3%, 2.4%, 20.6% and 2.9% respectively. With respect to the analyses of indoor air quality standards, we have completed 13 premises (one for CO2 retesting) including 2 and 8 officially announced premises for the first and the second batch respectively and 3 non-announced premises and no one fails to comply with the Indoor Air Quality Standards....
proj_year 2019
org_name Environmental Protection Bureau, Pingtung County
exe_unit 環益工程顧問股份有限公司
publish_date 20200312

eng_title Inspection and investigation of indoor air quality at Pingtung ( 2020 )
eng_subject There are 12 and 36 officially announced premises that shall meet Indoor Air Quality Act for the first and the second batch respectively in Pingtung County. The first batch of announced premises have implemented every task comply with the regulation; the second batch of announced premises have installed dedicated personnel, determined an indoor air quality maintenance and management plan and performed regular analyses and results reporting except the new regulatory listing announced premise – Yizhan Department Store at Chaozhou Railway Station which hasn''t performed the first regular analyses and results reporting. This project has inspected 162 public or private premises including 12 and 36 officially announced premises for the first and the second batch respectively and 114 non-announced premises. The results of inspection show that main problems for different types of premises as follows: (1) instant high CO2 concentration due to poor indoor ventilation and mold growth on some classrooms’ walls and ceilings in kindergartens; (2) high level of CO2 concentration due to poor indoor ventilation in the specialized classroom and exercise areas of elementary schools and junior high schools; (3) high level of CO2 concentration due to crowd in government agencies, medical institutions, hypermarkets and banks; (4) high level of HCHO concentration due to indoor renovation in social welfare organization, art museum and hotels; (5) high level of HCHO concentration due to cooking behavior in some sections of hypermarkets and department stores; (6) instant higher CO2 concentration due to crowd in theaters on holiday because of a boost from the government stimulus package; (7) high level of TVOC concentration in government agencies due to frequent use of multi-function printers ; (8) instant higher particulate matter concentration in fitness centers due to lack of replacement of air purifying filters of air-handling units ; (9) instant high HCHO and TVOC concentration in fitness studios due to the use of time-controlled aromatic spray; (10) higher level of PM2.5 concentration at the halls of some audiovisual and singing services due to the kitchen nearby; (11) instant higher particulate matter concentration at the food courts of some hypermarkets due to the entrances of parking lots nearby. As regards the promotion of indoor air quality maintenance and management system, we have comprehensively guided 25 premises to determine their indoor air quality maintenance and management plans and 40 premises to revise their maintenance and management plans that already established to match the current situation. With respect to the installment of dedicated personnel, 76 premises including 28 non-announced premises have obtained qualification certificates of dedicated personnel for indoor air quality maintenance and management and all of the officially announced premises including a new one have installed dedicated personnel. As regards the inspection testing, we have executed 1296 times of inspection testing for 162 premises by using portable direct reading instruments during on-site inspection service. The results show that the incidences of instant high value for CO2, CO, HCHO, TVOC, PM2.5 and PM10 are 6.1%, 0%, 21.8%, 1.9%, 22.5% and 11% respectively. With respect to the inspection analyses of indoor air quality standards, we have completed 16 premises (three for retesting). There are three announced premises that fail to comply with the Indoor Air Quality Standards this year. One is Pingtung Christian Hospital whose CO2 concentration exceeded with the standard value (1,000 ppm), and the others are Chaozhou World Gym and Paochien Hospital whose bacterias concentration exceeded the standard value (1,500 CFU/m3).All three announced premises mentioned above have already completed improvements and their retesting results have complied with the Indoor ...
proj_year 2020
org_name Environmental Protection Bureau, Pingtung County
exe_unit 環益工程顧問股份有限公司
publish_date 20210903

eng_title Control of pollutions during constructions in Pingtung county-Year 2020
eng_subject The implementation period of ” Management and Development Project for Construction Project Pollutions(2020)” is 12 months long, which is from April 3, 2019 to April 2, 2020. During implementation period, the total number of new construction sites reported is 4,306, the number of new reported construction sites inspected is 3,854, and the total number of construction sites inspected (including new and existing sites) is 4,999. In terms of inspection proportion for different types of construction projects, the percentages of construction sites inspected to construction sites reported for type 1 and type 2 construction projects are 93.9% and 92.8% respectively, which have met the project requirements. This project has carried out 10,033 guidance inspections, including 645 holiday inspections, and has assisted the Environmental Protection Bureau in executing 336 inspections of construction sites. As regards the pollution emission reduction, the total amount of TSP emission reduction is 6,087.5 tons and the overall reduction rate of particulate matter for the construction sites inspected is 66.5%, which is slightly higher on reduction rate compared to the same period in 2019. With respect to the proportion of construction sites in compliance with Management Regulations for Construction Project Air Pollution Control Facilities, 94.0% and 93.8% of Type 1 and Type 2 construction sites inspected meet the requirements of the above-mentioned regulation. With respect to the punishment and follow-up improvement, the numbers of punishment cases for construction projects in 2020 that violated Air Pollution Control Act and Noise Control Act were 48 and 1 respectively, and they were fined a total of NT$2,132,500; the number of punishment cases for construction projects during January to March 2021 period that violated Air Pollution Control Act was 19, and they were fined a total of NT$613,500. To reach the goal of effective control, this project followed up the improvement progress of the construction sites that violated related regulations in 2020 and found that they were all mended with an improvement percentage of 100%. As for air pollution control fee collection for construction projects, there were a total of 4,325 applications in 2020 and 1,088 applications during January to March 2021 period, and the payable amount were NT$151,510,701 and NT$21,096,064 respectively, which were similar to those in the past two years. The 2020 environmental protection educational propaganda for construction sites was held at Multimedia Conference Room 205 on second floor of Pingtung County Hall North Building (old building) on January 28, 2021 and 114 participants from 90 construction project owners or contractors attended. Professor Yi-Lin Wu was invited to give lucid explanations about Management Regulations for Construction Project Air Pollution Control Facilities, noise control practices for construction sites and related regulations for construction projects, and then Manager Shun- Yuan Hsieh of Century Engineering Consultant CO.,LTD disseminated regulations about Management Guidelines for Enforcing Air Pollution and Noise Control of Public Construction Projects and Air Pollution Acts during Designated Air Quality Deterioration Alert Periods, and had a very detailed exposition on construction equipment control strategy. This project implementation focuses on dredging project control. There were 57 dredging projects in Pintung County in 2020 that removed a total of 27,610 thousand tons of soil/sand/gravel and caused about 1,287.2 tons of TSP emission. This 2020 project has achieved remarkable results and the highlights are as follows: the ratio of environmental protection cost to project cost of major dredging projects increases over 2020 from 17.8% to 50.8% by counseling project owners on designating enough budgets before starting dredging; this proj...
proj_year 2020
org_name Environmental Protection Bureau, Pingtung County
exe_unit 環益工程顧問股份有限公司
publish_date 20210903

eng_title Prevention and promotion to improve river fugitive dust programs in Pingtung County, 2021.
eng_subject The implementation period of this project is from May 18, 2021 to May 17, 2022. All work items have been accomplished and the first draft of term report was submitted by April 27, 2022 in accordance with the project contract requirements. After receiving the opinions and suggestions from scholars and commissioners on May 9, 2022, this project modified the term report and replied to scholars’ and commissioners’ opinions and suggestions, and submitted their consent replies to the bureau for review on May 24. Extracts of the enforcement results of all work items are shown as follows: This project monthly utilized drone photography capacity of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) to grasp the distribution of exposed riverbed of Gaoping River in a rolling manner and urging the river management offices to finish exposed riverbed improvement earlier under the concept of preventive deployment. A total of 792.2 hectares of exposed reverbed have been improved in the period from January to December 2021, which is 18% higher compared with that in the same period of 2020 and the most improvement areas for exposed reverbed in the recent five years, and correspond to 19.13 tons of PM10 emission reduction based on their actual control periods. The highest maximum hourly average concentration is 83 μg/m3 based on analyses of four river dust early-warning episode days for the period from January to December 2021, which is 81% lower compared with the highest maximum hourly average concentration 440 μg/m3 of three river fugitive dust episode days that happened in 2020. Furthermore, this project has utilized ISCST3 Dispersion Model with four times (May 19, July 7, July 22 and July 23, 2021) of river dust early-warning data provided by Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) to simulate the PM10 incremental concentrations at monitoring stations and potential impact levels for six times in a rolling manner and also compared the simulation results with UAV aerial photographs to analyze the critical exposed riverbed that may cause river fugitive dust events. This project has offered river management offices related information to go forward preventive dust control operations so that the river dust influence concentration or occurrence probability may decrease. This is the first time in the last decade that Gaoping River achieves no river fugitive dust episode day for a full year. As regards the environmental cleanup, this project has finished 3,110.9 kilometers of river dust environmental cleanup with a total PM10 emission reduction of about 8.1 tons. With respect to the river dust educational propaganda, three educational training sessions or propaganda of river dust for villages along the Gaoping River, two educational propaganda of river dust for schools and a river dust pre-notification and self-protection drill were held this year. Through the questionnaire survey after the educational propaganda, 97% of the respondents give positive evaluation to Environmental Protection Bureau, Pingtung County Government for promoting related works regarding river fugitive dust control. Furthermore, according to the results of the public satisfaction survey executed by Nsysu Survey Center, the respondents give this county a positive rating of 79% on the comprehensive improvement of river dust, which is 13% higher compared with that in 2020(66%) and consistent with the result of this project’s questionnaire survey. It also shows that the public is satisfied with the county’s administration. As for 2021 EPA evaluation, the achieving rates for the two items regarding river dust improvement are both 100%.
proj_year 2021
org_name Environmental Protection Bureau, Pingtung County
exe_unit 環益工程顧問股份有限公司
publish_date 20230310

eng_title Inspection and investigation of indoor air quality in Pingtung County ( 2021 )
eng_subject There are 12 and 39 officially announced premises that shall meet Indoor Air Quality Act for the first and the second batch respectively in Pingtung County. All of the preceding announced premises have installed dedicated personnel, determined an indoor air quality maintenance and management plan and performed regular analyses and results reporting. Some of the officially announced premises which are closed temporarily because of the COVID-19 pandemic haven’t performed regular analyses. They are allowed to postpone the deadline until they reopen and this project will remind them to perform regular analyses and results reporting as soon as possible. Therefore, none of officially announced premises has failed to implement any task within the statutory limitation period and the percentage of regulatory compliance is 100%. This project has inspected 162 public or private premises including 12 and 38 officially announced premises for the first and the second batch respectively and 112 non-announced premises and executed 1181 times of inspection testing using the direct reading instruments. The incidences of instant high value while inspection testing for CO2, CO, HCHO, TVOC, PM2.5 and PM10 are 4.6%, 0%, 34.6%, 0.2%, 19.2% and 10.6% respectively for this year. Compared with incidences of 2020, only the incidence of HCHO increased by 12.8% and the others were descending. This year some premises increased the frequency of cleaning and sanitizing with cleansing alcohol due to the epidemic so that the electrochemical formaldehyde direct reading instrument was interfered indirectly and the instant high values followed. It caused the increasing trend in incidences of instant high value of formaldehyde while inspection testing. For that reason, this project used a formaldehyde highly selective instrument to confirm if the premises mentioned above exists HCHO pollution source or not. Furthermore, most of premises were naturally ventilated during opening hours due to COVID-19 pandemic and we founded that the instant high values of PM2.5, PM10 were detected while outdoor air quality was poor. However, premises that need to use air conditioners such as kindergartens, hospitals, childcare centers, fitness studios, study rooms in library etc., most of whom did not maintain enough amount of indoor ventilation rates, were detected with instant high values of CO2. As regards the promotion of indoor air quality maintenance and management system, we have comprehensively guided 27 premises to determine their indoor air quality maintenance and management plans and tracked 40 premises that maintenance and management plans already established to confirm document contents, 27 of which did not match current situation and the project team help them revise their maintenance and management plans. With respect to the inspection analyses of indoor air quality standards, 10 key premises were chosen to complete the analyses. There are two premises that fail to comply with the Indoor Air Quality Standards this year. One is Pingtung County Library whose Fungi concentration (2,124 CFU/m3) exceeded the standard value (1,000 CFU/m3 and I/O ratio > 1.3), and the other is Sunflower Nursing Home whose bacteria concentration (1,783CFU/m3) exceeded the standard value (1,500 CFU/m3). This team has guided the above-mentioned premises to find out the pollution sources and recommended them to improve indoor sanitization frequency. In addition, on the basis of the statistical analyses of the inspection analyses of indoor air quality standards over the past few years, pass rates of the carbon dioxide and bacteria analyses declined after the second batch premises were officially announced. The main reason causing the decline is that the environmental protection bureau selected sampling sites for inspection analyses more strictly by enforcing testing in the highly contaminated poten...
proj_year 2021
org_name Environmental Protection Bureau, Pingtung County
exe_unit 環益工程顧問股份有限公司
publish_date 20220731

eng_title The 2022 “Indoor Air Quality Inspection and Management Project in Pingtung County”
eng_subject There are 12 and 42 officially announced premises that shall meet Indoor Air Quality Act for the first and the second batch respectively in Pingtung County during the implementation period. Except for Pingtung Veterans General Hospital, a newly added officially announced premise, all of the preceding announced premises have installed dedicated personnel, determined an indoor air quality maintenance and management plan and performed regular analyses and results reporting. In terms of on-the-job training of dedicated personnel, there are 15 premises that haven’t completed the training and each case remains 1~2 years deadline. Furthermore, we proceeded with compiling how dedicated personnel in Pingtung County conduct indoor air quality maintenance and management and cooperated with Planning Section to recommend dedicated personnel to participate in “Environmental Dedicated Personnel and Technicians Selection”. The selection result for indoor air quality management specialty goes to Liugdui Hakka Cultural Park and it is the only one in the country. This project has inspected 221 public or private premises including 12 and 42 officially announced premises for the first and the second batch respectively and 167 non-announced premises and executed 1,659 times of inspection testing using the direct reading instruments. The first time inspecting rate is 24% that achieves the highest in the past four years. The incidences of instant high value for CO2, HCHO, PM2.5 and PM10 are 6.3%, 28.5%, 3.1% and 5.3% respectively while inspection testing for this year. Compared with incidences of 2021, the incidence of HCHO, PM2.5,and PM10 decreased by 6.1%, 16.1%, and 5.3% respectively and the incidence of CO2 increased by 1.7%. There were more first-inspected premises this year that consisted mostly of elementary schools and small gyms and most small and medium premises have no inlet of outdoor fresh air and personnel lack indoor air quality management cogitation that caused an incidence increase of CO2 instant high value. Some of instant high value of HCHO associated with indirect interference from the electrochemical formaldehyde direct reading instrument due to premises’ necessary cleaning and sanitizing with cleansing alcohol. However, some HCHO instant high values result from decoration or gas cooking. Furthermore, in line with government COVID-19 epidemic policy, most of premises adopt natural ventilation and cause the instant high values of PM2.5, PM10 whenever pollution sources like poor outdoor air quality, mobile sources, nearby construction sites, etc., exist. As regards the promotion of indoor air quality maintenance and management system, we have comprehensively guided 31 premises to determine their indoor air quality maintenance and management plans and help non-officially announced premises add plan contents into their daily engineering check procedure for processing indoor air quality maintenance and management works in advance. In addition, the project team has tracked 40 premises that maintenance and management plans already established to confirm document contents, 25 of which did not match current situation and the project team helps them revise their maintenance and management plans to ensure that those premises deal with various IAQ problems properly. With respect to the inspection analyses of indoor air quality standards, 18 key premises were chosen to complete the analyses, and all premises complied with Indoor Air Quality Standard this year. In addition, on the basis of the statistical analyses of the inspection analyses of indoor air quality standards over the past five years, the main test items that failed to comply with Indoor Air Quality Standard are carbon dioxide and bacteria for shopping malls, and carbon dioxide for medical ins...
proj_year 2022
org_name Environmental Protection Bureau, Pingtung County
exe_unit 環益工程顧問股份有限公司
publish_date 20230325


來源 : 行政院環境保護署-EPQSummary_Air
欄位 : eng_title(project title);eng_subject(project subject);proj_year(project year);org_name(organizer);exe_unit(executive unit);allfileid(reporting download url);publish_date(publish date)

Control of pollutions during constructions in Pingtung county-Year 2018
Pintung county is well-known for its width and beautiful scenery, which bring lots of tourists and the following industries and commercial activities. Many new constructions including area development, sighseeing farms, agricultural technical parks, hotels, restaurants, and even houses located in this area. Making new highways accelerated various exploitations, and therefore prospered local economics. It would become a major impulse on ecology if we don’t take proper anti-polluting measures and try to decrease granular discharge during the construction. In order to know the extent of granular pollution in construction sites in Pintung area, we have to know the current construction plans and their process. We have accomplished 10,037inspection rounds, superintended 5,133construction sites, assisted 50construction sites, improved environment peripheral to the construction sites totally reached 8,580kilometers and washed sightseeing routes to 5,880 kilometers during the past year. The decrease of the TSP amounts of construction was 7,473.5kilotons with an average decrement about 63.9%. We also helped the environmental protection agent of Pintung-couty-government to levy the prevent-air pollution fee. The total case number is 5,308cases, and the total amount is 195,555,222NT. This year, we focus on “river-dredge constructions” and “city-road-lining-system constructions” controls to lower the dust and dirty during the construction. We also hope to overcome the inconvenience of the public during the constructions.
Environmental Protection Bureau, Pingtung County

Control of pollutions during constructions in Pingtung county-Year 2019
Pintung county is well-known for its width and beautiful scenery, which bring lots of tourists and the following industries and commercial activities. Many new constructions including area development, sighseeing farms, agricultural technical parks, hotels, restaurants, and even houses located in this area. Making new highways accelerated various exploitations, and therefore prospered local economics. It would become a major impulse on ecology if we don’t take proper anti-polluting measures and try to decrease granular discharge during the construction. In order to know the extent of granular pollution in construction sites in Pintung area, we have to know the current construction plans and their process. We have accomplished 10,727inspection rounds, superintended 4,361construction sites, assisted 63construction sites, improved environment peripheral to the construction sites totally reached 7,960kilometers and washed sightseeing routes to 6,600 kilometers during the past year. The decrease of the TSP amounts of construction was 6,351.9kilotons with an average decrement about 66.6%. We also helped the environmental protection agent of Pintung-couty-government to levy the prevent-air pollution fee. The total case number is 4,540cases, and the total amount is 156,122,639NT. This year, we focus on “river-dredge constructions” and “city-road-lining-system constructions” controls to lower the dust and dirty during the construction. We also hope to overcome the inconvenience of the public during the constructions.
Environmental Protection Bureau, Pingtung County

Prevention and promotion to improve river fugitive dust programs in Pingtung County, 2019.
The execution period of this project is from May 18, 2019 to May 17, 2020. All contract goals of work items have been accomplished and the first drafts of midterm report and term report have been submitted by November 17, 2019 and April 27, 2020 respectively. Extracts of the enforcement results of all work items are shown as follows: During the execution period of this project, three river fugitive dust episodes of Gaoping River occurred on September 20~21, 2019 and February 15 and March 26, 2020. To make sure the dust emission potential areas on riverbed, this project continued to investigate and assess possible dust emission potential areas by episode day analyses, satellite image comparisons and field inspections, and marked out the riverside villages of Ligang Township as high-impact areas of river fugitive dust. This project also offered the Seventh River Management Office related results as reference for selecting the dust control sites. A total of 601.8 hectares of exposed riverbed have been improved in 2019 and reduced about 41.4 tons of PM10 emission per year based on their actual control periods. To enhance response efficiency of departments and organizations concerned and the public, this project compared weather forecast information to the self-developed Gaoping River Dust early-warning parameters to predict river dust episode event and offered six times of dust early-warning information to the Bureau, and successfully predicted the intermediate river dust episode for Pingtung County on September 21, 2019, and the intermediate river dust episode for Kaohsiung City on February 13, the intermediate river dust episode for Pingtung County on February 15, the river course dust episode for Pingtung County and the intermediate river dust episode for Kaohsiung City on May15, and the intermediate river dust episode for Kaohsiung City on May 16, 2020. For holding the possible major impact areas earlier in future, this project also utilized ISCST3 Dispersion Model to simulate the impact levels and extents of the episodes mentioned above, and the results showed that the levels of PM10 incremental concentration at monitoring stations and dispersion trend of river fugitive dust met the actual situation occurred during episode days. It shows that the simulation results can help us have a better knowledge of the possible impact extents of river fugitive dust events. This project has finished 3,071.9 kilometers of environmental cleanup in river fugitive dust impact areas during the execution period with a total PM10 emission reduction of about eight tons. In addition, a total length of 32,243.5 kilometers of road washing/cleaning executed by government organizations concerned and related projects has been reached in 2019 with a total PM10 emission reduction of 83.8 tons. According to the results of the public satisfaction survey executed by Nsysu Survey Center, the public of the key townships along the Gaoping River in Pingtung County gave a positive rating of 87.7% for the improvement of road cleaning. Two training sessions of river dust education for villages along the Gaoping River, three propaganda of river dust education for schools, two liaison meetings for Gaoping River dust control and a river dust pre-notification and self-protection drill have been hold this year. Furthermore, through the questionnaire survey executed by this project, 96% of the respondents gave positive evaluation to Environmental Protection Bureau, Pingtung County Government for its promoting related work regarding river fugitive dust control.
Environmental Protection Bureau, Pingtung County

Inspection and investigation of indoor air quality at Pingtung ( 2019 )
There are 12 and 34 officially announced premises that shall meet Indoor Air Quality Act for the first and the second batch respectively in Pingtung County. The first batch of announced premises have implemented every task comply with the regulation except the suspension of the Cultural Affairs Department of Pingtung County Government (Library) due to its rebuilding renovation; the second batch of announced premises have installed dedicated personnel, determined an indoor air quality maintenance and management plan and performed first regular analyses and results reporting except the four new regulatory listing announced premises – Yizhan Department Store at Pingtung Railway Station, Power Wind Health Industry Incorporated (Chaozhou Fitness Factory), Fuxing Library of Pingtung City and Word Gym Chaozhou and the two terminated existing announced premises – Pingtung Wholesale Store of Taiwan Sugar Corporation and the Pacific Department Store Pingtung. This project has inspected 164 public or private premises including 11 and 34 officially announced premises for the first and the second batch respectively and 119 non-announced premises. The results of inspection show that main problems for different types of premises as follows: (1) CO2 accumulation in kindergartens noon break classrooms and dust accumulation at the venting outlet due to long term use of air conditioners; (2) HCHO and PM2.5 accumulation in childcare centers because of indoor cooking behavior; (3) instant high HCHO concentration in department store dining areas due to indoor cooking behavior; (4) instant high CO2 concentration and higher particulate matter concentration in some parts of government offices because of too many visitors and poor outdoor air quality respectively;(5) instant higher particulate matter concentration in some exhibition rooms of museums due to poor environmental cleanliness; (6) high level of CO2 concentration in fitness centers because of exercisers’ heavy breathing during workout and instant higher particulate matter concentration in fitness studios due to poor filtration efficiency of draw-in outdoor air; (7) instant higher HCHO and PM2.5 concentration at the food vending counters in cinemas; (8) instant higher CO2 concentration in library study rooms; (9) instant higher CO2 concentration in banks during the rush hour; (10) instant higher CO2 concentration at the service counters and in the waiting areas of medical institutions due to the crowded; (11) instant higher PM2.5 concentration in railway stations because of the renovation of the new marching department store. As regards the promotion of indoor air quality maintenance and management system, we have comprehensively guided 22 premises to determine their indoor air quality maintenance and management plans and 40 premises to revise their maintenance and management plans that already established to match the current situation. With respect to the installment of dedicated personnel, 67 premises including 23 non-announced premises have obtained qualification certificates of dedicated personnel for indoor air quality maintenance and management and all of the officially announced premises including 4 new ones have installed dedicated personnel. As regards the inspection testing, we have executed 1255 times of inspection testing for 164 premises by using portable direct reading instruments during on-site inspection service. The results show that the incidences of instant high value for CO2, CO, HCHO, TVOC, PM2.5 and PM10 are 8.6%, 0%, 14.3%, 2.4%, 20.6% and 2.9% respectively. With respect to the analyses of indoor air quality standards, we have completed 13 premises (one for CO2 retesting) including 2 and 8 officially announced premises for the first and the second batch respectively and 3 non-announced premises and no one fails to comply with the Indoor Air Quality Standards....
Environmental Protection Bureau, Pingtung County

Inspection and investigation of indoor air quality at Pingtung ( 2020 )
There are 12 and 36 officially announced premises that shall meet Indoor Air Quality Act for the first and the second batch respectively in Pingtung County. The first batch of announced premises have implemented every task comply with the regulation; the second batch of announced premises have installed dedicated personnel, determined an indoor air quality maintenance and management plan and performed regular analyses and results reporting except the new regulatory listing announced premise – Yizhan Department Store at Chaozhou Railway Station which hasn''t performed the first regular analyses and results reporting. This project has inspected 162 public or private premises including 12 and 36 officially announced premises for the first and the second batch respectively and 114 non-announced premises. The results of inspection show that main problems for different types of premises as follows: (1) instant high CO2 concentration due to poor indoor ventilation and mold growth on some classrooms’ walls and ceilings in kindergartens; (2) high level of CO2 concentration due to poor indoor ventilation in the specialized classroom and exercise areas of elementary schools and junior high schools; (3) high level of CO2 concentration due to crowd in government agencies, medical institutions, hypermarkets and banks; (4) high level of HCHO concentration due to indoor renovation in social welfare organization, art museum and hotels; (5) high level of HCHO concentration due to cooking behavior in some sections of hypermarkets and department stores; (6) instant higher CO2 concentration due to crowd in theaters on holiday because of a boost from the government stimulus package; (7) high level of TVOC concentration in government agencies due to frequent use of multi-function printers ; (8) instant higher particulate matter concentration in fitness centers due to lack of replacement of air purifying filters of air-handling units ; (9) instant high HCHO and TVOC concentration in fitness studios due to the use of time-controlled aromatic spray; (10) higher level of PM2.5 concentration at the halls of some audiovisual and singing services due to the kitchen nearby; (11) instant higher particulate matter concentration at the food courts of some hypermarkets due to the entrances of parking lots nearby. As regards the promotion of indoor air quality maintenance and management system, we have comprehensively guided 25 premises to determine their indoor air quality maintenance and management plans and 40 premises to revise their maintenance and management plans that already established to match the current situation. With respect to the installment of dedicated personnel, 76 premises including 28 non-announced premises have obtained qualification certificates of dedicated personnel for indoor air quality maintenance and management and all of the officially announced premises including a new one have installed dedicated personnel. As regards the inspection testing, we have executed 1296 times of inspection testing for 162 premises by using portable direct reading instruments during on-site inspection service. The results show that the incidences of instant high value for CO2, CO, HCHO, TVOC, PM2.5 and PM10 are 6.1%, 0%, 21.8%, 1.9%, 22.5% and 11% respectively. With respect to the inspection analyses of indoor air quality standards, we have completed 16 premises (three for retesting). There are three announced premises that fail to comply with the Indoor Air Quality Standards this year. One is Pingtung Christian Hospital whose CO2 concentration exceeded with the standard value (1,000 ppm), and the others are Chaozhou World Gym and Paochien Hospital whose bacterias concentration exceeded the standard value (1,500 CFU/m3).All three announced premises mentioned above have already completed improvements and their retesting results have complied with the Indoor ...
Environmental Protection Bureau, Pingtung County

Control of pollutions during constructions in Pingtung county-Year 2020
The implementation period of ” Management and Development Project for Construction Project Pollutions(2020)” is 12 months long, which is from April 3, 2019 to April 2, 2020. During implementation period, the total number of new construction sites reported is 4,306, the number of new reported construction sites inspected is 3,854, and the total number of construction sites inspected (including new and existing sites) is 4,999. In terms of inspection proportion for different types of construction projects, the percentages of construction sites inspected to construction sites reported for type 1 and type 2 construction projects are 93.9% and 92.8% respectively, which have met the project requirements. This project has carried out 10,033 guidance inspections, including 645 holiday inspections, and has assisted the Environmental Protection Bureau in executing 336 inspections of construction sites. As regards the pollution emission reduction, the total amount of TSP emission reduction is 6,087.5 tons and the overall reduction rate of particulate matter for the construction sites inspected is 66.5%, which is slightly higher on reduction rate compared to the same period in 2019. With respect to the proportion of construction sites in compliance with Management Regulations for Construction Project Air Pollution Control Facilities, 94.0% and 93.8% of Type 1 and Type 2 construction sites inspected meet the requirements of the above-mentioned regulation. With respect to the punishment and follow-up improvement, the numbers of punishment cases for construction projects in 2020 that violated Air Pollution Control Act and Noise Control Act were 48 and 1 respectively, and they were fined a total of NT$2,132,500; the number of punishment cases for construction projects during January to March 2021 period that violated Air Pollution Control Act was 19, and they were fined a total of NT$613,500. To reach the goal of effective control, this project followed up the improvement progress of the construction sites that violated related regulations in 2020 and found that they were all mended with an improvement percentage of 100%. As for air pollution control fee collection for construction projects, there were a total of 4,325 applications in 2020 and 1,088 applications during January to March 2021 period, and the payable amount were NT$151,510,701 and NT$21,096,064 respectively, which were similar to those in the past two years. The 2020 environmental protection educational propaganda for construction sites was held at Multimedia Conference Room 205 on second floor of Pingtung County Hall North Building (old building) on January 28, 2021 and 114 participants from 90 construction project owners or contractors attended. Professor Yi-Lin Wu was invited to give lucid explanations about Management Regulations for Construction Project Air Pollution Control Facilities, noise control practices for construction sites and related regulations for construction projects, and then Manager Shun- Yuan Hsieh of Century Engineering Consultant CO.,LTD disseminated regulations about Management Guidelines for Enforcing Air Pollution and Noise Control of Public Construction Projects and Air Pollution Acts during Designated Air Quality Deterioration Alert Periods, and had a very detailed exposition on construction equipment control strategy. This project implementation focuses on dredging project control. There were 57 dredging projects in Pintung County in 2020 that removed a total of 27,610 thousand tons of soil/sand/gravel and caused about 1,287.2 tons of TSP emission. This 2020 project has achieved remarkable results and the highlights are as follows: the ratio of environmental protection cost to project cost of major dredging projects increases over 2020 from 17.8% to 50.8% by counseling project owners on designating enough budgets before starting dredging; this proj...
Environmental Protection Bureau, Pingtung County

Prevention and promotion to improve river fugitive dust programs in Pingtung County, 2021.
The implementation period of this project is from May 18, 2021 to May 17, 2022. All work items have been accomplished and the first draft of term report was submitted by April 27, 2022 in accordance with the project contract requirements. After receiving the opinions and suggestions from scholars and commissioners on May 9, 2022, this project modified the term report and replied to scholars’ and commissioners’ opinions and suggestions, and submitted their consent replies to the bureau for review on May 24. Extracts of the enforcement results of all work items are shown as follows: This project monthly utilized drone photography capacity of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) to grasp the distribution of exposed riverbed of Gaoping River in a rolling manner and urging the river management offices to finish exposed riverbed improvement earlier under the concept of preventive deployment. A total of 792.2 hectares of exposed reverbed have been improved in the period from January to December 2021, which is 18% higher compared with that in the same period of 2020 and the most improvement areas for exposed reverbed in the recent five years, and correspond to 19.13 tons of PM10 emission reduction based on their actual control periods. The highest maximum hourly average concentration is 83 μg/m3 based on analyses of four river dust early-warning episode days for the period from January to December 2021, which is 81% lower compared with the highest maximum hourly average concentration 440 μg/m3 of three river fugitive dust episode days that happened in 2020. Furthermore, this project has utilized ISCST3 Dispersion Model with four times (May 19, July 7, July 22 and July 23, 2021) of river dust early-warning data provided by Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) to simulate the PM10 incremental concentrations at monitoring stations and potential impact levels for six times in a rolling manner and also compared the simulation results with UAV aerial photographs to analyze the critical exposed riverbed that may cause river fugitive dust events. This project has offered river management offices related information to go forward preventive dust control operations so that the river dust influence concentration or occurrence probability may decrease. This is the first time in the last decade that Gaoping River achieves no river fugitive dust episode day for a full year. As regards the environmental cleanup, this project has finished 3,110.9 kilometers of river dust environmental cleanup with a total PM10 emission reduction of about 8.1 tons. With respect to the river dust educational propaganda, three educational training sessions or propaganda of river dust for villages along the Gaoping River, two educational propaganda of river dust for schools and a river dust pre-notification and self-protection drill were held this year. Through the questionnaire survey after the educational propaganda, 97% of the respondents give positive evaluation to Environmental Protection Bureau, Pingtung County Government for promoting related works regarding river fugitive dust control. Furthermore, according to the results of the public satisfaction survey executed by Nsysu Survey Center, the respondents give this county a positive rating of 79% on the comprehensive improvement of river dust, which is 13% higher compared with that in 2020(66%) and consistent with the result of this project’s questionnaire survey. It also shows that the public is satisfied with the county’s administration. As for 2021 EPA evaluation, the achieving rates for the two items regarding river dust improvement are both 100%.
Environmental Protection Bureau, Pingtung County

Inspection and investigation of indoor air quality in Pingtung County ( 2021 )
There are 12 and 39 officially announced premises that shall meet Indoor Air Quality Act for the first and the second batch respectively in Pingtung County. All of the preceding announced premises have installed dedicated personnel, determined an indoor air quality maintenance and management plan and performed regular analyses and results reporting. Some of the officially announced premises which are closed temporarily because of the COVID-19 pandemic haven’t performed regular analyses. They are allowed to postpone the deadline until they reopen and this project will remind them to perform regular analyses and results reporting as soon as possible. Therefore, none of officially announced premises has failed to implement any task within the statutory limitation period and the percentage of regulatory compliance is 100%. This project has inspected 162 public or private premises including 12 and 38 officially announced premises for the first and the second batch respectively and 112 non-announced premises and executed 1181 times of inspection testing using the direct reading instruments. The incidences of instant high value while inspection testing for CO2, CO, HCHO, TVOC, PM2.5 and PM10 are 4.6%, 0%, 34.6%, 0.2%, 19.2% and 10.6% respectively for this year. Compared with incidences of 2020, only the incidence of HCHO increased by 12.8% and the others were descending. This year some premises increased the frequency of cleaning and sanitizing with cleansing alcohol due to the epidemic so that the electrochemical formaldehyde direct reading instrument was interfered indirectly and the instant high values followed. It caused the increasing trend in incidences of instant high value of formaldehyde while inspection testing. For that reason, this project used a formaldehyde highly selective instrument to confirm if the premises mentioned above exists HCHO pollution source or not. Furthermore, most of premises were naturally ventilated during opening hours due to COVID-19 pandemic and we founded that the instant high values of PM2.5, PM10 were detected while outdoor air quality was poor. However, premises that need to use air conditioners such as kindergartens, hospitals, childcare centers, fitness studios, study rooms in library etc., most of whom did not maintain enough amount of indoor ventilation rates, were detected with instant high values of CO2. As regards the promotion of indoor air quality maintenance and management system, we have comprehensively guided 27 premises to determine their indoor air quality maintenance and management plans and tracked 40 premises that maintenance and management plans already established to confirm document contents, 27 of which did not match current situation and the project team help them revise their maintenance and management plans. With respect to the inspection analyses of indoor air quality standards, 10 key premises were chosen to complete the analyses. There are two premises that fail to comply with the Indoor Air Quality Standards this year. One is Pingtung County Library whose Fungi concentration (2,124 CFU/m3) exceeded the standard value (1,000 CFU/m3 and I/O ratio > 1.3), and the other is Sunflower Nursing Home whose bacteria concentration (1,783CFU/m3) exceeded the standard value (1,500 CFU/m3). This team has guided the above-mentioned premises to find out the pollution sources and recommended them to improve indoor sanitization frequency. In addition, on the basis of the statistical analyses of the inspection analyses of indoor air quality standards over the past few years, pass rates of the carbon dioxide and bacteria analyses declined after the second batch premises were officially announced. The main reason causing the decline is that the environmental protection bureau selected sampling sites for inspection analyses more strictly by enforcing testing in the highly contaminated poten...
Environmental Protection Bureau, Pingtung County

The 2022 “Indoor Air Quality Inspection and Management Project in Pingtung County”
There are 12 and 42 officially announced premises that shall meet Indoor Air Quality Act for the first and the second batch respectively in Pingtung County during the implementation period. Except for Pingtung Veterans General Hospital, a newly added officially announced premise, all of the preceding announced premises have installed dedicated personnel, determined an indoor air quality maintenance and management plan and performed regular analyses and results reporting. In terms of on-the-job training of dedicated personnel, there are 15 premises that haven’t completed the training and each case remains 1~2 years deadline. Furthermore, we proceeded with compiling how dedicated personnel in Pingtung County conduct indoor air quality maintenance and management and cooperated with Planning Section to recommend dedicated personnel to participate in “Environmental Dedicated Personnel and Technicians Selection”. The selection result for indoor air quality management specialty goes to Liugdui Hakka Cultural Park and it is the only one in the country. This project has inspected 221 public or private premises including 12 and 42 officially announced premises for the first and the second batch respectively and 167 non-announced premises and executed 1,659 times of inspection testing using the direct reading instruments. The first time inspecting rate is 24% that achieves the highest in the past four years. The incidences of instant high value for CO2, HCHO, PM2.5 and PM10 are 6.3%, 28.5%, 3.1% and 5.3% respectively while inspection testing for this year. Compared with incidences of 2021, the incidence of HCHO, PM2.5,and PM10 decreased by 6.1%, 16.1%, and 5.3% respectively and the incidence of CO2 increased by 1.7%. There were more first-inspected premises this year that consisted mostly of elementary schools and small gyms and most small and medium premises have no inlet of outdoor fresh air and personnel lack indoor air quality management cogitation that caused an incidence increase of CO2 instant high value. Some of instant high value of HCHO associated with indirect interference from the electrochemical formaldehyde direct reading instrument due to premises’ necessary cleaning and sanitizing with cleansing alcohol. However, some HCHO instant high values result from decoration or gas cooking. Furthermore, in line with government COVID-19 epidemic policy, most of premises adopt natural ventilation and cause the instant high values of PM2.5, PM10 whenever pollution sources like poor outdoor air quality, mobile sources, nearby construction sites, etc., exist. As regards the promotion of indoor air quality maintenance and management system, we have comprehensively guided 31 premises to determine their indoor air quality maintenance and management plans and help non-officially announced premises add plan contents into their daily engineering check procedure for processing indoor air quality maintenance and management works in advance. In addition, the project team has tracked 40 premises that maintenance and management plans already established to confirm document contents, 25 of which did not match current situation and the project team helps them revise their maintenance and management plans to ensure that those premises deal with various IAQ problems properly. With respect to the inspection analyses of indoor air quality standards, 18 key premises were chosen to complete the analyses, and all premises complied with Indoor Air Quality Standard this year. In addition, on the basis of the statistical analyses of the inspection analyses of indoor air quality standards over the past five years, the main test items that failed to comply with Indoor Air Quality Standard are carbon dioxide and bacteria for shopping malls, and carbon dioxide for medical ins...
Environmental Protection Bureau, Pingtung County


來源 : 行政院環境保護署-環保專案摘要資料_其他
欄位 : chi_title、chi_subject、proj_year、org_name、exe_unit、allfileid、publish_date

chi_title 109年度屏東縣河川揚塵防制及改善推動計畫
chi_subject 本計畫執行期自109年5月18日起至110年5月17日止,各項工作皆已完成(詳表1),並依規定於110年4月27日前提交期末報告初稿送審,於110年6月15日收到審查意見後,於6月30日將委員意見回覆同意修正提送貴局審核。以下即為各項工作執行成果摘要: 本計畫橫向結合其他計畫之UAV空拍能量,滾動式掌握裸露地分佈現況,推動河川管理單位以超前部署的概念,提早完成裸露地改善作業,統計109年(1~12月)共改善651.2公頃裸露地,較108年提升8%,為近5年裸露地改善面積最高,另依據工法抑制期程分析可削減16.73公噸之PM10。此外,也透過辦理跨局處之「濁水溪河川揚塵改善成果參訪觀摩」,邀請水利署第七河川局共同參與,藉此汲取濁水溪河川揚塵改善之經驗,進行高屏溪河川揚塵改善工法之發想,並於「高屏溪河川揚塵防制聯繫會議」共擬「高屏溪揚塵改善作戰策略圖」,以因地制宜及因時制宜的裸露地改善概念,新增不受地形侷限之UAV植保機撒草籽工法,以及怪手灑水之緊急應變能量,強化防制河川揚塵能量。 統計109年3次河川揚塵事件日最高PM10最大小時平均濃度為440.3 μg/m3,比對108年河川揚塵事件日最高PM10平均濃度為601.7 μg/m3,其PM10最大小時平均濃度降低約27%,另110年依據環保署3次河川揚塵預警資訊(5月4日、5月14日、5月15日),進行6次滾動式ISCST3之PM10增量模擬作業,並比對UAV空拍資料,分析可能造成河川揚塵事件之關鍵性裸露地,並將相關資訊協請河川管理單位進行預防性揚塵抑制作業,以減少河川揚塵影響濃度或發生機率。統計110年1~5月17日並無高屏溪河川揚塵事件發生,亦優於106~109年同期情況。 在環境清理方面,本計畫共執行3,057.8公里河川揚塵環境清理作業,推估PM10削減量為7.9公噸。在教育宣導會議的辦理方面,本年度共辦理1場次沿岸河川揚塵教育訓練、3場次學校河川揚塵教育宣導活動及1場次高屏溪河川揚塵預通報及自我防護演練作業。透過教育宣導活動後之問卷調查,有95%之受訪者對於環保局推動河川揚塵相關業務給予正面的評價,另環保局委外之問卷調查結果,受訪民眾對於本縣河川揚塵改善給予89%的正面評價,與本計畫之問調結果相呼應,而針對環保署之河川揚塵改善考評項目,達成率則為100%。
proj_year 109
org_name 屏東縣政府環境保護局
exe_unit 環益工程顧問股份有限公司
publish_date 20210903


來源 : 行政院環境保護署-環保專案摘要資料_其他
欄位 : chi_title(中文標題);chi_subject(中文摘要);proj_year(專案年度);org_name(主辦單位);exe_unit(執行單位);allfileid(專案報告下載url);publish_date(專案報告公開日期)

本計畫執行期自109年5月18日起至110年5月17日止,各項工作皆已完成(詳表1),並依規定於110年4月27日前提交期末報告初稿送審,於110年6月15日收到審查意見後,於6月30日將委員意見回覆同意修正提送貴局審核。以下即為各項工作執行成果摘要: 本計畫橫向結合其他計畫之UAV空拍能量,滾動式掌握裸露地分佈現況,推動河川管理單位以超前部署的概念,提早完成裸露地改善作業,統計109年(1~12月)共改善651.2公頃裸露地,較108年提升8%,為近5年裸露地改善面積最高,另依據工法抑制期程分析可削減16.73公噸之PM10。此外,也透過辦理跨局處之「濁水溪河川揚塵改善成果參訪觀摩」,邀請水利署第七河川局共同參與,藉此汲取濁水溪河川揚塵改善之經驗,進行高屏溪河川揚塵改善工法之發想,並於「高屏溪河川揚塵防制聯繫會議」共擬「高屏溪揚塵改善作戰策略圖」,以因地制宜及因時制宜的裸露地改善概念,新增不受地形侷限之UAV植保機撒草籽工法,以及怪手灑水之緊急應變能量,強化防制河川揚塵能量。 統計109年3次河川揚塵事件日最高PM10最大小時平均濃度為440.3 μg/m3,比對108年河川揚塵事件日最高PM10平均濃度為601.7 μg/m3,其PM10最大小時平均濃度降低約27%,另110年依據環保署3次河川揚塵預警資訊(5月4日、5月14日、5月15日),進行6次滾動式ISCST3之PM10增量模擬作業,並比對UAV空拍資料,分析可能造成河川揚塵事件之關鍵性裸露地,並將相關資訊協請河川管理單位進行預防性揚塵抑制作業,以減少河川揚塵影響濃度或發生機率。統計110年1~5月17日並無高屏溪河川揚塵事件發生,亦優於106~109年同期情況。 在環境清理方面,本計畫共執行3,057.8公里河川揚塵環境清理作業,推估PM10削減量為7.9公噸。在教育宣導會議的辦理方面,本年度共辦理1場次沿岸河川揚塵教育訓練、3場次學校河川揚塵教育宣導活動及1場次高屏溪河川揚塵預通報及自我防護演練作業。透過教育宣導活動後之問卷調查,有95%之受訪者對於環保局推動河川揚塵相關業務給予正面的評價,另環保局委外之問卷調查結果,受訪民眾對於本縣河川揚塵改善給予89%的正面評價,與本計畫之問調結果相呼應,而針對環保署之河川揚塵改善考評項目,達成率則為100%。


來源 : 行政院環境保護署-EPQSummary_Other
欄位 : eng_title、eng_subject、proj_year、org_name、exe_unit、allfileid、publish_date

eng_title Prevention and promotion to improve river fugitive dust programs in Pingtung County, 2020.
eng_subject The implementation period of this project is from May 18, 2020 to May 17, 2021. All work items have been accomplished and the first draft of term report was submitted by April 27, 2021 in accordance with the project contract requirements. After receiving the opinions and suggestions from scholars and commissioners on June 15, 2021, this project modified the term report and replied to scholars’ and commissioners’ opinions and suggestions, and submitted their consent replies to the bureau for review on June 30. Extracts of the enforcement results of all work items are shown as follows: This project has been horizontally combining other projects’ capacity of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), grasping the distribution of exposed riverbed in a rolling manner and urging the river management offices to finish exposed riverbed improvement earlier under the concept of preventive deployment. A total of 651.2 hectares of exposed reverbed have been improved in 2020, which is 8% higher compared with 2019 and the most improvement areas for exposed reverbed in the recent five years, and correspond to 16.73 tons of PM10 emission reduction based on their actual control periods. In addition, this project invited the 7th River Management Office to extract river dust improvement experiences from Zhuoshui River to go forward the creative and strategic thinking by hosting an inter-office observation tour for river dust improvement of Zhuoshui River. This project also drafted a battle strategy map for Gaoping River dust improvement with river management offices by holding the liaison meeting for Gaoping River dust control. The river management offices have been adding scattering grass seed method by using Plant Protection UAV and spraying water method for emergency response capacity by using refitted excavators to reinforce river dust prevention capacity under the concept of site-based and time-based exposed riverbed improvement. The highest maximum hourly average concentration is 440.3 μg/m3 based on analyses of three river fugitive dust episode days during January to December of 2020, which is 27% lower compared with 2019 (601.7 μg/m3). Furthermore, this project has utilized ISCST3 Dispersion Model with three times (May 4, May 14 and May 15, 2021) of river dust early-warning data provided by Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) to simulate the PM10 incremental concentrations at monitoring stations and potential impact levels and extents six times in a rolling manner and also compared the simulation results with UAV aerial photographs to analyze the critical exposed riverbed that may cause river fugitive dust events. This project has offered related information to river management offices to go forward preventive dust control operations so that the river dust influence concentration or occurrence probability may decrease. There is no river fugitive dust episode day during January to May of 2021, which is a significant progress on number of episode days compare to the same periods in the past four years (2017~2020). As regards the environmental cleanup, this project has finished 3057.8 kilometers of river dust environmental cleanup with a total PM10 emission reduction of about 7.9 tons. With respect to the river dust educational propaganda, a training session of river dust education for villages along the Gaoping River, three propaganda of river dust education for schools and a river dust pre-notification and self-protection drill have been held this year. Through the questionnaire survey after the educational propaganda, 95% of the respondents gave positive evaluation to Environmental Protection Bureau, Pingtung County Government for their promoting related work regarding river fugitive dust control. Furthermore, according to the results of the public satisfaction survey executed by Nsysu Survey Center, the public gave this county a positive...
proj_year 2020
org_name Environmental Protection Bureau, Pingtung County
exe_unit 環益工程顧問股份有限公司
publish_date 20210903


來源 : 行政院環境保護署-EPQSummary_Other
欄位 : eng_title(project title);eng_subject(project subject);proj_year(project year);org_name(organizer);exe_unit(executive unit);allfileid(reporting download url);publish_date(publish date)

Prevention and promotion to improve river fugitive dust programs in Pingtung County, 2020.
The implementation period of this project is from May 18, 2020 to May 17, 2021. All work items have been accomplished and the first draft of term report was submitted by April 27, 2021 in accordance with the project contract requirements. After receiving the opinions and suggestions from scholars and commissioners on June 15, 2021, this project modified the term report and replied to scholars’ and commissioners’ opinions and suggestions, and submitted their consent replies to the bureau for review on June 30. Extracts of the enforcement results of all work items are shown as follows: This project has been horizontally combining other projects’ capacity of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), grasping the distribution of exposed riverbed in a rolling manner and urging the river management offices to finish exposed riverbed improvement earlier under the concept of preventive deployment. A total of 651.2 hectares of exposed reverbed have been improved in 2020, which is 8% higher compared with 2019 and the most improvement areas for exposed reverbed in the recent five years, and correspond to 16.73 tons of PM10 emission reduction based on their actual control periods. In addition, this project invited the 7th River Management Office to extract river dust improvement experiences from Zhuoshui River to go forward the creative and strategic thinking by hosting an inter-office observation tour for river dust improvement of Zhuoshui River. This project also drafted a battle strategy map for Gaoping River dust improvement with river management offices by holding the liaison meeting for Gaoping River dust control. The river management offices have been adding scattering grass seed method by using Plant Protection UAV and spraying water method for emergency response capacity by using refitted excavators to reinforce river dust prevention capacity under the concept of site-based and time-based exposed riverbed improvement. The highest maximum hourly average concentration is 440.3 μg/m3 based on analyses of three river fugitive dust episode days during January to December of 2020, which is 27% lower compared with 2019 (601.7 μg/m3). Furthermore, this project has utilized ISCST3 Dispersion Model with three times (May 4, May 14 and May 15, 2021) of river dust early-warning data provided by Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) to simulate the PM10 incremental concentrations at monitoring stations and potential impact levels and extents six times in a rolling manner and also compared the simulation results with UAV aerial photographs to analyze the critical exposed riverbed that may cause river fugitive dust events. This project has offered related information to river management offices to go forward preventive dust control operations so that the river dust influence concentration or occurrence probability may decrease. There is no river fugitive dust episode day during January to May of 2021, which is a significant progress on number of episode days compare to the same periods in the past four years (2017~2020). As regards the environmental cleanup, this project has finished 3057.8 kilometers of river dust environmental cleanup with a total PM10 emission reduction of about 7.9 tons. With respect to the river dust educational propaganda, a training session of river dust education for villages along the Gaoping River, three propaganda of river dust education for schools and a river dust pre-notification and self-protection drill have been held this year. Through the questionnaire survey after the educational propaganda, 95% of the respondents gave positive evaluation to Environmental Protection Bureau, Pingtung County Government for their promoting related work regarding river fugitive dust control. Furthermore, according to the results of the public satisfaction survey executed by Nsysu Survey Center, the public gave this county a positive...
Environmental Protection Bureau, Pingtung County


來源 : 行政院環境保護署-環保專案摘要資料_大氣空氣
欄位 : chi_title、chi_subject、proj_year、org_name、exe_unit、allfileid、publish_date

chi_title 106年營建工程污染管理發展計畫
chi_subject 屏東縣幅員廣大,擁有全國聞名的好山好水,民眾樂於到此遊憩,亦隨之帶動工商業發展,境內各類區域開發、觀光休閒農園、農業科技園區、旅館、飯店與民眾住宅新建等營建工程建設,紛紛選擇屏東縣落腳。隨著快速道路興築,加速各種開發案之進行,帶動地方經濟開發,若未妥善管制營建工程施工過程或作業所應採行之污染防制設施,減少粒狀物排放,勢必造成環境生態衝擊。為重點掌握屏東地區營建工地粒狀污染情形,實有必要先行掌握縣內各項工程規劃及施工狀況。本年度計畫共完成8,865處巡查管制作業、列管4,595處工地、輔導35處工地、營建工區周圍環境認養19,695公里、觀光路線洗掃7,056公里。執行營建工程TSP總削減量為6,162.3公噸,平均削減率為62.8%。協助屏東縣政府環境保護局辦理營建工程空氣污染防制費申繳案件3,733件,收費金額達97,253,476元。針對本年度加強『河川疏濬工程』及『市區道路管線工程』管制作業,降低因施工所造成之環境髒亂,以期有效改變民眾對營建工程施工所造成之不便。
proj_year 106
org_name 屏東縣政府環境保護局
exe_unit 環益工程顧問股份有限公司
publish_date 20180701

chi_title 107年度營建工程污染管理發展計畫
chi_subject 屏東縣幅員廣大,擁有全國聞名的好山好水,民眾樂於到此遊憩,亦隨之帶動工商業發展,各類區域開發、觀光休閒農園、農業科技園區、旅館、飯店與民眾住宅新建等營建工程建設,紛紛選擇屏東縣落腳。而隨著快速道路興築,加速各種開發案之進行,帶動地方經濟開發,若未妥善管制營建工程施工過程或作業所應採行之污染防制設施,減少粒狀物排放,勢必造成環境生態衝擊。為重點掌握屏東地區營建工地粒狀污染情形,實有必要先行掌握縣內各項工程規劃及施工狀況。本年度計畫共完成10,037處巡查管制作業、列管5,133處工地、輔導50處工地、營建工區周圍環境認養8,580公里、觀光路線洗掃5,880公里。執行營建工程TSP總削減量為7,473.5公噸,平均削減率為63.9%。協助屏東縣政府環境保護局辦理營建工程空氣污染防制費申繳案件5,308件,收費金額達195,555,222元。針對本年度加強『河川疏濬工程』及『市區道路管線工程』管制作業,降低因施工所造成之環境髒亂,以期有效改變民眾對營建工程施工所造成之不便。
proj_year 107
org_name 屏東縣政府環境保護局
exe_unit 環益工程顧問股份有限公司
publish_date 20190704

chi_title 108年度「屏東縣河川揚塵防制及改善推動計畫」期末報告(正式搞)
chi_subject 本計畫執行期自108年5月18日起至109年5月17日止,各項合約工作目標均已完成,並依規定於108年11月17日及109年4月27日前提交期中及期末報告初稿送審。以下即為各項工作執行成果摘要: 本年度計畫執行期間共發生3次高屏溪河川揚塵事件(108年9月20~21日及109年2月15日與3月26日),為確認河川揚塵潛勢區,本計畫透由事件日分析與衛星圖資比對及現地巡查結果,持續調查評估可能的揚塵潛勢區,並劃定里港鄉沿岸村里為河川揚塵高度影響區域,而調查分析結果亦提供第七河川局做為揚塵抑制場址選址之參考。統計108年共改善601.8公頃河床裸露地,依據實際抑制期程推估,其PM10削減量為41.4公噸。 為了提升相關單位及民眾應變之時效性,本計畫利用氣象預報資訊比對自擬之高屏溪河川揚塵預警參考標準,提供6次揚塵預警資訊,並成功預測108年9月21日中級河川揚塵事件、109年2月13日河道揚塵情事(該日亦為高雄市中級河川揚塵事件)、109年2月15日中級河川揚塵事件、109年5月15日河道揚塵情事(該日亦為高雄市中級河川揚塵事件)及109年5月16日河川揚塵預警(該日亦為高雄市中級河川揚塵事件),而為使未來能及早掌握揚塵可能之影響範圍,本計畫也以ISCST3模擬上述河川揚塵事件影響之程度及範圍,模擬結果顯示測站PM10增量濃度層級及擴散結果與事件日相似,顯示其結果有助於河川揚塵事件可能影響範圍之掌握。 本計畫於執行期間共完成3,071.9公里之河川揚塵影響區域環境清理作業,推估PM10削減量為8.0公噸。另彙整各單位及各計畫於高屏溪沿岸鄉鎮之洗灑成效,截至108年共洗灑32,243.5公里,推估PM10削減量為83.8公噸,而根據中山大學社會科學院民意與市場調查中心之民眾滿意度調查結果,屏東縣高屏溪沿岸重點鄉鎮之民眾對於道路乾淨之改善給予87.7%的正面評價。 本年度共辦理辦理2場沿岸村里河川揚塵教育訓練,3場學校河川揚塵教育宣導活動,2場高屏溪河川揚塵防制聯繫會議,以及1場河川揚塵預通報及自我防護演練作業,另透過本計畫之問卷調查,有96%之受訪者對於環保局推動河川揚塵防制相關工作給予正面的評價。
proj_year 108
org_name 屏東縣政府環境保護局
exe_unit 環益工程顧問股份有限公司
publish_date 20200708

chi_title 108年度「屏東縣室內空氣品質稽巡查管理計畫」
chi_subject 屏東縣應符合室內空氣品質管理法之第一及第二批公告場所分別有12及34家,第一批公告場所中,除屏東縣政府文化處(圖書館)因館舍整修暫停執行室內空氣品質業務外,其他均依規定辦理各項工作;第二批公告場所中,除108年新增列管驛站百貨股份有限公司、柏文健康事業股份有限公司潮州營業所、屏東市立復興圖書館及香港商世界健身事業有限公司潮州分公司,並解除列管台灣糖業股份有限公司量販事業部屏東量販店(歇業)及太平洋百貨二館(刪除百貨公司業)外,其餘30家均已完成專責人員設置、維護管理文件訂定及第一次定檢與申報。 在公私場所現場訪查作業方面,共完成164家場所訪查作業(含第一批公告場所11家、第二批公告場所34家、非公告場所119家),各場所主要問題為:(1)幼兒園因長時間使用空調,午休完教室內常有二氧化碳累積情形,且部分冷氣出風口積塵嚴重;(2)托嬰中心因烹煮食品行為,甲醛與PM2.5濃度蓄積情形;(3)百貨事業餐飲區之烹飪行為,導致有甲醛瞬間高值情形;(4)政府機關因部分辦公場所因來訪民眾為數眾多,常有CO2瞬間高值情形;部分辦公場所受室外空品不佳影響,懸浮微粒濃度有偏高情形;(5)博物館部分則是因環境清潔度不佳,而有PM瞬間讀值偏高情形;(6)健身場所因運動民眾大量換氣,常有CO2瞬間濃度偏高情形,小型健身場所則常有PM2.5瞬間濃度偏高情形,主要為引入外氣時未能有效過濾室外空氣污染物;(7)電影院的販賣部前常有甲醛及PM2.5瞬間濃度偏高情形;(8)圖書館之自修室常有CO2瞬間濃度偏高情形;(9)銀行在民眾辦理業務之尖峰時段,CO2會有瞬間濃度偏高情形;(10)醫療機構之服務台和候診區,因人數眾多,常有CO2瞬間濃度偏高情形;(11)車站現場因進駐商場進行裝修,有PM2.5瞬間濃度偏高情形 在推動維護管理制度方面,共輔導22家場所訂定維護管理計畫文件;另外,追蹤40家歷年已設置維護管理文件之場所,以確認該場所訂定之室內空氣品質維護管理計畫文件與現況符合,並協助其修正維護管理文件的相關內容。 在專責人員設置情形調查方面,共計67家場所(包含23家非屬公告場所)已取得證照,而所有公告場所均已完成專責人員設置(含新增4家場所)。 在巡查檢測方面,總計執行164家場所、1255點次的巡查檢測工作,彙整巡檢結果發現:CO2、CO、甲醛、TVOC、PM2.5、PM10之瞬間高值發生率分別為8.6%、0%、14.3%、2.4%、20.6%及2.9%。 在標準值檢測方面,共計完成13家次(含1家次二氧化碳複測作業),包括2家第一批公告場所、8家第二批公告場所及3家非公告場所,均未有出現超標情形。 本年度共計完成3場次室內空氣品質法規宣導明會,第一場次共計28個單位、35人與會,宣導主題有室內空氣品質法規說明及室內生物性污染之預防;第二場說明會共計133單位、150人與會,以介紹室內空氣品質法規及基本空調維護管理知識為主要內容;第三場說明會共計40單位、45人與會,乃針對室內空氣品質改善與空調系統管理做深入淺出解說,並介紹校園淨化室內空氣品質植栽與綠圍籬之應用。 本計畫共辦理5家場所之現場全方位輔導會議,分別為屏東市仁愛國民小學、潮州鎮潮州國民小學、安泰醫療社團法人潮州安泰醫院、屏東縣藝術館與屏東縣里港鄉公所(里港鄉立圖書館),每場次邀請3位專家學者針對場所在室內環境、空調系統及建築物等方面之缺失提出改善建議供場所參考。
proj_year 108
org_name 屏東縣政府環境保護局
exe_unit 環益工程顧問股份有限公司
publish_date 20200312


來源 : 行政院環境保護署-環保專案摘要資料_大氣空氣
欄位 : chi_title(中文標題);chi_subject(中文摘要);proj_year(專案年度);org_name(主辦單位);exe_unit(執行單位);allfileid(專案報告下載url);publish_date(專案報告公開日期)

本計畫執行期自108年5月18日起至109年5月17日止,各項合約工作目標均已完成,並依規定於108年11月17日及109年4月27日前提交期中及期末報告初稿送審。以下即為各項工作執行成果摘要: 本年度計畫執行期間共發生3次高屏溪河川揚塵事件(108年9月20~21日及109年2月15日與3月26日),為確認河川揚塵潛勢區,本計畫透由事件日分析與衛星圖資比對及現地巡查結果,持續調查評估可能的揚塵潛勢區,並劃定里港鄉沿岸村里為河川揚塵高度影響區域,而調查分析結果亦提供第七河川局做為揚塵抑制場址選址之參考。統計108年共改善601.8公頃河床裸露地,依據實際抑制期程推估,其PM10削減量為41.4公噸。 為了提升相關單位及民眾應變之時效性,本計畫利用氣象預報資訊比對自擬之高屏溪河川揚塵預警參考標準,提供6次揚塵預警資訊,並成功預測108年9月21日中級河川揚塵事件、109年2月13日河道揚塵情事(該日亦為高雄市中級河川揚塵事件)、109年2月15日中級河川揚塵事件、109年5月15日河道揚塵情事(該日亦為高雄市中級河川揚塵事件)及109年5月16日河川揚塵預警(該日亦為高雄市中級河川揚塵事件),而為使未來能及早掌握揚塵可能之影響範圍,本計畫也以ISCST3模擬上述河川揚塵事件影響之程度及範圍,模擬結果顯示測站PM10增量濃度層級及擴散結果與事件日相似,顯示其結果有助於河川揚塵事件可能影響範圍之掌握。 本計畫於執行期間共完成3,071.9公里之河川揚塵影響區域環境清理作業,推估PM10削減量為8.0公噸。另彙整各單位及各計畫於高屏溪沿岸鄉鎮之洗灑成效,截至108年共洗灑32,243.5公里,推估PM10削減量為83.8公噸,而根據中山大學社會科學院民意與市場調查中心之民眾滿意度調查結果,屏東縣高屏溪沿岸重點鄉鎮之民眾對於道路乾淨之改善給予87.7%的正面評價。 本年度共辦理辦理2場沿岸村里河川揚塵教育訓練,3場學校河川揚塵教育宣導活動,2場高屏溪河川揚塵防制聯繫會議,以及1場河川揚塵預通報及自我防護演練作業,另透過本計畫之問卷調查,有96%之受訪者對於環保局推動河川揚塵防制相關工作給予正面的評價。

屏東縣應符合室內空氣品質管理法之第一及第二批公告場所分別有12及34家,第一批公告場所中,除屏東縣政府文化處(圖書館)因館舍整修暫停執行室內空氣品質業務外,其他均依規定辦理各項工作;第二批公告場所中,除108年新增列管驛站百貨股份有限公司、柏文健康事業股份有限公司潮州營業所、屏東市立復興圖書館及香港商世界健身事業有限公司潮州分公司,並解除列管台灣糖業股份有限公司量販事業部屏東量販店(歇業)及太平洋百貨二館(刪除百貨公司業)外,其餘30家均已完成專責人員設置、維護管理文件訂定及第一次定檢與申報。 在公私場所現場訪查作業方面,共完成164家場所訪查作業(含第一批公告場所11家、第二批公告場所34家、非公告場所119家),各場所主要問題為:(1)幼兒園因長時間使用空調,午休完教室內常有二氧化碳累積情形,且部分冷氣出風口積塵嚴重;(2)托嬰中心因烹煮食品行為,甲醛與PM2.5濃度蓄積情形;(3)百貨事業餐飲區之烹飪行為,導致有甲醛瞬間高值情形;(4)政府機關因部分辦公場所因來訪民眾為數眾多,常有CO2瞬間高值情形;部分辦公場所受室外空品不佳影響,懸浮微粒濃度有偏高情形;(5)博物館部分則是因環境清潔度不佳,而有PM瞬間讀值偏高情形;(6)健身場所因運動民眾大量換氣,常有CO2瞬間濃度偏高情形,小型健身場所則常有PM2.5瞬間濃度偏高情形,主要為引入外氣時未能有效過濾室外空氣污染物;(7)電影院的販賣部前常有甲醛及PM2.5瞬間濃度偏高情形;(8)圖書館之自修室常有CO2瞬間濃度偏高情形;(9)銀行在民眾辦理業務之尖峰時段,CO2會有瞬間濃度偏高情形;(10)醫療機構之服務台和候診區,因人數眾多,常有CO2瞬間濃度偏高情形;(11)車站現場因進駐商場進行裝修,有PM2.5瞬間濃度偏高情形 在推動維護管理制度方面,共輔導22家場所訂定維護管理計畫文件;另外,追蹤40家歷年已設置維護管理文件之場所,以確認該場所訂定之室內空氣品質維護管理計畫文件與現況符合,並協助其修正維護管理文件的相關內容。 在專責人員設置情形調查方面,共計67家場所(包含23家非屬公告場所)已取得證照,而所有公告場所均已完成專責人員設置(含新增4家場所)。 在巡查檢測方面,總計執行164家場所、1255點次的巡查檢測工作,彙整巡檢結果發現:CO2、CO、甲醛、TVOC、PM2.5、PM10之瞬間高值發生率分別為8.6%、0%、14.3%、2.4%、20.6%及2.9%。 在標準值檢測方面,共計完成13家次(含1家次二氧化碳複測作業),包括2家第一批公告場所、8家第二批公告場所及3家非公告場所,均未有出現超標情形。 本年度共計完成3場次室內空氣品質法規宣導明會,第一場次共計28個單位、35人與會,宣導主題有室內空氣品質法規說明及室內生物性污染之預防;第二場說明會共計133單位、150人與會,以介紹室內空氣品質法規及基本空調維護管理知識為主要內容;第三場說明會共計40單位、45人與會,乃針對室內空氣品質改善與空調系統管理做深入淺出解說,並介紹校園淨化室內空氣品質植栽與綠圍籬之應用。 本計畫共辦理5家場所之現場全方位輔導會議,分別為屏東市仁愛國民小學、潮州鎮潮州國民小學、安泰醫療社團法人潮州安泰醫院、屏東縣藝術館與屏東縣里港鄉公所(里港鄉立圖書館),每場次邀請3位專家學者針對場所在室內環境、空調系統及建築物等方面之缺失提出改善建議供場所參考。



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