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來源 : 行政院環境保護署-環保專案摘要資料
欄位 : ProjectId、Title、Abstract、Keyword、EngTitle、EngAbstract、EngKeyword、GovCategory、ProjectType、ProjectNo、ProjectYear、ProjectBudget、ProjectStartDate、ProjectEndDate、SponsorOrg、Undertaker、ExecutingOrg、ProjectDirector、AssistDirector、CoDirector、PublicFullVersionURL

ProjectId "1050108343"
Title "金門縣105年度固定污染源許可管制及餐飲業污染輔導改善計畫"
Abstract "本計畫執行期程係自 105 年 3 月 4 日至 106 年 3 月 3 日止。主要工作項目包括:執行許可制度、資料庫維護更新與管理、辦理空污費催補繳及查核、執行排放量網路申報審核、辦理本縣空氣污染防制費徵收、催補繳及查核作業、提昇固定污染源 逸散性粒狀污染物空氣污染防制設施管理辦法法規符合度、餐飲業油煙減量及公私場所異味污染改善及加油站油氣回收管制作業。整體實際工作項目執行率達 98%。共完成 36 件固定污染源操作許可申請審查及發證作業。稽查檢測作業共進行 6 根次之煙道稽查檢測、6 件次油品含硫份採樣檢測、6 點 TSP 周界採樣檢測次;執行 48 家次固定污染源巡查作業,協助審查 8 家次空氣污染物排放量案件及 40 家空氣污染防制費審查。本計畫也在金門縣地方電視台,進行為期 2 個月餐飲業污染減量之媒體宣導作業。"
Keyword "加油站管制 ;餐飲業管制 ;固定污染源管制"
EngTitle "2016 Kinmen County Stationary Pollution Source Permits And F& B Industry Pollution Controlling And Improving Plan"
EngAbstract "Performance duration of this project is between March 4, 2016, and March 3, 2017. Main work items include performance of permit system, maintenance and update and management of database, reminding and supplementing payment and examination of air pollution control fee, performance of internet declaration and review on emission amount, collection of air pollution control fee in the county, reminding and supplementing payment and examination, compliance degree with Measure for Promoting and Governing Air Pollution Protection Facilities against Dispersing Particle Pollutant Produced by Stationary Sources, Oil fumes Reduction in Food Services and Pollution Improvement of Peculiar Smell in Private and Public Places and Recycle and Control of Fuel Vapor in Gas Station. Up to now, execution rate of overall work items of this stage is 98% and total 36 cases of application for operation permit of stationary pollution sources are accomplished 6 cases of fume channel audit and test, 6 cases of sampling test for sulfur content of oil products, 6 locations of TSP perimeter sampling test; examinations of 40 stationary pollution sources, assistance in reviewing 8 cases of air pollutant amount and 40cases of air pollution control fees. This project was also transmitted as a media campaign through the local Kinmen TV station for 2 months for the purpose of pollution reduction in food service. "
EngKeyword "Gas station control; F& B Industry Pollution; Stationary Source Control"
GovCategory "科技計畫"
ProjectType "科技研究類專案"
ProjectNo "kepb105-02"
ProjectYear 105
ProjectBudget "5550"
ProjectStartDate 2016-03-04
ProjectEndDate 2017-03-03
SponsorOrg "金門縣環境保護局"
Undertaker "陳淇汾"
ExecutingOrg "立境環境科技股份有限公司"
ProjectDirector "許浩洋"
AssistDirector ""
CoDirector ""

ProjectId "1080144947"
Title "108年臺南市低碳永續家園建構推動計畫"
Abstract "「108年臺南市低碳永續家園建構推動計畫」共有5個主要工作主軸,分別為溫室氣體減量推動、溫室氣體盤查查核、低碳家園維運管考、低碳社區精進輔導及整合式宣導作業。在溫室氣體減量推動方面,本計畫協助管考溫室氣體管制執行方案,彙整本(108)年度第一季至第三季各局處成果,並召開1場次低碳委員會及2場次跨局處會議,透過會議檢討各項推動作法,以及審視各部門在溫室氣體階段管制目標下之達成情形。溫室氣體盤查查核作業,辦理今年度應申報107年度第一批次的業者知盤查作業共計33家,於「國家溫室氣體登錄平台」完成線上審查作業後,執行排放源操作與排放相關設施及有關資料之現場查核,33家排放源全數通過審查。於第一批排放源查核後,進行臺南市行政轄區溫室氣體盤查,本市2018年行政轄區之溫室氣體經盤查,總排放量21,401,443.6439公噸CO2e,工業部門排放量占66%最高,其次為住商部門(16%)及運輸部門(15%)。低碳家園維運管考,分別於4月19日、11月8日辦理各1場次南區生活圈會議,邀請南區生活圈各縣市,針對低碳推動作為進行交流;分別於5月29日、12月2日辦理各1場次綠能節電暨綠色運輸技術與資訊諮詢小組會議,請委員提供推動低碳永續家園之相關意見。並於6月18日完成現地查核作業,協助4處行政里順利通過查核;於10月21完成中央查核,協助2個行政區維持銀級評等等級。低碳永續家園認證評等今年度新增10處行政里報名成功、4行政里取得銅級、2行政里取得銀級,並協助20處行政里展延成功。低碳家園成果累計至今,成功輔導282個行政里取得報名成功、42個行政里取得銅級認證、9個行政里取得銀級認證;37個行政區已參與低碳永續家園認證評等,其中30個行政區取得報名成功、6個行政區取得銀級認證,1個行政區取得銅級認證。在低碳社區精進輔導方面,輔導10處低碳社區精進、26處低碳社區建置行動項目修繕及整建,共計執行36處社區(里)改造或修繕,預計每年可省電 19,952.4度,省水628.5度,減(固)碳80,667.81 kgCO2/年。整合式宣導作業,持續維護、更新「臺南市 咱ㄟ低碳城市網」最新消息,透過更新訊息及發行電子季刊,展現低碳相關新聞及成果。配合環保局政策宣導提交低碳相關環保新聞稿,共計5篇。配合「關燈愛臺南-我在臺南,響應地球一小時」活動、「低碳中秋環保親子日活動」。協助參與2019年ICLEI世界會員城市大會,並蒐集134項ISO 37120指標數據。"
Keyword "溫室氣體、低碳家園、低碳宣導、社區改造"
EngTitle "2019 Tainan City Promote and Strength Low-carbon Sustaintable Homeland Plan"
EngAbstract "“2019 Tainan City Promote and Strength Low-carbon Sustaintable Homeland Plan” had five main work projects which included “promoting greenhouse gases reduction”, “greenhouse gases exposure”, “low-carbon sustainable home maintenance”, “low-carbon sustainable home construction” and “comprehensive advertising”.For “promoting greenhouse gases reduction”, the project assisted in supervising GHG control implementation plans. Which collected 125 actions result between Janunary and November, convened two inter-departmental meetings and one “Low-carbon adaptation and sustainable committee” which reviewed actions performance and GHG control targets. About “greenhouse gases exposure”, there were 33 designated emission sources designated emission sources shall conduct GHG accounting and registration this year. 33 emission soruces had finished accounting and registration. And after registration, 33 sources had been investigated online and in the field. All of sources had passed investigation. After resource investigation, we had finishied 2018 greenhouse gas inventory of Tainan City, the total emission of greenhouse was 21,401,443.6439 ton CO2e. According inventory, industrial sector(inclutive energy of industry and industrial processes) contributed 66%, energy of household contributed 16%, energy of transportation contributed 15%.Regarding “low-carbon sustainable home maintenance”, on Apirl 19th and November 8th,this project convened the Southern District Living Circle Conference, and invite Southern District to conduct exchanges on low-carbon promotion.On April 19th and December 2, this project convened Green Energy Saving and Green Transportation Technology and Information Advisory Group, which was in order to consult experts and scholars’ opinon about low-carbon sustainable home . And the on-site inspection was completed on June 18th,which assisted 4 communities to successfully apply for extension. The central on-site inspection was completed on September 21th, which assisted 2 communities to successfully maintain the copper certification.For low carbon and sustainable home certification, Tainan had added 10 villages to participate certification successfully, 4 villages to get cooper certification and 2 villages to get silver certification this year. Up to now, Tainan City successfully coached 282 villages to participate certification successfully, 42 villages to get copper certification, 9 villages to get silver certification, 30 administrative districts to participate certification successfully , 6 administrative districts to obtain the silver certification and 1 administrative districts obtain the copper certification. In “low-carbon sustainable home construction”, this year we assisted 10 low-carbon communities to improve and 26 low-carbon communities to maintain action projects .Which were expected to save 19,952.4 degrees of electricity, save 628.5 degrees of water and decrease(fix) 80,667.81 kgCO2 / year. The last project, “comprehensive advertising”, maintained and updated the Tainan City Low Carbon City Network, released the electronic quarterly magazine to introduce news and results about Tainan City’s low carbon operations. In conjunction with the EPA policy announcement, the total of 5 low-carbon related environmental protection press releases had been submitted. And we had held Turning the Lights to Love Tainan - I am in Tainan, responding to the Earth for an hour and Low-Carbon Mid-Autumn Festival-Enviromental Family Activitiy campaigns. Finally, this plan assisted in participating the 2019 ICLEI world congress and collecting 134 datas of ISO 37120."
EngKeyword "low carbon, greenhouse gases, low-carbon sustainable home maintenance, comprehensive advertising"
GovCategory "大氣空氣"
ProjectType "科技研究類專案"
ProjectNo "TNEPB-108-AN-30225"
ProjectYear 108
ProjectBudget "4100"
ProjectStartDate 2019-04-25
ProjectEndDate 2019-12-20
SponsorOrg "臺南市政府環境保護局"
Undertaker "林郁嘉"
ExecutingOrg "立境環境科技股份有限公司"
ProjectDirector "呂鴻毅"
AssistDirector ""
CoDirector ""

ProjectId "1043457038"
Title "104年臺南市節能減碳宣導推動計畫"
Abstract "一、完成建構低碳生活模式與環境依據環保署公告之105年度「直轄市及縣(市)環保機關推動因應氣候變遷行動執行績效評比」規定及本計畫工作內容,本工作團隊已完成105年度共計9項行動計畫及推動成果報告,並登錄於氣候變遷行動執行績效填報系統。為培養民眾有低碳生活環境素質,本團隊與財團法人樹谷文化基金會共同辦理「綠色巴士系列講堂」,透過親子共同學習的模式,提升民眾對低碳運輸與環境保護之認知,以落實節能減碳與低碳等相關政策。於105年4月至8月共辦理10場次,總計443人參與。二、提升民眾氣候變遷素養為提升民眾氣候變遷素養及建構低碳生活模式與環境,本團隊已完成「溫室氣體減量及管理法暨溫室氣體盤查作業」、「臺南地球日–手護地球 讓城市更綠2.0」及「低碳野宴 趣玩樹谷」共計3場次相關宣導活動、會議或教育課程。配合氣候變遷及節能減碳,本團隊已於104年協助環保局拍製一部以面對氣候變遷為主題之中文宣傳影片,主題為「低碳臺南,幸福臺灣」,並於105年6月20日完成3分鐘的英文版宣導影片製作。並完成宣導教材「臺南市氣候行動計劃書」的編製,內容彙整「臺南市低碳永續家園」及「臺南市氣候變遷調適」之計畫成果並且譯為英文版;並購置氣候變遷減緩與調適相關宣導影片「美味的垃圾」、「誰來救救地球 海岸篇」及「誰來救救地球 陸地篇」等三部。同時為落實低碳城市願景,減緩都市熱島效應及美化屋頂並建構都市生態跳島棲地,本團隊與荒野荒野保護協會臺南分會合作執行綠屋頂示範區計畫,並邀請有意願參與綠屋頂建置之社區及公私單位,安排綠屋頂建置概念介紹、導覽解說,以及綠色樹箱DIY課程,共同響應讓臺南市的屋頂一起綠起來,落實建築節能減碳。配合環保局政策宣導,至105年11月30日已提交低碳與節能減碳相關環保新聞稿共計7則,並發布於環保局網站上。三、推動低碳城市之國際合作為達低碳城市永續經營目的,本計畫以氣候變遷、減緩調適為議題,協助辦理「2016臺歐低碳綠能永續城市國際論壇」,藉此國際會議交流機會,推動臺南低碳城市發展之經驗建構,共有296人參與。本團隊彙整國內外低碳城市推動策略及成果進行案例介紹,包括韓國首爾市、荷蘭鹿特丹、美國舊金山、中國日照市及國內五都,內容針對低碳策略與措施等項目進行個案介紹,作為臺南市未來發展低碳城市之參考依據。四、推動碳中和、溫室氣體排放量申報查核工作本計畫2016年度選定臺南市低碳示範社區—金華里實施碳中和計畫,由於金華里已於104年獲得環保署低碳永續家園銀級認證,顯示其為優質低碳示範社區。經由盤查得知金華里104年溫室氣總排放量為127.801噸CO2e/年,並向友達公司先期專案的碳額度進行抵換,最終委託SGS臺灣檢驗科技股份有限公司完成達成碳中和之查證。臺南市104年已申報的單位共計有依法申報32個單位及自願申報17個單位,總排放量達969.88萬公噸CO2e,本團隊104年度針對依法申報的32個單位進行查核,統整排放量達911.66萬公噸CO2e,並選定20家業者由兩位專家學者陪同稽核並輔導業者提出溫室氣體減量評估及訂出5年減碳行動策略。五、其他節能減碳作為及行政配合事項本計畫於105年提送其他行政配合事項,包含購置合適之宣導品或是設計宣導手冊、提報有關低碳生活實踐與調適之創新作為、整理計畫執行期間參與環保署辦理之相關會議及配合環保署推動低碳生活實踐與調適業務。"
Keyword "節能減碳、氣候變遷"
EngTitle "2015 Tainan Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction Promotion Project"
EngAbstract ""
EngKeyword ""
GovCategory ""
ProjectType "科技研究類專案"
ProjectNo "TNEPB-104-AN-31211"
ProjectYear 104
ProjectBudget "4110"
ProjectStartDate 2016-02-01
ProjectEndDate 2016-11-30
SponsorOrg "臺南市政府環境保護局"
Undertaker "蔡佩芳"
ExecutingOrg "立境環境科技股份有限公司"
ProjectDirector "呂鴻毅"
AssistDirector ""
CoDirector ""

ProjectId "1060822734"
Title "106年度臺南市空氣品質考核及管理計畫"
Abstract "(一) 環境負荷及變化趨勢 106年臺南市人口數188.6萬,密度860.7人/km2,人口數每年呈現微幅成長,在六都直轄市中排名第六;本市工廠登記家數約8,831家,密度約為4家/km2;列管工廠家數2,289家,以塑膠製品製造業所列管的352家為最多(約占總列管家數15.4%),其次為金屬工業296家(約占總列管家數12.9%),再則為加油站業287家(約占總列管家數12.5%)及金屬表面處理業210家(約占總列管家數9.2%);本市營建工地數106年與105年差異不大,約為1萬1千處,106年一級工地3,745處,二級工地為5,956處。 本市總車輛數為196.6萬輛,每人擁有車輛數為1.04輛/人,其中小客車數約57萬輛(28.8%)、機車數約129萬輛(65.9%),柴油大小貨車分別約為1.3萬輛(0.7%)及8.47萬輛(4.3%),近十年整體車輛數呈現成長之趨勢,但機車數在100年起呈現負成長。本市發油量呈上升之趨勢,發油量自97年約120萬公秉上升至106年133萬公秉,近十年來上升10.8%。 (二) 空氣品質現況及問題分析 106年臺南市空氣品質指標AQI >100比率為28.4%,不良比率呈現逐年改善趨勢,自103年40.4%下降至106年28.4%,改善率達29.7%;其中達對敏感族群不健康等級(AQI 101~150)自103年29.2%,下降至25.2%;對所有族群不健康等級(AQI 151~200)則自103年11%下降至106年3.2%,達非常不健康等級(AQI 201~300)則自103年0.3%改善至106年0%。 各項空氣污染物濃度,整體來說近十年(97~106年)大致呈現改善趨勢,其中PM10日平均值改善率達25.9%,年平均值改善率達30.2%,且104年~106年年平均值及日平均值皆符合空氣品質標準;其他空氣污染物濃度,近十年(97~106年)整體同樣呈現改善趨勢,臭氧(O3) 小時平均值與八小時平均值,改善率分別為20.5%及16.5%;二氧化氮年平均值及小時平均值,改善率達34.9%、42%;二氧化氮年平均值及小時平均值改善率分別為18.7%、24.1%;NMHC小時平均值及八小時平均值則改善43%、40%;一氧化碳(CO)小時平均值改善率為27.8%,八小時平均值改善率 21.9%。 環保署自 102 年進行細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)手動監測,5 年來其濃度亦呈現改善,年平均值自102 年31.1μg/m3 下降至24.0μg/m3,改善率達22.8%;日平均值自102 年82.0μg/m3 下降至62.0μg/m3 改善率達24.4%;另103 年起自動測站PM2.5 濃度採用經調校後數據,其4 年來PM2.5年平均值及日平均值同樣呈現改善趨勢,年平均值自103年29.3μg/m3下降至106年25μg/m3,改善率達14.6%;日平均值自103 年71.1μg/m3 下降至106 年55.1μg/m3,改善率達22.5%。 (三) 空氣品質模式模擬分析結果 106 年依據新版排放清冊(TEDS 9.0),挑選本市排放量較大之行業別及外縣市大型污染源 共計12個污染源,運用空氣品質模式CMAQ(Community Multi-scale Air Quality)進行模擬解析, 以瞭解各污染源對本市之污染貢獻影響,以利管制策略之擬定。 模擬對象包括本市排放量來源,包括柴油車、餐飲業、二行程機車、營建/車行揚塵、化學 材料製造業、電力業、食品業、露天燃燒、本市使用生煤之廠家及外縣市大型污染源(臺中火力 電廠、六輕工業區、中龍鋼鐵)。 模擬結果,以柴油車排放的影響量最高(1.06μg/m3),其次為臺中電廠排放之影響(0.87μ g/m3),再其次為餐飲業排放影響(0.56μg/m3)。在影響比例的部分也與影響量一樣,前三大分 別為柴油車、臺中電廠及餐飲業,影響比例分別為3.4%、2.8%及1.8%。12 個行業別合計的總 影響比例為13.5%。 (四) 分析各類排放源結構 依據 TEDS 9.0 排放量資料庫及本計畫檢討更新結果,本市102 年點、線、面源之排放清 單已更新,各類污染源之排放狀況如下表所示: 類別 TSP PM10 PM2.5 SOx NOx NMHC 點源(公噸/年) 2,384 1,714 952 3,261 3,868 2,987 面源(公噸/年) 22,629 8,594 2,999 701 2,128 27,494 線源(公噸/年) 2,790 1,992 1,622 11 17,338 11,544 總排放量(公噸/年) 27,803 12,300 5,573 3,973 23,334 42,025 (五) 檢討修正本市空氣污染管制策略 本計畫針對106 年空氣污染管制目標,包含固定、移動、逸散污染源等共計58 項管制工 作進行追蹤及檢討,大致來說各計畫達成度良好。 臺南市自103 年起擬定「亮麗晴空-懸浮微粒削減管制行動計畫」,整合市府18 個局處,針 對本市懸浮微粒及細懸浮微粒的污染來源,確立管制策略與執行目標,本計畫協助擬定九大管 制面項45 項行動管制方案,並滾動式檢討執行成效,以改善臺南市空氣品質。 本計畫協助修正臺南市空氣污染防制計畫書,規劃104-108 年之空氣污染管制目標包括 1.108 年PM2.5 達紅色警戒比例減少50%、2.108 年PM10 達二級防制區、3.PM2.5 濃度持續朝法 規標準邁進、4.臭氧維持在二級防制區等四項目標。另研擬本市空氣品質管制策略,包含固定、 移動、逸散污染源等21 項管制策略58 項工作目標進行管制。 (六) 管理空氣污染防制計畫辦理品質及成效 1. 環保署於106 年4 月公布105 年度各縣市執行空氣品質維護及改善工作績效考評結果, 本市在六都評等中獲得特優成績,連續兩年獲得諮詢小組委員及環保署肯定。 2. 計畫初期擬訂「106 年度臺南市空氣品質改善維護措施管控作業」,對各計畫執行品質與 成效進行評估。 3. 106 年度各委辦計畫考評結果:在執行性重點計畫中以「營建工程污染管制查核計畫」得 分最高,考核成績較低為移動污染源稽查管制計畫」,係因資料提報時效性掌握度差、污 防書空品管制目標落後、環保署績效考評達成進度落後等因素,致整體考評成績不佳。 (七) 空污管制工作之民眾滿意度調查 本計畫針對106 年進行空氣污染管制工作民眾滿意度問卷調查,76.4%的民眾對於臺南市 環境保護局改善空氣污染之整體努力成果感到滿意,比較近三年度調查結果發現,民眾對於環 境保護局改善空氣污染之整體努力成果感到滿意的比例由104 年的68.9%,提升至105 年的 78.1%,106 年則稍微下滑1.7%,三年間呈現上下起伏的態勢,顯示民眾評價仍處於波動起伏, 仍需持續觀察民意,以作為未來制定政策之參考依據。 (八) 空氣品質淨化區維護管理 1. 空品淨化區基地數自100 年(192 處)起逐年增加106 年達230 處,增加38 處,包含環保 公園24 處、環保林園大道10 處、社區綠帶/學區種樹152 處及道路綠帶44 處,總面積 達79.21 公頃、長度75.21 公里。 2. 106 年設置補助申請共計6 件,經審查後全數核定,面積達0.2631 公頃;另淨化區維護 補助經費共127 處基地提出,經審核後全數予以補助共計229 萬6,254 元。 3. 本市 230 處空品淨化區,經維護管理單位自主管理及本計畫每處基地進行1 次自行考核 後,評比出10 處基地入圍專家學者年終考評,包括學區種樹及社區綠帶組8 處;環保 公園績優2 處,於106 年9 月21 日接受市長及環保局長表揚。 4. 積極推動村里、社區及企業認養淨化區共同維護,認養單位逐年增加,106 年已有172 處基地由民間單位認養。 5. 協助環保局連續四年獲得環保署「空氣品質淨化區優良認養單位甄選及獎勵活動」績效 卓著佳績,並輔導本市學甲光華里、七股區竹橋里辦公室認養竹橋里淨化區連續三年獲 得「優勝獎」,特別在今年獲環保署頒發最高榮譽的貢獻獎。"
Keyword "大氣、空氣品質 "
EngTitle "2017 「Tainan City Air Quality Assessment & Management Plan」"
EngAbstract "(1)Environmental Loading and Trend The amount of population in Tainan City is 1.885 million, and the density is 860.2 people/km2 which continues to grow every year. It is ranked sixth in six municipalities. The amount of factory in Tainan City is 8831, and the density is 28.9 factories/km2. The amount of controlled factory is 2282 in which the plastic products industry is 362(15.9%), followed by the metal industry is 296 (13%), and then the gas station industry is 290 (12.7%) and metal surface treatment industry is 208 (9.1%). Construction sites tend to decline in 2015, the amount of current site is 9688, of which 3120 at first class and 5399 at second class. The amount of vehicles in Tainan is 1.937 million, and every person has 1.03 vehicles, of which the number of automobiles is 540,000 and the number of scooter is 1,280,000. The number of vehicles in recent years have shown a trend of growth. In 2011, the number of scooters had a negative growth. In the amount of fuel supply and gas stations are showing the trend to reduce, the amount of fuel supply is from 1,182,000 kiloliter in 2005 to 1,086,000 kiloliter in 2015, down 8% in recent years; the amount of gas stations decreased from 302 stations in 2005 to 277 stations in 2015. (2)Air Quality Status and Analysis The percentage of bad air quality in Tainan City falls from 7.62% in 2006 to 0% in 2015, and the percentage of good air quality raises to 36.2% in 2015 which set a new record that showed the control strategy in Tainan City have been effective in recent years. The concentration of air pollutants showed improved trend, in which the PM10 daily average and year average are the first time below the regulatory standard value. Analysis of monitoring data from 2006 to 2015, PM10 annual average improvement rate was 26.6%, daily average improvement rate was 22%; PM2.5 annual average improvement rate was 37.2%, a 24-hour average improvement rate was 29%; O3 hour average improvement rate was 18.6%, eight hours average improvement rate was 15%; SO2 annual average improvement rate was 33%, hour average improvement was 34.5%, NO2 annual average improvement rate of 23.7%, the hour average improvement rate was 24.2%; CO hour average improvement rate was 19.8%, eight hours average improvement rate was 11.4%. In the long term trend showed that policy directions have been correct, and the improved strategies of air quality have been effective. PM2.5 index value in Tainan City, low-grade (≦ 35 µg / m3) increased from 65.8% (2014) to 73.9% (2015), while high and very high-grade (≧ 54 µg / m3) decreased from 10.2% (2014) to 8.2% (2015), showing the city''s PM2.5 has improved. (3)Air Quality Modeling Analysis Results For four months (January, April, July and October) of simulation in 2010, analysis reduction strategy promoted of PM2.5, and PM10 and O3 air quality improved effectiveness, assessment Tainan City reached degree of air quality target. Assessment results except PM10 year’s average and the O3 maximum hours value in 2020 can reached air quality standard, the remaining pollutants still cannot reached air quality standard. (4)Analysis of emission source structure According to the TEDS 8.1 emissions database and the results of this review update, TSP is 39,860(tons/year), PM10 is 14,316(tons/year), SOx is 4,404(tons/year), NOx is 27,437(tons/year), and NMHC is 46,048(tons/year). (5)Reviewing and amending the Air Pollution Control Strategy Air pollution control targets total 74 items, including fixed, mobile, fugitive sources and convenience measures. Overall, there are good achievement rate in each plan. For suspended particles rendering deterioration case in 2013, assisting EPB developed suspended particles control action plans, for 9 items are easy to produce suspended particles of pollution source, established control target, developed 37 items action control strategy to hope susp..."
EngKeyword "Air Quality "
GovCategory "大氣空氣"
ProjectType "科技研究類專案"
ProjectNo ""
ProjectYear 106
ProjectBudget "9375"
ProjectStartDate 2017-01-01
ProjectEndDate 2018-02-12
SponsorOrg "臺南市政府環境保護局"
Undertaker "陳欣沛"
ExecutingOrg "立境環境科技股份有限公司"
ProjectDirector "呂鴻毅"
AssistDirector "許浩洋 "
CoDirector ""

ProjectId "1030934078"
Title "103年金門縣低碳永續家園運作及成效管考計畫"
Abstract "一、蒐集國內外城市推動永續低碳之成果 透過公開競逐遴選,我國分別於北、中、南、東4個區域選出新北市、臺中市、臺南市以及宜蘭縣為低碳城市之示範縣市,金門縣與澎湖縣則由行政院指定建設成為低碳島。本團隊已彙整上述4座低碳示範城市與澎湖低碳島之執行現況,針對該縣市之背景資料、減碳目標、減碳策略與做法、執行成果等項目進行說明。另一方面,亦蒐集國際上整合性低碳措施之城市進行案例介紹。二、協助低碳島計畫推動與管考 金門低碳島計畫中將金門定位為「獨立型電網」之低碳島,並訂定「320低碳」願景,即年人均二氧化碳排放量從目標年98年之3.79公噸,103年降至3公噸;長期109年降至2公噸,119年則達到零碳(碳中和)。透過執行「金酒低碳園區旗艦計畫」、「資源循環與區域生質能中心旗艦計畫」、「綠能與低碳運輸旗艦計畫」、「社區改造新建與低碳建築旗艦計畫」、「烈嶼零碳島旗艦計畫」、以及「低碳樂活推動計畫」來達成目標。為有效管理「建置金門低碳島計畫」下的6大計畫之辦理品質及成效,本團隊藉由「靜態式」與「滾動式」管考機制,執行低碳島各項計畫之運作與進度追蹤。目前共有43項工作項目符合工作進度時程規劃,但有3項工作項目屬於落後情形,5項工作項目未執行。另外,根據管考結果,本團隊於經濟面、技術面、執行面及法規面共提出八個問題,並研議相關解決辦法與建議。 另一方面,協助研擬減碳及固碳量計算方式,歸納出:太陽能光電系統、小型風力發電系統、節能燈具、資源回收、回收水/省水、低污染車輛、自行車租借、綠地/花圃固碳量、植樹固碳量、太陽能熱水系統等10種計算公式,並利用低碳島計畫各項執行措施所編列之預算與管考結果進行減碳成本效益評估。根據計算與分析結果,103年度低碳島計畫預估各旗艦計畫之總減碳量與固碳量分別為14,153公噸與339.4公噸,建議104年度金門低碳島建設可將資源回收工作、節能家電補助、電動機車補助及復育造林做為亮點規劃。此外,本團隊亦安排議題與課程,邀請國內學者、專家針對金門低碳島計畫執行效益,辦理6場次「專家學者會議」,提供工作團隊可實際操作之幫助;同時亦與府會、民間團體、專家學者建立溝通平台,有效協助地方持續改進金門低碳島策略執行時所必需面對的問題。三、低碳示範社區與用電大戶節能輔導 本團隊依據環保署低碳永續家園評等認證機制,協助金沙鎮大洋里-新前墩社區、金湖鎮山外里-山外社區、金湖鎮瓊林里-瓊林社區、金寧鄉盤山村-盤山社區、金沙鎮三山里-碧山東店社區與烈嶼鄉西口村-東坑社區,共計6處社區進行社區現勘訪查及上網報名作業,並申請至入圍級。另外,也持續針對有取得銅級認證潛力之社區進行輔導,於103年11月10日、11月13日與11月30日分別提出碧山東店社區、東坑社區與盤山社區銅級認證申請。 另一方面,為落實金門低碳島-低碳樂活推動計畫之節能改善推動措施,推動高效率能源使用政策,本團隊協助金門縣環保局研擬用電大戶節能診斷計畫書和規劃輔導工作,並委託捷思環能有限公司與工業技術研究院成立節能診斷輔導團隊,邀集電力、空調、照明及熱能系統專家共同進行輔導。另外,辦理一場「用電大戶節能輔導說明會」,從金門縣20大用電大戶名單中遴選出金門縣警察局、金三榮工程股份有限公司、台灣工商發展股份有限公司與金門縣環保局,並完成節能診斷評估作業。四、綠領人才與主題宣導活動 本團隊協助金門縣環保局辦理3場次低碳宣導會議、1場次小小種子教師研習營,及1場次低碳社區診斷規劃師,藉由相關低碳永續宣導活動及培訓環境知識人才以達到傳遞低碳永續家園政策之目的。另外,配合金門縣政府宣導低碳島相關建設之目的,本團隊也製作金門低碳島相關宣導手冊1,000份,對外行銷金門低碳島形象,推廣低碳旅遊活動。五、其他節能減碳相關作業及活動 配合金門縣環保局之要求,本團隊除持續執行低碳永續家園運作及成效管考計畫外,也協助研擬金門低碳島自制條例(草案),以及「低碳商店評比認證」與「低碳旅館評比認證」制度,並維護金門低碳島願景模型,加入「金門低碳島願景模型」字樣,使參觀民眾可清楚瞭解該模型之意象;另設計「金門六大旗艦計畫」易拉式海報架,展示於金門縣環保局大廳供民眾閱覽。"
Keyword "低碳永續家園、低碳島"
EngTitle ""
EngAbstract "The project was carried out from Apr. 1 to Dec. 31, 2014. The main work items and implementation results are illustrated as follows.1. The achievements of domestic and foreign low-carbon citiesThis subproject collects the background information, reduction targets and strategies, and implementation results of Taipei city, Taichung city, Tainan city, Yilan county and Penghu county. Moreover, it also analyzes various international low carbon cities as case studies, including: Somes Island in Denmark, Kitakyushu and Miyako Island in Japan, and Amsterdam in Netherlands.2. Low carbon island evaluationThe low carbon blueprints in Kinmen include one prospect, three goals, and six plans. These began with a prospect to build a “Zero Carbon Island”, followed by three stage carbon reduction: CO2e per capita decrease from 3.79 tons in 2009 to 3 tons in 2014; to 2 tons in 2020; to carbon neutral in 2030, and finally extended to six plans. The plans for Kinmen low carbon island developments are: Kinmen Kaoliang Liquor Inc. Low Carbon Campus Flagship Project, Leiyu Zero Carbon Island Flagship Project, Green Energy and Low Carbon Transportation Flagship Project, Low Carbon Community Construction and Reformation and Low Carbon Building Flagship Project, Resource Recycling and Regional Biomass Energy Center Flagship Project, and Low Carbon LOHAS Promotion Project.To evaluate the quality and results of those plans, this subproject designed static type and rolling type evaluation mechanism to track the progress of all projects. At present, there are 43 projects in line with the work progress, 3 projects are backward, and 5 projects are not performed. According to the results of evaluation, we raised 8 issues in the face of economic, technical, implementation and regulatory, and tried to find the solutions.On the other hand, we assisted Environmental Protection Bureau, Kinmen County in establishing the calculation formula of carbon reduction and carbon fixation. The calculation and analysis results showed that after finishing the working projects of six plans in 2014, the total amount of carbon reduction and carbon fixation can reach 14,153 tons and 339.4 tons respectively. In addition, we have successfully held 6 times of related experts meeting.3. Counseling of Low-carbon demonstrating community and major electricity consumersThis subproject focuses on creating a sustainable and low carbon community according to the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) Guidelines, “Low-Carbon Sustainable Homeland Certification and Rating System”. We have already helped Hsinchientun community, Shanwai community, and Chiunglin community obtain finalist qualifications, as well as helped PanShan community, Bixan Dongdian community, and Tungkeng community fulfill Bronze Level application. Besides, for counseling of major electricity consumers, we also recruitexperts specialized in electricity, air conditioning and lighting to form an energy saving and counseling team. It had assisted Kinmen County Police Bureau, Jinsanrong Engineering Co., Ltd., Taiwan Business Development Co., Ltd., and Environmental Protection Bureau with finishing the energy saving and diagnostic assessment tasks.4. Green collar talent and low carbon advocacy activitiesWe have held 6 times of low carbon advocacy activities such as little seed teachers’ camp and low carbon community diagnosis planner camp. Furthermore, we have produced 1,000 parts of Kinmen Low Carbon Island advocacy manual. This subproject expect to achieve the goal of low-carbon sustainable home policies by holding sustainably related outreach activities and training the talents for having environmental knowledge.5. Other low carbon related tasksThis subproject formulate the Autonomous Regulations (draft) of Kinmen Low Carbon Island, low carbon store appraisal certification, and low carbon hostel appraisal certification."
EngKeyword "Low carbon island"
GovCategory "大氣空氣"
ProjectType "科技研究類專案"
ProjectNo ""
ProjectYear 103
ProjectBudget "2908000"
ProjectStartDate 2014-04-01
ProjectEndDate 2014-12-31
SponsorOrg "金門縣環境保護局"
Undertaker "黃仁緯"
ExecutingOrg "立境環境科技股份有限公司"
ProjectDirector "許浩洋"
AssistDirector "呂鴻毅"
CoDirector ""

ProjectId "1062392034"
Title "106年臺南市因應氣候變遷執行計畫"
Abstract "一、 執行溫室氣體相關減量工作(一) 臺南市溫室氣體盤查作業本市2016年行政轄區之溫室氣體經盤查,總排放量為2,089.53萬公噸CO2e,其中以工業部門為主要排放源,佔65%(其中工業能源達1,206.04萬公噸CO2e佔58%、工業製程142.78萬公噸CO2e佔7%),其次則為運輸能源排放338.73萬公噸CO2e佔16%、住商及農林漁牧能源排放344.41萬公噸CO2e佔16%,其餘廢棄物部門排放40.81萬公噸CO2e及農業部門排放16.75萬公噸CO2e,分別佔2%及1%。(二) 擬定溫室氣體階段管制目標臺南市依據我國溫管法之國家目標以及環保署提出國家自主貢獻兩項國家階段性目標,並依據環保署於11月公布之我國第一期階段管制目標及溫室氣體減量推動方案,規劃臺南市第一期階段管制目標,各部門溫室氣體排放目標如下:能源部門1,041.81萬公噸CO2e、製造部門100.98萬公噸CO2e、運輸部門258.92萬公噸CO2e、住商部門265.62萬公噸CO2e、農業部門13.29萬公噸CO2e、環境部門36.31萬公噸CO2e。(三) 擬定溫室氣體管制執行方案依據溫管法第15條及溫管法施行細則第14條,於今年3月召開臺南市溫室氣體管制執行方案起始會議,本計畫於過程中透過六大部門之主政機關及環保局分別召開跨局處會議,今年度共推動34個推動分項、122個推動作法,截至11月30日,共有73項推動作法已完成、23項推動作法符合進度、20項推動作法由主政機關提出尚在彙整成果中,另有6項推動作法屬於工作進度落後,整體完成以及符合之進度為73.19%;在執行成效上,實際的減碳量為123.1萬公噸CO2e、固碳量為3,503公噸CO2e,與預期成效相比,減碳量達成率為101.5%、固碳量達成率為82.2%,後續將持續追蹤各推動作法之執行進度及成果。二、 執行排放源溫室氣體排放盤查登錄查核作業(一) 應申報對象名單維護及查核今年度針對臺南市境內公告之34家第一批應申報溫室氣體排放源,進行書審及現場查核作業,截至11月30日,已完成34家業者書審及現場查核作業,其中三家業者之上傳資料有誤,已由業者進行修正及補件。針對今年度進行現場查核作業的部分,發現兩家次有問題,並經現場要求限期修正補件後,皆在時程內完成通過,另外有一家次業者未在時間內完成登錄及上傳作業,經發文請求展延,並由環保局允予限期補正,卻仍未在時限內完成,由環保局開罰;針對今年發現的問題,本計畫亦協助於12月8日召開1場第一批應盤查溫室氣體之排放源說明會,與本市境內之應盤查申報之排放源進行說明以及聆聽業者是否有相關問題詢問。(二) 輔導非列管排放源溫室氣體排放量自主盤查今年度進行輔導的對象為和鑫光電股份有限公司及堤維西交通工業股份有限公司,依據溫室氣體盤查之結果,和鑫光電股份有限公司2016年溫室氣體排放量為70,710.949公噸CO2e,範疇1溫室氣體排放佔47.61%、範疇2溫室氣體排放佔52.39%;堤維西交通工業股份有限公司2016年溫室氣體盤查總排放量為1,433.697公噸CO2e,範疇1溫室氣體排放佔3.33%、範疇2溫室氣體排放佔96.67%。三、 整合式宣導作業(一) 辦理因應環境節日大型宣導活動本計畫與環保局為鼓勵市民關電源走出戶外,過個低碳環保的中秋節,於9月23、24日在臺南大遠百戶外百老匯劇場舉辦「中秋『揪』想和你一起野餐趣」活動,規劃剝柚子比賽、環保裝置藝術展及露天電影院電影欣賞,吸引超過200名市民朋友攜家帶眷共襄盛舉,一起響應低碳環保過中秋活動。(二) 辦理氣候變遷巡迴講習課程為促進民眾對氣候變遷與能源永續經營之瞭解,規劃以「公民參與式工作坊」的方式,改變以往由上而下的推動模式,相信「社區居民才是在地的專家」,結合「參與式民主」與「審議式民主」的討論模式,導入「節電與綠能創電」公民參與式工作坊,藉由公民參與傾聽民意及將公民社會的創意導入公部門,以利改善現行節電及綠電政策尚未解決的公共問題,分別於10月30日、11月7日、12月1日,於臺南市東區、永華市政中心及環保局新營辦公室舉辦,參與的民眾包含各區公所同仁、里長、里民等。(三) 民眾低碳政策認知調查為了解市民對於臺南市推動低碳之政策及成效,藉由問卷來進行調查,其結果除可提供環保局作為施政參考外,亦可作為低碳辦公室評估執行各項低碳工作成效之依據。題目設計以本市地方執行低碳政策相關內容為主,並參考「臺南市空氣品質考核及管理計畫」,題目設計涵蓋有關機車汰換、氣候變遷、再生能源、大眾運輸等議題,有效樣本數共530份,針對現階段本市推動之政策最有感前三名分別為資源回收、二行程機車汰換及禁用保麗龍杯;針對未來應該要加強推動的政策前三名分別為企業減碳、禁用保麗龍杯及資源回收。(四) 協助參與出席國際環境會議本計畫協助臺南市政府及環保局於2017年11月8日至11月15日參與聯合國第23屆氣候變遷高峰會議(COP 23)及拜訪德國國會議員及不來梅邦議員,並受邀參訪德國wpd達德能源集團,第23屆氣候變遷高峰會議(COP 23)本次輪由亞洲國家主辦,雖由斐濟(Fiji)具名擔任主辦國,但考量該島嶼國家無適當場地,遂選在公約秘書處所在地德國波昂舉辦,並由德國全力支援。本市李賢衞副秘書長本次也受邀拜會德國聯邦國會議員Johann Saathoff與不來梅邦議員Jens Eckhoff交流,這二位議員長期致力於減碳及環保相關事務的推動,藉此了解德國在中央、地方及議會間彼此扮演的角色經驗進行交流。(五) 辦理低碳城市合作交流會議於12月4日在臺南市香格里拉飯店舉辦「臺歐低碳城市及循環經濟國際論壇」,以「城市發展循環經濟政策」、「產業推動循環經濟」、「發展創新(能)資源再生技術」為主題,引介相關領域的業者及專家,進行循環經濟實踐之交流,期使產業發展同時兼顧永續發展目標,並促進跨領域合作及低碳城市建構。(六) 設計製作環境教育宣導教材臺南市自推動低碳永續家園計畫以來,成果優秀,過去包含臺南市、學甲區、柳營區、官田區、玉井區及轄內7個行政里皆取得銀級認證,今年度本計畫將彙整低碳永續家園認證銀級之核心與示範社區執行成果,並製作成「臺南綠23事-低碳社區攜遊記」,整合本市低碳里或社區推動成果,讓來自各地的民眾可以瞭解低碳從生活做起超容易,實踐低碳生活從悠遊臺南做起。本旅遊指引將以社區鮮明特色的角度切入,彙整其有關低碳永續之特色作法,結合低碳生活與旅遊,行銷低碳臺南,蒐集資料名單包括:柳營區、官田區、學甲區、南區金華社區、玉井區天埔社區、南化區關山社區。並由訪談區(里)長或社區發展協會理事長的方式更了解低碳社區營造的過程,也能從中得知一些地方私房景點。(七) 刊登低碳相關新聞本計畫配合環保局政策宣導提交低碳相關環保新聞稿,共計10則。"
Keyword "氣候變遷"
EngTitle "2017 Tainan Responding to Climate Change Project"
EngAbstract "1. Greenhouse-gas reduction related work(1) Results of Greenhouse Gases InventoryThe results of 2016 of administrative area display GHGs total emissions is 20.90 million tons CO2e, in which industrial sector(inclutive energy of industry and industrial processes) contributes 65%, energy of transportation contributes 16%, household energy contributes 16%, waste sector contributes 2% and agricultural sector contributes 1%.(2) Proposing Periodic Regulatory Goals of Tainan cityAccording to “First Phase Regulations for Periodic Regulatory Goals (draft)” ,which was published by EPA in November, the first phase national GHG emission reduction goal shall be to reduce GHG emissions to no more than 2% of 2005 GHG emission by 2020. Following the national GHG emission reduction goal, the first phase periodic regulatory goals of Tainan city were as following: energy sector 10.41 MtCO2e、manufacture sector 1.01 MtCO2e、transportation sector 2.59 MtCO2e、household sector 2.66 MtCO2e、agriculture sector 0.13 MtCO2e、environment sector 0.36 MtCO2e.(3) Proposing GHG control implementation plansAccording to article 15 of Greenhouse Gas Reduction and Management Act, we proposed GHG control implementation plans. In this year, the 2017 Tainan GHG control implementation plans included 34 measures and 122 specific actions. To the end of November, the total amounts of carbon reduction was expected to be up to 1.23 Mton CO2e, and the amounts of carbon fixation was expected to be up to 3,503 ton C in 2017.2. Accomplishing GHGs Emissions Audit(1) Enforcing GHG Accounting and RegistrationAccording to “GHG Accounting and Registration Regulations”, The designated emission sources shall conduct GHG accounting and registration, and submit GHG inventories and GHG reports, verification reports and verification statement to the designated registry by the designated deadline. In this year, there were 34 designated emission sources in Tainan. And they had to finished accounting and registration before August 31. To the end of November, all designated emission sources had done.(2) Counseling non-vessel factories for greenhouse gas inventoryIn this year, we counsel two non-vessel factories, HannsTouch Solution Incorporated and TYC Brother Industrial Co., Ltd. The inventory result of HannsTouch Solution Incorporated was 70,710.949 tonCO2e. And The inventory result of TYC Brother Industrial Co., Ltd was 1,433.697 tonCO2e.3. Administrative cooperation matters(1) Handle large-scale publicity activities in response to environmental festivalsThe project and EPB held a Mid-Autumn Festival with low carbon and environmental protection thinking. By helding a picnic fun at the Broadway Theater in Taiyuan, Tainan. More than 200 people bring their friends and family to join the festivities on September 23 and 24.(2) Proceed to Climate Change Tour ClassTo promote public understanding of climate change and energy sustainability, we plan to change the past top-down model of citizen-participation workshop by believing that community residents are experts in the field and that Participatory Democracy and Deliberative Democracy, and introduce a participatory Citizen-saving and Green Power citizen-participation workshop to facilitate the improvement of current energy saving through citizen participation in listening to public opinion and introducing civil society''s ideas to the public sector And green issues have not been resolved public policy issues.(3) Awareness Survey on People''s Low Carbon PolicyTo understand the public''s policy and effectiveness of promoting low carbon in Tainan City. By using surveys conducted through questionnaires have not only provided the Environmental Protection Bureau as a reference for governance, but also can be used as a basis for assessing the effectiveness of low-carbon work carried out by low-carbon offices. The..."
EngKeyword "Climate change"
GovCategory "大氣空氣"
ProjectType "科技研究類專案"
ProjectNo "TNEPB-106-AN-30516"
ProjectYear 106
ProjectBudget "3665"
ProjectStartDate 2017-06-19
ProjectEndDate 2017-12-31
SponsorOrg "臺南市政府環境保護局"
Undertaker "蔡佩芳"
ExecutingOrg "立境環境科技股份有限公司"
ProjectDirector "呂鴻毅"
AssistDirector ""
CoDirector ""


全國營業(稅籍)登記資料集。因考量營業稅歷年停歇業資料量太大,開啟檔案困難,故所開放檔案僅涵蓋營業中資料,並建議使用Microsoft Word Viewer開檔,中文請選UTF-8中文碼;或使用Notepad++、UltraEdit等其他工具開檔。 資料連結於109年6月22日調整為
來源 : 財政部財政資訊中心-全國營業(稅籍)登記資料集
欄位 : 營業地址、統一編號、總機構統一編號、營業人名稱、資本額、設立日期、組織別名稱、使用統一發票、行業代號、名稱、行業代號1、名稱1、行業代號2、名稱2、行業代號3、名稱3

營業地址 高雄市三民區安和里博愛一路366號6樓
統一編號 16860552
營業人名稱 立境環境科技股份有限公司
資本額 10000000
設立日期 0880507
組織別名稱 股份有限公司
使用統一發票 Y
行業代號 711299
名稱 其他工程服務及相關技術顧問
行業代號1 433211
名稱1 冷凍、通風、空調系統裝修工程
行業代號2 760911
名稱2 環境顧問
行業代號3 432000
名稱3 庭園景觀工程

營業地址 金門縣金城鎮西門里莒光路166巷3號2樓之1
統一編號 24521043
總機構統一編號 16860552
營業人名稱 立境環境科技股份有限公司金門分公司
資本額 0
設立日期 0990811
組織別名稱 本國公司設立之分公司
使用統一發票 Y
行業代號 711299
名稱 其他工程服務及相關技術顧問
行業代號1 433211
名稱1 冷凍、通風、空調系統裝修工程
行業代號2 760911
名稱2 環境顧問
行業代號3 432000
名稱3 庭園景觀工程


來源 : 行政院公共工程委員會-連帶保證廠商
欄位 : 連帶保證廠商代碼;連帶保證廠商名稱;標案名稱;更新時間;提報機關名稱;決標金額

2003/04/30 15:37


來源 : 經濟部商業司-公司登記(依營業項目別)-管理系統驗證業
欄位 : 統一編號、公司名稱、公司地址、實收資本額、公司狀態、產製日期

統一編號 16860552
公司名稱 立境環境科技股份有限公司
公司地址 高雄市三民區博愛一路366號6樓
實收資本額 10000000
公司狀態 核准設立
產製日期 2022-09-01 02:43:30.037


來源 : 行政院環境保護署-EPQSummary_InternationalIssues
欄位 : eng_title、eng_Subject、proj_year、org_name、exe_unit、allfileid、publish_date

eng_title "2010 Penghu County Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction Promotion Project"
eng_Subject "1. Enhance the Ecolife of carbon reduction performance resultsWe help to enhance the Ecolife of carbon reduction performance results, since November 2010 to April 2011, the Ecolife signing rate was increased to 2.78%, ranking second. The log numbers of electric meter number increase from 24 to 319, ranking 18th, and the log numbers of water meter number increase from 23 to 287, ranking 18th.2. Promotion of Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction We help to promote carbon reduction education and promotion, we held conference & events for community and campus carbon reduction education and promotion, a total of 16 sessions. Including Low Carbon New Year''s dinner game, Biking, Low-carbon Action marks meeting, Detection and observe the low-carbon communities, Rating instructions and practice, Low-Carbon Island Living Area Development Project, Low-Carbon seafood, Low-carbon life reading, and so on. The effectiveness of advocacy activities were a total of 361,594 kilograms of carbon reduction.3. Promotion products and BrochureWe made some promotion products and Brochures, including 4,000 transparent folder, 1,000 mouse pad, 200 groups of ceramic cup, 6,000 chopsticks, carbon reduction books, 6,000 red envelopes, and so on.4. Carbon reduction Message transmissionWe used Penghu cable television and large LED advertising wall to play the carbon reduction propaganda slogans. We also produce 33 carbon reduction propaganda banners hung on the garbage truck, and recorded propaganda radio carbon reduction, while on duty in the garbage truck to play."
proj_year 2010
org_name "Environmental Protection Bureau, Penghu County"
exe_unit "立境環境科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20170301


來源 : 行政院環境保護署-EPQSummary_Air
欄位 : eng_title、eng_Subject、proj_year、org_name、exe_unit、allfileid、publish_date

eng_title "Source Apportionment for Air Pollutants around Pingtung County during the Periods with Low Air Quality in 2018."
eng_Subject "(一) Air Quality around Pingtung County The number of days that Air Quality Index (AQI) was over 100 only represents 23.5% of 2018, which has been 23.9% reduced from those recorded in 2014 (30.9%). This is the best annul air quality record ever. Additionally, the day fractions of red (Unhealthy) status are significantly reduced from 10.6% in 2014 to 4.8% in 2018, while the percentages of green (Good) status day increases from 41.1% in 2014 to 46.3% in 2018, indicating the air quality is being improved by highly concern and undergoing control strategies. The annual and daily averages of atmospheric PM2.5 are 19.5 and 37.0 µg/m3, respectively, in 2018 by auto-monitoring EPA stations. This is also the best record ever, representing 43.0% and 52.3% reductions, respectively, from 2007. This result again supports the right direction and efficiency of air pollutant control strategies in Pingtung County. (二) Characteristics of Atmospheric PM2.5 during Air Pollution Events The air pollution event was predicted by the comprehensively consideration of air quality and wind field forecasts by EPA and CWB, as well as the forecasting simulation of international pollutant transport during the seasons with bad quality in general. The sampling sites were setup in Pingtung, Chaozhou, and Yanjou stations of EPA. The weather styles during pollution events include off-shored high pressure, high pressure reflux, weak northeast monsoon, and frontal passage. PM2.5 are analyzed for their mass concentrations and chemical compositions, and further using chemical mass balance (CMB) model to evaluate the contributions of potential sources in the current study. The major contributors of atmospheric PM2.5 were secondary sulfate (SO42-, 29.74~32.15%) and nitrate (NO3-, 17.02~21.48%), being followed by traffic sources (16.56~20.98%), soil dust (4.39~8.23%), petrochemical industry (2.33~7.48%), and steel industry (2.82~4.67%). On the other hand, the PM2.5 around sampling sits in Pingtung during pollution event were mainly derived from the precursors in the upwind area according to the analyses of sulfur oxidation ratio (SOR) and nitrogen oxidation ratio (NOR). (三) Air Quality Modeling Model-3/CMAQ v5.1 coupled with Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model is employed to simulate the air quality during the desired period in the current study. The input emission data is the latest Taiwan Emission Data System (TEDS 9.0) based on the emission inventory collected in 2013 and developed by Taiwan EPA. The emission data includes anthropogenic and natural sources, while the emission database of East Asia is also included. There are four simulated periods, including spring (April), summer (July), autumn (October), and winter (January), to estimate the contributions (%) of international, cross-county, and self-emissions on the atmospheric PM2.5 around Pingtung County. Results show that the averaging contribution of international pollutant transport is 17.4% on total ambient PM2.5 mass concentration in Pingtung, as well as the contributions of self-emission and the other city/county are 37.6% and 45.0%, respectively. In other words, the atmospheric PM2.5 are mainly transported from the upwind counties/cities and followed by self-emissions and international transports. Notably, the contributions on PM2.5 during low-air quality season are much higher than the average level. For example, the inter-county transport dominates 63.5% of atmospheric PM2.5 in Pingtung during January, while the self-contribution reduces to 20.9%, emphasizing the importance of the emissions from upwind area during pollution events. Additionally, the increases of NOx-derived pollutants are the most significant during low-air quality season. Consequently, the control strategies for reducing atmospheric PM2.5 in Pingtung County should focus not only on primary PM2.5 but NOx emissions. Nevertheless, the..."
proj_year 2018
org_name "Environmental Protection Bureau, Pingtung County"
exe_unit "立境環境科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20200312

eng_title "The main pollution source inspection control and poor air quality improvement process project in Tainan."
eng_Subject "Status analysis of air quality (1) According to the Air Quality Index (AQI), analyzed the AQI>100 ratio in the past four years (2015~2018.11.15). Overall, the AQI>100 ratio increased from north to southern cities. The AQI is improved year by year, while Kaohsiung and Tainan city were largely improved in unhealthy for all groups level (AQI:150~200). In 2017, the unhealthy grades for all groups level in Kaohsiung City (6.5 %) is the highest, Taipei City (0.7%) is the lowest, and in 2018, the level in unhealthy for all groups in Kaohsiung City (5.19%) is the highest, and Taipei City and Taoyuan City (0.7%) are the lowest. For the unhealthy (101-150) for sensitive groups level that New Taipei City, Taipei City, Taoyuan City, and Taichung City were downward trend year by year. Tainan City and Kaohsiung City were increased since 2016, and Unhealthy grades for sensitive groups level is highest in Kaohsiung City (25.1%) in 2018, Taipei City (4.2%) is the lowest; in 2018 there was no very unhealthy (201-300) level ratio, Kaohsiung City (0.3%) in 2017 was the highest, followed by Taoyuan City (0.14%), Taipei City (0.06%) and New Taipei City (0.03%), Taichung City and Tainan City have no very unhealthy ratio, in 2018, the very unhealthy level only occurred in Kaohsiung City (0.3 %), none of the other five cities have a very unhealthy level. (2) The main pollutants in AQI over 100 is fine particle matter and ozone. Ozone for eight hours average was in a certain proportion, while New North City, Taoyuan City and Kaohsiung City have some proportion of sulfur dioxide. (3) The number of air quality indicators over 100 in Tainan city at the end of September of 2018 was 306 times that was the minimal times since 2015 (447 times in 2015 years; 443 times and 414 times in 2016 and 2017, respectively). Which declined 33 times from 2015 to November 15 of 2018. (4) The concentration of various air pollutants was declined annually in the past ten years. The annual average and daily average of PM10 have been lower than the standards for three years average (2015~2017). Analysis of the data from 2008 to 2017, the annual average concentration was improved 26% in particle matters (PM10), and the daily average concentration was improved 30%. Although fine particle matter (PM2.5) did not meet the air quality standards, the concentration still presented an improvement trend. In the manual operation monitoring station, the annual average in 2013 was 31.1 μg/m3, improved to 23.8 μg/m3 in 2017, improved rate was 23.5%, and the concentration was 21.7 μg/m3 in end of October 2018; 24-hour average in 2013 was 80.7 μg/m3, decreased to 61.3 μg/m3 in 2017 the improved rate was 24%, and 57.5 μg/m3 in the end of October 2018. For the automatic station that the annual average concentration in 2017 was improved from 2008, the ratio is 40%; the 24-hour average was improved 34%; the hourly average of ozone (O3) was lower than the air quality standard for 9 consecutive years and was declared as the secondary control zone in 2013. From the long-term trend, the policy of Tainan City direction is accurately, and results indicated the air quality improvement strategy has achieved the target. Reviewing the revised deterioration prevention measures (1) Expand and controlling the bureau of the command center and correcting the tasks of each authority: The representative of the defense command center proposed to expand from the original 11 bureaus to 16 bureaus; and the Lands Bureau, Cultural Bureau, Tourism Bureau, and Labor Bureau are involved in the command center and the task of response is increased. (2) Reviewing the list of industrial in Tainan: Re-examine the list of pollution in the certain among emission of 60 industrials which for self-control of pollution and prevention strategy book. (3) Maintenance and management of the Tainan City air quality deterioration preventio..."
proj_year 2018
org_name "Environmental Protection Bureau of Tainan City"
exe_unit "立境環境科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20190508

eng_title "2018 Tainan City Air Quality Assessment & Management Plan"
eng_Subject "(1) Environmental background and Trend of change The amount of population in Tainan City is 1.884 million, and the density is 860 people/km2 which continues to grow every year. It is ranked sixth in six municipalities. The amount of factory in Tainan City is 9,390, and the density is 4.3 factories/km2. The amount of controlled list factory is 2,295 in which the plastic products industry is 392(17.1%), followed by the metal industry is 320 (13.9%), and then the gas station industry is 281 (12.2%) and metal surface treatment industry is 204 (8.9%). The amount of construction site in 2018 is 12,000, of which 4,965 at first class and 6,199 at the second class. The amount of vehicles in Tainan is 1.983 million, and every person has 1.05 vehicles, of which the number of automobiles is 580,000 (29.2%), the scooter is 1,300,000 (65.5%) and diesel truck and minivan are 13,000 (0.7%) and 85,600 (4.3%), respectively. The number of vehicles in Tainan are continued growth in this decade, however, the scooter is negative growth from 2011. In the amount of fuel supply and gas stations were increase. The fuel supply is from 1,210,000 kiloliter in 2009 to 1,310,000 kiloliter in 2018, incline 7.6% in the past decade. (2) Air Quality Status and Analysis The percentage of bad air quality (AQI>100) in Tainan City was 23.7% and declined from 40.4% in 2014 to 23.7 in 2018, that improvement rate is 41.3%. In which, unhealthy for sensitive groups (AQI 101~105) was declined from 29.2% in 2014 to 19.86% in 2018; unhealthy for all group (AQI 151~200) was declined from 11% in 2014 to 3.8% in 2018; very unhealthy (AQI 201~300) was declines from 0.3% in 2014 to 0% in 2018 as well. The concentration of air pollutants showed the improved trend in the past decade, in which the PM10 improvement rate in daily average is 27.3% and year average is 39.9%. At the meantime, both daily and year average from 2015 to 2018 were reached air quality standard; O3 hour average improvement rate was 19.6%, eight hours average improvement rate was 13.4%; SO2 annual average improvement rate was 29.5%, hour average improvement was 50%; NO2 annual average improvement rate of 22%, the hour average improvement rate was 52%; CO hour average improvement rate was 22.2%, eight hours average improvement rate was 18.6%; NMHC hour average improvement rate was 23.5%, eight hours average improvement rate was 26.6%. (3)Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan using manual monitoring of PM2.5 from 2013, and the concentration is showing an improved trend in the past 5 years; PM2.5 annual average concentration was declined from 31.1μg/m3 in 2013 to 22.9 μg/m3 in 2018 that improvement rate was 26.4%. further, a 24-hour average concentration was declined from 82.0 μg/m3 in 2013 to 61.5 μg/m3 in 2018, the improvement rate was 25%. On the other hand, the automatic monitoring data of PM2.5 using the number which adjustment by the formula. The annual and 24-hour average concentrations in recent 5 years displayed the same improvement trend, annual average concentration was declined from 29.3μg/m3 in 2013 to 23.8 μg/m3 in 2018 that improvement rate was 18.8%; a 24-hour average concentration was declined from 71.1 μg/m3 in 2013 to 55.6 μg/m3 in 2018 that improvement rate was 21.8%. (4)Analysis of emission source structure According to the TEDS 9.0 emissions database and the results of this review update, each category of emission sources are TSP:27,803、PM10:12,300、PM2.5:5,573、SOx:3,973、NOx:23,334、NMHC:42,025(tons/year). (5)Reviewing and revising the Tainan Air Pollution Control Strategy Air pollution control targets in total with 63 items which including point, mobile, volatility sources and convenience measures. Overall, there is a good achievement rate in each project. Meanwhile, Particulate Matters Reduction and Control Plan for Clear & Bright Sky that integrate eighteen bureaus to build ..."
proj_year 2018
org_name "Environmental Protection Bureau of Tainan City"
exe_unit "立境環境科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20190518

eng_title "2017 Tainan Low-Carbon and Sustainable Homeland Operations and Achievement Evaluation Project"
eng_Subject "1.Promoting Low Carbon and Sustainable Homeland Ranking EvaluationIn order to comply with the current international trend and to ensure sustainable development in the low-carbon construction process, the EPD will incorporate the concept of sustainable development in the low carbon home policy promoted in 1999 and put forward the concept of low carbon permanent home 10 large operational functioning elements, as the core of building a sustainable core of low-carbon permanent home, 2015 years, the official launch of low-carbon permanent home certification assessment operations.The program handle the low carbon permanent home related conferences,on May 24 and November 6, 2017, two sessions of the Southern District Living Circle Conference were held. Held two sessions of Green Energy Conservation Technology and Information Advisory Group Meeting on June 26 and November 22. Held two sessions of Green Transport Technology and Information Advisory Group Meeting on June 27 and November 21.The program counseling 4 core communities to promote low-carbon sustainable home initiatives, respectively Liuying district Baweng village, Guantian district Daqi village, Danei district Shicheng village, Rende district Erxing village, promote community farms, aquaponics system, energy efficient indoor lighting, photovoltaic system installation, rainwater storage and reuse, etc. It will fix 1,384 kg CO2e/year, reduce 5,755.39 kgCO2e/year emissions, save 3,192 kWh energy, save 5,895 mt water.The program counseling 5 low carbon demonstration communities to promote low-carbon sustainable home initiatives, respectively South district Mingde village, South district Xinan village, Annan district Nanxing village, Nanhua district Nanhua village, Xinying district Taibei village, promote photovoltaic system installation, energy efficient indoor lighting, energy efficient lighting for temples, etc. It will reduce 5,755.39 kgCO2e/year emissions.The program counseling 4 district to promote combined action items, respectively Guantian district, Yujing district, South district, Nanhua district, photovoltaic “Promote community or rooftop farms”, “Public buildings to improve energy efficiency”, etc. It will fix 2,377.88 kg CO2e/year, reduce 5,776.64 kgCO2e/year emissions, save 58,475 mt water.The participants can work toward three levels of certification: Nomination, Bronze and Silver. This year, the program totally counseling 62 villages get nomination, 9 villages get bronze; 5 district get nomination, 3 district get silver; Tainan City get silver.To the end of December, there were 37 district of Tainan city get nomination and 6 district get silver; 312 villages get nomination, 43 villages get bronze and 7 villages get silver; Tainan City get silver at May 5, 2017.2.Promote county level operation of functional action itemsThis program counseling energy conservation improvement plans in Tainan City, from 2013 to 2017, the improvement targets include rented houses, villages (communities), shopping malls (markets), temples, schools, government agencies and social welfare agencies, totally it will reduce 1,756.2 TCO2e/year emissions, save power 3,155,651 kWh/year.From March 31 to April 10, 2017, we hold 8 sessions of “Subsidy Method Sessions”, we invited 37 administrative region, community development associations, local officials and offices , etc. totally 599 people involved the sessions. In the program counseling 34 social welfare agencies and 15 rented apartments. It is estimated that there will be a total of 49 social welfare agencies and 15 rented residential buildings in total, which will increase the afforestation area by about 835m2, replacing lighting equipment, thermal insulation coating, inverter ceiling fans, etc. The project can save 326,434.5 kwh of electricity, reduce (solid) carbon 196,500.8 kgCO2 / year.3.Promote low-carbon city ..."
proj_year 2017
org_name "Environmental Protection Bureau of Tainan City"
exe_unit "立境環境科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20180501

eng_title "2017 「Tainan City Air Quality Assessment & Management Plan」"
eng_Subject "(1)Environmental Loading and Trend The amount of population in Tainan City is 1.885 million, and the density is 860.2 people/km2 which continues to grow every year. It is ranked sixth in six municipalities. The amount of factory in Tainan City is 8831, and the density is 28.9 factories/km2. The amount of controlled factory is 2282 in which the plastic products industry is 362(15.9%), followed by the metal industry is 296 (13%), and then the gas station industry is 290 (12.7%) and metal surface treatment industry is 208 (9.1%). Construction sites tend to decline in 2015, the amount of current site is 9688, of which 3120 at first class and 5399 at second class. The amount of vehicles in Tainan is 1.937 million, and every person has 1.03 vehicles, of which the number of automobiles is 540,000 and the number of scooter is 1,280,000. The number of vehicles in recent years have shown a trend of growth. In 2011, the number of scooters had a negative growth. In the amount of fuel supply and gas stations are showing the trend to reduce, the amount of fuel supply is from 1,182,000 kiloliter in 2005 to 1,086,000 kiloliter in 2015, down 8% in recent years; the amount of gas stations decreased from 302 stations in 2005 to 277 stations in 2015. (2)Air Quality Status and Analysis The percentage of bad air quality in Tainan City falls from 7.62% in 2006 to 0% in 2015, and the percentage of good air quality raises to 36.2% in 2015 which set a new record that showed the control strategy in Tainan City have been effective in recent years. The concentration of air pollutants showed improved trend, in which the PM10 daily average and year average are the first time below the regulatory standard value. Analysis of monitoring data from 2006 to 2015, PM10 annual average improvement rate was 26.6%, daily average improvement rate was 22%; PM2.5 annual average improvement rate was 37.2%, a 24-hour average improvement rate was 29%; O3 hour average improvement rate was 18.6%, eight hours average improvement rate was 15%; SO2 annual average improvement rate was 33%, hour average improvement was 34.5%, NO2 annual average improvement rate of 23.7%, the hour average improvement rate was 24.2%; CO hour average improvement rate was 19.8%, eight hours average improvement rate was 11.4%. In the long term trend showed that policy directions have been correct, and the improved strategies of air quality have been effective. PM2.5 index value in Tainan City, low-grade (≦ 35 µg / m3) increased from 65.8% (2014) to 73.9% (2015), while high and very high-grade (≧ 54 µg / m3) decreased from 10.2% (2014) to 8.2% (2015), showing the city''s PM2.5 has improved. (3)Air Quality Modeling Analysis Results For four months (January, April, July and October) of simulation in 2010, analysis reduction strategy promoted of PM2.5, and PM10 and O3 air quality improved effectiveness, assessment Tainan City reached degree of air quality target. Assessment results except PM10 year’s average and the O3 maximum hours value in 2020 can reached air quality standard, the remaining pollutants still cannot reached air quality standard. (4)Analysis of emission source structure According to the TEDS 8.1 emissions database and the results of this review update, TSP is 39,860(tons/year), PM10 is 14,316(tons/year), SOx is 4,404(tons/year), NOx is 27,437(tons/year), and NMHC is 46,048(tons/year). (5)Reviewing and amending the Air Pollution Control Strategy Air pollution control targets total 74 items, including fixed, mobile, fugitive sources and convenience measures. Overall, there are good achievement rate in each plan. For suspended particles rendering deterioration case in 2013, assisting EPB developed suspended particles control action plans, for 9 items are easy to produce suspended particles of pollution source, established control target, developed 37 items action control strategy to hope susp..."
proj_year 2017
org_name "Environmental Protection Bureau of Tainan City"
exe_unit "立境環境科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20190511

eng_title "2017 Tainan Responding to Climate Change Project"
eng_Subject "1. Greenhouse-gas reduction related work(1) Results of Greenhouse Gases InventoryThe results of 2016 of administrative area display GHGs total emissions is 20.90 million tons CO2e, in which industrial sector(inclutive energy of industry and industrial processes) contributes 65%, energy of transportation contributes 16%, household energy contributes 16%, waste sector contributes 2% and agricultural sector contributes 1%.(2) Proposing Periodic Regulatory Goals of Tainan cityAccording to “First Phase Regulations for Periodic Regulatory Goals (draft)” ,which was published by EPA in November, the first phase national GHG emission reduction goal shall be to reduce GHG emissions to no more than 2% of 2005 GHG emission by 2020. Following the national GHG emission reduction goal, the first phase periodic regulatory goals of Tainan city were as following: energy sector 10.41 MtCO2e、manufacture sector 1.01 MtCO2e、transportation sector 2.59 MtCO2e、household sector 2.66 MtCO2e、agriculture sector 0.13 MtCO2e、environment sector 0.36 MtCO2e.(3) Proposing GHG control implementation plansAccording to article 15 of Greenhouse Gas Reduction and Management Act, we proposed GHG control implementation plans. In this year, the 2017 Tainan GHG control implementation plans included 34 measures and 122 specific actions. To the end of November, the total amounts of carbon reduction was expected to be up to 1.23 Mton CO2e, and the amounts of carbon fixation was expected to be up to 3,503 ton C in 2017.2. Accomplishing GHGs Emissions Audit(1) Enforcing GHG Accounting and RegistrationAccording to “GHG Accounting and Registration Regulations”, The designated emission sources shall conduct GHG accounting and registration, and submit GHG inventories and GHG reports, verification reports and verification statement to the designated registry by the designated deadline. In this year, there were 34 designated emission sources in Tainan. And they had to finished accounting and registration before August 31. To the end of November, all designated emission sources had done.(2) Counseling non-vessel factories for greenhouse gas inventoryIn this year, we counsel two non-vessel factories, HannsTouch Solution Incorporated and TYC Brother Industrial Co., Ltd. The inventory result of HannsTouch Solution Incorporated was 70,710.949 tonCO2e. And The inventory result of TYC Brother Industrial Co., Ltd was 1,433.697 tonCO2e.3. Administrative cooperation matters(1) Handle large-scale publicity activities in response to environmental festivalsThe project and EPB held a Mid-Autumn Festival with low carbon and environmental protection thinking. By helding a picnic fun at the Broadway Theater in Taiyuan, Tainan. More than 200 people bring their friends and family to join the festivities on September 23 and 24.(2) Proceed to Climate Change Tour ClassTo promote public understanding of climate change and energy sustainability, we plan to change the past top-down model of citizen-participation workshop by believing that community residents are experts in the field and that Participatory Democracy and Deliberative Democracy, and introduce a participatory Citizen-saving and Green Power citizen-participation workshop to facilitate the improvement of current energy saving through citizen participation in listening to public opinion and introducing civil society''s ideas to the public sector And green issues have not been resolved public policy issues.(3) Awareness Survey on People''s Low Carbon PolicyTo understand the public''s policy and effectiveness of promoting low carbon in Tainan City. By using surveys conducted through questionnaires have not only provided the Environmental Protection Bureau as a reference for governance, but also can be used as a basis for assessing the effectiveness of low-carbon work carried out by low-carbon offices. The..."
proj_year 2017
org_name "Environmental Protection Bureau of Tainan City"
exe_unit "立境環境科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20180601

eng_title "2018Tainan City promotes low-carbon energy-saving renovation plan for vulnerable groups"
eng_Subject "The Conference of Energy-saving Reconstruction Plan for Vulnerable Households in Tainan City, 2018. had been held on October 11th. Moreover, The Second Cross-Section Conference of Energy-saving Reconstruction for Vulnerable Households in Tainan City, 2018 had been held on December 10th. The Illustration Meeting of Energy-saving Reconstruction Plan for Vulnerable Households in Tainan City, 2018” had also been held at Yongkang and Southern District Office on December 11th. These conferences had invited village office and Community Development Association of 10 model administrative districts with population intensive to assist in providing recommended list of solitary elderly, low-income households, handicapped person and other vulnerable groups.The on-site surveys of resource recycler had been executed from September 28th to October 25th. Furthermore, the home visiting of resource recycler, low-income households, the handicapped and other vulnerable groups had been held on Western Central, Rende, Yongkang, Anping, North, Annan, East, Southern, Guiren and Xinying District from October 29th. Until December 25th, the whole home visiting (2,115 households) had been completely accomplished with total 2,366 times of visiting. There were 1,290 households agreeing to sign Declaration of Transformation. Thus, completing energy-saving transformation of 1,290 household could decrease electricity consumption about 247,770 degrees/ year and reduce carbon consumption about 137.26 T CO2/ year. The average cost of carbon reduction was 0.27 T CO2/ ten thousand NTD.From August 8th to September 26th, the environment exploration of public toilets and resource recycling operators in Tainan City had been started. In this exploration, location of solar energy signboards, usage status of public toilets and usage status of energy-consuming lamps in office space had been grasped. There were 50 store agreeing to install image green signboard, 62 public toilets and 8 offices had been replaced their original lamps with energy-saving lamps. On October 9th, executive secretary of Tainan City Resource Recycling Association had been invited to assist in selecting recommended list of the Association members.The Conference of Low-carbon Environmental Image Reconstruction Project for Resource Recycling Companies and Public Toilets in Tainan City, 2018 had been held two times by Yongkang and Madou District Office on October 23rd. These conferences had invited public toilets units and resources recyclers that had still not replaced their original lamps with energy-saving lamps, and there were total 48 person participating these conferences. This year, 50 resource recyclers had established image green signboard, 62 public toilets units and 8 resource recyclers had replaced their original lamps with energy-saving lamps. Finally, this project could decrease electricity consumption about 63,489.8 degrees/ year and reduce carbon consumption about 32.17 T CO2/ year. And the average cost was about 0.3 T CO2/ ten thousand NTD.New online questionnaire system had been updated. This system was used to investigate five topics which included awareness and support of environmental protection policies, awareness and identity of climate change policies, awareness and identity of traffic policies, awareness and identity of energy conservation policies and awareness and identity of air quality management policies. It had totally collected 443 copies of questionnaires through propaganda via community software (FaceBook and Line), schools, promotional activities and press releasing. Furthermore, conference registration system and subsidy plan online application system had also been updated in order to assist in planning conference in the future. Through these two system, registering conference and applying plan just need registration system URL or QR Code to co..."
proj_year 2018
org_name "Environmental Protection Bureau of Tainan City"
exe_unit "立境環境科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20190601

eng_title ""
eng_Subject "The implementation period of the Air Quality Control Plan was from January 27th, 2015 to December 20th, 2015. The main work items completed during this period included: collection and analysis of air quality monitoring data, the updating of air pollution emission lists, assisting in the development of air quality control strategies, assessment of the effectiveness of various air pollution control measures, producing scheduled work charts for various routine items, the completion of a questionnaire on public satisfaction levels towards the effectiveness of efforts to improve air quality, the inspection of CO2 levels in 20 public places, and of air pollutants in three public places, and assisting the Environment Protection Agency in its air quality control work. Environmental stress factors, such as population, and motor vehicle numbers, have increased year on year in Kinmen County. In the year 2015, there were 5 days PSI > 100, a ratio of 1.37% over the year, and the best air quality for this same period in recent years. The percentage of improvement for annual arithmetic mean and 8th daily average of PM10 and PM2.5 were 20.4%, 23.6%, 23.7%, and 16.8%, respectively. According to the ''Management & Assessment Score for Kinmen County''s 2015 Air Pollution Prevention & Control Plan'' the various measures undertaken ''Excellent'' assessment rating, and scored a combined 80+ points, especially PM2.5 in air monitoring and analysis project. In the 20 public and private locations inspected, noone had above the CO2 levels. Assistance was also given to the completion of a report was made on the special methods used in Kinmen County for the year 2015, and the main points for consideration in the maintenance or improvement of Kinmen County''s air quality, written data was consolidated for the Environmental Protection Agency''s opening seminar and the various conferences and meetings of the EPA were participated in."
proj_year 2015
org_name "Environmental Protection Bureau, Kinmen County"
exe_unit "立境環境科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20170201

eng_title "2015 Atmospheric Fine Particulates Monitoring and Analysis Project in Kinmen County"
eng_Subject "The project implemented from April 1, 2015 to March 31, 2016. Major completed works include manual monitoring and sampling of PM, air quality modeling analysis, air quality current situation analysis of PM2.5.PM2.5 sampling analysis of high pollutant season ( from December, 2015 to January, 2016 ) showed that the raise reason of PM2.5 concentration included the prevailing wind direction is northeast wind and north wind, the pollutant of neighboring regions (such as Fujian ) is taken by southbound front, and local atmospheric diffusion is poor. By the chemical composition, the major pollutants are NH4+, NO3- , SO42- and other derivative aerosol (35%~45%); the second pollutants are carbon components (18.7%~24.5%); proportion of remnant pollutants is nearly 30%.Air quality modeling analysis of the domestic and foreign pollution sources showed that Kinmen PM2.5 annual average concentration (4 months) significantly affected by the impact of foreign transfer (86%), and domestic (Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu) emissions is about 14%. Influence result of domestic pollution source for Kinmen showed that area sources significantly affected (13.5%), domestic emission by other country is second (1.4%), influence of point sources and line sources is very small (0.5-0.6%).PM2.5 monitoring data of manual station showed that annual average value of 2015 is lower than 2013 and 2014. Apart from Taoyuan, Kaohsiung and Matsu, 24 hours value of all the city of 2015 are lower than 2014. According to historical statistical data showed that peak of pollution occurs in every November, which still cannot ignore, and our county should focus on tracking and control in winter and spring."
proj_year 2015
org_name "Environmental Protection Bureau, Kinmen County"
exe_unit "立境環境科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20180201

eng_title "2015 「Tainan City Air Quality Assessment & Management Plan」"
eng_Subject "(1)Environmental Loading and TrendThe amount of population in Tainan City is 1.885 million, and the density is 860.2 people/km2 which continues to grow every year. It is ranked sixth in six municipalities. The amount of factory in Tainan City is 8831, and the density is 28.9 factories/km2. The amount of controlled factory is 2282 in which the plastic products industry is 362(15.9%), followed by the metal industry is 296 (13%), and then the gas station industry is 290 (12.7%) and metal surface treatment industry is 208 (9.1%). Construction sites tend to decline in 2015, the amount of current site is 9688, of which 3120 at first class and 5399 at second class. The amount of vehicles in Tainan is 1.937 million, and every person has 1.03 vehicles, of which the number of automobiles is 540,000 and the number of scooter is 1,280,000. The number of vehicles in recent years have shown a trend of growth. In 2011, the number of scooters had a negative growth. In the amount of fuel supply and gas stations are showing the trend to reduce, the amount of fuel supply is from 1,182,000 kiloliter in 2005 to 1,086,000 kiloliter in 2015, down 8% in recent years; the amount of gas stations decreased from 302 stations in 2005 to 277 stations in 2015. (2)Air Quality Status and AnalysisThe percentage of bad air quality in Tainan City falls from 7.62% in 2006 to 0% in 2015, and the percentage of good air quality raises to 36.2% in 2015 which set a new record that showed the control strategy in Tainan City have been effective in recent years.The concentration of air pollutants showed improved trend, in which the PM10 daily average and year average are the first time below the regulatory standard value.Analysis of monitoring data from 2006 to 2015, PM10 annual average improvement rate was 26.6%, daily average improvement rate was 22%; PM2.5 annual average improvement rate was 37.2%, a 24-hour average improvement rate was 29%; O3 hour average improvement rate was 18.6%, eight hours average improvement rate was 15%; SO2 annual average improvement rate was 33%, hour average improvement was 34.5%, NO2 annual average improvement rate of 23.7%, the hour average improvement rate was 24.2%; CO hour average improvement rate was 19.8%, eight hours average improvement rate was 11.4%. In the long term trend showed that policy directions have been correct, and the improved strategies of air quality have been effective.PM2.5 index value in Tainan City, low-grade (≦ 35 µg / m3) increased from 65.8% (2014) to 73.9% (2015), while high and very high-grade (≧ 54 µg / m3) decreased from 10.2% (2014) to 8.2% (2015), showing the city''s PM2.5 has improved.(3)Air Quality Modeling Analysis ResultsFor four months (January, April, July and October) of simulation in 2010, analysis reduction strategy promoted of PM2.5, and PM10 and O3 air quality improved effectiveness, assessment Tainan City reached degree of air quality target.Assessment results except PM10 year’s average and the O3 maximum hours value in 2020 can reached air quality standard, the remaining pollutants still cannot reached air quality standard.(4)Analysis of emission source structureAccording to the TEDS 8.1 emissions database and the results of this review update, TSP is 39,860(tons/year), PM10 is 14,316(tons/year), SOx is 4,404(tons/year), NOx is 27,437(tons/year), and NMHC is 46,048(tons/year).(5)Reviewing and amending the Air Pollution Control StrategyAir pollution control targets total 74 items, including fixed, mobile, fugitive sources and convenience measures. Overall, there are good achievement rate in each plan.For suspended particles rendering deterioration case in 2013, assisting EPB developed suspended particles control action plans, for 9 items are easy to produce suspended particles of pollution source, established control target, developed 37 items action control strate..."
proj_year 2015
org_name "Environmental Protection Bureau of Tainan City"
exe_unit "立境環境科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20160501

eng_title "2015 Tainan Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction Promotion Project"
eng_Subject ""
proj_year 2015
org_name "Environmental Protection Bureau of Tainan City"
exe_unit "立境環境科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20170201

eng_title ""
eng_Subject "1. Evaluation of Low Carbon City PromotionAssisting Tainan City Government found the project office of Tainan Low Carbon City,which is responsible for evaluation the 10 constructional strategies (contains 44 measures and 97 specific actions). The main work are tracking the progress of each actions, alteration of projects,and calculating the amount of carbon reduction and fixation. To the end of October, the total amounts of carbon reduction and fixation were expected to attain 317,796 ton CO2e and 3,938 ton C in 2014, respectively.The short-term reduction target of Tainan low carbon city is cutting down 1.04 million tonesCO2e in 2014 which is 13 % lower than BAU; the long-term reduction target is diminishing 2.23 million tons CO2e in 2020 which is 26 % lower than BAU. According to the results of greenhouse gases (GHGs) inventory, the amount of carbon reduction during 2011 to 2012 was 0.92 million tons CO2e, and the GHGs emission excluding industrial sector in 2012 was 6.83 million tons CO2e which has reached the 2014 target in advance.2. Promoting Low Carbon and Sustainable Homeland Ranking Evaluation(1) Low Carbon Sustainable HomelandThe plans help EPA to promote low-carbon sustainable homes, write 7 performed projectsand upload to Low Carbon Sustainable Information System.(2) Low Carbon Sustainable Homeland Certification and RatingTo the end of November, we have helped 113 villages (except 31 villages which have nowillingness to participate) to upload 93 departments’ files. As a result, 76 villages (including model community) got nominated, 6 villages were nominated and been examined, and 4 villagesgot copper grade. Besides, we also assisted 8 administrative regions, 3 regions with gettingnominated (except 2 regions which have no willingness to participate). Base on the statisticalresults which have been made at the end of November, Tainan city have 73 villages gotnominated and been ranked third; furthermore, according to the statistical results of cities, only 12 cities got nominated, Tainan city was ranked 6.3. Plan for improving Energy Conservation(1) Plan for Low Carbon Communities CounselingThere are 25 communities sign up low-carbon communities counseling plan in thisyear. After on-site survey, Tainan Low-Carbon City Project Office and experts pick 19communities to perform reconstruction. Total budget of reconstruction are 5,236,495 NTdollars, which is including 2.6 million NT dollars financial subsidy and 2,636,495 NTdollars communities self-financing. The expected environmental benefits of this projectinclude: 642,129 kWh per year can be saved, 4,423,098 NT dollars expenditure per yearcould be recovered, and 335.2 tons of carbon emissions per year can be eliminated.(2) Plan for campus energy efficiency enhancementIn response to the energy-saving trend of campus, the plan assisted 20 schools ininstalling 20 sets of energy monitoring equipment, and 16 schools with improving 619 setsof circuit. These measure can effectively help school to understand the current status of itsenergy consumption and improve the efficiency of energy utilization to reach the goal ofcampus energy-saving.(3) Counseling Plan for Low-Carbon and Environmental ReligionsThe project assisted 2 temples to replace the traditional high energy consumptionlighting equipment by LEDs or other high energy efficiency lights, each counselling casecould get 540,000 NT dollars financial subsidy at most. The counseling object in this yearare Luermen Matsu Temple and Xinying Taizigong. The Luermen Matsu Temple replaced10,663 high energy efficiency lamps, cost 960,000 NTdollars. It will save 157,687kWh/year, reduce 536,134 NT dollars/year power spending, and reduce 157,845kgCO2e/year emissions. The Xinying Taizigong replaced 8,556 high energy efficiencylamps, cost 1,020,000 NT dollars, and..."
proj_year 2014
org_name "Environmental Protection Bureau of Tainan City"
exe_unit "立境環境科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20150801

eng_title ""
eng_Subject "The implementation period of the Air Quality Control Plan was from January 21th, 2014 to December 20th, 2014. The main work items completed during this period included: collection and analysis of air quality monitoring data, the updating of air pollution emission lists, assisting in the development of air quality control strategies, assessment of the effectiveness of various air pollution control measures, producing scheduled work charts for various routine items, the completion of a questionnaire on public satisfaction levels towards the effectiveness of efforts to improve air quality, the inspection of CO2 levels in 20 public places, and of air pollutants in three public places, and assisting the Environment Protection Agency in its air quality control work. Environmental stress factors, such as population, and motor vehicle numbers, have increased year on year in Kinmen County. In the year 2014, there were 7 days PSI > 100, a ratio of 1.92% over the year, and the best air quality for this same period in recent years. The percentage of improvement for annual arithmetic mean and 8th daily average of PM10 and PM2.5 were 2.18%, 3.25%, 14.69%, and 9.38%, respectively. According to the ''Management & Assessment Score for Kinmen County''s 2014 Air Pollution Prevention & Control Plan'' the various measures undertaken ''Excellent'' assessment rating, and scored a combined 80+ points except Mobile Pollution Source Control Project. In the 20 public and private locations inspected, noone had above the CO2 levels. Assistance was also given to the completion of a report was made on the special methods used in Kinmen County for the year 2014, and the main points for consideration in the maintenance or improvement of Kinmen County''s air quality, written data was consolidated for the Environmental Protection Agency''s opening seminar and the various conferences and meetings of the EPA were participated in."
proj_year 2014
org_name "Environmental Protection Bureau, Kinmen County"
exe_unit "立境環境科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20150201

eng_title "2014Tainan Promotion Energy Conservation and CO2 Emission Reduction"
eng_Subject "In order to assist in the promotion of energy conservation and CO2 emission reduction project, this plan assisted the each administrative district and the village community in Tainan City to implement the low-carbon life action items, promote the energy conservation and carbon emission reduction action logo, low carbon activity, carbon neutral propaganda activities, and innovative behavior of low-carbon life. Five county-level action items of low-carbon life was conducted as well as implemented one of low-carbon sustainable homeland action plans in 6 demonstration communities, respectively. Three sessions of energy conservation and carbon emission reduction action logo explanation meeting were held with 223 attendees. We also assisted 8 communities to apply reconstruction projct, the total budget of reconstruction are 603,301 NT dollars, which is including 248,894 NT dollars communities self-financing. The expected environmental benefits of this project could eliminate 322,437 kilograms of carbon emissions per year. In addition, assisted various units to apply for the action logo and all together 24 units applied and upon examination by the Environmental Protection Administration, 13 units acquired the energy conservation and carbon emission reduction logo, in which 4 units acquired extraordinary award. Two sessions of low carbon observation and study activities were held in Tainan and Taichung respectively with 125 participants. In part of propaganda activity, we invited enterprise together to hold two sessions of low-carbon life courses and the number of participants was about 119. On the other hand, two sessions of Carbon Management of low-carbon school were held with Hu-Sgan Elementary School, which had engaged 130 teachers to join. Periodically maintained and managed the energy conservation and carbon emission reduction information in the「Eco life」blog of the Environmental Protection Bureau, Tainan City Government. Up to December, the number in the Facebook fans page of the Environmental Protection Bureau reached 2,496 and the blog promotion reached 1,371 times. Two sessions of Green Net blog promotion and low-carbon sustainable homeland illustration meeting were held with 143 attendees. Two sessions of carbon offsetting project illustration meeting were held in Southern Taiwan Science Park and Tainan City Government Yonghua City Hall with 110 attendees. In cooperation with Dongshan farmers'' association, we combined Dongshan Coffee Festival with a large low-carbon propaganda activity to make people understand the concept of carbon reduction by entertaining and educational way. In this activity, it also issued 500 container bags which is composed by coffee grounds, sawdust and other recycled ingredients for people and tourists to grow mushrooms. The number of participants was about 100 and 1,545 kilograms of carbon emissions could be eliminated in this activity. With energy saving and carbon reduction performance appraisal work, we promote 10 sessions of carbon neutral and log in EPA carbon activity platform."
proj_year 2014
org_name "Environmental Protection Bureau of Tainan City"
exe_unit "立境環境科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20150301

eng_title "The fixed pollution sources permits being in charge of the peculiar smell pollution of and the food "
eng_Subject ""
proj_year 2014
org_name "Environmental Protection Bureau, Kinmen County"
exe_unit "立境環境科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20150601

eng_title ""
eng_Subject "The project was carried out from Apr. 1 to Dec. 31, 2014. The main work items and implementation results are illustrated as follows.1. The achievements of domestic and foreign low-carbon citiesThis subproject collects the background information, reduction targets and strategies, and implementation results of Taipei city, Taichung city, Tainan city, Yilan county and Penghu county. Moreover, it also analyzes various international low carbon cities as case studies, including: Somes Island in Denmark, Kitakyushu and Miyako Island in Japan, and Amsterdam in Netherlands.2. Low carbon island evaluationThe low carbon blueprints in Kinmen include one prospect, three goals, and six plans. These began with a prospect to build a “Zero Carbon Island”, followed by three stage carbon reduction: CO2e per capita decrease from 3.79 tons in 2009 to 3 tons in 2014; to 2 tons in 2020; to carbon neutral in 2030, and finally extended to six plans. The plans for Kinmen low carbon island developments are: Kinmen Kaoliang Liquor Inc. Low Carbon Campus Flagship Project, Leiyu Zero Carbon Island Flagship Project, Green Energy and Low Carbon Transportation Flagship Project, Low Carbon Community Construction and Reformation and Low Carbon Building Flagship Project, Resource Recycling and Regional Biomass Energy Center Flagship Project, and Low Carbon LOHAS Promotion Project.To evaluate the quality and results of those plans, this subproject designed static type and rolling type evaluation mechanism to track the progress of all projects. At present, there are 43 projects in line with the work progress, 3 projects are backward, and 5 projects are not performed. According to the results of evaluation, we raised 8 issues in the face of economic, technical, implementation and regulatory, and tried to find the solutions.On the other hand, we assisted Environmental Protection Bureau, Kinmen County in establishing the calculation formula of carbon reduction and carbon fixation. The calculation and analysis results showed that after finishing the working projects of six plans in 2014, the total amount of carbon reduction and carbon fixation can reach 14,153 tons and 339.4 tons respectively. In addition, we have successfully held 6 times of related experts meeting.3. Counseling of Low-carbon demonstrating community and major electricity consumersThis subproject focuses on creating a sustainable and low carbon community according to the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) Guidelines, “Low-Carbon Sustainable Homeland Certification and Rating System”. We have already helped Hsinchientun community, Shanwai community, and Chiunglin community obtain finalist qualifications, as well as helped PanShan community, Bixan Dongdian community, and Tungkeng community fulfill Bronze Level application. Besides, for counseling of major electricity consumers, we also recruitexperts specialized in electricity, air conditioning and lighting to form an energy saving and counseling team. It had assisted Kinmen County Police Bureau, Jinsanrong Engineering Co., Ltd., Taiwan Business Development Co., Ltd., and Environmental Protection Bureau with finishing the energy saving and diagnostic assessment tasks.4. Green collar talent and low carbon advocacy activitiesWe have held 6 times of low carbon advocacy activities such as little seed teachers’ camp and low carbon community diagnosis planner camp. Furthermore, we have produced 1,000 parts of Kinmen Low Carbon Island advocacy manual. This subproject expect to achieve the goal of low-carbon sustainable home policies by holding sustainably related outreach activities and training the talents for having environmental knowledge.5. Other low carbon related tasksThis subproject formulate the Autonomous Regulations (draft) of Kinmen Low Carbon Island, low carbon store appraisal certification, and low carbon hostel appraisal certification."
proj_year 2014
org_name "Environmental Protection Bureau, Kinmen County"
exe_unit "立境環境科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20150201

eng_title ""
eng_Subject "The implementation period of the Air Quality Control Plan was from February 19th, 2013 to December 20th, 2013. The main work items completed during this period included: collection and analysis of air quality monitoring data, the updating of air pollution emission lists, assisting in the development of air quality control strategies, assessment of the effectiveness of various air pollution control measures, producing scheduled work charts for various routine items, the completion of a questionnaire on public satisfaction levels towardsthe effectiveness of efforts to improve air quality, the inspection of CO2 levels in 20 public places, and of air pollutants in three public places, and assisting the Environment Protection Agency in its air quality control work.Environmental stress factors, such as population, and motor vehicle numbers, have increased year on year in Kinmen County. In the year 2013, up to Novenber, there were 11 days PSI > 100, a ratio of 3.01% over the year, and the second best air quality for this same period in recent years. The percentage of improvement for annual arithmetic mean and 8th daily avergy of PM10 and PM2.5 were 23.0%, 22.5%, 25.5%, and 28.3%, respectively. According to the ''Management & Assessment Score for Kinmen County''s 2012 Air Pollution Prevention & Control Plan'' the various measures undertaken ''Excellent'' assessment rating, and scored a combined 84+ points except Mobile Pollution Source Control Project. In the 20 public and private locations inspected, noone had above the CO2 levels. Assistance was also given to the completion of a report was made on the special methods used in Kinmen County for the year 2013, and the main points for consideration in the maintenance or improvement of Kinmen County''s air quality, written data was consolidated for the Environmental Protection Agency''s opening seminar and the various conferences and meetings of the EPA were participated in."
proj_year 2013
org_name "Environmental Protection Bureau, Kinmen County"
exe_unit "立境環境科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20160301

eng_title ""
eng_Subject "The execution spirit of the Plan lies in assisting the Environmental Protection Bureau (EPB) to reinforce inspection, guidance, tracking and improvement of repeated petition cases of the public, in order to prevent repeated petitions of a single case, strengthen the improvement rate and cut down on the number of petition cases. During the execution period, reinforcement on the tracking and inspection frequency of repeated petition cases and cases prosecuted and handled in recent years was made, and improvement suggestions were also proposed. Authorized experts and scholars were also invited to provide on-site guidance for some of the cases, in order to promote the guidance improvement effect. A specific task team for special project control cases was further established to assist regional assignment and reinforced inspection according to the demands of the EPB, so as to facilitate the immediate prevention of pollution. Relevant laws and regulations explanation workshops for major pollution industry categories petitioned were held to increase the regulatory compliance and prevent the pollution behavior from causing social grievances and turning it into repeated petition cases.During the Plan implementation period, there have been 314 repeated petitioned cases on environmental pollution listed according to the environmental pollution petition system of the Environmental Protection Administration and the suggestions of the EPB, among which industry (manufacturers) makes up the greatest percentage; the cases were categorized into Levels A, B or C according to the pollution influence and number of petition cases, to facilitate control reinforcement. 972 repeated petition cases were inspected and guided during the implementation. The Plan has assisted the guidance and control of the EPB and completed the improvement of 316 repeated petition cases on environmental pollution. Through further analysis of the improvement methods of the manufacturers, in terms of odor pollution improvement methods, it can be found that the dominant method is addition/upgrading of pollution control facilities, which makes up 42.9%; coordination with specific case inspection took up 15.4%, with Renda Industrial Park and Benjhou Industrial Park on the specific case inspection list. Concerning the noise pollution improvement methods, the addition of control facility accounts for 68.6%, the highest, with fixing dynamic noise being the main method; followed by the disappearance of the pollution source. With respect to the repeated petition cases on environmental health and air pollution, the pollution source has been repaired after guidance by the Plan, and there have been no pollution situations afterwards. So it is clear that through the guidance of the Plan, most manufacturers are able to make improvements concerning environment protection and reduce the number of petition cases on pollution within the regions, thus promoting the living quality of the citizens."
proj_year 2012
org_name "Environmental Protection Bureau Kauhsiung City Government"
exe_unit "立境環境科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20150501


來源 : 行政院環境保護署-EPQSummary_EnvironmentalEducation
欄位 : eng_title、eng_Subject、proj_year、org_name、exe_unit、allfileid、publish_date

eng_title "2016 Tainan Low-Carbon and Sustainable Homeland Operations and Achievement Evaluation Project"
eng_Subject "1. Evaluation of Low Carbon City PromotionAssisting Tainan City Government found the project office of Tainan Low Carbon City which is responsible for evaluation the 10 constructional strategies(contains 45 measures and 85 specific actions). Includung tracking the progress of each actions, alteration of projects, and calculating the amount of carbon reduction and fixation. To the end of September, the total amounts of carbon reduction was expected to be up to 418,703 ton CO2e, and the amounts of carbon fixation was expected to be up to 631 ton C in 2015.According to Tainan Low Carbon City Self-Governing Regulations, the carbon reduction index and Tainan Low Carbon City Self-Governing Regulations should be reviewed every two years. Tainan Low Carbon City Self-Governing Regulations included 6 chapters, 38 regulations were set in 2012. And the carbon reduction index included 8 subjects, 29 indicators were set in 2013. In this year, the low carbon city project office convened meetings in May 6, May 9 and June 23 and modified the Self-Governing Regulations and the index. The new Self-Governing Regulations included 6 chapters, 37 regulations. And the new carbon reduction index included 9 subjects, 32 indicators.2. Promoting Low Carbon and Sustainable Homeland Ranking EvaluationThe plans helped EPB to promote low-carbon sustainable homes, wrote 11 performed projects and upload to Low Carbon Sustainable Information System. To the end of November, there were 14 administrative regions of Tainan city got nominated, 1 applied silver grade, 2 applied copper grade; 1 applied gotten copper grade, in promoting authenticate of villages, there were 218 villages that joined. As a result, 118 villages had gotten nominated. There were 38 villages still in the review. 16 villages applied copper grade and was 19 village had gotten copper grade, 2 villages applied silver grade. And there was 1 village had gotten silver grade.3. Plan for improving Energy Conservation(1) Plan for Low Carbon Communities CounselingEnergy-Mentor Corps completed the 45 villages on-site survey on August 21. Energy-Mentor Corps according to the book after the program proposed by the communities as well as the transformation of the project site to confirm the desire and the number of projects put forward for counseling and modification proposals , and in accordance with the total points each in the rank, and the city was formally signed after registration, subsequent reconstruction work, every department funding of $ 50,000 a year is expected to save 159,751 degrees, saving electricity 639,004 NT dollars, minus (solid) carbon 83,887.4 kgCO2e.(2) Plan for improving public building’s energy efficiencyAfter the EPB monitoring platform and wire-replacing engineering, energy-saving and festival expenses may be unreasonable for the behavior of electricity, currently the office is still progressive electricity pricing tariffs, if implemented contract capacity accounting, preliminary estimates suggest that at least 4.2 NT / kWh . In terms of contractual capacity 103 conducted a spreadsheet, a conservative estimate of the contract capacity to 200kWh setting, more than 15% Day fee (about NT $ 250,000).Arrange for a period of four weekends were a total of eight working days to clarify the operation circuit, each circuit by this operation found no consistent electricity or inappropriate when the situation and provide electricity line diagram EPA amended, modified to correct the error loop circuit and Information room air conditioning and with the addition of a second portion of the original air-conditioning system and so start mining the timing interactive proposal.The project management according to EPA clean home clean area Section provides a list of 16 teams, exploration projects with high energy consumption lamps mainly based in the future if the district team ful..."
proj_year 2016
org_name "Environmental Protection Bureau of Tainan City"
exe_unit "立境環境科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20170831


來源 : 經濟部商業司-公司登記(依營業項目別)-喜慶綜合服務業
欄位 : 統一編號、公司名稱、公司地址、實收資本額、公司狀態、產製日期

統一編號 16860552
公司名稱 立境環境科技股份有限公司
公司地址 高雄市三民區博愛一路366號6樓
實收資本額 10000000
公司狀態 核准設立
產製日期 2022-09-01 02:46:12.02


來源 : 行政院環境保護署-環境影響評估技術顧問機構評鑑成果
欄位 : Year、Consultant、Evaluation

Year 102
Consultant 立境環境科技股份有限公司
Evaluation 不予以分級


來源 : 行政院環境保護署-環保專案摘要資料_其他
欄位 : chi_title、Chi_Subject、proj_year、org_name、exe_unit、allfileid、publish_date

chi_title "108年臺南市推動低碳節能環保商家改造計畫"
Chi_Subject "本計畫擬定「108年臺南市機車排氣檢驗站節能改造補助計畫」,訪查本市308處定檢站並調查招牌燈具汰換與改造意願,共執行222處機車定檢站招牌改造作業,估計每年可節省10,003度用電量,減少5,332kgCO2e排放量。另,辦理7場次商家節能宣導說明會,總參與人數達391人。 在協助進行校園鍋爐微型抵換專案申請作業,蒐集142間學校鍋爐使用狀況與設置資料及母計畫書與26所學校子計畫書撰寫,已由查驗公司完成第一階段查證作業。 推動低碳家園暨社區為本調適參與式預算方面,於108年7月至10月間完成5場宣導說明會、2場審議員培訓工作坊、2場提案工作坊與2場審議工作坊,共計有17個社區參與模擬提案工作坊,涵蓋10個行政區,共提出18案提案參選,經審議提案工作坊產出12案提案計畫,透過全南市網路投票選出8案提案計畫,結合南區3案提案計畫,共補助11處社區進行改造作業,輔導其推動成果轉換為低碳永續家園認證評等行動項目,作為未來參與認證評等申請之參考文件。 另外配合工作推動及活動宣傳,製作宣導文宣3,070份,利用多元網路平台發佈活動訊息及平面、電子媒體5則,藉以行銷計畫執行成果。"
proj_year 108
org_name "臺南市政府環境保護局"
exe_unit "立境環境科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20200701


來源 : 經濟部商業司-高雄市公司登記資料-I專業、科學及技術服務業
欄位 : 統一編號、公司名稱、公司地址、實收資本額、核准設立日期、營業地址(財政資訊中心匯入)、行業代號(財政資訊中心匯入)、財政資訊中心匯入日期、股票代號(金融監督管理委員會匯入)、產業別(金融監督管理委員會匯入)、金融監督管理委員會匯入日期、商標資料(智慧財產局匯入)、智慧財產局匯入日期

統一編號 16860552
公司名稱 立境環境科技股份有限公司
公司地址 高雄市三民區博愛一路366號6樓
實收資本額 10000000
核准設立日期 0880219
營業地址(財政資訊中心匯入) 高雄市三民區安和里博愛一路366號6樓
行業代號(財政資訊中心匯入) 711299,433211,760911,432000
財政資訊中心匯入日期 30-AUG-22


來源 : 行政院環境保護署-環保專案摘要資料_國際性議題
欄位 : chi_title、Chi_Subject、proj_year、org_name、exe_unit、allfileid、publish_date

chi_title "99年度節能減碳宣導推動計畫"
Chi_Subject "一、 提昇「綠網」節能減碳成績之績效經本工作團隊極力宣導並協助民眾簽署,綠網簽署率由原本之0.12%已大幅提昇至2.78%,位居全國第二名。綠網電號登錄由24筆提升至319筆,全國排名第18名。水號登錄成績由23筆提昇至287筆,全國排名由第22名提升至第18名。二、 推廣節能減碳教育與宣導本計畫於執行期間共辦理16場次社區及校園節能減碳教育與宣導活動,包括社區宣導2場次、校園巡迴宣導6場次、低碳行動標章宣導活動1場次及低碳社區健診觀摩活動1場次,綠網評比/實機操作」說明會1場次,協助推動澎湖「低碳島生活圈」營造計畫宣導1場次,推動低碳餐試吃1場次,協助澎湖百年低碳生活閱讀計畫3場次。三、 辦理低碳蔬食年菜擂臺賽1. 推動無紙化宣導活動,減少二氧化太排放量為: 35.4公斤2. 推動當季地食材,估計522人每年約可減少二氧化碳排放量36,018公斤。3. 宣導民眾使用環保杯筷餐具,估計522人每年約可減少二氧化碳排放量2,244.6公斤。4. 活動辦理時提供在地食材餐點,估計減少二氧化碳排放量約為435.87公斤。四、 辦理自行車走春到澎湖低碳樂遊遊活動1. 推動無紙化宣導活動,減少二氧化太排放量為:40.66公斤。2. 推動當季地食材,估計600人每年約可減少二氧化碳排放量41,400公斤。3. 活動辦理時提供在地食材餐點,估計減少二氧化碳排放量約為417公斤。4. 推廣低碳運輸(依據本活動自行車規劃路線8公里計算),估計本次活動辦理交通運輸約可減少二氧化碳排放約880公斤5. 宣導環保寺廟推動一爐一香,減少木材砍伐及燃燒所染產生的二氧化碳與微粒,推動以米代金,減少紙錢的燃燒,減少紙類製品的浪費,降低二氧化碳的排放,估計減少紙錢的燃燒600人約可減少1,800公斤二氧化碳排放量。五、 製作節能減碳宣導文宣為增加民眾節能減碳活動之意願,並加深民眾對節能減碳宣導內容之瞭解,本計畫規劃宣導品以民眾日常生活用品做結合,例如:製作透明資料夾4,000份,滑鼠墊1,000個,陶瓷杯200組,配合環保局推動「低碳島生活圈」計畫,製作6,000份環保筷,供宣導活動時發放,購買節能減碳書籍,提供國中小學閱讀使用,配合新年期間製作紅包袋6,000個等。六、 節能減碳訊息傳播利用澎湖有線電視台、通衢大街LED廣告牆,播放節能減碳宣導標語,製作垃圾車節能減碳宣導布條,共計33條。並錄製節能減碳宣導廣播,於清潔隊垃圾車值勤時進行播放。"
proj_year 099
org_name "澎湖縣政府環境保護局"
exe_unit "立境環境科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20170301


來源 : 國家發展委員會檔案管理局-Web版公文製作之全國通訊錄
欄位 : 機關名稱、機關代碼、單位代碼、郵遞區號、地址、電子交換、發文方式

機關名稱 立境環境科技股份有限公司
機關代碼 ''EB16860552''
單位代碼 ''''
郵遞區號 807373
地址 高雄市三民區博愛一路366號6樓
發文方式 電子交換


來源 : 文化部-出版書目資料
欄位 : bookTitle(書名);ISBN(ISBN);ISSN(ISSN);GPN(GPN);publisher(出版單位);RightCondition(出版情況);creator(作者資訊);PublishDate(出版日期);edition(版次);cover(書封連結);classify(書籍分類);GPNType(出版品分類);subject(主題分類);governance(施政分類);grade(級別);pages(頁數);size(開數);binding(裝訂);language(語言);abstract(書籍介紹);Catalog(目次);price(價格);TargetPeople(適用對象);types(資料類型);attachment(附件);url(出版品網址-線上版或試閱版);duration(播放時間長度);numbers(字號);restriction(權利範圍);CeasedDate(停刊註記);Authority(授權資訊)



來源 : 行政院環境保護署-EPQSummary_EnvironmentalMonitoringAndTesting
欄位 : eng_title、eng_Subject、proj_year、org_name、exe_unit、allfileid、publish_date

eng_title "2014 Atmospheric Fine Particulates Monitoring and Analysis Project in Kinmen County"
eng_Subject "The project was carried out from Feb. 19th to Dec. 20, 2013. The main work items of this project include: manual monitoring and sampling of fine particulates, source estimation and a comparison with monitoring results.(I) Manual monitoring, sampling, and source estimation of fine particulates in KinmenAccording to the sampling results of each season, the autumn and winter reported the highest average mass concentration, and summer got the lowest level. During the sampling period, both the local and outside pollution source spread by the transport mechanism, which is the influence of the prevailing wind, so that the concentration of PM2.5 appeared more higher at downwind sampling site. Estimated from wind rose chart analysis, it shows that the outside pollution accounted for 71% to 98%, and 71% on average. In particular, the proportion of outside pollution was more higher in the autumn and winter.The analysis found that PM2.5 species in each season were mainly the secondary aerosols, accounting for about 30-60%. The primary aerosols accounted for about 20-30%, with EC and OCpri being the most important components, and others was about 20%. A Chemical Mass Balance (CMB) model was used to simulate possible pollution sources. The results show that the primary traffic source and secondary ammonium sulfate were generally the main pollution sources at each sampling site, followed by the elements of the Earth’s crust. It is worth noting that the agricultural waste burning also occupy a certain proportion.(II) Comparative analysis of PM2.5 concentration between routine manual survey station and automatic survey stationComparing with the monitoring data of 2013, the results reveal that the PM2.5 annual mean concentrations of Hsinchu, Miaoli, Yunlin, Chiayi, Tainan, Hualien, Taitung, and Kinmen were higher in 2014. On the other hand, except for the North Air Basin, H.T. Air Basin, and Yilan Air Basin, the 24-hour PM2.5 values in the other Air Basins were lower in 2014. According to the statistics, the national average of PM2.5 annual mean concentration is 23.6 µg/m3, and the average 24-hour PM2.5 value is 59.7µg/m3 in 2014. However, further analysis of the monitoring data shows that all of the Air Basin cannot meet the air quality standards, excluding H.T. Air Basin.On the whole, among the seven Air Basin, the Y.C.T Air Basin reported the highest PM2.5 annual mean concentrations and 24-hour PM2.5 values, which were 31.8µg/m3 and 81.3µg/m3 respectively. The second highest was Central Air Basin, whose PM2.5 annual mean concentrations was 27.0 µg/m3 and 24-hour PM2.5 values was 70.5µg/m3. Among the monitor station, the Chiayi station reported the highest PM2.5 annual mean concentrations and 24-hour PM2.5 values, which were 34.7µg/m3 and 85.2µg/m3 respectively. The second highest was Douliou station, whose PM2.5 annual mean concentrations was 34.1µg/m3 and 83.9µg/m3 values was 70.5µg/m3. The Kinmen station''s PM2.5 annual mean concentrations and 24-hour PM2.5 values were 32.8µg/m3 and 81.4µg/m3.In addition, the PM2.5 exceeding day of Kinmen was 35 days in 2014, which was 11 days less than 2013. This result illustrated that the county improvement strategy achieved initial success, and the improvement rate was 24%.(III) Formulating the county''s PM2.5 Control StrategyTo sum up, the results suggest that the main pollution sources of PM2.5 in the County are the primary traffic source and secondary ammonium sulfate, followed by elements in the Earth’s crust and sea salt and spray from nature. However, the County is small in size, the retention period of SOx and NOx emissions is too short, resulting in the limited production of the secondary aerosols. Its pollution load is much lower compared to the sources such as China’s Xiamen, Zhangzhou and Quanzhou; it is speculated that most of the ammonium sulfate and primary traffic source ca..."
proj_year 2014
org_name "Environmental Protection Bureau, Kinmen County"
exe_unit "立境環境科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20160301


來源 : 行政院環境保護署-環保專案摘要資料_環境教育
欄位 : chi_title、Chi_Subject、proj_year、org_name、exe_unit、allfileid、publish_date

chi_title "103年度清掃學習活動計畫"
Chi_Subject "(一)為提昇清掃學習成效並將正確清掃精神落實在列管公廁,而辦理清掃學習活動,邀集轄區列管公廁清潔人員、清潔人員主管及公廁管理單位主管參加清掃學習活動,並將所學應用於負責清潔之公廁,以確實改善公廁整體環境。(二)為建立優質臺灣清淨環境文化,透過金秋環境季辦理村里環境巡檢及清掃,動員村里居民,結合社區志義工組織、公家機關、學校及企業團體共同參與村里環境巡檢活動,藉由清理及巡檢過程,讓民眾於日常生活中,學習以最簡單及隨手可得的工具,主動清掃環境。(三)為促進環保志(義)工環境知識及凝聚力,並激勵環保志(義)工參與環保志(義)工知識競賽,凝聚全國環保志(義)工的向心力,以展現其榮譽感並提昇環境知識風氣。"
proj_year 103
org_name "高雄市政府環境保護局"
exe_unit "立境環境科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20150601

chi_title "105年臺南市低碳永續家園運作體系與執行成效管考計畫"
Chi_Subject "一、低碳城市專案辦公室運作與業務推動105年低碳城市建構計畫計45項推動措施、85項工作項目,統計至105年第三季,目前已有10項工作項目完成今年度工作進度,72項工作項目符合工作進度時程,尚有3項工作項目屬於工作進度落後,整體進度達到完成或符合的比率為96%,105年度低碳城市建構計畫之預期減碳量為81.69萬公噸CO2e,預期固碳量為9.31萬公噸CO2e,前三季之實際減碳量為41.87萬公噸CO2e、固碳量為631公噸CO2e。低碳辦公室持續進行滾動式管考會議,於105年5月6日由陳前秘書長美伶主持,召開跨局處滾動式檢討會議;於105年5月9日由臺南市環保局林副局長健三主持,召開專家諮詢委員會;於105年6月23日由賴市長清德主持,召開低碳調適及永續發展委員會;於105年11月22日由臺南市環保局周專門委員妙旻主持,召開105年臺南市溫室氣體管制執行方案初步規劃專家諮詢會議,針對低碳城市建構計畫、臺南市溫室氣體排放目標修正、減碳具體指標修正、臺南市低碳城市自治條例(草案)以及臺南市溫室氣體管制執行方案(草案)以上主題進行修正報告,並由委員提出建議修正方向。在減碳具體指標修正上,本團隊104年協助修正減碳具體指標為9大面向、32項指標,今年度因應溫管法,將減碳具體指標名稱修正為低碳調適永續發展指標,並經三次會議修正為三大面向、38項指標;在低碳城市自治條例(草案)修正上,104年本團隊協助修正條例,自6章、38條修正為6章、47條,今年度因應溫管法,為避免與溫管法相衝突,修正自治條例為6章、37條;目前已送至主政機關都發局進行後續流程及修正作業。二、推動永續低碳家園為順應當前國際推動趨勢,並確保低碳建構過程兼顧永續的發展,環保署將99年推動之「低碳家園」政策合併「永續」概念與指標,於101年提出低碳永續家園10大運作機能元素,做為建構低碳永續家園之核心主軸,104年正式啟動低碳永續家園認證評等作業。臺南市主政綠色運輸、綠能節電;嘉義縣主政生態綠化;嘉義市主政低碳生活;高雄市主政永續經營;屏東縣則主政資源循環;本團隊於105年6月6日及11月21日召開2次南區生活圈會議,於7月19日及11月8日召開2次綠色運輸技術與資訊諮詢小組會議,於7月29日及11月9日召開2次綠能節電技術與資訊諮詢小組會議。統計至105年12月28日為止,已成功輔導302處行政里、32處行政區參與認證評等,其中行政里共261處取得入圍認證、34處取得銅級認證、7處取得銀級認證;行政區共26個取得入圍認證、3個取得銅級認證、3個取得銀級認證;縣市層級目前為審查階段,已通過環保署中央審查小組之書面審查,已於105年12月1日辦理銀級現勘,目前尚缺1點認證點數,預計明年再爭取1點認證點數,使臺南市能夠取得銀級認證。三、推動節能輔導改善(一) 推動非企業契約用電戶建築節能計畫輔導對象由臺南市政府祕書處協助提供,名單包括:民政局(殯葬管理所及火化場)、新營區戶政事務所、文化局(永華文化中心)、消防局(永華局本部)、市政府(永華市政中心)及仁德區公所等6局處公有建築,由節能輔導團進行現勘、評估,進而提供改善方法。經6月29日協商會議,決議進行消防局及文化局兩機關屋頂防水隔熱改善工程,並於7月5日與兩機關實地討論施工工法及工作內容確定,以利安排廠商進行施工,預計完成兩機關改善作業一年可節省63,010.6度空調用電,214,236元電費,減碳32.9噸CO2e排放量。延續104年推動公有建築節能示範或機關用電智慧監控改善計畫,臺南市環保局自籌80萬元,針對環保局永華辦公室及藏經閣進行空調迴路改善、走道線槽建置、永華辦公室太陽能板建置、契約容量簽訂及藏金閣替代役宿舍照明設備進行評估及規劃,預計於8月3日召開會議確認施作項目。另於5月13日環保局清潔隊區隊長會議中,依經費考量由環保局裁示全面汰換關廟、大內、六甲、安南區隊及部分汰換下營、後壁及鹽水區隊節能燈具工程,預計於7月14至18日完成施工作業,經汰換7處清潔隊工程每年約可節電7,707度,節省電費約29,256元/年,減碳量約4.02噸CO2e。(二) 公有建築推動植生綠美化計畫利用環保局永華辦公室屋頂閒置空間,讓環保局人員親自參與屋頂微森林與建物綠化之設計與建置,以發揮綠屋頂保溫隔熱、節約能源之效,並創造生物多樣性與生物棲息環境,過程中辦理相關培力教育訓練,使環保局人員對建物綠化有更多的瞭解與經驗,並提供建物綠化教學、經驗交流及觀測研究,增加都市綠化率,減緩都市熱島效應,達成生態與低碳之永續目標。10月21日於辦理「環保局屋頂綠化種子人員的培力與實務操作課程」,募集局內科室同仁對於植栽及屋頂綠化有興趣者,並邀請荒野保護協會人員擔任講師,課程內容包含屋頂微森林介紹、綠屋頂建置規劃與維護管理方法及動手做綠色樹箱DIY課程,藉此強化同仁的專業知識,凝聚同仁共識一同親手參與打造可永續經營的生態式屋頂。施作位置為環保局永華辦公室南面空間,總施作面積71.28m2,工法為盆缽式、薄層型綠屋頂以及生態池等綠屋頂模組,栽種植栽包括水黃皮、黃連木、矮灌木、藤蔓、花草等38種多元多層次植栽,期透過多元綠屋頂模組及多樣化栽植打造微森林屋頂微森林屋頂,增加環境生態多樣性,作為後續推廣綠色屋頂至企業、公有單位、社區,提供不同單位及需求提供複合型示範區域,預計可節電3,564度/年,減少電費12,474元/年,減碳1.86噸/年。(三) 推動社區(里)節能輔導改善計畫本計畫團隊自102至104年協助低碳城市專案辦公室推動社區(里)節能輔導改善計畫,成果相當豐碩,今年將持續透過節能輔導改善計畫,協助里辦公室進行節能改造。本團隊於6月7日至14日辦理8場次低碳社區改造計畫說明會,邀請臺南市37區各里參與,會議內容主要針對資源回收宣導、綠色消費、低碳永續家園及輔導改造計畫及流程進行說明,包括申請方式、經費配置、辦理期程、補助項目等,共計有282人參與。依據各里辦公室提交申請文件之完整性,遴選出佳里區-頂廍里、新市區-社內里、善化區-嘉北里、安南區-塩田里,共計4處符合銅級低碳社區改造資格,而因不足補足名額,經與低碳辦公室討論後辦理第二次遴選作業,預計再補助16處低碳社區,截至報名日前(7/27)共計有15區43里辦公室報名(含第一次報名獲選者),其中有32處申請低碳社區,7處申請示範社區,2處申請核心社區,統整第一、二次低碳社區、示範社區及核心社區申請書完整度、節能效益及執行力後,遴選出20處低碳社區、5處示範社區及2處核心社區,合計27處,透過執行27處社區(里)改造包括推動社區農園、閒置空地綠美化、推廣節能電器、推廣室內使用或汰換節能燈具、推廣使用省水設備(器材)、寺廟節能燈具使用推廣等等低碳行動項目,可增加綠化面積、節省電力及水資源耗用,預計可省電(水)31586.7度,減(固)碳200,694.04 kgCO2/年。(四) 推動低碳節能商場(圈)計畫推動低碳環保示範商圈是臺南市政府旗艦計畫之重大政策,今年度仍複製過去成功經驗,協助本市一處商場(圈)進行改善,經市場處評估擇定學甲區學甲公有零售市場為改善標的。並於5月6日在環保局2樓第一會議室召開協商會,會議中決議改善經費由105年度「臺南市低碳永續家園運作體系與執行成效管考計畫」及市場處自籌支應,設置容量8.5kW之太陽能板,提供市場用電,於6月20日至7月1日完成施工作業及陸續汰換學甲市場內T5燈具,預計完成改善作業一年可產生(減少)23,528度電,節省88,232元電費,減碳12.3噸CO2e排放量。(五) 推動太陽能模組候車亭及路外停車場照明設施汰換更新計畫交通局交通運輸處於105年度新建候車亭期間,依條件符合日照充足及遮蔽物少之候車亭,選出白河區白河榮家(西行)、新市區新市市場(東行)、關廟區關廟國中(東行)、北門區北門橋頭(西行)、柳營區太康國小(西行)與人和里(北行)、永康區台南大學附中(東行)、中興(西行)、康福新城(西行)與永康休閒育樂中心(北行),共計10處地點,進行設置太陽能光電模組,取代一般用電,推廣節能減碳之綠色運輸效益,並於11月底前完成太陽能模組候車亭施工,預計透過工程可一年可產生7,300度電,節省25,550元電費,減碳3.8噸CO2排放量。交通局停車管理處平常藉由收費巡察人員回報燈具狀況,於105年6月進行照明設備效能不佳之停車場現勘,遴選出東區崇明路停E6、安平區育平9街停10與中華西路停2、北區北園公兒23、中西區青年路東門市場公有收費停車場、南區西門健康停車場等6處29座路燈汰換更新,於8月中旬已發包交由設計師規劃及設計太陽能路燈樣式,並於11月底前完成太陽能路燈設置,預計透過汰換更新工程可一年可產生(減少)43,800度電,節省175,200元電費,減碳22.8噸CO2e排放量。(六) 推動校園節能綠生活計畫本計畫協助教育局推動校園節能綠生活推動計畫,其中包含三個子計畫:教室節能提升計畫、教室能源監控設備計畫及低碳節能示範校園改善計畫,以有效提升學校能源使用效率,達成校園用電設施節能目標。4月19日第一次協商會由教育局提供104年低碳示範校園標章認證數達3項以上且未通過節電認證之學校計17所進行補助,並於4月25至28日針對開關迴路、吊扇、太陽能熱水器及可裝設智慧插座之..."
proj_year 105
org_name "臺南市政府環境保護局"
exe_unit "立境環境科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20170831


來源 : 行政院環境保護署-EPQSummary_Other
欄位 : eng_title、eng_Subject、proj_year、org_name、exe_unit、allfileid、publish_date

eng_title "2019 Tainan City promotes low-carbon energy-saving and environmental protection"
eng_Subject "Formulation of 108 Tainan Locomotive Exhaust Gas Examination Station Energy Saving Reconstruction Subsidy Plan, Visited 308 regular checkpoints in the city and investigated the willingness of signboard lamps to be replaced and transformed.. Reconstruction of 222 locomotive regular checkpoint signs. It can save 10,003 kWh of electricity annually and reduce 5,332 kg of CO2e emissions. Completed 7 energy-saving promotion briefing sessions for merchants, with a total of 391 participants. Assisted in the application of the campus boiler mini-replacement project, completed the collection of 142 school boiler usage status and installation data, and the preparation of parent plan books and 26 school sub-plan plans. The inspection company has completed the first stage of verification. Promote low-carbon homestead and communities-based adaptive participatory budgeting, completed 5 briefing sessions, 2 reviewer training workshops, 2 proposal workshops, and 2 review workshops from July to October Communities participated in the simulation proposal workshop, covering 10 administrative regions, and submitted a total of 18 proposals for election. After reviewing the proposal workshop, 12 proposal plans were produced, and 8 proposal plans were selected through voting in the Jeonan City network. The District 3 case proposal plans to subsidize 11 communities for renovation operations and counsel them to promote the conversion of the results into low-carbon sustainable home certification evaluation action projects as a reference document for future participation in certification evaluation applications. Produced 3,070 copies of publicity announcements, published event information and 5 print and electronic media using multiple internet platforms."
proj_year 2019
org_name "Environmental Protection Bureau of Tainan City"
exe_unit "立境環境科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20200701


來源 : 國家發展委員會檔案管理局-公文電子交換系統地址簿

ORGID EB16860552
ORGNAME 立境環境科技股份有限公司
UPDATETIME 2023-09-11 15:01:20


來源 : 國家發展委員會檔案管理局-公文電子交換系統地址簿

2023-09-11 15:01:20


來源 : 經濟部商業司-董監事資料集
欄位 : 統一編號、公司名稱、職稱、姓名、所代表法人、持有股份數

統一編號 16860552
公司名稱 立境環境科技股份有限公司
職稱 監察人
姓名 楊蕙綺
持有股份數 0

統一編號 16860552
公司名稱 立境環境科技股份有限公司
職稱 董事
姓名 陳彥宇
持有股份數 300000

統一編號 16860552
公司名稱 立境環境科技股份有限公司
職稱 董事
姓名 呂鴻毅
持有股份數 300000

統一編號 16860552
公司名稱 立境環境科技股份有限公司
職稱 董事長
姓名 許浩洋
持有股份數 300000


來源 : 經濟部商業司-高雄市公司登記資料-A農、林、漁、牧業
欄位 : 統一編號、公司名稱、公司地址、實收資本額、核准設立日期、營業地址(財政資訊中心匯入)、行業代號(財政資訊中心匯入)、財政資訊中心匯入日期、股票代號(金融監督管理委員會匯入)、產業別(金融監督管理委員會匯入)、金融監督管理委員會匯入日期、商標資料(智慧財產局匯入)、智慧財產局匯入日期

統一編號 16860552
公司名稱 立境環境科技股份有限公司
公司地址 高雄市三民區博愛一路366號6樓
實收資本額 10000000
核准設立日期 0880219
營業地址(財政資訊中心匯入) 高雄市三民區安和里博愛一路366號6樓
行業代號(財政資訊中心匯入) 711299,433211,760911,432000
財政資訊中心匯入日期 30-AUG-22


來源 : 經濟部商業司-高雄市公司登記資料-J文化、運動、休閒及其他服務業
欄位 : 統一編號、公司名稱、公司地址、實收資本額、核准設立日期、營業地址(財政資訊中心匯入)、行業代號(財政資訊中心匯入)、財政資訊中心匯入日期、股票代號(金融監督管理委員會匯入)、產業別(金融監督管理委員會匯入)、金融監督管理委員會匯入日期、商標資料(智慧財產局匯入)、智慧財產局匯入日期

統一編號 16860552
公司名稱 立境環境科技股份有限公司
公司地址 高雄市三民區博愛一路366號6樓
實收資本額 10000000
核准設立日期 0880219
營業地址(財政資訊中心匯入) 高雄市三民區安和里博愛一路366號6樓
行業代號(財政資訊中心匯入) 711299,433211,760911,432000
財政資訊中心匯入日期 30-AUG-22


來源 : 勞動部勞動力發展署-就業安定基金對民間團體及個人之補(捐)助情形季報表(107年7月起)
欄位 : 計畫名稱、補(捐)助事項、補(捐)助對象、所歸屬之直轄市或縣(市)、核准日期、補(捐)助金額

計畫名稱 促進國民就業計畫
補(捐)助事項 北基宜花金馬分署辦理「雇主僱用獎助─僱用獎助」
補(捐)助對象 立境環境科技股份有限公司
所歸屬之直轄市或縣(市) 高雄市
核准日期 1081216
補(捐)助金額 9000


來源 : 勞動部勞動力發展署-就業安定基金對民間團體及個人之補(捐)助情形季報表(107年7月起)
欄位 : 計畫名稱;補(捐)助事項;補(捐)助對象;所歸屬之直轄市或縣(市);核准日期;補(捐)助金額



來源 : 經濟部商業司-高雄市公司登記資料-E營造及工程業
欄位 : 統一編號、公司名稱、公司地址、實收資本額、核准設立日期、營業地址(財政資訊中心匯入)、行業代號(財政資訊中心匯入)、財政資訊中心匯入日期、股票代號(金融監督管理委員會匯入)、產業別(金融監督管理委員會匯入)、金融監督管理委員會匯入日期、商標資料(智慧財產局匯入)、智慧財產局匯入日期

統一編號 16860552
公司名稱 立境環境科技股份有限公司
公司地址 高雄市三民區博愛一路366號6樓
實收資本額 10000000
核准設立日期 0880219
營業地址(財政資訊中心匯入) 高雄市三民區安和里博愛一路366號6樓
行業代號(財政資訊中心匯入) 711299,433211,760911,432000
財政資訊中心匯入日期 30-AUG-22


來源 : 經濟部商業司-公司登記(依營業項目別)-園藝服務業
欄位 : 統一編號、公司名稱、負責人、公司地址、實收資本額、公司狀態、產製日期

統一編號 16860552
公司名稱 立境環境科技股份有限公司
負責人 許O洋
公司地址 高雄市三民區博愛一路366號6樓
實收資本額 10000000
公司狀態 核准設立
產製日期 2022-09-01 03:46:22.467


來源 : 勞動部-違反勞動法令事業單位-勞動基準法
欄位 : 主管機關、公告日期、處分日期、處分字號、事業單位名稱或負責人、違法法規法條、違反法規內容、罰鍰金額、備註說明

主管機關 高雄市
公告日期 20170619
處分日期 20170214
處分字號 高市勞條字第10630495400
事業單位名稱或負責人 立境環境科技股份有限公司/許浩洋
違法法規法條 勞動基準法第32條第2項
違反法規內容 延長工作時間超過法令規定


來源 : 勞動部-違反勞動法令事業單位-勞動基準法
欄位 : 主管機關;公告日期;處分日期;處分字號;事業單位名稱或負責人;違法法規法條;違反法規內容;罰鍰金額;備註說明



來源 : 行政院環境保護署-環保專案摘要資料_環境監測及檢測
欄位 : chi_title、Chi_Subject、proj_year、org_name、exe_unit、allfileid、publish_date

chi_title "金門縣環境保護局103年度「空氣中細懸浮微粒監測及分析計畫」"
Chi_Subject "本計畫執行期程係自103年2月19日至104年2月28日止。主要工作項目包括:金門縣手動懸浮微粒監測採樣、細懸浮微粒來源推估及監測結果比對、分析。(一) 金門縣手動懸浮微粒監測採樣及來源推估:各季質量濃度採樣結果,不同方位採樣地點多以秋季及冬季時濃度最高,而夏季時最低。各季節採樣期間,在盛行風向影響下,境內、境外污染源藉由傳輸機制,使得位於下風處採樣點之PM2.5濃度有較高之現象,經四季風花圖分析顯示,境外污染貢獻約71%~98%,平均貢獻71%,尤以高污染季節更為明顯。各季採樣期間PM2.5之主要成分以衍生性氣膠為主,約佔3~6成以上;原生性氣膠約佔2~3成左右,當中以EC及OCpri佔之較高;而Others平均佔約2成左右;由CMB污染貢獻來源解析,各採樣地點多以硫酸銨及交通源為主要貢獻來源,其次為地殼元素,值得注意的是農廢燃燒亦佔有一定之比例。綜合銨鹽利用率、監測採樣及CMB結果推論,對於改善本縣大氣中PM2.5而言,除原生性PM外,建議優先管制污染物為SOx。然就本縣面積大小及污染負荷而言,本縣面積小,本身排放之SOx與NOx的停留時間短,於本縣反應生成之二次氣膠有限,加上本縣相對廈、漳、泉之污染負荷及排放強度甚低,因此除了本身之污染排放外,推估多數仍以境外之長程傳輸所貢獻居多。(二) 常規PM2.5手動測站及自動測站濃度分析:由102、103年度PM2.5監測數據顯示,103年度年平均值除竹苗、雲嘉南、花東及金門略高於102年度外,其餘地區低於103年度;24小時值除北部、花東、宜蘭空品區略高於102年外,其餘地區低於103年;103年全國PM2.5年平均值為23.6 µg/m3,24小時值為59.7µg/m3,僅花東空品區符合空氣品質標準,其他空品區包括金門、澎湖等離島地區皆不符合空氣品質標準。以七大空品區而言,雲嘉南空品區年平均及24小時值最高,分別為31.8 µg/m3及81.3 µg/m3;其次為中部空品區,分別為27.0 µg/m3及70.5 µg/m3。以單一測站來看,年平均值及24小時最高為嘉義34.7 µg/m3及85.2 µg/m3,其次為斗六34.1 µg/m3及83.9 µg/m3,金門32.8 µg/m3及81.4 µg/m3。金門縣103年PM2.5超標日數共有35天,佔全年30.2%,較102年超標日數46天減少11天,改善率為24%,顯示本縣改善策略具初步成效。(三) 本縣PM2.5管制策略擬定:綜合本計畫於各採樣地點之之化學成分組成與利用CMB模式模擬結果,本縣PM2.5主要貢獻源以交通源及硫酸銨為主,其次是來自自然界之地殼元素與海鹽飛沫。由於本縣面積小,本身排放之SOx與NOx的停留時間太短,反應生成之二次氣膠有限;加上本縣污染排放強度相對廈漳泉之排放強度甚低,因此推測即便是交通源與硫酸銨,還是可能來自鄰近地區產生之污染排放因長程傳輸至本縣居多所致。因此就本縣而言,若是在境外已經形成之PM2.5直接傳送至本縣,則屬無法控制之污染來源,對於來自境外之污染貢獻,本計畫建議未來必須透過兩岸的交流,了解兩岸彼此面臨之困難與挑戰,逐步建立對話機制與合作模式,進行相關污染防制,方能有效改善本縣境外污染問題;而直接排放前驅物反應形成PM2.5,屬可控制之污染來源,短期內加強管制本縣既有之固定污染源管制措施方面為落實法規、協談台電使用低污染燃料、訂定餐飲業管理自治條例及餐飲業全面加裝防制設備;移動污染源以加速汰舊二行程機車、、補助低污染車輛、推廣自行車租賃系統;逸散污染源則以提升街道揚塵洗掃能量、加強營建工地稽查管制、裸露地改善、推動民俗活動金紙減量等,以降低本縣產生之PM2.5或其前驅物(SO2、NOx、VOCs)之排放,也是本計畫所建議於境內可執行之主要管制對策。"
proj_year 103
org_name "金門縣環境保護局"
exe_unit "立境環境科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20160301


來源 : 監察院-107年直轄市市長政治獻金會計報告書(首次申報)
欄位 : 序號、擬參選人/政黨、選舉名稱、申報序號/年度、交易日期、收支科目、捐贈者/支出對象、身分證/統一編號、收入金額、支出金額、捐贈方式、存入專戶日期、返還/繳庫、支出用途、金錢類、地址、聯絡電話、應揭露之支出對象、支出對象之內部人員姓名、支出對象之內部人員職稱、政黨之內部人員姓名、政黨之內部人員職稱、關係、資料更正日期

序號 1169
擬參選人/政黨 侯友宜
選舉名稱 107年直轄市市長選舉
申報序號/年度 首次申報
交易日期 1070918
收支科目 返還支出
捐贈者/支出對象 立境環境科技股份有限公司
身分證/統一編號 16860552
收入金額 0.00
支出金額 10000.00
支出用途 返還
金錢類 金錢
地址 K高雄縣三民****
聯絡電話 0918*****

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