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來源 : 經濟部商業司-公司變更登記清冊(月份)
欄位 : 序號、統一編號、公司名稱、公司所在地、代表人、資本額、核准變更日期

序號 2079
統一編號 23997652
公司名稱 汎宇電商股份有限公司
公司所在地 臺北市南港區南港路3段50巷7號4樓
代表人 李宗悌
資本額 500000000
核准變更日期 1070607


來源 : 經濟部商業司-公司變更登記清冊(月份)
欄位 : 序號、統一編號、公司名稱、公司所在地、代表人、資本額、核准變更日期

序號 1945
統一編號 23997652
公司名稱 汎宇電商股份有限公司
公司所在地 臺北市南港區南港路3段50巷7號4樓
代表人 李宗悌
資本額 500000000
核准變更日期 1090608


來源 : 經濟部工業局-登記工廠名錄
欄位 : 工廠名稱、工廠登記編號、工廠設立許可案號、工廠地址、工廠市鎮鄉村里、工廠負責人姓名、統一編號、工廠組織型態、工廠設立核准日期、工廠登記核准日期、工廠登記狀態、產業類別、主要產品

工廠名稱 汎宇電商股份有限公司
工廠登記編號 63020532
工廠設立許可案號 07963000018517
工廠地址 臺北市南港區西新里南港路三段五十巷七號四樓
工廠市鎮鄉村里 臺北市南港區西新里
工廠負責人姓名 許靜華
統一編號 23997652
工廠組織型態 股份有限公司
工廠設立核准日期 0790507
工廠登記核准日期 0790818
工廠登記狀態 生產中
產業類別 26電子零組件製造業
主要產品 269其他電子零組件


來源 : 經濟部商業司-公司變更登記清冊(月份)
欄位 : 序號、統一編號、公司名稱、公司所在地、代表人、資本額、核准變更日期

序號 1458
統一編號 23997652
公司名稱 汎宇電商股份有限公司
公司所在地 臺北市南港區南港路3段50巷7號4樓
代表人 李宗悌
資本額 500000000
核准變更日期 1100623


來源 : 經濟部商業司-公司變更登記清冊(月份)
欄位 : 序號、統一編號、公司名稱、公司所在地、代表人、資本額、核准變更日期

序號 1978
統一編號 23997652
公司名稱 汎宇電商股份有限公司
公司所在地 臺北市南港區南港路3段50巷7號4樓
代表人 李宗悌
資本額 500000000
核准變更日期 1100902


來源 : 財政部臺北國稅局-財政部臺北國稅局使用B2C電子發票營業人名冊
欄位 : 營業人統一編號、營業人名稱、登記地址

營業人統一編號 23997652
營業人名稱 汎宇電商股份有限公司
登記地址 臺北市南港區西新里南港路3段50巷7號4樓


來源 : 經濟部商業司-公司登記(依營業項目別)-電子資訊供應服務業
欄位 : 統一編號、公司名稱、公司地址、實收資本額、公司狀態、產製日期

統一編號 23997652
公司名稱 汎宇電商股份有限公司
公司地址 臺北市南港區南港路3段50巷7號4樓
實收資本額 500000000
公司狀態 核准設立
產製日期 2022-10-01 02:39:14.677


來源 : 財政部財政資訊中心-導入電子發票營業人清單
欄位 : 營業人統編、營業人名稱、屬性、地址

營業人統編 23997652
營業人名稱 汎宇電商股份有限公司
屬性 B2C
地址 臺北市南港區西新里南港路3段50巷7號4樓

營業人統編 23997652
營業人名稱 汎宇電商股份有限公司
屬性 B2B
地址 臺北市南港區西新里南港路3段50巷7號4樓


來源 : 經濟部商業司-公司登記(依營業項目別)-化粧品零售業
欄位 : 統一編號、公司名稱、負責人、公司地址、實收資本額、公司狀態、產製日期

統一編號 23997652
公司名稱 汎宇電商股份有限公司
負責人 李O悌
公司地址 臺北市南港區南港路3段50巷7號4樓
實收資本額 500000000
公司狀態 核准設立
產製日期 2022-10-01 03:33:23.983


來源 : 行政院環境保護署-環保專案摘要資料
欄位 : chi_title、chi_subject、eng_title、eng_subject、proj_year、org_name、exe_unit、allfileid、publish_date

chi_title "108年度環保集點制度推動專案工作計畫"
chi_subject "為了鼓勵消費者購買環保產品,進而推動綠色產品的設計及生產,環保署推動「環保集點制度」。民眾可在購買環保產品、搭乘大眾運輸或參與環保活動時獲得綠點獎勵,綠點可用於日後折抵購買環保產品的價金,或抵扣環保旅館、環教場所等旅遊消費。舉例來說,民眾購買環保產品時每100元可獲得100綠點,相當於1元回饋;此外搭乘大眾運輸像是捷運、高鐵、公車時,每100元也可以獲得50綠點回饋。 本計畫串聯政府機關及民間資源,執行內容包含行政作業、系統整合與維運、宣傳及活動辦理及制度精進等4面向。為擴大環保集點試行,透過辦理工作圈、招商說明會及業者深度拜訪,導入財政部電子發票系統、實體與虛擬通路業者、綠色服務業者、環保產品業者及其他點數供應商;執行大眾運輸集綠點、綠色消費集點及其他環保行動集點活動;成立專案辦公室提供客服專線,處理通路、綠色產品及服務廠商介接與民眾詢答等相關行政事務。 "
eng_title "2019 Green point system planning and building project plans"
eng_subject "The Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan (EPA) has launched the “Green Point Program” to encourage consumers to purchase environmentally friendly and sustainable products, the so-called green products, and to inspire manufacturers to design and produce more green products. The public will earn green points when they buy green products, take public transportation, and participate in eco-friendly activities. They can redeem these green points to obtain discounts for buying green products, pay for entrance tickets to national parks, or stay in environmentally friendly hotels. For example, if a consumer purchases an item with NTD 100, he/she will earn 100 green points, which could be redeemed for NTD 1 for buying green products or services. In addition, when a consumer takes public transportation such as MRT, railway, high-speed rail, bus, or rents a public bicycle at NTD 100, he/she will earn 50 green points. The project has gained successful collaboration with government agencies and numerous companies and institutions. It contains four major facets: administrative processes and customer service, system integration & operation, promotions and events, and the regulation provisioning. To expand the scope of the pilot run, EPA formed working groups, held seminars and forums with all parties involved, collaborated with the electronic invoice system of Ministry of Finance, and co-worked with retail channels, companies that provide environmentally friendly services, and suppliers that provide much environmentally friendly merchandise. EPA also encourages the public to gain green points by taking public transportations, purchasing green products and participating in eco-friendly activities. A project office is in place to provide customer services for companies in the green supply chain and consumers as well."
proj_year 108
org_name "管考處"
exe_unit "汎宇電商股份有限公司"
publish_date 20200331

chi_title "109年度環保集點制度推動專案工作計畫"
chi_subject "為了鼓勵消費者購買環保產品,進而推動綠色產品的設計及生產,環保署推動「環保集點制度」。民眾可在購買環保產品、搭乘大眾運輸或參與環保活動時獲得綠點獎勵,綠點可用於日後折抵購買環保產品的價金,或抵扣環保旅館、環教場所等旅遊消費。舉例來說,民眾購買環保產品時每100元可獲得100綠點,相當於1元回饋;此外搭乘大眾運輸像是捷運、高鐵、公車時,每100元也可以獲得50綠點回饋。 本計畫串聯政府機關及民間資源,執行內容包含行政作業、系統整合與維運、宣傳及活動辦理及制度精進等4面向。為擴大環保集點試行,透過辦理工作圈、招商說明會及業者深度拜訪,導入財政部電子發票系統、實體與虛擬通路業者、綠色服務業者、環保產品業者及其他點數供應商;執行大眾運輸集綠點、綠色消費集點及其他環保行動集點活動;成立專案辦公室提供客服專線,處理通路、綠色產品及服務廠商介接與民眾詢答等相關行政事務。"
eng_title "2020 Green Point System Planning and Building Project Plan"
eng_subject "The Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan (EPA) has launched the “Green Point Program” to encourage consumers to purchase environmentally friendly and sustainable products, the so-called green products, and to inspire manufacturers to design and produce more green products. The public will earn green points when they buy green products, take public transportation, and participate in eco-friendly activities. They can redeem these green points to obtain discounts for buying green products, pay for entrance tickets to national parks, or stay in environmentally friendly hotels. For example, if a consumer purchases an item with NTD 100, he/she will earn 100 green points, which could be redeemed for NTD 1 for buying green products or services. In addition, when a consumer takes public transportation such as MRT, railway, high-speed rail, bus, or rents a public bicycle at NTD 100, he/she will earn 50 green points. The project has gained successful collaboration with government agencies and numerous companies and institutions. It contains four major facets: administrative processes and customer service, system integration & operation, promotions and events, and the regulation provisioning. To expand the scope of the pilot run, EPA formed working groups, held seminars and forums with all parties involved, collaborated with the electronic invoice system of Ministry of Finance, and co-worked with retail channels, companies that provide environmentally friendly services, and suppliers that provide many environmentally friendly merchandise. EPA also encourages the public to gain green points by taking public transportations, purchasing green products and participating eco-friendly activities. A project office is in place to provide customer services for companies in the green supply chain and consumers as well."
proj_year 109
org_name "管考處"
exe_unit "汎宇電商股份有限公司"
publish_date 20210731

chi_title "全民綠生活運動規劃及推動專案工作計畫"
chi_subject "為超前部署地球永續發展的下一個十年,環保署以「用在地、惜資源、護環境」為宗旨推動「全民綠生活」,從提升國人綠色生活理念及養成綠色生活行為做起,宣導國人從食、衣、住、行、育、樂、購各層面落實生活環保,建立起友善環境的生活態度。本計畫盤點、彙整研析綠生活相關議題,結合環保署及各部會、地方政府及民間企業團體,規劃綠生活推動主軸及政策議題,並將相關資訊與推動成果彙整於綠生活資訊平台及社群網站,鼓勵國人參與運用。同時設計統一的綠生活主視覺及設計圖稿,運用於線上及實體活動,並結合大眾傳媒製作媒體節目,運用多方管道強力推廣。針對階段性執行成果,持續研析並精進,力求擴大綠生活整體推動、全面改善國人環保態度並建立綠生活習慣。"
eng_title "National Green Living Movement planning and pushing project plans"
eng_subject "In order to advance the deployment of the earth’s sustainable development for the next decade, the Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan (EPA) promotes “National Green Living Movement” with the purpose of “adopting local products, cherishing resources, and protecting the environment.” Starting by improving the concept of green life and forming green-life behaviors, the EPA further promotes the implementation of environmental protection in the aspects of food, clothing, housing, transportation, education, recreation, and shopping; thus, establishes an environment friendly attitude. This plan reviews the green living issues and cooperates with the EPA and various ministries as well as national enterprises, private enterprises and organizations to provide the public with up-to-date information and outcomes on the green living platform and social media. This project covers online/offline activities with green living primary vision of “National Green Living Movement.” This plan takes advantage of mass media, the Internet and TV broadcasts. Besides, the plan summarizes the effectiveness of staged outcomes, proposes following tasks with better approaches, and continually maginifies the effectiveness of promotion, striving to achieve the goal of green living, elevate environmental protection awareness, and establish green living habits."
proj_year 109
org_name "管考處"
exe_unit "汎宇電商股份有限公司"
publish_date 20220131

chi_title "110-111年度環保集點制度推動專案工作計畫"
chi_subject "  為了鼓勵消費者購買環保產品,進而推動綠色產品的設計及生產,環保署推動「環保集點制度」。民眾可在購買環保產品、搭乘大眾運輸或參與環保活動時獲得綠點獎勵,綠點可用於日後折抵購買環保產品的價金,或抵扣環保旅館、環教場所等旅遊消費。舉例來說,民眾購買環保產品時每100元可獲得100綠點,相當於1元回饋;此外搭乘大眾運輸像是捷運、高鐵、公車時,每100元也可以獲得50綠點回饋。   本計畫串聯政府機關及民間資源,執行內容包含行政作業、系統整合與維運、宣傳及活動辦理及制度精進等4面向。為擴大環保集點,透過辦理研商會及業者深度拜訪,導入財政部電子發票系統、實體與虛擬通路業者、綠色服務業者、環保產品業者及其他點數供應商;執行大眾運輸集綠點、綠色消費集點及其他環保行動集點活動;成立專案辦公室提供客服專線,處理通路、綠色產品及服務廠商介接與民眾詢答等相關行政事務。"
eng_title " 2021-2022 Green point system planning and building project plans"
eng_subject " The Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan (EPA) has launched the “Green Point Program” to encourage consumers to purchase environmentally friendly and sustainable products, the so-called green products, and to inspire manufacturers to design and produce more green products. The public will earn green points when they buy green products, take public transportation, and participate in eco-friendly activities. They can redeem these green points to obtain discounts for buying green products, pay for entrance tickets to national parks, or stay in environmentally friendly hotels. For example, if a consumer purchases an item with NTD 100, he/she will earn 100 green points, which could be redeemed for NTD 1 for buying green products or services. In addition, when a consumer takes public transportation such as MRT, railway, high-speed rail, bus, or rents a public bicycle at NTD 100, he/she will earn 50 green points. The project has gained successful collaboration with government agencies and numerous companies and institutions. It contains four major facets: administrative processes and customer service, system integration & operation, promotions and events, and the regulation provisioning. To expand the scope of the pilot run, EPA formed working groups, held seminars and forums with all parties involved, collaborated with the electronic invoice system of Ministry of Finance, and co-worked with retail channels, companies that provide environmentally friendly services, and suppliers that provide many environmentally friendly merchandise. EPA also encourages the public to gain green points by taking public transportations, purchasing green products and participating eco-friendly activities. A project office is in place to provide customer services for companies in the green supply chain and consumers as well."
proj_year 110
org_name "管考處"
exe_unit "汎宇電商股份有限公司"
publish_date 20220630


來源 : 行政院環境保護署-環保專案摘要資料
欄位 : projectid(專案登錄碼);title(中文標題);abstract(中文摘要);keyword(中文關鍵字);engtitle(英文標題);engabstract(英文摘要);engkeyword(英文關鍵字);govcategory(施政分類);projecttype(專案類型說明);projectno(專案計劃編號);projectyear(專案年度);projectbudget(專案經費);projectstartdate(合約開始日期);projectenddate(合約結束日期);sponsororg(主辦單位);undertaker(承辦人);executingorg(執行單位);projectdirector(專案主持人);assistdirector(協同主持人);codirector(共同主持人);publicfullversionurl(專案報告下載url)

"為了鼓勵消費者購買環保產品,進而推動綠色產品的設計及生產,環保署推動「環保集點制度」。民眾可在購買環保產品、搭乘大眾運輸或參與環保活動時獲得綠點獎勵,綠點可用於日後折抵購買環保產品的價金,或抵扣環保旅館、環教場所等旅遊消費。舉例來說,民眾購買環保產品時每100元可獲得100綠點,相當於1元回饋;此外搭乘大眾運輸像是捷運、高鐵、公車時,每100元也可以獲得50綠點回饋。 本計畫串聯政府機關及民間資源,執行內容包含行政作業、系統整合與維運、宣傳及活動辦理及制度精進等4面向。為擴大環保集點試行,透過辦理工作圈、招商說明會及業者深度拜訪,導入財政部電子發票系統、實體與虛擬通路業者、綠色服務業者、環保產品業者及其他點數供應商;執行大眾運輸集綠點、綠色消費集點及其他環保行動集點活動;成立專案辦公室提供客服專線,處理通路、綠色產品及服務廠商介接與民眾詢答等相關行政事務。 "
"2019 Green point system planning and building project plans"
"The Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan (EPA) has launched the “Green Point Program” to encourage consumers to purchase environmentally friendly and sustainable products, the so-called green products, and to inspire manufacturers to design and produce more green products. The public will earn green points when they buy green products, take public transportation, and participate in eco-friendly activities. They can redeem these green points to obtain discounts for buying green products, pay for entrance tickets to national parks, or stay in environmentally friendly hotels. For example, if a consumer purchases an item with NTD 100, he/she will earn 100 green points, which could be redeemed for NTD 1 for buying green products or services. In addition, when a consumer takes public transportation such as MRT, railway, high-speed rail, bus, or rents a public bicycle at NTD 100, he/she will earn 50 green points. The project has gained successful collaboration with government agencies and numerous companies and institutions. It contains four major facets: administrative processes and customer service, system integration & operation, promotions and events, and the regulation provisioning. To expand the scope of the pilot run, EPA formed working groups, held seminars and forums with all parties involved, collaborated with the electronic invoice system of Ministry of Finance, and co-worked with retail channels, companies that provide environmentally friendly services, and suppliers that provide much environmentally friendly merchandise. EPA also encourages the public to gain green points by taking public transportations, purchasing green products and participating in eco-friendly activities. A project office is in place to provide customer services for companies in the green supply chain and consumers as well."

"為了鼓勵消費者購買環保產品,進而推動綠色產品的設計及生產,環保署推動「環保集點制度」。民眾可在購買環保產品、搭乘大眾運輸或參與環保活動時獲得綠點獎勵,綠點可用於日後折抵購買環保產品的價金,或抵扣環保旅館、環教場所等旅遊消費。舉例來說,民眾購買環保產品時每100元可獲得100綠點,相當於1元回饋;此外搭乘大眾運輸像是捷運、高鐵、公車時,每100元也可以獲得50綠點回饋。 本計畫串聯政府機關及民間資源,執行內容包含行政作業、系統整合與維運、宣傳及活動辦理及制度精進等4面向。為擴大環保集點試行,透過辦理工作圈、招商說明會及業者深度拜訪,導入財政部電子發票系統、實體與虛擬通路業者、綠色服務業者、環保產品業者及其他點數供應商;執行大眾運輸集綠點、綠色消費集點及其他環保行動集點活動;成立專案辦公室提供客服專線,處理通路、綠色產品及服務廠商介接與民眾詢答等相關行政事務。"
"2020 Green Point System Planning and Building Project Plan"
"The Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan (EPA) has launched the “Green Point Program” to encourage consumers to purchase environmentally friendly and sustainable products, the so-called green products, and to inspire manufacturers to design and produce more green products. The public will earn green points when they buy green products, take public transportation, and participate in eco-friendly activities. They can redeem these green points to obtain discounts for buying green products, pay for entrance tickets to national parks, or stay in environmentally friendly hotels. For example, if a consumer purchases an item with NTD 100, he/she will earn 100 green points, which could be redeemed for NTD 1 for buying green products or services. In addition, when a consumer takes public transportation such as MRT, railway, high-speed rail, bus, or rents a public bicycle at NTD 100, he/she will earn 50 green points. The project has gained successful collaboration with government agencies and numerous companies and institutions. It contains four major facets: administrative processes and customer service, system integration & operation, promotions and events, and the regulation provisioning. To expand the scope of the pilot run, EPA formed working groups, held seminars and forums with all parties involved, collaborated with the electronic invoice system of Ministry of Finance, and co-worked with retail channels, companies that provide environmentally friendly services, and suppliers that provide many environmentally friendly merchandise. EPA also encourages the public to gain green points by taking public transportations, purchasing green products and participating eco-friendly activities. A project office is in place to provide customer services for companies in the green supply chain and consumers as well."

"National Green Living Movement planning and pushing project plans"
"In order to advance the deployment of the earth’s sustainable development for the next decade, the Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan (EPA) promotes “National Green Living Movement” with the purpose of “adopting local products, cherishing resources, and protecting the environment.” Starting by improving the concept of green life and forming green-life behaviors, the EPA further promotes the implementation of environmental protection in the aspects of food, clothing, housing, transportation, education, recreation, and shopping; thus, establishes an environment friendly attitude. This plan reviews the green living issues and cooperates with the EPA and various ministries as well as national enterprises, private enterprises and organizations to provide the public with up-to-date information and outcomes on the green living platform and social media. This project covers online/offline activities with green living primary vision of “National Green Living Movement.” This plan takes advantage of mass media, the Internet and TV broadcasts. Besides, the plan summarizes the effectiveness of staged outcomes, proposes following tasks with better approaches, and continually maginifies the effectiveness of promotion, striving to achieve the goal of green living, elevate environmental protection awareness, and establish green living habits."

"  為了鼓勵消費者購買環保產品,進而推動綠色產品的設計及生產,環保署推動「環保集點制度」。民眾可在購買環保產品、搭乘大眾運輸或參與環保活動時獲得綠點獎勵,綠點可用於日後折抵購買環保產品的價金,或抵扣環保旅館、環教場所等旅遊消費。舉例來說,民眾購買環保產品時每100元可獲得100綠點,相當於1元回饋;此外搭乘大眾運輸像是捷運、高鐵、公車時,每100元也可以獲得50綠點回饋。   本計畫串聯政府機關及民間資源,執行內容包含行政作業、系統整合與維運、宣傳及活動辦理及制度精進等4面向。為擴大環保集點,透過辦理研商會及業者深度拜訪,導入財政部電子發票系統、實體與虛擬通路業者、綠色服務業者、環保產品業者及其他點數供應商;執行大眾運輸集綠點、綠色消費集點及其他環保行動集點活動;成立專案辦公室提供客服專線,處理通路、綠色產品及服務廠商介接與民眾詢答等相關行政事務。"
" 2021-2022 Green point system planning and building project plans"
" The Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan (EPA) has launched the “Green Point Program” to encourage consumers to purchase environmentally friendly and sustainable products, the so-called green products, and to inspire manufacturers to design and produce more green products. The public will earn green points when they buy green products, take public transportation, and participate in eco-friendly activities. They can redeem these green points to obtain discounts for buying green products, pay for entrance tickets to national parks, or stay in environmentally friendly hotels. For example, if a consumer purchases an item with NTD 100, he/she will earn 100 green points, which could be redeemed for NTD 1 for buying green products or services. In addition, when a consumer takes public transportation such as MRT, railway, high-speed rail, bus, or rents a public bicycle at NTD 100, he/she will earn 50 green points. The project has gained successful collaboration with government agencies and numerous companies and institutions. It contains four major facets: administrative processes and customer service, system integration & operation, promotions and events, and the regulation provisioning. To expand the scope of the pilot run, EPA formed working groups, held seminars and forums with all parties involved, collaborated with the electronic invoice system of Ministry of Finance, and co-worked with retail channels, companies that provide environmentally friendly services, and suppliers that provide many environmentally friendly merchandise. EPA also encourages the public to gain green points by taking public transportations, purchasing green products and participating eco-friendly activities. A project office is in place to provide customer services for companies in the green supply chain and consumers as well."


來源 : 行政院環境保護署-EPQSummary_EnvironmentalInformationSystem
欄位 : eng_title、eng_subject、proj_year、org_name、exe_unit、allfileid、publish_date

eng_title 2014 Green point system building and promoting project plans
eng_subject In recent years, governments around the word have begun attaching the importance of environmental maintenance issue to promote environmental protection in the global context. The thorny issue that a government and enterprises must face is how to safeguard the economic interest to be not in conflict with environmental protection. For promoting the Environmental Action valuable concept, Environmental Action valuable ,the Environmental Protection Administration, R.O.C. (Taiwan) cooperates most ministries and organizations to promote sustainable economy for expanding the sustainable markets, and encourage consumers to purchase green products. Via this project, the EPA combines the resources of its environmental bonus, the purchasing energies of government and consumers, the legislative sources and platforms, electronic invoice and data carriers to provide the green points system. The EPA has researched the strength of the environmental points collective policies of the foreign countries, the habits of consumers, the business floats, and the bonus regulations to establish the this system. In this year, the project of Green point system planning and building project plans keeps executing. Through this scheme, not only built up the green point system and made the promotions, but also established the green product identifications, created the green points exchange policy cross over multi channels, provided add value services, and increase the visibility of this project.
proj_year 2014
org_name Department of Supervision Evaluation & Dispute Resolution
exe_unit 汎宇電商股份有限公司
publish_date 20150201


來源 : 行政院環境保護署-EPQSummary_EnvironmentalInformationSystem
欄位 : eng_title(project title);eng_subject(project subject);proj_year(project year);org_name(organizer);exe_unit(executive unit);allfileid(reporting download url);publish_date(publish date)

2014 Green point system building and promoting project plans
In recent years, governments around the word have begun attaching the importance of environmental maintenance issue to promote environmental protection in the global context. The thorny issue that a government and enterprises must face is how to safeguard the economic interest to be not in conflict with environmental protection. For promoting the Environmental Action valuable concept, Environmental Action valuable ,the Environmental Protection Administration, R.O.C. (Taiwan) cooperates most ministries and organizations to promote sustainable economy for expanding the sustainable markets, and encourage consumers to purchase green products. Via this project, the EPA combines the resources of its environmental bonus, the purchasing energies of government and consumers, the legislative sources and platforms, electronic invoice and data carriers to provide the green points system. The EPA has researched the strength of the environmental points collective policies of the foreign countries, the habits of consumers, the business floats, and the bonus regulations to establish the this system. In this year, the project of Green point system planning and building project plans keeps executing. Through this scheme, not only built up the green point system and made the promotions, but also established the green product identifications, created the green points exchange policy cross over multi channels, provided add value services, and increase the visibility of this project.
Department of Supervision Evaluation & Dispute Resolution


來源 : 行政院環境保護署-環保專案摘要資料_其他
欄位 : chi_title、chi_subject、proj_year、org_name、exe_unit、allfileid、publish_date

chi_title 108年度環保集點制度推動專案工作計畫
chi_subject 為了鼓勵消費者購買環保產品,進而推動綠色產品的設計及生產,環保署推動「環保集點制度」。民眾可在購買環保產品、搭乘大眾運輸或參與環保活動時獲得綠點獎勵,綠點可用於日後折抵購買環保產品的價金,或抵扣環保旅館、環教場所等旅遊消費。舉例來說,民眾購買環保產品時每100元可獲得100綠點,相當於1元回饋;此外搭乘大眾運輸像是捷運、高鐵、公車時,每100元也可以獲得50綠點回饋。 本計畫串聯政府機關及民間資源,執行內容包含行政作業、系統整合與維運、宣傳及活動辦理及制度精進等4面向。為擴大環保集點試行,透過辦理工作圈、招商說明會及業者深度拜訪,導入財政部電子發票系統、實體與虛擬通路業者、綠色服務業者、環保產品業者及其他點數供應商;執行大眾運輸集綠點、綠色消費集點及其他環保行動集點活動;成立專案辦公室提供客服專線,處理通路、綠色產品及服務廠商介接與民眾詢答等相關行政事務。
proj_year 108
org_name 管考處
exe_unit 汎宇電商股份有限公司
publish_date 20200331

chi_title 109年度環保集點制度推動專案工作計畫
chi_subject 為了鼓勵消費者購買環保產品,進而推動綠色產品的設計及生產,環保署推動「環保集點制度」。民眾可在購買環保產品、搭乘大眾運輸或參與環保活動時獲得綠點獎勵,綠點可用於日後折抵購買環保產品的價金,或抵扣環保旅館、環教場所等旅遊消費。舉例來說,民眾購買環保產品時每100元可獲得100綠點,相當於1元回饋;此外搭乘大眾運輸像是捷運、高鐵、公車時,每100元也可以獲得50綠點回饋。 本計畫串聯政府機關及民間資源,執行內容包含行政作業、系統整合與維運、宣傳及活動辦理及制度精進等4面向。為擴大環保集點試行,透過辦理工作圈、招商說明會及業者深度拜訪,導入財政部電子發票系統、實體與虛擬通路業者、綠色服務業者、環保產品業者及其他點數供應商;執行大眾運輸集綠點、綠色消費集點及其他環保行動集點活動;成立專案辦公室提供客服專線,處理通路、綠色產品及服務廠商介接與民眾詢答等相關行政事務。
proj_year 109
org_name 管考處
exe_unit 汎宇電商股份有限公司
publish_date 20210731

chi_title 全民綠生活運動規劃及推動專案工作計畫
chi_subject 為超前部署地球永續發展的下一個十年,環保署以「用在地、惜資源、護環境」為宗旨推動「全民綠生活」,從提升國人綠色生活理念及養成綠色生活行為做起,宣導國人從食、衣、住、行、育、樂、購各層面落實生活環保,建立起友善環境的生活態度。本計畫盤點、彙整研析綠生活相關議題,結合環保署及各部會、地方政府及民間企業團體,規劃綠生活推動主軸及政策議題,並將相關資訊與推動成果彙整於綠生活資訊平台及社群網站,鼓勵國人參與運用。同時設計統一的綠生活主視覺及設計圖稿,運用於線上及實體活動,並結合大眾傳媒製作媒體節目,運用多方管道強力推廣。針對階段性執行成果,持續研析並精進,力求擴大綠生活整體推動、全面改善國人環保態度並建立綠生活習慣。
proj_year 109
org_name 管考處
exe_unit 汎宇電商股份有限公司
publish_date 20220131

chi_title 110-111年度環保集點制度推動專案工作計畫
chi_subject 為了鼓勵消費者購買環保產品,進而推動綠色產品的設計及生產,環保署推動「環保集點制度」。民眾可在購買環保產品、搭乘大眾運輸或參與環保活動時獲得綠點獎勵,綠點可用於日後折抵購買環保產品的價金,或抵扣環保旅館、環教場所等旅遊消費。舉例來說,民眾購買環保產品時每100元可獲得100綠點,相當於1元回饋;此外搭乘大眾運輸像是捷運、高鐵、公車時,每100元也可以獲得50綠點回饋。   本計畫串聯政府機關及民間資源,執行內容包含行政作業、系統整合與維運、宣傳及活動辦理及制度精進等4面向。為擴大環保集點,透過辦理研商會及業者深度拜訪,導入財政部電子發票系統、實體與虛擬通路業者、綠色服務業者、環保產品業者及其他點數供應商;執行大眾運輸集綠點、綠色消費集點及其他環保行動集點活動;成立專案辦公室提供客服專線,處理通路、綠色產品及服務廠商介接與民眾詢答等相關行政事務。
proj_year 110
org_name 管考處
exe_unit 汎宇電商股份有限公司
publish_date 20220630


來源 : 行政院環境保護署-環保專案摘要資料_其他
欄位 : chi_title(中文標題);chi_subject(中文摘要);proj_year(專案年度);org_name(主辦單位);exe_unit(執行單位);allfileid(專案報告下載url);publish_date(專案報告公開日期)

為了鼓勵消費者購買環保產品,進而推動綠色產品的設計及生產,環保署推動「環保集點制度」。民眾可在購買環保產品、搭乘大眾運輸或參與環保活動時獲得綠點獎勵,綠點可用於日後折抵購買環保產品的價金,或抵扣環保旅館、環教場所等旅遊消費。舉例來說,民眾購買環保產品時每100元可獲得100綠點,相當於1元回饋;此外搭乘大眾運輸像是捷運、高鐵、公車時,每100元也可以獲得50綠點回饋。 本計畫串聯政府機關及民間資源,執行內容包含行政作業、系統整合與維運、宣傳及活動辦理及制度精進等4面向。為擴大環保集點試行,透過辦理工作圈、招商說明會及業者深度拜訪,導入財政部電子發票系統、實體與虛擬通路業者、綠色服務業者、環保產品業者及其他點數供應商;執行大眾運輸集綠點、綠色消費集點及其他環保行動集點活動;成立專案辦公室提供客服專線,處理通路、綠色產品及服務廠商介接與民眾詢答等相關行政事務。

為了鼓勵消費者購買環保產品,進而推動綠色產品的設計及生產,環保署推動「環保集點制度」。民眾可在購買環保產品、搭乘大眾運輸或參與環保活動時獲得綠點獎勵,綠點可用於日後折抵購買環保產品的價金,或抵扣環保旅館、環教場所等旅遊消費。舉例來說,民眾購買環保產品時每100元可獲得100綠點,相當於1元回饋;此外搭乘大眾運輸像是捷運、高鐵、公車時,每100元也可以獲得50綠點回饋。 本計畫串聯政府機關及民間資源,執行內容包含行政作業、系統整合與維運、宣傳及活動辦理及制度精進等4面向。為擴大環保集點試行,透過辦理工作圈、招商說明會及業者深度拜訪,導入財政部電子發票系統、實體與虛擬通路業者、綠色服務業者、環保產品業者及其他點數供應商;執行大眾運輸集綠點、綠色消費集點及其他環保行動集點活動;成立專案辦公室提供客服專線,處理通路、綠色產品及服務廠商介接與民眾詢答等相關行政事務。


為了鼓勵消費者購買環保產品,進而推動綠色產品的設計及生產,環保署推動「環保集點制度」。民眾可在購買環保產品、搭乘大眾運輸或參與環保活動時獲得綠點獎勵,綠點可用於日後折抵購買環保產品的價金,或抵扣環保旅館、環教場所等旅遊消費。舉例來說,民眾購買環保產品時每100元可獲得100綠點,相當於1元回饋;此外搭乘大眾運輸像是捷運、高鐵、公車時,每100元也可以獲得50綠點回饋。   本計畫串聯政府機關及民間資源,執行內容包含行政作業、系統整合與維運、宣傳及活動辦理及制度精進等4面向。為擴大環保集點,透過辦理研商會及業者深度拜訪,導入財政部電子發票系統、實體與虛擬通路業者、綠色服務業者、環保產品業者及其他點數供應商;執行大眾運輸集綠點、綠色消費集點及其他環保行動集點活動;成立專案辦公室提供客服專線,處理通路、綠色產品及服務廠商介接與民眾詢答等相關行政事務。


來源 : 行政院環境保護署-EPQSummary_Other
欄位 : eng_title、eng_subject、proj_year、org_name、exe_unit、allfileid、publish_date

eng_title 2019 Green point system planning and building project plans
eng_subject The Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan (EPA) has launched the “Green Point Program” to encourage consumers to purchase environmentally friendly and sustainable products, the so-called green products, and to inspire manufacturers to design and produce more green products. The public will earn green points when they buy green products, take public transportation, and participate in eco-friendly activities. They can redeem these green points to obtain discounts for buying green products, pay for entrance tickets to national parks, or stay in environmentally friendly hotels. For example, if a consumer purchases an item with NTD 100, he/she will earn 100 green points, which could be redeemed for NTD 1 for buying green products or services. In addition, when a consumer takes public transportation such as MRT, railway, high-speed rail, bus, or rents a public bicycle at NTD 100, he/she will earn 50 green points. The project has gained successful collaboration with government agencies and numerous companies and institutions. It contains four major facets: administrative processes and customer service, system integration & operation, promotions and events, and the regulation provisioning. To expand the scope of the pilot run, EPA formed working groups, held seminars and forums with all parties involved, collaborated with the electronic invoice system of Ministry of Finance, and co-worked with retail channels, companies that provide environmentally friendly services, and suppliers that provide much environmentally friendly merchandise. EPA also encourages the public to gain green points by taking public transportations, purchasing green products and participating in eco-friendly activities. A project office is in place to provide customer services for companies in the green supply chain and consumers as well.
proj_year 2019
org_name Department of Supervision Evaluation & Dispute Resolution
exe_unit 汎宇電商股份有限公司
publish_date 20200331

eng_title 2020 Green Point System Planning and Building Project Plan
eng_subject The Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan (EPA) has launched the “Green Point Program” to encourage consumers to purchase environmentally friendly and sustainable products, the so-called green products, and to inspire manufacturers to design and produce more green products. The public will earn green points when they buy green products, take public transportation, and participate in eco-friendly activities. They can redeem these green points to obtain discounts for buying green products, pay for entrance tickets to national parks, or stay in environmentally friendly hotels. For example, if a consumer purchases an item with NTD 100, he/she will earn 100 green points, which could be redeemed for NTD 1 for buying green products or services. In addition, when a consumer takes public transportation such as MRT, railway, high-speed rail, bus, or rents a public bicycle at NTD 100, he/she will earn 50 green points. The project has gained successful collaboration with government agencies and numerous companies and institutions. It contains four major facets: administrative processes and customer service, system integration & operation, promotions and events, and the regulation provisioning. To expand the scope of the pilot run, EPA formed working groups, held seminars and forums with all parties involved, collaborated with the electronic invoice system of Ministry of Finance, and co-worked with retail channels, companies that provide environmentally friendly services, and suppliers that provide many environmentally friendly merchandise. EPA also encourages the public to gain green points by taking public transportations, purchasing green products and participating eco-friendly activities. A project office is in place to provide customer services for companies in the green supply chain and consumers as well.
proj_year 2020
org_name Department of Supervision Evaluation & Dispute Resolution
exe_unit 汎宇電商股份有限公司
publish_date 20210731

eng_title National Green Living Movement planning and pushing project plans
eng_subject In order to advance the deployment of the earth’s sustainable development for the next decade, the Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan (EPA) promotes “National Green Living Movement” with the purpose of “adopting local products, cherishing resources, and protecting the environment.” Starting by improving the concept of green life and forming green-life behaviors, the EPA further promotes the implementation of environmental protection in the aspects of food, clothing, housing, transportation, education, recreation, and shopping; thus, establishes an environment friendly attitude. This plan reviews the green living issues and cooperates with the EPA and various ministries as well as national enterprises, private enterprises and organizations to provide the public with up-to-date information and outcomes on the green living platform and social media. This project covers online/offline activities with green living primary vision of “National Green Living Movement.” This plan takes advantage of mass media, the Internet and TV broadcasts. Besides, the plan summarizes the effectiveness of staged outcomes, proposes following tasks with better approaches, and continually maginifies the effectiveness of promotion, striving to achieve the goal of green living, elevate environmental protection awareness, and establish green living habits.
proj_year 2020
org_name Department of Supervision Evaluation & Dispute Resolution
exe_unit 汎宇電商股份有限公司
publish_date 20220131

eng_title 2021-2022 Green point system planning and building project plans
eng_subject The Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan (EPA) has launched the “Green Point Program” to encourage consumers to purchase environmentally friendly and sustainable products, the so-called green products, and to inspire manufacturers to design and produce more green products. The public will earn green points when they buy green products, take public transportation, and participate in eco-friendly activities. They can redeem these green points to obtain discounts for buying green products, pay for entrance tickets to national parks, or stay in environmentally friendly hotels. For example, if a consumer purchases an item with NTD 100, he/she will earn 100 green points, which could be redeemed for NTD 1 for buying green products or services. In addition, when a consumer takes public transportation such as MRT, railway, high-speed rail, bus, or rents a public bicycle at NTD 100, he/she will earn 50 green points. The project has gained successful collaboration with government agencies and numerous companies and institutions. It contains four major facets: administrative processes and customer service, system integration & operation, promotions and events, and the regulation provisioning. To expand the scope of the pilot run, EPA formed working groups, held seminars and forums with all parties involved, collaborated with the electronic invoice system of Ministry of Finance, and co-worked with retail channels, companies that provide environmentally friendly services, and suppliers that provide many environmentally friendly merchandise. EPA also encourages the public to gain green points by taking public transportations, purchasing green products and participating eco-friendly activities. A project office is in place to provide customer services for companies in the green supply chain and consumers as well.
proj_year 2021
org_name Department of Supervision Evaluation & Dispute Resolution
exe_unit 汎宇電商股份有限公司
publish_date 20220630


來源 : 行政院環境保護署-EPQSummary_Other
欄位 : eng_title(project title);eng_subject(project subject);proj_year(project year);org_name(organizer);exe_unit(executive unit);allfileid(reporting download url);publish_date(publish date)

2019 Green point system planning and building project plans
The Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan (EPA) has launched the “Green Point Program” to encourage consumers to purchase environmentally friendly and sustainable products, the so-called green products, and to inspire manufacturers to design and produce more green products. The public will earn green points when they buy green products, take public transportation, and participate in eco-friendly activities. They can redeem these green points to obtain discounts for buying green products, pay for entrance tickets to national parks, or stay in environmentally friendly hotels. For example, if a consumer purchases an item with NTD 100, he/she will earn 100 green points, which could be redeemed for NTD 1 for buying green products or services. In addition, when a consumer takes public transportation such as MRT, railway, high-speed rail, bus, or rents a public bicycle at NTD 100, he/she will earn 50 green points. The project has gained successful collaboration with government agencies and numerous companies and institutions. It contains four major facets: administrative processes and customer service, system integration & operation, promotions and events, and the regulation provisioning. To expand the scope of the pilot run, EPA formed working groups, held seminars and forums with all parties involved, collaborated with the electronic invoice system of Ministry of Finance, and co-worked with retail channels, companies that provide environmentally friendly services, and suppliers that provide much environmentally friendly merchandise. EPA also encourages the public to gain green points by taking public transportations, purchasing green products and participating in eco-friendly activities. A project office is in place to provide customer services for companies in the green supply chain and consumers as well.
Department of Supervision Evaluation & Dispute Resolution

2020 Green Point System Planning and Building Project Plan
The Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan (EPA) has launched the “Green Point Program” to encourage consumers to purchase environmentally friendly and sustainable products, the so-called green products, and to inspire manufacturers to design and produce more green products. The public will earn green points when they buy green products, take public transportation, and participate in eco-friendly activities. They can redeem these green points to obtain discounts for buying green products, pay for entrance tickets to national parks, or stay in environmentally friendly hotels. For example, if a consumer purchases an item with NTD 100, he/she will earn 100 green points, which could be redeemed for NTD 1 for buying green products or services. In addition, when a consumer takes public transportation such as MRT, railway, high-speed rail, bus, or rents a public bicycle at NTD 100, he/she will earn 50 green points. The project has gained successful collaboration with government agencies and numerous companies and institutions. It contains four major facets: administrative processes and customer service, system integration & operation, promotions and events, and the regulation provisioning. To expand the scope of the pilot run, EPA formed working groups, held seminars and forums with all parties involved, collaborated with the electronic invoice system of Ministry of Finance, and co-worked with retail channels, companies that provide environmentally friendly services, and suppliers that provide many environmentally friendly merchandise. EPA also encourages the public to gain green points by taking public transportations, purchasing green products and participating eco-friendly activities. A project office is in place to provide customer services for companies in the green supply chain and consumers as well.
Department of Supervision Evaluation & Dispute Resolution

National Green Living Movement planning and pushing project plans
In order to advance the deployment of the earth’s sustainable development for the next decade, the Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan (EPA) promotes “National Green Living Movement” with the purpose of “adopting local products, cherishing resources, and protecting the environment.” Starting by improving the concept of green life and forming green-life behaviors, the EPA further promotes the implementation of environmental protection in the aspects of food, clothing, housing, transportation, education, recreation, and shopping; thus, establishes an environment friendly attitude. This plan reviews the green living issues and cooperates with the EPA and various ministries as well as national enterprises, private enterprises and organizations to provide the public with up-to-date information and outcomes on the green living platform and social media. This project covers online/offline activities with green living primary vision of “National Green Living Movement.” This plan takes advantage of mass media, the Internet and TV broadcasts. Besides, the plan summarizes the effectiveness of staged outcomes, proposes following tasks with better approaches, and continually maginifies the effectiveness of promotion, striving to achieve the goal of green living, elevate environmental protection awareness, and establish green living habits.
Department of Supervision Evaluation & Dispute Resolution

2021-2022 Green point system planning and building project plans
The Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan (EPA) has launched the “Green Point Program” to encourage consumers to purchase environmentally friendly and sustainable products, the so-called green products, and to inspire manufacturers to design and produce more green products. The public will earn green points when they buy green products, take public transportation, and participate in eco-friendly activities. They can redeem these green points to obtain discounts for buying green products, pay for entrance tickets to national parks, or stay in environmentally friendly hotels. For example, if a consumer purchases an item with NTD 100, he/she will earn 100 green points, which could be redeemed for NTD 1 for buying green products or services. In addition, when a consumer takes public transportation such as MRT, railway, high-speed rail, bus, or rents a public bicycle at NTD 100, he/she will earn 50 green points. The project has gained successful collaboration with government agencies and numerous companies and institutions. It contains four major facets: administrative processes and customer service, system integration & operation, promotions and events, and the regulation provisioning. To expand the scope of the pilot run, EPA formed working groups, held seminars and forums with all parties involved, collaborated with the electronic invoice system of Ministry of Finance, and co-worked with retail channels, companies that provide environmentally friendly services, and suppliers that provide many environmentally friendly merchandise. EPA also encourages the public to gain green points by taking public transportations, purchasing green products and participating eco-friendly activities. A project office is in place to provide customer services for companies in the green supply chain and consumers as well.
Department of Supervision Evaluation & Dispute Resolution


來源 : 行政院環境保護署-環保專案摘要資料_環境資訊系統
欄位 : chi_title、chi_subject、proj_year、org_name、exe_unit、allfileid、publish_date

chi_title 103年度環保集點平台功能需求及推廣專案工作計畫
chi_subject 近年來,為因應全球暖化與氣候變遷,各國政府也開始重視環境維護為發展之重要議題,如何在維護經濟利益的同時,又不與環境保護相互牴觸,是企業與各國政府所必須面對的棘手課題。 行政院環境保護署為推動環保行動有價化概念,整合環保署、相關部會與民間資源,透過環保集點制度,獎勵採購綠色產品及其他環保行動者,引領民眾力行綠色生活,並藉由乘數效果,擴大綠色消費市場,帶動綠色經濟循環,擬透過結合我國環保獎勵措施、政府與民間綠色採購能量、相關政府部門資源與系統、電子發票系統與載具,並與我國現有點數市場整合出兌換、結算機制之方式,借鏡外國相關環保集點措施之作業與優點後,從消費者習慣、營業人流程、機關給予獎勵及集資作業等面向,規劃符合我國法規、作業之可行環保集點制度。 本(103)年度除持續辦理103年度「環保集點制度規劃及建置專案工作計畫」外,並透過本專案計畫建置環保集點平台與辦理平台服務推廣,落實環保集點制度之綠色商品辨識、多元載具集點、跨通路集點/消點與點數結清算、透過消費者端多元加值服務便利消費大眾集點與提升綠色產品行銷服務。
proj_year 103
org_name 管考處
exe_unit 汎宇電商股份有限公司
publish_date 20150201


來源 : 行政院環境保護署-環保專案摘要資料_環境資訊系統
欄位 : chi_title(中文標題);chi_subject(中文摘要);proj_year(專案年度);org_name(主辦單位);exe_unit(執行單位);allfileid(專案報告下載url);publish_date(專案報告公開日期)

近年來,為因應全球暖化與氣候變遷,各國政府也開始重視環境維護為發展之重要議題,如何在維護經濟利益的同時,又不與環境保護相互牴觸,是企業與各國政府所必須面對的棘手課題。 行政院環境保護署為推動環保行動有價化概念,整合環保署、相關部會與民間資源,透過環保集點制度,獎勵採購綠色產品及其他環保行動者,引領民眾力行綠色生活,並藉由乘數效果,擴大綠色消費市場,帶動綠色經濟循環,擬透過結合我國環保獎勵措施、政府與民間綠色採購能量、相關政府部門資源與系統、電子發票系統與載具,並與我國現有點數市場整合出兌換、結算機制之方式,借鏡外國相關環保集點措施之作業與優點後,從消費者習慣、營業人流程、機關給予獎勵及集資作業等面向,規劃符合我國法規、作業之可行環保集點制度。 本(103)年度除持續辦理103年度「環保集點制度規劃及建置專案工作計畫」外,並透過本專案計畫建置環保集點平台與辦理平台服務推廣,落實環保集點制度之綠色商品辨識、多元載具集點、跨通路集點/消點與點數結清算、透過消費者端多元加值服務便利消費大眾集點與提升綠色產品行銷服務。


來源 : 臺北市勞動力重建運用處-違反身心障礙者權益保障法第38條規定未足額進用名單
欄位 : 年度、月、投保單位名稱、身障總人數、法定人數、不足人數、不足進用之比率

年度 112
投保單位名稱 汎宇電商股份有限公司
身障總人數 0
法定人數 1
不足人數 1
不足進用之比率 100.00%


提供全國資訊軟體服務(I30101, I301010, F501990, I301310)公司登記資料。
來源 : 經濟部商業司-公司登記(依營業項目別)-資訊軟體服務
欄位 : 統一編號、公司名稱、公司地址、實收資本額、公司狀態、產製日期

統一編號 23997652
公司名稱 汎宇電商股份有限公司
公司地址 臺北市南港區南港路3段50巷7號4樓
實收資本額 500000000
公司狀態 核准設立
產製日期 20231001023456


提供全國資料處理服務(I30102, I301020, I301021, I301220)公司登記資料。
來源 : 經濟部商業司-公司登記(依營業項目別)-資料處理服務
欄位 : 統一編號、公司名稱、公司地址、實收資本額、公司狀態、產製日期

統一編號 23997652
公司名稱 汎宇電商股份有限公司
公司地址 臺北市南港區南港路3段50巷7號4樓
實收資本額 500000000
公司狀態 核准設立
產製日期 20231001023624


來源 : 經濟部商業司-董監事資料集
欄位 : 統一編號、公司名稱、職稱、姓名、所代表法人、持有股份數

統一編號 23997652
公司名稱 汎宇電商股份有限公司
職稱 監察人
姓名 周可夫
持有股份數 604288

統一編號 23997652
公司名稱 汎宇電商股份有限公司
職稱 董事
姓名 李宗悌
持有股份數 10792251

統一編號 23997652
公司名稱 汎宇電商股份有限公司
職稱 董事
姓名 陳孝昌
持有股份數 0

統一編號 23997652
公司名稱 汎宇電商股份有限公司
職稱 董事
姓名 張慶元
持有股份數 0

統一編號 23997652
公司名稱 汎宇電商股份有限公司
職稱 董事
姓名 熊源樹
持有股份數 705267

統一編號 23997652
公司名稱 汎宇電商股份有限公司
職稱 董事長
姓名 許靜華
持有股份數 12001732


來源 : 經濟部商業司-公司登記(依營業項目別)-電子資訊供應服務業
欄位 : 統一編號、公司名稱、公司地址、實收資本額、公司狀態、產製日期

統一編號 23997652
公司名稱 汎宇電商股份有限公司
公司地址 臺北市南港區南港路3段50巷7號4樓
實收資本額 20230401023749
公司狀態 核准設立


來源 : 經濟部商業司-公司登記(依營業項目別)-國際貿易業
欄位 : 統一編號、公司名稱、負責人、公司地址、實收資本額、公司狀態、產製日期

統一編號 23997652
公司名稱 汎宇電商股份有限公司
負責人 許O華
公司地址 臺北市南港區南港路3段50巷7號4樓
實收資本額 500000000
公司狀態 核准設立
產製日期 20231101033459

頁次 : 2/2

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