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來源 : 行政院環境保護署-環保專案摘要資料
欄位 : ProjectId、Title、Abstract、Keyword、EngTitle、EngAbstract、EngKeyword、GovCategory、ProjectType、ProjectNo、ProjectYear、ProjectBudget、ProjectStartDate、ProjectEndDate、SponsorOrg、Undertaker、ExecutingOrg、ProjectDirector、AssistDirector、CoDirector、PublicFullVersionURL

ProjectId "1041163827"
Title "104年臺中市餐飲油煙、紙錢減污、農廢露燃及室內空品宣導管制計畫"
Abstract "  本計畫至12月31日執行期間,於餐飲業方面已執行693家業者進行油煙防制設備查核及輔導,並成功推動設置及改善空氣污染防制設備79家次,經計算約削減NMHC 16,888公斤及TSP 9,508公斤之污染排放,迄今均未再發生民眾陳情案件;油煙污染防制宣導說明會或座談會完成3場次、共計235人參與;紙錢集中燒及源頭減量方面,已完成辦理紙錢集中清運宣導說明會3場次,紙錢集中清運共計2,572.2公噸,經計算約削減TSP 9,070公斤之污染排放,能有效維護本市空氣品質。淨爐法會完成6場次。露天燃燒方面,好發季節現場查核完成481件,地籍資料查詢完成481處,以排放係數估算可協助消減TSP 2,774公斤、PM10 2,746公斤、SOx 469公斤、NOx 2,266公斤、CO 25,124公斤、THC 2,071公斤,以及NMHC 1,864公斤等污染逸散;室內空氣品質管制方面,針對環保署第一批公告場所進行巡檢及辦理法規說明會議,目前二氧化碳巡檢已完成110家次,四項巡檢已完成31家次,幼稚園微生物相真菌、細菌檢測完成10家次,檢查結果均合乎法規規範,公共場所室內空氣污染物公告方法檢測已完成13處,檢查結果有兩處超過法規標準。"
Keyword "餐飲業、紙錢減量集中燒、露天燃燒、室內空氣品質"
EngTitle "The 2015 Taichung City Catering smoke pollution control、Centralized joss paper incineration、Outdoor incineration、Indoor air quality Propaganda Control Project"
EngAbstract "We has inspected and given advices the air pollution control devices of 693 catering industries for the cooking exhaust. In addition, we also have helped 79 companies to install or improve their air pollution control device until 31th of December. During its implementation period we eliminated 16,888 kg of NMHC and 9,508 kg of TSP in total. As a result, no further complaints were received till now. And we also completed 3 promotional explanation sessions or seminars related to the prevention and control of cooking exhaust were taken in place. Furthermore, our team not only accomplished 6 incinerator cleansing rituals were taken in place but also completed 3 explanation sessions of the concentrated disposal of ritual money. In regard to the concentrated incineration of ritual money, there were totally 2,572.2 tons of ritual money were concentrated, it assist in decreased 9,070 kg of TSP. The inspection at exposed burning control was conducted in 481 locations during the season; and cadastral information was checked in 481 locations. Using discharge coefficient to estimate, it assist in decreased 2,774 kg of TSP, 2,746 kg of PM10, 469 kg of SOx, 2,266 kg of NOx, 25,124 kg of CO, 2,071 kg of THC, and 1,864 kg of NMHC. In accordance with the first announced public place of indoor air quality management, which claimed by Environmental Protection Agency (E.P.A.), had been host a relevant regulations’ promotional explanation sessions. Presently Environmental Protection Bureau of Taichung city government has completed the CO2 inspection in 110 businesses, four parameters in 31 businesses, total fungi concentration and bacteria inspections in 10 kindergartens, and examination of the indoor air pollutant standard method in 13 public locations."
EngKeyword "Catering smoke pollution control, Centralized joss paper incineration, Outdoor incineration, Indoor air quality"
GovCategory "大氣空氣"
ProjectType "科技研究類專案"
ProjectNo "P0530"
ProjectYear 104
ProjectBudget "13800"
ProjectStartDate 2015-01-01
ProjectEndDate 2015-12-31
SponsorOrg "臺中市政府環境保護局"
Undertaker "賈若梅"
ExecutingOrg "思維環境科技有限公司"
ProjectDirector "鐘文舜"
AssistDirector ""
CoDirector ""

ProjectId "1050775510"
Title "105年臺中市低污染車輛推廣暨怠速熄火管制計畫"
Abstract "計畫執行期程自簽約日105年3月8日起至105年12月31日止,整體工作量完成度已達100%。本階段完成之主要目標有(1)推廣低污染交通工具,讓民眾認識低污染車輛;(2)整合行政資源,加速推動公務機關使用電動車輛及充電設施之健全環境;(3)執行機動車輛怠速宣導工作,減少空氣污染物的排放。具體相關執行成果如下:目前已完成工作項目包含本市具代表性或指標性道路、路段或路口之移動污染源調查工作2次。另提送國內六都及其他國內外推動低污染交通運具、建置綠能交通環境之現況調查及彙整工作報告1式。巡查臺中市電動汽車充電站379站次(含複查19站次)及機車充電站424站次(含複查4站次),巡查結果各充電站皆可正常充電使用。另配合市府或民間活動於臺中市部分廟宇、公園、學校及觀光景點辦理20場次低污染車輛推廣及怠速熄火宣導。在廣播媒體進行低污染車輛推廣暨怠速熄火管制宣導及二行程機車汰舊或新購電動二輪車補助宣導方面,總計完成廣播廣告825檔次,主持人口播280檔次以及在民眾主要活動地點30處的LCD螢幕刊播。完成宣導品製作1,000份、宣導海報印製500張、宣導摺頁20,000張、平面媒體3式及怠速宣導短片1式。完成「臺中市綠能交通網」進行頁面改版及擴充1式。完成辦理5場次交流、聯繫或研商會議。另針對汰舊二行程機車及換購低污染車輛補助審查作業完成26,589件。透過上述相關執行工作,現階段達成空氣污染物減量成果為NOx:2.17噸、PM2.5:0.72噸、NMHC:4.21噸,未來希冀持續推廣綠能交通運輸,達到低碳城市之目標。"
Keyword "低污染交通工具、怠速、汰舊補助"
EngTitle "The 2016 Taichung low-emission vehicle and idling-stop control project"
EngAbstract "This project will run from its original signing date of March 8, 2016 to December 31, 2016. We have achieved 100% of its completion rate. The completed subjects include (1.) The promotion and educated of low-pollution transportation vehicles. (2.) Integration of administrative resources, boost up the usage of electric vehicles (EV) from government departments and also offering a complete handful of EV charging station networks. (3.) Execute the advocacy of motor vehicle idling policy and reduce air pollute emissions.Related implementation of results are as follows:The completion include: pollution investigation report on representative road, indicative road, road section, and the intersection.Also, we have submitted Taiwan’s six municipalities and other countries low emission vehicles ongoing process of the green traffic environment investigation result. A fully inspection on 379 EV Charging stations and 424 electric motor charging stations in Taichung city. Every charge unit is fully functional and ready to charge. Coordinate by Taichung city hall, 20 events in total 1,678 people participated; Promoted the low-emission vehicles and idling-stop control plan at Temples, public parks, schools and Sightseeing spots. Work with radio broadcast media; completed 825 times radio infomercial and 280 times announcements from host during radio shows about low-emission vehicles and idling-stop control project, eliminate older two-stroke motorcycle and financial rebate program for electric motorcycle purchase propaganda. Broadcasting the Propaganda via TV-wall throughout 30 the most civic active areas more than 30 days. Revise and expand the contents of “Green Energy Transportation” webpage. Hosted an information exchange and person contact list exchange symposium. A specific evaluation report about levies taxes for traffic congestion at Taiwan Blvd. Completed 26,589 applications of eliminate older two-stroke motorcycle and financial rebate program for new electric motorcycle purchasing. Through the execution work done above, the air pollution in the stage has been reduce to NOx:2.17 ton、PM2.5:0.72 ton、NMHC:4.21 ton. We hope to continue to promote the green transportation, to achieve the goal of low-carbon cities."
EngKeyword "low-pollution vehicle, Idle, subsidy"
GovCategory "大氣空氣"
ProjectType "科技研究類專案"
ProjectNo "P0728"
ProjectYear 105
ProjectBudget "9600"
ProjectStartDate 2016-03-08
ProjectEndDate 2016-12-31
SponsorOrg "臺中市政府環境保護局"
Undertaker "盧宜含"
ExecutingOrg "思維環境科技有限公司"
ProjectDirector "鐘文舜"
AssistDirector ""
CoDirector ""

ProjectId "1086433141"
Title "108年臺中市逸散源及室內空品管制計畫"
Abstract "近年來臺中市工商業發展迅速,人口急速增加,餐飲油煙、民俗活動及農業廢棄物露天燃燒等所造成之空氣污染,以及室內空氣品質,成為市民關注的議題。 本計畫包括餐飲業稽查管制、推動紙錢集中燃燒及源頭減量、露天燃燒管制及室內空氣品質管制等4項作業。 在「餐飲業稽查管制」方面,加強餐飲業或屢遭陳情業者之污染防制設備查核及輔導,結合市府相關單位辦理聯合稽查,成功推動業者及攤商設置或改善防制設備,對於具一定規模餐飲業,以儀器現場測量,由專家進行深度診斷,提出改善建議書,已為業者落實改善之依循,並結合衛生局及餐飲業公會,辦理宣導講習會,藉以提升從業人員污染防制觀念,且針對餐飲業有空氣污染之虞者執行周界異味官能測定,有效改善餐飲油煙污染問題。 在「推動紙錢集中燃燒及源頭減量」方面,於清明、春節及中元辦理紙錢集中燃燒淨爐儀式,以消彌市民對於紙錢送至焚化爐焚燒會有所不敬之想法,推動市民參與以功代金,配合全家Famiport服務,向市民宣導以功代金之好處,調查臺中市寺廟各項環保作為,並邀請民政局及環保廟宇於宣導會中現身說法,有效進行管制與宣導,維護寺廟空氣品質。 在「露天燃燒管制」方面, 彙整臺中市歷年農廢露天燃燒好發地點資料,製作近3年好發點線上地圖,提供各相關單位參考,於一、二期稻作收割期間,以各種宣傳管道向農民宣導不燃燒稻草,結合農政單位辦理農業廢棄物再利用替代措施推廣作業,並出動空拍機進行空拍,輔導及遏止農民不燃燒稻草,有效減少燃燒稻草所帶來的空污問題。 在「室內空氣品質管制」方面,擇臺中市各大公共場所,進行室內空氣品質查核與管制,針對臺中市已完成設置專責人員及室內空氣品質維護管理制度等對象,查核維護管理計畫書落實度並每月建立資料庫分析彙整,以落實管制作業,針對室內空氣品質有疑慮之公共場所,安排專家學者現場輔導,維護本市公共場所室內空氣品質。 透過上述相關執行工作,現階段達成空氣污染物減量成果為PM10:467.54噸、NOx:50.87噸、PM2.5:231.51噸、NMHC:23.09噸、SOx:10.03噸,希冀未來持續執行改善空氣品質工作,維護大家共同生活的環境。"
Keyword "餐飲業、紙錢減量集中燒、露天燃燒、室內空氣品質"
EngTitle "The 2019 Taichung City Fugitive Emissions and Indoor air quality Control Project"
EngAbstract "With increase in population and enormous development of industry and commerce in Taichung City, air pollution caused by catering, religious activities, and agricultural waste burning as well as IAQ (indoor air quality) control have become a major public concern. This project includes inspections of catering industry cooking emission control, promoting concentrated burning and source reduction of joss paper, inspections of open field burning of agricultural residues and inspections of IAQ control. In the aspect of “catering industry cooking emission control”, we enhanced the inspections of air pollution control equipment in catering industries which had most complaint rates, conducted joint investigations with relevant government departments, successfully impelled vendors to install or to improve air pollution control equipment. For large-scale catering industries, we conducted on-site measurements and invited scholars to make suggestions. Together with Health Bureau of Taichung City Government and catering industrial union, we held advocacy meetings to raise vendors’ awareness of air pollution control. Physiological functional tests of borderline odor were conducted for catering industries with risk of air pollution to improve oil fume emission problems. In the aspect of “promoting concentrated burning and source reduction of joss paper”, we held incinerator cleaning ceremonies during Spring Festival, Tomb-Sweeping Festival and Ghost Festival to eliminate the concept of being disrespectful for sending joss paper into incinerator. With convenience stores’ Famiport service, we promoted “merit substitutes for joss paper”. By using Famiport service, citizen can make a donation to charity instead of burning joss paper. We conducted a survey of temples in Taichung City and invited eco-friendly temples along with Civil Affairs Bureau of Taichung City Government to share effective air quality management and environmental strategies with temple hosts in advocacy meetings. In the aspect of “open field burning of agricultural residues control”, we created an online hotspot map of open field burning by collecting annual hotspots data as a reference for relevant government departments. During the harvest seasons of first and second cultivations, we dissuaded farmers from burning agricultural waste through publicity and notified them of measures and regulations of reuse of agricultural residues which were enacted by relevant agriculture departments. UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) were set out to patrol agricultural area in Taichung City as a mean to reduce air pollution problems caused by burning straws. In the aspect of “IAQ (indoor air quality) control”, we conducted inspections of IAQ management of major public places in Taichung City. For public places that had assigned exclusive personnel and had established IAQ maintenance systems, we inspected the implementation their plan of IAQ management and built a database for organizing and analyzing. For public places that needed IAQ counseling, experts in IAQ management were invited to conduct on-site inspections and offer advice. In conclusion, the results at present stage show the reductions of air pollutants: 467.54 tons of PM10, 50.87 tons of NOX, 231.51 tons of PM2.5, 23.09 tons of NMHC and 10.03 tons of SOX. Still, we will continue to improve air quality of Taichung City and contribute our future work to maintaining citizen’s living environment."
EngKeyword "Catering smoke pollution control, Centralized joss paper incineration, Open burning, Indoor air quality"
GovCategory "大氣空氣"
ProjectType "科技研究類專案"
ProjectNo "P1143"
ProjectYear 108
ProjectBudget "16880"
ProjectStartDate 2019-01-01
ProjectEndDate 2019-12-31
SponsorOrg "臺中市政府環境保護局"
Undertaker "戴淑敏"
ExecutingOrg "思維環境科技有限公司"
ProjectDirector "鄭凱駿"
AssistDirector "江嘉凌"
CoDirector ""

ProjectId "1080102668"
Title "108年臺中市機車污染源管制檢驗站品質管理計畫"
Abstract "本年度計畫目標主要針對臺中市轄區移動污染源進行管制以及機車排氣檢驗站之品質管理,透過稽查、通知及宣導方式,執行機車定期排氣檢驗及保養制度之推廣,強化民眾機車定檢之觀念,進而改善機車排放污染情況,以達到共同維護空氣品質獲得改善之目的。計畫執行期程自簽約日108年1月15日起至108年12月31日止,整體工作完成度達97.0%。在未定檢機車管制作業中,未定檢機車公文通知共計寄發388,128件。路邊不定期攔檢作業共計攔檢2,347輛次,其中不合格車輛數為189輛次,經通知後複驗率為92.1%、辦理偏遠地區及梨山地區戶外定檢9場次,檢驗車輛數達706輛。高污染車輛管制部分,烏賊車通知到檢作業836件、執行烏賊車檢舉照片複審18場次、檢舉獎勵金發放作業13次、烏賊車檢舉案件處分105件、處分未繳款案件催繳作業83件等行政程序。針對高污染車輛函文通知至指定地點完成烏賊車青白煙檢驗42場次。於機車排氣檢驗站查核部分,定期品質查核共427站次、標準氣體比對共427站次;機車排氣檢驗站相關會議部分,完成檢驗站人員教育訓練3場次。移動污染源管制相關會議辦理3場次,以上工作對於空氣品質改善,可達成現階段達成空氣污染物減量成果為NOx:22.3公噸、PM10:7.6公噸、PM2.5:5.7公噸、NMHC:130.2公噸、CO:347.2公噸。"
Keyword "機車、排氣檢驗站、車輛廢氣排放"
EngTitle "2019 Taichung Mobile Pollution Sources Control and Exhaust Inspection Station Quality Management Plan"
EngAbstract "Project objectives for 2019, in Taichung City area motorcycles regular inspection of propaganda and control, to achieve the public understanding the motorcycles regular inspection of relevant policies, further effective control of emissions from mobile sources, and improvement maintenance of air quality. The schedule of this project from January 15, 2019 to December, 31, 2019, all items were reached to 97.0 present targets. In sifted operations of un-finishing periodic inspection motorcycles, a total of 388,128 pieces of un-finishing periodic inspection motorcycles official notices were sent. 2,347 motorcycles were blocked and were conducted random roadside inspections, a total of 189 motorcycles did not pass the inspection, re-inspection after notice were reach 92.1%. In the tasks of outdoor inspection, this project completed 9 outdoor inspections for remote areas, in which 706 motorcycles participated. In high-polluting vehicles control, a total of 836 of squid car report case, 18 conference sessions case reviews of squid car sighting reports, 13 reward prizes given out to the sighting reporters, 105 squid vehicle cases penalize, penalty to 83 unpaid fine cases and other administrative procedures. A total of 42 sessions case to those high-polluting vehicles to the designated place to complete the squid car green white smoke check. In motorcycles exhaust inspection check station equipment and environment quality, there was 427 times check on the station equipment and environment quality, 427 of standard gas specimen collecting samples cross matching result comparison. In result, the reductions of air pollutants were 22.3 tons of NOx, 7.6 tons of PM10, 5.7 tons of PM2.5, 130.2 tons of NMHC and 347.2 tons of CO."
EngKeyword "Motorcycle, Emission Inspection Station, vehicle emission"
GovCategory "大氣空氣"
ProjectType "科技研究類專案"
ProjectNo "P1166"
ProjectYear 108
ProjectBudget "22463.196"
ProjectStartDate 2019-01-15
ProjectEndDate 2019-12-31
SponsorOrg "臺中市政府環境保護局"
Undertaker "郭子彥"
ExecutingOrg "思維環境科技有限公司"
ProjectDirector "鐘文舜"
AssistDirector ""
CoDirector ""


全國營業(稅籍)登記資料集。因考量營業稅歷年停歇業資料量太大,開啟檔案困難,故所開放檔案僅涵蓋營業中資料,並建議使用Microsoft Word Viewer開檔,中文請選UTF-8中文碼;或使用Notepad++、UltraEdit等其他工具開檔。 資料連結於109年6月22日調整為
來源 : 財政部財政資訊中心-全國營業(稅籍)登記資料集
欄位 : 營業地址、統一編號、總機構統一編號、營業人名稱、資本額、設立日期、組織別名稱、使用統一發票、行業代號、名稱、行業代號1、名稱1、行業代號2、名稱2、行業代號3、名稱3

營業地址 臺中市西屯區何仁里7鄰天水西街2-1號
統一編號 28563212
營業人名稱 思維環境科技有限公司
資本額 28000000
設立日期 0960118
組織別名稱 有限公司
使用統一發票 Y
行業代號 712100
名稱 環境檢測服務
行業代號1 702099
名稱1 其他管理顧問
行業代號2 381111
名稱2 一般事業廢棄物清除
行業代號3 382111
名稱3 一般事業廢棄物處理


提供全國一般廣告服務業(I40101, I401010, I401011, I401030, I401040, I40110)公司登記資料。
來源 : 經濟部商業司-公司登記(依營業項目別)-一般廣告服務業
欄位 : 統一編號、公司名稱、公司地址、實收資本額、公司狀態、產製日期

統一編號 28563212
公司名稱 思維環境科技有限公司
公司地址 臺中市西屯區天水西街2之1號
實收資本額 0
公司狀態 核准設立
產製日期 2022-04-01 02:40:03.22


提供全國資訊軟體服務(I30101, I301010, F501990, I301310)公司登記資料。
來源 : 經濟部商業司-公司登記(依營業項目別)-資訊軟體服務
欄位 : 統一編號、公司名稱、公司地址、實收資本額、公司狀態、產製日期

統一編號 28563212
公司名稱 思維環境科技有限公司
公司地址 臺中市西屯區天水西街2之1號
實收資本額 0
公司狀態 核准設立
產製日期 2022-09-01 02:37:13.347


來源 : 經濟部商業司-公司登記(依營業項目別)-管理系統驗證業
欄位 : 統一編號、公司名稱、公司地址、實收資本額、公司狀態、產製日期

統一編號 28563212
公司名稱 思維環境科技有限公司
公司地址 臺中市西屯區天水西街2之1號
實收資本額 0
公司狀態 核准設立
產製日期 2022-09-01 02:43:30.037


提供全國資料處理服務(I30102, I301020, I301021, I301220)公司登記資料。
來源 : 經濟部商業司-公司登記(依營業項目別)-資料處理服務
欄位 : 統一編號、公司名稱、公司地址、實收資本額、公司狀態、產製日期

統一編號 28563212
公司名稱 思維環境科技有限公司
公司地址 臺中市西屯區天水西街2之1號
實收資本額 0
公司狀態 核准設立
產製日期 2022-09-01 02:39:08.01


來源 : 經濟部商業司-公司登記資料處理服務業
欄位 : 統一編號、公司名稱、公司地址

統一編號 28563212
公司名稱 思維環境科技有限公司
公司地址 臺中市西屯區天水西街2之1號


來源 : 經濟部商業司-公司登記電子資訊供應服務業
欄位 : 統一編號、公司名稱、公司地址

統一編號 28563212
公司名稱 思維環境科技有限公司
公司地址 臺中市西屯區天水西街2之1號


來源 : 行政院環境保護署-環保專案摘要資料_廢棄物管理
欄位 : chi_title、Chi_Subject、proj_year、org_name、exe_unit、allfileid、publish_date

chi_title "104年度委託顧問機構辦理資源回收宣導及相關工作計畫"
Chi_Subject "完成擬定104年各鄉鎮市考核項目管理目標。104年7月15日及7月16日於後龍鎮南龍區漁會及苑裡鎮通苑區漁會辦理2場次宣導活動,另外,於10月26日辦理通苑區巡守隊授旗典禮及10月30日辦理海洋垃圾撈回來資源回收秤重競賽活動,共計完成辦理4場次船舶資源回收宣導活動。104年6月30日於竹南鎮公所、7月8日於南庄鄉公所及7月9 日於造橋鄉龍昇社區,共完成辦理3場「廢容器、廢鉛蓄電池、廢日光燈管之回收宣導活動」,共計345人參與。於104年6月28日搭配後龍鎮西瓜節、7月15日搭配獅潭鄉農會草莓合理施肥管理講座、7月21日搭配獅潭鄉農藥廢容器回收說明會、7月23日搭配南庄鄉農藥廢容器回收說明會、9月12日搭配西湖鄉柚子節及9月19日後龍鎮路跑活動,共計辦理6場次農藥廢容器宣導活動,總計回收1,316個農藥廢容器。104年5月23日-24日假頭份市公所及6月13日假造橋鄉香格里拉樂園各辦理3場次結合公所於觀光景點辦理資源回收宣導活動。推動偏遠地區結合宗教資源回收宣導工作,選定2處宗教據點:努呼路瑪教會、三義鄉雲火龍節-五穀宮,並結合在地文化方式分別進行推動。推動社區長青族從事社區資源回收工作,以公館鄉玉谷社區、頭屋鄉象山社區為推動處,分別以廢棄物再利用及資源回收據點進行推動。辦理「機關、團體、社區、學校使用再生製品競賽」參賽作品共25件;另辦理「機關、團體、社區、學校資源回收海報競賽」參賽作品共12件,已於10月24日公開頒獎。辦理資源回收志工輔導團增能計畫,新增100名學生志工,103年度志工回訓11名,共計培訓111名學員。資源回收形象改造示範宣導專車完成辦理11場次,近1,200人參加。媒合個體業者進入物業從事資源回收服務,媒合個體業者共10位,其資源回收量納入該鄉鎮數據,並協助媒合地點環境整潔。輔導社區、學校、村里或觀光景點進行資源回收形象改造作業,於苗栗市、西湖鄉、後龍鎮、竹南鎮、頭份市及公館鄉等共計14處進行形象改造作業。完成基層村里資源回收站形象改造考核及輔導作業,獲特優獎單位分別為苗栗市-大同社區、通霄鎮-新埔里、造橋鄉-龍昇社區。於104年4月28-29日辦理103年度資源回收考核頒獎典禮並配合本計畫之創新作法資源回收巨星閃閃 環保大使鬥陣走。協助環保署資源回收績效考核相關事宜,針對今年書面考核及實地考核提供相關協助。購置本計畫宣導品,並規劃製作宣導文宣品,配合相關宣導活動發送。每月收集資源回收相關訊息,發布於本計畫網站,或更新新聞稿,並檢查網頁功能正常性。"
proj_year 104
org_name "苗栗縣政府環境保護局"
exe_unit "思維環境科技有限公司"
publish_date 20160301

chi_title "104年度委託顧問機構辦理資源回收媒體宣導工作計畫"
Chi_Subject "完成3部動畫影片的製作及315檔次有線電視託播;聘請有線電視全程跟拍10場宣導活動,並於有線電視之新聞頻道進行託播;於6月16日辦理資源回收微電影觀後心得演講比賽1場次,共計23人報名參賽,當日聘請苗栗在地客語及台語演說專家擔任評審完成評選及頒獎典禮;於6月24~26日與苗栗縣收聽率較高的大苗栗廣播電台合作,提供宣導品及20題與資源回收、回收再利用之相關問題,辦理電台CALL IN活動,透過獎品誘因及互動方式,達到電台宣傳的效益;分別結合5月28日的白沙屯媽祖遶境及10月24日重陽節長青族淨山健走各辦理1場資源回收創意宣導活動;撰寫資源回收相關宣導活動成果、政策推動及執行績效之新聞稿,除其中10則刊登平面報紙外,另有14則新聞不僅同時於4個網路新聞平台露出,亦將相關資訊與臉書連結或網網相互轉載,透過「婉君」的力量將資源回收概念予無限傳遞出去。"
proj_year 104
org_name "苗栗縣政府環境保護局"
exe_unit "思維環境科技有限公司"
publish_date 20160301

chi_title "104年度委託顧問機構辦理應回收廢棄物及相關稽查工作計畫"
Chi_Subject "11大販賣業者稽查取締及宣導 761家次;完成 電子器販賣業者 訪查 作業 169 家次 ;未辦理登記責任業者、標示資源回收誌及販賣業者稽查輔導共 135件; 已登記回收處理業者及 未辦理登記 未辦理登記 未辦理登記 (一定規 模以下無須登記 模以下無須登記 )之列管回收業者訪查 之列管回收業者訪查 之列管回收業者訪查 310 家次 ;督導巡查 督導巡查 督導巡查 9次環保 局委託之占 委託之占 用道路廢棄車輛移置處工作契約廠商 ;完成巡查 完成巡查 完成巡查 9次已 登記接受補貼機構 登記接受補貼機構 登記接受補貼機構 ;於 6月 10 日完成 1場回收業及處理法令宣導說明會 ,共計 ,共計 32 人與會; 於 7月 21 日及 7月 23 日完成辦理農藥廢容器宣導說明會 2場次,共計 180 人;於 10 月 2日辦理廢共計 四機逆向回收宣導說明會,共計 24 家業者 參加。春節、西洋情人 節、 端午節 與中秋端午節 與中秋前 2週辦理商品之限制產過度包裝情形訪查作業 935 件;加強廢機動車輛回收處理 業管稽查 92 家次 ;稽查指定池及附指定電物品販賣 業者 54家次 ; 稽查一次用外帶飲料杯源頭 減量作業 78 家次 及 50家次輸入及販賣情形 輸入及販賣情形 。"
proj_year 104
org_name "苗栗縣政府環境保護局"
exe_unit "思維環境科技有限公司"
publish_date 20160301

chi_title "103年度推動資源回收工作計畫─103年度委託顧問機構辦理資源回收宣導及相關工作計畫"
Chi_Subject "「103年度委託顧問機構辦理資源回收宣導及相關工作計畫」執行期程,為簽約日103年3月13日起至103年11月30日止,統計至103年11月21日止共計約8個月,計畫達成率達100%。計畫執行內容包含:完成擬定103年各鄉鎮市考核項目管理目標。103年5月22日及6月16日於後龍鎮南龍區漁會,辦理完成2場次船舶資源回收宣導活動,共計93人參與。103年4月22日於後龍鎮公所、4月30日於頭份鎮忠孝社區活動中心,及5月7 日於銅鑼鄉公所,共完成辦理3場「廢容器、廢鉛蓄電池、廢日光燈管之回收宣導活動」,共計316人參與。推動偏遠地區結合宗教資源回收宣導工作共3處宗教據點,包含泰安鄉-達比拉斯教會、南庄鄉-勸化堂,及通霄鎮-拱天宮,分別結合在地文化進行推動。推動社區長青族從事社區資源回收工作,分別以公館鄉仁安社區、頭屋鄉獅潭社區,為廢棄物再利用及資源回收據點進行推動。搭配地方活動辦理農藥廢容器宣導活動,於103年6月7日搭配造橋鄉南瓜節、8月15日搭配南庄鄉農藥廢容器回收說明會、9月6日搭配頭份鎮流東秋收饗宴節、9月18日搭配卓蘭鎮農藥廢容器回收說明會,及11月1日搭配泰安鄉甜柿節進行宣導。辦理「機關、團體、社區、學校使用再生製品競賽」,獲獎單位分別為第1名育民工業家事職業學校、第2名仁愛國民小學、第3名苑裡國民小學。資源回收教案,以辦理競賽方式甄選出兒童版及成人版資源回收教案,並於18鄉鎮市巡迴開課,共完成20場次,參加人數達1,612人。甄選及培訓學生志工輔導團計畫共甄選培訓50名學員,已於今年協助環保局辦理4場活動。資源回收形象改造示範宣導專車完成辦理20場次,近2,700人參加。媒合個體業者進入物業從事資源回收服務,媒合個體業者共10位,其資源回收量納入該鄉鎮數據,並協助媒合地點環境整潔。本計畫創新作法-資源回收形象娃娃快閃活動,於18鄉鎮市之觀光景點進行「形象娃娃快閃宣導」,18場次近千人次參加,並將快閃宣導過程影片剪輯,發布Youtube網站宣導。輔導社區、學校、村里或觀光景點進行資源回收形象改造作業,於三義鄉、苗栗市、頭屋鄉、獅潭鄉、通霄鎮、頭份鎮、造橋鄉及銅鑼鄉等共計17處進行形象改造作業。設計及製作廢照明光源具防破效能之回收貯存設施1式。完成基層村里資源回收站形象改造考核及輔導作業,獲獎單位分別為第1名苗栗市-大同社區、第2名造橋鄉-龍昇村、第3名頭份鎮-忠孝社區。鄉鎮市公所資源回收績效考核,於9月份完成現場考核,並於11月份完成書面考核辦理。協助環保署資源回收績效考核相關事宜,針對今年書面考核及實地考核提供相關協助。購置本計畫宣導品,及製作宣導文宣品,配合相關宣導活動發送。每月收集資源回收相關訊息,發布於本計畫網站,或更新新聞稿,並檢查網頁功能正常性。"
proj_year 103
org_name "苗栗縣政府環境保護局"
exe_unit "思維環境科技有限公司"
publish_date 20150301


來源 : 行政院環境保護署-EPQSummary_Air
欄位 : eng_title、eng_Subject、proj_year、org_name、exe_unit、allfileid、publish_date

eng_title "The Project of Taichung City fugitive emissions sources、indoor air quality control and Greenhouse Gas Emission In 2017 Year"
eng_Subject "Taichung city which was once known for its clean air quality has taken a dramatic dip since the rise of rapid development of commerce. With this growth the increase of population has risen, the cause of air pollution from local restaurants, religious ceremonies, and the open burning of agricultural waste. The indoor air quality has become the subject for public concern. This project program including 4 main focus : regulating restaurant inspections, centralized joss paper burning and reduced the joss paper quantity, open burning regulation on agricultural waste and indoor air quality control regulation total 4 main focus. In “restaurant business regulation inspection”, increasing inspection and consulter of kitchen exhaust hood and oil mist collector hardware on restaurant business owner or those restaurants who got file complain a lot about oil mist smell problem restaurants. Combining city related department and relevant units join force on the inspection, fully promote restaurant owner and food stands owners to equip the oil mist collect and improve the quality of exhaust oil mist matter. For a certain scale catering industry, instrument-site measurements, depth diagnosis by experts, recommendations for improvement books that follow the industry to implement improvements. Combined with the Health Bureau and Catering Association, for advocacy workshops, in order to enhance the concept of pollution control practitioners. Focus catering for air pollution danger to execute perimeter odor functional assay, improve catering oil mist pollution problems. In the centralized burning joss paper money and promote source reduction aspect, During festive events such as the Spring festival and ghost festival, collecting and centralized joss paper money and clean the joss money burning stove ceremony to eliminate the public bad lucky feeling and disrespectful though of collect and burn the joss money in incinerator. Promote residential building and community involvement to do works of charity merit instead of burning joss paper money. Partnership with Famiport convenience store service, promote the propaganda to public about the benefits involve works of charity merit instead of burning joss paper money. Investigating those Temples environmental behavior in Taichung city and inviting the Civil Administration and the Environmental friendly temples to share their own experiences, effectively promote and educate regulation to other temples, to maintain the overall surrounding temple air quality. In the open burning regulation aspect, collecting and integrated over the years for those location data who has occurs farming open burning of waste predilection hot spot in Taichung city. Making the past three years online maps, provide the reference to all relevant units. During the period of first or second rice harvest season, inform to farmers not to burn straw pipeline in anyways. Combined with agricultural authorities handle the agricultural waste recycling alternative way. Send out the unmanned flying vehicles drone to the field and take evidence photos. Counseling and curb farmers not to burn rice straw pipeline and effectively reduce air pollution caused by the burning straw pipeline. In the Indoor air quality control aspect, Choose major public spots in Taichung, excute indoor air quality check and air control regulation. For the indoor air qualities inspectors from Taichung city, check the implementation of maintenance management plan book and establish the montly database analysis to implement the control operations. To those public places who has concert about the indoor air quality, there will be a necessary experts and scholars to arrange on-site counseling to maintenance the city public places indoor air quality. Finally, in the Greenhouse gas reduction aspect, processing for subsidy to community energy saving lighting..."
proj_year 2017
org_name "Environmental Protection Bureau, Taichung City"
exe_unit "思維環境科技有限公司"
publish_date 20180518

eng_title "2017 Taichung motorcycle exhaust inspection regulation and regular inspection station management plan."
eng_Subject "Our goal this year is to focus on the propaganda announcement and regularly emission inspection on motorcycle scooters in Taichung city in order for people to understand the related policy of regularly emission inspection on motorcycle scooters and spontaneous behavior of the emission inspection. Making effectively control of emissions from mobile sources of pollution and achieving common goal on improving the air quality. Program implementation period stated from the signing date of August 1st, 2017 until March 31th, 2018 the overall completion has reached 96.3%. During the operation checking, those who have not completed motorcycle emission inspection, out of license plate recognition totaling 161,706 vehicle identification number, which accounted for 11% of them did not complete the regularly emission inspection, but after receiving the inspection note, 82% of motorcyclist started to participate in the inspection. Occasional roadside spot check operation seized a total of 1,008 motorcycles. The numbers of vehicles failed on emission inspection are 150 units and 43% of the reinspection rate after they received the notification note. A total 35,018 reinspection notification sent out to those old year’s vehicles register owners, notification back to the reinspection was 39%. In motorcycles exhaust Inspection check station part, there was 646 times check on the station equipment and station environment quality, 646 of standard gas specimen collecting samples cross matching result comparison. On the other hand, a total investigation completed on vehicle speed, traffic volume surveys and prohibited area with two-stroke motorcycle preliminary assessment plant. With those jobs done above, we expecting the improvement of air quality will be. The reached at this stage of reduction of air pollutants outcome are NOx: 61 tons, PM10: 37 tons, PM2.5: 30 tons, NMHC: 654 tons. Moving gradually, we expecting the reduce pollution emissions in the future."
proj_year 2017
org_name "Environmental Protection Bureau, Taichung City"
exe_unit "思維環境科技有限公司"
publish_date 20180610

eng_title "2017 Changhua County low carbon sustainable homeland operation System and performing evaluation program"
eng_Subject "Program implementation period started from the award of contract date until December 31th, 2017.The execute performance report of 2017 and the low carbon sustainable homeland promoting certification program for Changhua County in 2018 has been completed. The data were also collected and filled in the low carbon sustainable homeland operation network in four seasons of 2017. During the program period, 2 lessons of low-carbon sustainable education and training and one observe outreach activity had been completed. The total masses joined in the two activities is 486. In addition, this program has been prepared 500 promotional goods which were given during the activities or conferences. We hosted the resource recycling technology and information advisory Group meeting twice time. We also had been certified the low carbon environmental protection mark with each activity. Log-in information about the events and conference meetings data to three websites, low-carbon sustainable homeland, Green Life and low-carbon activities platform, and provided data to the county Environmental Protection Agency for future reference. On the counseling of County level: assist with a co-counseling expert to implement of low-carbon sustainable development plans with five bureaus and outcome the documents which can represent the county. After approve from Changhua county Environmental Protection Agency, the database of outcome documents has logged into the website of low-carbon sustainable homeland. The township city level: tutoring 5 townships to pass finalists rating certification, and earning 2 townships certification Points. The village level: counseling 48 village communities to pass finalists rating certification, and earning 6 village certification Points. The Community level: completed to review and certify of 5 low-carbon model communities and a 2 potential Community, In addition, the success of counseling large village made silver rating. Finally, according to the base of 2012 and 2015 annual administrative jurisdiction of the greenhouse gas emissions inventory, we composed the GHG report about jurisdiction and registered in the city-level greenhouse gas Carbon Disclosure service platform."
proj_year 2017
org_name "Environmental Protection Bureau Changhua County"
exe_unit "思維環境科技有限公司"
publish_date 20180515

eng_title "2016 Taichung motorcycle exhaust inspection regulation and regular inspection station management plan."
eng_Subject "Project objectives for 2016, in Taichung City area locomotives regular inspection of propaganda and control, to achieve the public understanding the locomotives regular inspection of relevant policies, further effective control of emissions from mobile sources, and improvement maintenance of air quality. The schedule of this project from March 10, 2016 to Dec. 31, 2016, all items were reached to 37.7 present targets. In sifted operations of un-finishing periodic inspection locomotives, a total of 368,009 vehicle identification number, which accounted for 16.9% percent undecided locomotive inspection, re-inspection after notice were reach 79.4%. Locomotive blocked to inspection operations totaled 2,850 motorcycles were be stopped and finished inspection, a total of 365 motorcycles were unfinished periodic inspection, re-inspection after notice were reach 90.4%. Seized a total of 2,090 motorcycles has done the emission inspection and 257 suspected noise pollution with modified vehicles exhaust pipeline vehicles. Apply 20 activities in senior high school campus about motorcycle exhaust noise and vehicle inspection propaganda. A total of 62,182 letters were sent in old locomotive notify operation, re-inspection after notice were reach 23.53%.We finished 20 TV wall propaganda of motorcycle periodic inspection. And we printed 2,000 posters of motorcycle periodic inspection. The results as below: In the tasks of inspection station, this project has finished 1,014 cases of regular quality inspection and 678 cases of comparison between standard gases ; Moreover our team has checked 999 cases of unannounced. In the tasks of related meetings, we held a meeting of education training for motorcycle exhaust inspection station staffs. In the tasks of outdoor inspection, this project completed 27 outdoor inspections for remote areas, in which, there were 689 motorcycles participated."
proj_year 2016
org_name "Environmental Protection Bureau, Taichung City"
exe_unit "思維環境科技有限公司"
publish_date 20170301

eng_title "2018 Taichung motorcycle exhaust inspection regulation plan."
eng_Subject "Project objectives for 2018, in Taichung City area motorcycles regular inspection of propaganda and control, to achieve the public understanding the motorcycles regular inspection of relevant policies, further effective control of emissions from mobile sources, and improvement maintenance of air quality. The schedule of this project from April 25, 2018 to Dec, 31, 2018, all items were reached to 100.0 present targets. In sifted operations of un-finishing periodic inspection motorcycles, a total of 964,922 vehicle identification number, which accounted for 6.96 percent undecided motorcycle inspection, re-inspection after notice were reach 83.33%. Motorcycle blocked to inspection operations totaled 1,190 motorcycles were be stopped and finished inspection, a total of 209 motorcycles were unfinished periodic inspection, re-inspection after notice were reach 74.16%.In the tasks of outdoor inspection, this project completed 8 outdoor inspections for remote areas, in which, there were 725 motorcycles participated."
proj_year 2018
org_name "Environmental Protection Bureau, Taichung City"
exe_unit "思維環境科技有限公司"
publish_date 20190125

eng_title "The 2016 Taichung City Fugitive Emissions and Indoor air quality Control Project"
eng_Subject "Taichung city which was once known for its clean air quality has taken a dramatic dip since the rise of rapid development of commerce. With this growth the increase of population has risen, the cause of air pollution from local restaurants, religious ceremonies, and the open burning of agricultural waste. The indoor air quality has become the subject for public concern.This project program including 4 main focus : regulating restaurant inspections, centralized joss paper burning and reduced the joss paper quantity, open burning regulation on agricultural waste and indoor air quality control regulation total 4 main focus.In “restaurant business regulation inspection”, increasing inspection and consulter of kitchen exhaust hood and oil mist collector hardware on restaurant business owner or those restaurants who got file complain a lot about oil mist smell problem restaurants. Combining city related department and relevant units join force on the inspection, fully promote restaurant owner and food stands owners to equip the oil mist collect and improve the quality of exhaust oil mist matter. For a certain scale catering industry, instrument-site measurements, depth diagnosis by experts, recommendations for improvement books that follow the industry to implement improvements. Combined with the Health Bureau and Catering Association, for advocacy workshops, in order to enhance the concept of pollution control practitioners. Focus catering for air pollution danger to execute perimeter odor functional assay, improve catering oil mist pollution problems. In the centralized burning joss paper money and promote source reduction aspect, During festive events such as the Spring festival and ghost festival, collecting and centralized joss paper money and clean the joss money burning stove ceremony to eliminate the public bad lucky feeling and disrespectful though of collect and burn the joss money in incinerator. Promote residential building and community involvement to do works of charity merit instead of burning joss paper money. Partnership with Famiport convenience store service, promote the propaganda to public about the benefits involve works of charity merit instead of burning joss paper money. Investigating those Temples environmental behavior in Taichung city and inviting the Civil Administration and the Environmental friendly temples to share their own experiences, effectively promote and educate regulation to other temples, to maintain the overall surrounding temple air quality. In the open burning regulation aspect, collecting and integrated over the years for those location data who has occurs farming open burning of waste predilection hot spot in Taichung city. Making the past three years online maps, provide the reference to all relevant units. During the period of first or second rice harvest season, inform to farmers not to burn straw pipeline in anyways. Combined with agricultural authorities handle the agricultural waste recycling alternative way. Send out the unmanned flying vehicles drone to the field and take evidence photos. Counseling and curb farmers not to burn rice straw pipeline and effectively reduce air pollution caused by the burning straw pipeline. In the Indoor air quality control aspect, Choose major public spots in Taichung, excute indoor air quality check and air control regulation. For the indoor air qualities inspectors from Taichung city, check the implementation of maintenance management plan book and establish the montly database analysis to implement the control operations.To those public places who has concert about the indoor air quality, there will be a necessary experts and scholars to arrange on-site counseling to maintenance the city public places indoor air quality. Through the implementation of the correlation, Stage reached in the reduction of air pollutants outc..."
proj_year 2016
org_name "Environmental Protection Bureau, Taichung City"
exe_unit "思維環境科技有限公司"
publish_date 20170501

eng_title "The 2016 Taichung low-emission vehicle and idling-stop control project"
eng_Subject "This project will run from its original signing date of March 8, 2016 to December 31, 2016. We have achieved 100% of its completion rate. The completed subjects include (1.) The promotion and educated of low-pollution transportation vehicles. (2.) Integration of administrative resources, boost up the usage of electric vehicles (EV) from government departments and also offering a complete handful of EV charging station networks. (3.) Execute the advocacy of motor vehicle idling policy and reduce air pollute emissions.Related implementation of results are as follows:The completion include: pollution investigation report on representative road, indicative road, road section, and the intersection.Also, we have submitted Taiwan’s six municipalities and other countries low emission vehicles ongoing process of the green traffic environment investigation result. A fully inspection on 379 EV Charging stations and 424 electric motor charging stations in Taichung city. Every charge unit is fully functional and ready to charge. Coordinate by Taichung city hall, 20 events in total 1,678 people participated; Promoted the low-emission vehicles and idling-stop control plan at Temples, public parks, schools and Sightseeing spots. Work with radio broadcast media; completed 825 times radio infomercial and 280 times announcements from host during radio shows about low-emission vehicles and idling-stop control project, eliminate older two-stroke motorcycle and financial rebate program for electric motorcycle purchase propaganda. Broadcasting the Propaganda via TV-wall throughout 30 the most civic active areas more than 30 days. Revise and expand the contents of “Green Energy Transportation” webpage. Hosted an information exchange and person contact list exchange symposium. A specific evaluation report about levies taxes for traffic congestion at Taiwan Blvd. Completed 26,589 applications of eliminate older two-stroke motorcycle and financial rebate program for new electric motorcycle purchasing. Through the execution work done above, the air pollution in the stage has been reduce to NOx:2.17 ton、PM2.5:0.72 ton、NMHC:4.21 ton. We hope to continue to promote the green transportation, to achieve the goal of low-carbon cities."
proj_year 2016
org_name "Environmental Protection Bureau, Taichung City"
exe_unit "思維環境科技有限公司"
publish_date 20170401

eng_title "2016 Taichung City high-polluting vehicle control program"
eng_Subject "Taichung city has the highest sighting report rate of the entire country of Taiwan about motor vehicles generates excessive amounts of visible exhaust emissions (“squid vehicle” in Chinese). The category of sighting reports from civilian are 78% of Motorcycles & Scooters, 20% of diesel cars and 2% of car. 95% of overall sighting reports vehicle is two-stroke motorcycle. Result to that, the wasted of fuel and high concentrations of air pollution. Based on Environmental protection administration (EPA) statistics data exhaust smog check result in 2015, it shows the average of Hydrocarbons (HC) level in two-stroke motorcycle is 17 times much, and the Carbon monoxide (CO) level is 2 times much than four- stroke motorcycles. Therefore, the process of this program is after received the civilian “squid vehicle” sighting reports, through the preliminary review and verification and other processes, bureau department will sending out the inspection check notification to those suspicion squid vehicles (motorcycle and cars) to the designated location to perform air pollutants concentration detection check. Especially focus for those repeated report vehicles petitions emissions and opacity rate greater than 50%, enforce green white smoke check on those vehicles to understand the actual situation of air pollution emissions. Those who do not meet those criteria air pollutant emissions will result an improvement completion deadline. This program execution ended in 2016 December 31th and the overall performance completion reached 98.7%, included 75 conference sessions case reviews of squid car sighting reports, 16 reward prizes given out to the sighting reporters, 755 squid vehicle cases penalize, penalty to 653 unpaid fine cases and other administrative procedures. Also a total 2,537correspondence notifications send to those high-polluting vehicles to the designated place to complete the squid car green white smoke check, 1,139 scrapped vehicles process after owner received the smog recheck notification note and decided to scrapped or those call in decided to scrapped the vehicles. Two-stroke motorcycle have been completed 1,749 scrapped vehicles in 2016. In result, a reduction of air pollutants reduce PM10 0.88 t, reduce PM2.5 0.72 t, reduce NOx 0.42 t and reduce NMHC 8.45 t."
proj_year 2016
org_name "Environmental Protection Bureau, Taichung City"
exe_unit "思維環境科技有限公司"
publish_date 20170301

eng_title "2016 Changhua County low carbon sustainable homeland operation System and performing evaluation program"
eng_Subject "Program implementation period started from the award of contract date until December 31th, 2016 and the overall completion has been reached 100%.The execute performance report of 2016 and the low carbon sustainable homeland promoting certification program for Changhua County in 2017 has been completed. We also collected and fill the data in the low carbon sustainable homeland operation network in four seasons of 2016. During the program period, we had completed 9 lessons of low-carbon sustainable education and training and one observe outreach activity. The total masses joined in the two activities is 1,567. In addition, this program has been prepared 1,200 promotional goods which were given during the activities or conferences. We hosted the resource recycling technology and information advisory Group meeting twice time. We also certified the low carbon environmental protection mark with each activity. Log-in information about the events and conference meetings data to three websites, low-carbon sustainable homeland, Green Life and low-carbon activities platform, and provided data to the county Environmental Protection Agency for future reference. On the counseling of County level: assist with a co-counseling expert to implement of low-carbon sustainable development plans with five bureaus and outcome the documents which can represent the county. After approve from Changhua county Environmental Protection Agency, the database of outcome documents has logged into the website of low-carbon sustainable homeland. The township city level: tutoring 7 townships to pass finalists rating certification, and earning 3 townships certification Points. The village level: counseling 72 village communities to pass finalists rating certification, and earning 12 village certification Points. The Community level: completed to review and certify of 5 low-carbon model communities and a 2 potential Community, In addition, the success of counseling large village made silver rating. Finally, according to the base of 2012 and 2014 annual administrative jurisdiction of the greenhouse gas emissions inventory which had provided by EPA, we composed the GHG report about jurisdiction and registered in the city-level greenhouse gas Carbon Disclosure service platform."
proj_year 2016
org_name "Environmental Protection Bureau Changhua County"
exe_unit "思維環境科技有限公司"
publish_date 20170501

eng_title "The 2015 Taichung City Catering smoke pollution control、Centralized joss paper incineration、Outdoor incineration、Indoor air quality Propaganda Control Project"
eng_Subject "We has inspected and given advices the air pollution control devices of 693 catering industries for the cooking exhaust. In addition, we also have helped 79 companies to install or improve their air pollution control device until 31th of December. During its implementation period we eliminated 16,888 kg of NMHC and 9,508 kg of TSP in total. As a result, no further complaints were received till now. And we also completed 3 promotional explanation sessions or seminars related to the prevention and control of cooking exhaust were taken in place. Furthermore, our team not only accomplished 6 incinerator cleansing rituals were taken in place but also completed 3 explanation sessions of the concentrated disposal of ritual money. In regard to the concentrated incineration of ritual money, there were totally 2,572.2 tons of ritual money were concentrated, it assist in decreased 9,070 kg of TSP. The inspection at exposed burning control was conducted in 481 locations during the season; and cadastral information was checked in 481 locations. Using discharge coefficient to estimate, it assist in decreased 2,774 kg of TSP, 2,746 kg of PM10, 469 kg of SOx, 2,266 kg of NOx, 25,124 kg of CO, 2,071 kg of THC, and 1,864 kg of NMHC. In accordance with the first announced public place of indoor air quality management, which claimed by Environmental Protection Agency (E.P.A.), had been host a relevant regulations’ promotional explanation sessions. Presently Environmental Protection Bureau of Taichung city government has completed the CO2 inspection in 110 businesses, four parameters in 31 businesses, total fungi concentration and bacteria inspections in 10 kindergartens, and examination of the indoor air pollutant standard method in 13 public locations."
proj_year 2015
org_name "Environmental Protection Bureau, Taichung City"
exe_unit "思維環境科技有限公司"
publish_date 20160301

eng_title "2014 Taichung motorcycle exhaust inspection regulation and regular inspection station management plan."
eng_Subject "Project objectives for 2015, in Taichung City area locomotives regular inspection of propaganda and control, to achieve the public understanding the locomotives regular inspection of relevant policies, further effective control of emissions from mobile sources, and improvement maintenance of air quality. The schedule of this project from January 1, 2015 to Dec 31, 2015, all items were reached to 100 present targets. In sifted operations of un-finishing periodic inspection locomotives, a total of 2,974,292 vehicle identification number, which accounted for 7.6 percent undecided locomotive inspection, re-inspection after notice were reach 83.6%. Locomotive blocked to inspection operations totaled 3,071 motorcycles were be stopped and finished inspection, a total of 497 motorcycles were unfinished periodic inspection, re-inspection after notice were reach 93.6%. A total of 40,340letters were sent in old locomotive notify operation, re-inspection after notice were reach 59.4%.A total of 2,789 motorcycles were inspected for particulate pollution.In order to reminded people about regular motorcycle exhaust inspection, we finished 20 TV wall propaganda of motorcycle periodic inspection. And we printed 2,400 posters of motorcycle periodic inspection. The results as below: In the tasks of inspection station,this project has finished 989 cases of regular quality inspection and 690 cases of comparison between standard gases ; Moreover our team has checked 991 cases of unannounced. Then we also maintain 139 electronic marquees. In the tasks of related meetings, we held a meeting of education training for motorcycle exhaust inspection station staffs. In the tasks of outdoor inspection, this project completed 30 outdoor inspections for remote areas, in which, there were 689 motorcycles participated. In the tasks of maintenance and inspection, this project completed promotion posters, banners; build-up” Maintenance and Inspection Information System” and held an education training for the demonstration station staffs. Furthermore, this project for the vehicles of maintenance and inspection service was 46,975 people participated. In the tasks of promotion, this project finished 3 radio advertising articles, which there were 640 times broadcasted."
proj_year 2015
org_name "Environmental Protection Bureau, Taichung City"
exe_unit "思維環境科技有限公司"
publish_date 20160401

eng_title ""
eng_Subject "This project is a master project for policy planning and review. Tasks of 2015 are chiefly to comprehend background information of environment, emissions, assessment of environmental loading, and air quality in the City; to draw up the 2015-2020 version of air pollution control plan; to ponder upon gradual improvement goal of 2014-2020 in air quality satisfaction; to assist Environmental Protection Agency(E.P.A.) and execute evaluation of Environmental Protection Bureau(E.P.B.) of Taichung city government; to hold meetings; to compile documents and to lease air pollution control management system. The Project is signed at an amount of NT$5.48 million; it specifies dedicated personnel that include a project manager, two engineers, and non-dedicated personnel, including project conductor.Taichung city won another “Excellence” award among special municipalities in its execution of 2014 E.P.A. performance evaluation. The focuses of 2015 project include the assistance in establishing the “Self-governance articles of PM2.5 in Taichung City (draft)”;the revision of the “2015-2020 version of air pollution control plan in Taichung City” and subsequent planning on the reduction plan aiming to meet the average standard of 15 μg/m3 for national concentration of fine particulates (PM2.5) in 2020 as EPA conceives. Also included are to carry out 16 evaluations in 2015, such as EPA report checking and statistic work of scores. Statistics to the end of December this year, The Taichung city''s air quality PSI levels have bad 18 stations days, the average of PM2.5(automatic) is 23.6μg/m3,in order to keep on improving air quality, the project against stationary source, mobile source, fugitive emission source, drawing up of 33 control measures. The PM10 had been decrease 779.86 ton, PM2.5 decreased 179.29 ton, SOx decreased 1.15 ton, NOx decreased 3,357.01 ton, and NMHC decreased 506.53 ton. The project got 92.92 degree at self – assessment."
proj_year 2015
org_name "Environmental Protection Bureau, Taichung City"
exe_unit "思維環境科技有限公司"
publish_date 20160601

eng_title "High pollutant vehicle control manager and replace old-motocycle by subsidy, 2014."
eng_Subject "The project was executed from April 1 to December 31, 2014. The completed rate of this project was 100%. The team completed works included gathering materials to analyze diversities between six cities vehicle pollution control strategies are high variance analysis reports. Two-stroke engine and eliminating the old subsidy 12,053 items. Eliminating the old two-stroke engine and electric motorcycle 335 items. Apply for people to report cases of high-emitting vehicles 23,203 items. High-emitting vehicles was held 74 sessions prosecution case review meeting. Incentive payments (goods) paid 14 times. 845 cases of sanctions fines. Opacity detection notification to the inspection and maintenance 4,748 items. Regular inspection postcard sent 1,229,765 pieces. Handling and eliminating the old subsidy applications filed Seminar 2 sessions. Electric motorcycle battery charging prepaid incentive program to exchange. Specific areas of environmental protection motor vehicle fuel motorcycle eliminating the old subsidy and incentive programs. Promote green transport policy White Paper."
proj_year 2015
org_name "Environmental Protection Bureau, Taichung City"
exe_unit "思維環境科技有限公司"
publish_date 20160301

eng_title "2014 The project of mobile pollution source inspection and vehicle idling control in Taichung"
eng_Subject "Project objectives for 2014, in Taichung City area locomotives regular inspection of propaganda and control, to achieve the public understanding the locomotives regular inspection of relevant policies, further effective control of emissions from mobile sources, and improvement maintenance of air quality. The schedule of this project from January 1, 2014 to Dec 31, 2014, all items were reached to 100 present targets. In sifted operations of un-finishing periodic inspection locomotives, a total of 701,532 vehicle identification number, which accounted for 9.1 percent undecided locomotive inspection, re-inspection after notice were reach 79.1%. Locomotive blocked to inspection operations totaled 3,029 motorcycles were be stopped and finished inspection, a total of 558 motorcycles were unfinished periodic inspection, re-inspection after notice were reach 94.4%. A total of 73,960 letters were sent in old locomotive notify operation, re-inspection after notice were reach 40.8%, scrapped rate was 9.4%. Transact 29,022 cases of public reported visible-emitting vehicles, pass rate of cases review was 71.8%. A total of 1,665 motorcycles were inspected for particulate pollution, unaccepted rate was 31.8%, scrapped rate after notice or inspected was 23.1%. A total of 317 un-idling stop vehicle be checked. Finished 20 TV wall propaganda of motorcycle periodic inspection. Printed 600 posters of motorcycle periodic inspection."
proj_year 2014
org_name "Environmental Protection Bureau, Taichung City"
exe_unit "思維環境科技有限公司"
publish_date 20150601

eng_title "2014 Air quality information services and Taichung Science Park Central air pollutants regulation a"
eng_Subject "The plan has completed 10 inventories of public and private work spaces and three sessions of overall evaluation meetings, which invited experts and scholars together for self-management counseling, academic research by experts and experience sharing, improving process efficiency of air pollution control equipment, and achieved a 3 ton VOCs reduction target while improving the air quality in the parks department. Discovered operations in the Canton Ga Inventory Optical Co., Ltd. plant to have discharge pipe joints not closed completely, so that air pollutants escape, which have been cut in this case. This year''s test items include: 15 inspections on discharge pipe collection of airbag VOCs testing with updating and expanding of the database sources; 10 inspections of pipe odor detection values are in compliance with emission standards; 12 advanced technology inspections of pipe inorganic acid detection found that the Hung Co. Branch’s nitric and hydrochloric acid levels exceeded the emission standards, while the remaining inorganic acid manufacturers were in compliance with the discharge pipe emissions standards; 5 inspections show that control equipment is in compliance with the process efficiency with verification of licenses approved; 60 points of the perimeter have volatile organic compounds, 10 points of the perimeter have inorganic acids, 10 points of the perimeter have odor, and 5 points of the perimeter have heavy metals according to the sampling and analysis results, with no significant pollution while exceeding the regulatory standards. Furthermore, in order to enhance the efficiency of the public to petition the event process, four sets of automatic sampling equipment were set up for summaries on the weather conditions, with all-weather real-time monitoring and where pollutant emissions were gathered as evidence, which at present failed due to abnormal circumstances and starting samples. This year, the establishment of air quality action APP IT systems has air quality warning functions combined with Taichung air quality station data and factory discharge pipe continuous automatic monitoring data; the system provides people with the field briefings and real time Taichung air quality information in the Taichung Tun Fu Ya District activities center; the public are welcome to download information, along with sharing concerns on environment dynamics."
proj_year 2014
org_name "Environmental Protection Bureau, Taichung City"
exe_unit "思維環境科技有限公司"
publish_date 20150601

eng_title "2014 Taichung City Motorcycle Emission Inspection Station Management Project."
eng_Subject "Taichung City motorcycle Emission Inspection Station Management Project had begun from Jan.-01- 2014 to Dec.-20- 2014. Its implementation timetable is 12 months . The results as below:In the tasks of inspection station, this project has finished 997 cases of regular quality inspection,664 cases of standard gas comparison, 1,008 cases of unannounced check, and 100 electronic marquee maintenances.In the tasks of related meetings , this project held one meetings of education training . In the tasks of outdoor inspection, this project completed 47 outdoor inspections for remote areas by the mobile modified exhaust inspection car, in which, there were 1,230 motorcycles participated. In the tasks of maintenance and inspection, this project completed promotion posters, banners; build-up ”Maintenance and Inspection Information System” and held an education training for the demonstration station staffs . Furthermore, this project for the vehicles of maintenance and inspection service were 51,391 people participated. In the tasks of promotion, this project finished 2 radio advertising articles, which there were 402 times broadcasted; moreover In the tasks of notification, this project sent 1,301,036 postcards ."
proj_year 2014
org_name "Environmental Protection Bureau, Taichung City"
exe_unit "思維環境科技有限公司"
publish_date 20150601

eng_title "The Guidance Plans for the Greenhouse Gas Reduction and Air Pollution Control promoted in Taichung County 2009"
eng_Subject "「The Guidance Plans for the Greenhouse Gas Reduction and Air Pollution Control promoted in Taichung County 2009」 was executed on a one-year contract from November 23, 2009 to November 22, 2010. Work Projects in the Plan included the inventory establishment in Taichung County’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions, the promotion activity in Green Transportation, the facility installation of demonstration of guidance on Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction, the collection of technical information related to domestic and foreign Carbon Capture and Storage, the held conference on strategies and plans for control of Greenhouse Gas reduction, the conducted activity of signing the agreement on Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction, and other tasks with respect to the plan.By the end of October in 2010, our group had completed updating and analyzing the inventories of Taichung County’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions of 2008 and 2009, as well as establishing greenhouse gas footprints for industrial, residential, commercial, transport, agricultural, and waste sectors. We further evaluated energy consumption by lighting in Taichung County during years of 2007 and 2009 as well as energy usage conditions in administration/office buildings in 2008 and 2009. In addition, we collected information and prepared reports on greenhouse gas footprints from Taichung thermal power plant, the plan for greenhouse gas reduction measures, and relevant techniques in domestic and foreign Carbon Capture and Storage, respectively.In order to construct the low-carbon Taichung in the future, our group convened two meetings about the issue that was draft of the plan on greenhouse gas reduction. And the conclusion of the meeting had been collected for the recording which could be used in the future, in order that people could be against the same situations. Besides, we not only held an observation activity in northern Taiwan which was blue chip in the Air quality section, but also convened the carbon emission tactic in four counties cooperation meeting during the executing time of the contract, our group traced and ordered the plan of 「Improve the Urban Road and Environment for people to live」 from Ministry of Interior. After this plan was checked and ratified, we needed to mention the reports about establishing the lane for bicycle in present situation. In August and October, there were four E-lottery activities and the competition of the greenhouse gas reduction from institutions to schools and villages. Those competitions included the greenhouse gas reduction seminars and another activity for training teachers who were technical in the greenhouse gas reduction. Simultaneously, people who belonged to institution and school could be put in practice on carpool. After this activity, we held recognition of the general assembly award to people who responded to this activity. It was amazing that the prize 60 million was awarded from this activity.On the other hand, the website established by the executing team had many kinds of information with regard to the greenhouse gas reduction and issues of the climate change. That information could provide people who were interested in. From the website, we also could find the achievements that our group processed during the implementation period. Moreover, we needed to update and maintain the website of the Taichung County and Ecolife.In order to promote the concepts of greenhouse gas reduction, Taichung County rented the equipments which were solar energy system on the first floor of the Environment Protection Bureau (EPB), for people who needed to recharge the notebook or the cell phone.Our group held about 40 manifestos propagandas that were about the greenhouse gas reduction. In the mean time, we amounted to the Green Net which the Environmental Protection Administration provided and hence, the public could log to sign the ..."
proj_year 2009
org_name "Environmental Protection Bureau, Taichung City"
exe_unit "思維環境科技有限公司"
publish_date 20150601


來源 : 經濟部商業司-台中市公司登記資料-C製造業
欄位 : 統一編號、公司名稱、公司地址、實收資本額、核准設立日期、營業地址(財政資訊中心匯入)、行業代號(財政資訊中心匯入)、財政資訊中心匯入日期、股票代號(金融監督管理委員會匯入)、產業別(金融監督管理委員會匯入)、金融監督管理委員會匯入日期、商標資料(智慧財產局匯入)、智慧財產局匯入日期

統一編號 28563212
公司名稱 思維環境科技有限公司
公司地址 臺中市西屯區天水西街2之1號
實收資本額 0
核准設立日期 0960118
營業地址(財政資訊中心匯入) 臺中市西屯區何仁里7鄰天水西街2-1號
行業代號(財政資訊中心匯入) 712100,702099,381111,382111
財政資訊中心匯入日期 30-AUG-22


來源 : 國家發展委員會檔案管理局-Web版公文製作之全國通訊錄
欄位 : 機關名稱、機關代碼、單位代碼、郵遞區號、地址、電子交換、發文方式

機關名稱 思維環境科技有限公司
機關代碼 ''EB28563212''
單位代碼 ''''
郵遞區號 407054
地址 臺中市西屯區天水西街2之1號
發文方式 電子交換


來源 : 經濟部商業司-台中市公司登記資料-Z其他未分類業
欄位 : 統一編號、公司名稱、公司地址、實收資本額、核准設立日期、營業地址(財政資訊中心匯入)、行業代號(財政資訊中心匯入)、財政資訊中心匯入日期、股票代號(金融監督管理委員會匯入)、產業別(金融監督管理委員會匯入)、金融監督管理委員會匯入日期、商標資料(智慧財產局匯入)、智慧財產局匯入日期

統一編號 28563212
公司名稱 思維環境科技有限公司
公司地址 臺中市西屯區天水西街2之1號
實收資本額 0
核准設立日期 0960118
營業地址(財政資訊中心匯入) 臺中市西屯區何仁里7鄰天水西街2-1號
行業代號(財政資訊中心匯入) 712100,702099,381111,382111
財政資訊中心匯入日期 30-AUG-22


來源 : 經濟部商業司-台中市公司登記資料-I專業、科學及技術服務業
欄位 : 統一編號、公司名稱、公司地址、實收資本額、核准設立日期、營業地址(財政資訊中心匯入)、行業代號(財政資訊中心匯入)、財政資訊中心匯入日期、股票代號(金融監督管理委員會匯入)、產業別(金融監督管理委員會匯入)、金融監督管理委員會匯入日期、商標資料(智慧財產局匯入)、智慧財產局匯入日期

統一編號 28563212
公司名稱 思維環境科技有限公司
公司地址 臺中市西屯區天水西街2之1號
實收資本額 0
核准設立日期 0960118
營業地址(財政資訊中心匯入) 臺中市西屯區何仁里7鄰天水西街2-1號
行業代號(財政資訊中心匯入) 712100,702099,381111,382111
財政資訊中心匯入日期 30-AUG-22


來源 : 經濟部商業司-台中市公司登記資料-F零售、批發及餐飲業
欄位 : 統一編號、公司名稱、公司地址、實收資本額、核准設立日期、營業地址(財政資訊中心匯入)、行業代號(財政資訊中心匯入)、財政資訊中心匯入日期、股票代號(金融監督管理委員會匯入)、產業別(金融監督管理委員會匯入)、金融監督管理委員會匯入日期、商標資料(智慧財產局匯入)、智慧財產局匯入日期

統一編號 28563212
公司名稱 思維環境科技有限公司
公司地址 臺中市西屯區天水西街2之1號
實收資本額 0
核准設立日期 0960118
營業地址(財政資訊中心匯入) 臺中市西屯區何仁里7鄰天水西街2-1號
行業代號(財政資訊中心匯入) 712100,702099,381111,382111
財政資訊中心匯入日期 30-AUG-22


來源 : 國家發展委員會檔案管理局-公文電子交換系統地址簿

ORGID EB28563212
ORGNAME 思維環境科技有限公司
UPDATETIME 2023-09-11 15:08:25


來源 : 國家發展委員會檔案管理局-公文電子交換系統地址簿

2023-09-11 15:08:25


來源 : 經濟部商業司-董監事資料集
欄位 : 統一編號、公司名稱、職稱、姓名、所代表法人、持有股份數

統一編號 28563212
公司名稱 思維環境科技有限公司
職稱 董事
姓名 林郁庭
持有股份數 28000000


來源 : 經濟部商業司-台中市公司登記資料-E營造及工程業
欄位 : 統一編號、公司名稱、公司地址、實收資本額、核准設立日期、營業地址(財政資訊中心匯入)、行業代號(財政資訊中心匯入)、財政資訊中心匯入日期、股票代號(金融監督管理委員會匯入)、產業別(金融監督管理委員會匯入)、金融監督管理委員會匯入日期、商標資料(智慧財產局匯入)、智慧財產局匯入日期

統一編號 28563212
公司名稱 思維環境科技有限公司
公司地址 臺中市西屯區天水西街2之1號
實收資本額 0
核准設立日期 0960118
營業地址(財政資訊中心匯入) 臺中市西屯區何仁里7鄰天水西街2-1號
行業代號(財政資訊中心匯入) 712100,702099,381111,382111
財政資訊中心匯入日期 30-AUG-22


來源 : 臺中市政府勞工局-臺中市違反勞動基準法事業單位或事業主公告
欄位 : 事業單位名稱/負責人姓名;違反法令條款;違反法規內容;處分書文號;處分日期;罰鍰金額;備註



來源 : 臺中市政府勞工局-臺中市違反勞動基準法事業單位或事業主公告
欄位 : 事業單位名稱/負責人姓名、違反法令條款、違反法規內容、處分書文號、處分日期、罰鍰金額、備註

事業單位名稱/負責人姓名 思維環境科技有限公司/林郁庭
違反法令條款 勞動基準法第36條第1項
違反法規內容 未依法令給予勞工例假日
處分書文號 府授勞動字第1100297290號
處分日期 1101117
罰鍰金額 20000
備註 專案


來源 : 經濟部商業司-公司登記(依營業項目別)-文教、樂器、育樂用品零售業
欄位 : 統一編號、公司名稱、負責人、公司地址、實收資本額、公司狀態、產製日期

統一編號 28563212
公司名稱 思維環境科技有限公司
負責人 林O庭
公司地址 臺中市西屯區天水西街2之1號
實收資本額 0
公司狀態 核准設立
產製日期 2022-09-01 03:47:04.2


來源 : 經濟部商業司-台中市公司登記資料-J文化、運動、休閒及其他服務業
欄位 : 統一編號、公司名稱、公司地址、實收資本額、核准設立日期、營業地址(財政資訊中心匯入)、行業代號(財政資訊中心匯入)、財政資訊中心匯入日期、股票代號(金融監督管理委員會匯入)、產業別(金融監督管理委員會匯入)、金融監督管理委員會匯入日期、商標資料(智慧財產局匯入)、智慧財產局匯入日期

統一編號 28563212
公司名稱 思維環境科技有限公司
公司地址 臺中市西屯區天水西街2之1號
實收資本額 0
核准設立日期 0960118
營業地址(財政資訊中心匯入) 臺中市西屯區何仁里7鄰天水西街2-1號
行業代號(財政資訊中心匯入) 712100,702099,381111,382111
財政資訊中心匯入日期 30-AUG-22


來源 : 經濟部商業司-公司登記(依營業項目別)-國際貿易業
欄位 : 統一編號、公司名稱、負責人、公司地址、實收資本額、公司狀態、產製日期

統一編號 28563212
公司名稱 思維環境科技有限公司
負責人 林O庭
公司地址 臺中市西屯區天水西街2之1號
實收資本額 0
公司狀態 核准設立
產製日期 2022-10-01 03:34:57.803


來源 : 經濟部商業司-公司變更登記清冊(月份)
欄位 : 序號、統一編號、公司名稱、公司所在地、代表人、資本額、核准變更日期

序號 18255
統一編號 28563212
公司名稱 思維環境科技有限公司
公司所在地 臺中市西屯區天水西街2之1號
代表人 林郁庭
資本額 10000000
核准變更日期 1050517


來源 : 經濟部商業司-公司變更登記清冊(月份)
欄位 : 序號、統一編號、公司名稱、公司所在地、代表人、資本額、核准變更日期

序號 3825
統一編號 28563212
公司名稱 思維環境科技有限公司
公司所在地 臺中市西屯區天水西街2之1號
代表人 林郁庭
資本額 28000000
核准變更日期 1100907


來源 : 經濟部商業司-公司登記(依營業項目別)-電子資訊供應服務業
欄位 : 統一編號、公司名稱、公司地址、實收資本額、公司狀態、產製日期

統一編號 28563212
公司名稱 思維環境科技有限公司
公司地址 臺中市西屯區天水西街2之1號
實收資本額 0
公司狀態 核准設立
產製日期 2022-10-01 02:39:16.133


來源 : 行政院環境保護署-環保專案摘要資料_大氣空氣
欄位 : chi_title、Chi_Subject、proj_year、org_name、exe_unit、allfileid、publish_date

chi_title "105年臺中市機車排氣稽查管制與定檢站管理計畫"
Chi_Subject "本年度計畫目標主要針對臺中市轄區內執行機車定檢之宣導與管制,以達成民眾了解機車定檢相關政策及自主前往檢驗,進一步有效管制移動源排放之污染,繼而達到共同維護空氣品質獲得改善之目的。計畫執行期程自簽約日105年3月10日起至105年12月31日止,整體工作完成度達100.0%。在未定檢機車管制作業中,車牌辨識作業共計辨識368,009車輛數,其中未定檢機車占16.9%,經通知後回檢率為79.4 %。路邊不定期攔檢作業共計攔檢2,850輛次,其中不合格車輛數為365輛次,經通知後複驗率為90.4%、定檢機車查核暨車輛噪音路邊攔查作業25場次,共計查獲2,090輛未定檢機車及257輛疑似有噪音污染之虞之改裝車輛、辦理高中職(含)以上校園機車排氣檢驗暨車輛噪音宣導活動20場。老舊車輛通知寄發62,182件,通知回檢率為23.53%。定期檢驗宣導於20處大型路口電視牆完成1個月期間播放。印製機車定檢宣導海報2,000張。於機車排氣檢驗站查核部分,定期品質查核共1,014站次、標準氣體比對678站次、無預警查核999站次;機車排氣檢驗站相關會議部分,完成檢驗站人員教育訓練3場次;辦理偏遠地區及梨山地區戶外定檢27場次,檢驗車輛數達689輛;以上工作對於空氣品質改善,可達成空氣污染物減量成果為NOx:5.96噸、PM10:7.75噸、PM2.5:2.12噸、NMHC:245.72噸,逐步減少移動污染之排放。"
proj_year 105
org_name "臺中市政府環境保護局"
exe_unit "思維環境科技有限公司"
publish_date 20170301

chi_title "105年臺中市逸散源及室內空品管制計畫"
Chi_Subject "近年來臺中市工商業發展迅速,人口急速增加,餐飲油煙、民俗活動及農業廢棄物露天燃燒等所造成之空氣污染,以及室內空氣品質,成為市民關注的議題。本計畫包括餐飲業稽查管制、推動紙錢集中燃燒及源頭減量、露天燃燒管制及室內空氣品質管制等4項作業。在「餐飲業稽查管制」方面,加強餐飲業或屢遭陳情業者之污染防制設備查核及輔導,結合市府相關單位辦理聯合稽查,成功推動業者及攤商設置或改善防制設備,對於具一定規模餐飲業,以儀器現場測量,由專家進行深度診斷,提出改善建議書,以為業者落實改善之依循,並結合衛生局及餐飲業公會,辦理宣導講習會,藉以提升從業人員污染防制觀念,且針對餐飲業有空氣污染之虞者執行周界異味官能測定,有效改善餐飲油煙污染問題。在「推動紙錢集中燃燒及源頭減量」方面,於清明、春節及中元辦理紙錢集中燃燒淨爐儀式,以消彌市民對於紙錢送至焚化爐焚燒會有所不敬之想法,推動住宅大樓及社區參與以功代金,配合全家Famiport服務,向市民宣導以功代金之好處,調查臺中市寺廟各項環保作為,並邀請民政局及環保廟宇於宣導會中現身說法,有效進行管制與宣導,維護寺廟空氣品質。在「露天燃燒管制」方面, 彙整臺中市歷年農廢露天燃燒好發地點資料,製作近3年好發點線上地圖,提供各相關單位參考,於一、二期稻作收割期間,以各種宣傳管道向農民宣導不燃燒稻草,結合農政單位辦理農業廢棄物再利用替代措施推廣作業,並出動空拍機進行空拍,輔導及遏止農民不燃燒稻草,有效減少燃燒稻草所帶來的空污問題。在「室內空氣品質管制」方面,擇臺中市各大公共場所,進行室內空氣品質查核與管制,針對臺中市已完成設置專責人員及室內空氣品質維護管理制度等對象,查核維護管理計畫書落實度並每月建立資料庫分析彙整,以落實管制作業,針對室內空氣品質有疑慮之公共場所,安排專家學者現場輔導,維護本市公共場所室內空氣品質。透過上述相關執行工作,達成空氣污染物減量成果為PM10:47.81公噸、NOx:13.19公噸、PM2.5:16.51公噸、NMHC:14.40公噸、SOx:2.70公噸,希冀未來持續執行改善空氣品質工作,維護大家共同生活的環境。"
proj_year 105
org_name "臺中市政府環境保護局"
exe_unit "思維環境科技有限公司"
publish_date 20170501

chi_title "105年臺中市低污染車輛推廣暨怠速熄火管制計畫"
Chi_Subject "計畫執行期程自簽約日105年3月8日起至105年12月31日止,整體工作量完成度已達100%。本階段完成之主要目標有(1)推廣低污染交通工具,讓民眾認識低污染車輛;(2)整合行政資源,加速推動公務機關使用電動車輛及充電設施之健全環境;(3)執行機動車輛怠速宣導工作,減少空氣污染物的排放。具體相關執行成果如下:目前已完成工作項目包含本市具代表性或指標性道路、路段或路口之移動污染源調查工作2次。另提送國內六都及其他國內外推動低污染交通運具、建置綠能交通環境之現況調查及彙整工作報告1式。巡查臺中市電動汽車充電站379站次(含複查19站次)及機車充電站424站次(含複查4站次),巡查結果各充電站皆可正常充電使用。另配合市府或民間活動於臺中市部分廟宇、公園、學校及觀光景點辦理20場次低污染車輛推廣及怠速熄火宣導。在廣播媒體進行低污染車輛推廣暨怠速熄火管制宣導及二行程機車汰舊或新購電動二輪車補助宣導方面,總計完成廣播廣告825檔次,主持人口播280檔次以及在民眾主要活動地點30處的LCD螢幕刊播。完成宣導品製作1,000份、宣導海報印製500張、宣導摺頁20,000張、平面媒體3式及怠速宣導短片1式。完成「臺中市綠能交通網」進行頁面改版及擴充1式。完成辦理5場次交流、聯繫或研商會議。另針對汰舊二行程機車及換購低污染車輛補助審查作業完成26,589件。透過上述相關執行工作,現階段達成空氣污染物減量成果為NOx:2.17噸、PM2.5:0.72噸、NMHC:4.21噸,未來希冀持續推廣綠能交通運輸,達到低碳城市之目標。"
proj_year 105
org_name "臺中市政府環境保護局"
exe_unit "思維環境科技有限公司"
publish_date 20170401

chi_title "103年「臺中市機車排氣檢驗站管理計畫」"
Chi_Subject "於機車排氣檢驗站查核部分,定期品質查核共997站次、標準氣體比對664站次、無預警查核1,008站次、跑馬燈維護100站次;機車排氣檢驗站相關會議部分,完成檢驗站人員教育訓練2場次;改裝移動式排氣檢驗車,並辦理偏遠地區及梨山地區戶外定檢47場次,檢驗車輛數達1,230輛;推動保檢合一方面提供宣導海報、建置保檢合一資訊系統及辦理示範站人員教育訓練1場次,保檢合一服務共計51,391人次參與;製作廣播廣告2則,播放檔402次;定檢明信片印製及郵寄通知單完成13個月,共寄發1,301,036件。"
proj_year 103
org_name "臺中市政府環境保護局"
exe_unit "思維環境科技有限公司"
publish_date 20150601

chi_title "105年臺中市高污染車輛管制計畫"
Chi_Subject "臺中市在烏賊車檢舉數量為全國之冠,民眾主要檢舉烏賊車車種比例為78%機車、20%柴油車及2%汽車,且機車總檢舉數中以二行程機車占95%以上為主要車種。依據環保署104年公布二、四行程機車排氣定檢統計數據,在碳氫化合物(HC)方面二行程機車平均檢驗結果為四行程機車之17倍,一氧化碳(CO)約為2倍。因此,本計畫於接獲民眾檢舉烏賊車之案件中,經過初審、複審及查證等流程,將有污染排放之虞的烏賊車(機車及汽車),通知至指定地點執行空氣污染物排放濃度檢測,特別針對屢遭陳情及排放廢氣不透光率大於50%之車輛,則進行青白煙檢測作業,以實際瞭解其空氣污染排放情形,檢測結果不符合空氣污染物排放標準者,限期改善完成。計畫執行至105年12月31日止,整體工作完成度達98.7%,包含辦理烏賊車檢舉案件複審會議75場次、檢舉獎勵金(品)發放作業16次、烏賊車檢舉案件處分告發755件、處分未繳款案件催繳作業653件等行政程序,另針對高污染車輛函文通知至指定地點完成烏賊車青白煙檢驗車輛共2,537輛次,當民眾接獲通知或檢測不合格者逕行報廢車輛有1,139輛,105年二行程機車已完成1,749報廢車輛,達成空氣污染物中PM10減量0.88公噸、PM2.5減量0.72公噸、NOx減量0.42公噸及NMHC減量8.45公噸。"
proj_year 105
org_name "臺中市政府環境保護局"
exe_unit "思維環境科技有限公司"
publish_date 20170301

chi_title "104年臺中市機車排氣稽查管制與定檢站管理計畫"
Chi_Subject "本年度計畫目標主要針對臺中市轄區內執行機車定檢之宣導與管制,以達成民眾了解機車定檢相關政策及自主前往檢驗,進一步有效管制移動源排放之污染,繼而達到共同維護空氣品質獲得改善之目的。計畫執行期程自簽約日104年1月1日起至104年12月31日止,整體工作完成度達100.0%。在未定檢機車管制作業中,車牌辨識作業共計辨識2,974,292車輛數,其中未定檢機車占7.6%,經通知後回檢率為83.6% 。路邊不定期攔檢作業共計攔檢3,071輛次,其中不合格車輛數為497輛次,經通知後複驗率為93.6%。老舊車輛通知寄發40,340件,通知回檢率為59.4%。青白煙檢驗共完成2,789輛次,粒狀污染物不合格率為38.3%。定期檢驗宣導於20處大型路口電視牆完成1個月期間播放。印製機車定檢宣導海報2,400張。於機車排氣檢驗站查核部分,定期品質查核共989站次、標準氣體比對690站次、無預警查核991站次、跑馬燈維護139站次;機車排氣檢驗站相關會議部分,完成檢驗站人員教育訓練1場次;辦理偏遠地區及梨山地區戶外定檢30場次,檢驗車輛數達689輛;推動保檢合一方面提供宣導海報、建置保檢合一資訊系統及辦理示範站人員教育訓練1場次,保檢合一服務共計46,975人次參與;製作廣播廣告3則,播放640檔次。"
proj_year 104
org_name "臺中市政府環境保護局"
exe_unit "思維環境科技有限公司"
publish_date 20160401

chi_title "104年臺中市空氣品質維護綜合管理計畫"
Chi_Subject "本計畫為政策規劃及檢討之核心上位計畫,104年主要工作為掌握環境背景資料、排放量,以及環境負荷,進而評析本市空氣品質。工作項目亦包含研擬104-109年版空氣污染防制計畫,與本市104-109年符合空氣品質逐年改善目標。並且協助環保署(局)執行空氣污染相關委辦計畫考核作業、相關會議辦理、各式文件編訂及租賃空氣污染管制計畫業務管理系統。計畫簽約金額548萬,契約規定專任人力含計畫經理、專案工程師2位,計畫主持人為非專任人力。臺中市103年執行環保署考評工作績效持續榮獲直轄市「特優」殊榮,104年計畫執行重點包括協助訂定「臺中市細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)排放管理自治條例(草案)」;修訂「104-109年版臺中巿空氣污染防制計畫」,後續配合環保署規劃109年全國細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)濃度能達成年平均標準15μg/m3目標進行減量規劃;推動104年16項計畫考核作業,如環保署報表查核、考核成績統計。統計至今年12月底,本市空氣品質PSI不良等級有18個站日數,PM2.5(自動)平均為23.6μg/m3,為持續改善空品,本計畫針對固定源、移動源及逸散源,研擬33項管制措施。另本年度PM10減量達779.86公噸、PM2.5減量達179.29公噸、SOx減量達1.15公噸、NOx減量達3,357.01公噸、NMHC減量達506.53公噸。本計畫計算環保署自評成果,總計92.92分。"
proj_year 104
org_name "臺中市政府環境保護局"
exe_unit "思維環境科技有限公司"
publish_date 20160601

chi_title "103年「臺中市空氣品質資訊服務及中部科學工業園區空氣污染物稽查管制計畫」"
Chi_Subject "本計畫已完成10家次公私場所清查作業及3場次總體評鑑會議,邀請專家學者一同輔導廠商自主管理,藉由專家學者學術研究及經驗分享,提升空氣污染防制設備處理效率,並達到揮發性有機物減量3公噸目標及改善中科園區空氣品質。在清查作業發現廣鎵光電股份有限公司二廠,其排放管道接縫處未密閉完全,以致空氣污染物逸散,目前已裁處在案;本年度檢測項目包含:15根次排放管道採氣袋VOCs檢測,更新及擴充污染源資料庫;10根次管道異味檢測值皆符合排放標準;12根次管道無機酸檢測,除達鴻先進科技股份有限公司中科分公司其硝酸及鹽酸超過排放標準外,其餘廠商排放管道之無機酸皆符合排放標準;5家防制設備效率驗證皆符合許可證核定之處理效率;60點次周界揮發性有機物、10點次周界無機酸、10點次周界異味及5點次周界重金屬採樣分析結果,均無明顯污染及超出法規標準。此外,為提升民眾陳情事件處理效率,設置4套自動採樣設備及簡易氣象站於陳情熱點,全天候進行污染物排放即時監測與蒐證,目前未有因異常情事而啟動採樣。本年度建立空氣品質資訊行動APP系統,不僅有空氣品質警示功能,並結合臺中市空氣品質測站、工廠排放管道連續自動監測資料,並於臺中市西屯區福雅里活動中心辦理1場說明會,提供臺中市民眾最即時的空氣品質資訊,歡迎民眾下載使用,一起關心環境動態。"
proj_year 103
org_name "臺中市政府環境保護局"
exe_unit "思維環境科技有限公司"
publish_date 20150601

chi_title "103年汰舊二行程機車補助暨低污染交通工具推廣計畫"
Chi_Subject "計畫執行期程自簽約日103年1月6日起至103年12月30日止,整體工作完成度達100%。已完成蒐集五都資料差異分析1式、國內外低污染車輛推廣現況1式、二行程機車汰舊補助19,372件、電動汽車充電站巡查692站次、電動機車充電站巡查第4季、本市充電站查詢系統1式、新設電動汽車充電站現勘作業1式、改裝投幣式電動機車充電站20站、新增電動機車充電站30站,執行電動車輛推廣暨電池交換示範計畫1式、彙整智慧電動車先導運行計畫成果1式、補助案件申請說明會1場、辦理綠能交通宣導夏令營1場、電動汽車體驗試乘活動20場、辦理廣播媒體宣導600檔次、平面媒體宣導4則、製作宣導摺頁2,000份、宣導品2,500份、補助案問卷調查1式、網頁補助案列印功能1式、電動汽機車充電站或電池交換資訊登錄導航地圖更新維護1式、大眾運輸付費卡製作及儲值1式。"
proj_year 103
org_name "臺中市政府環境保護局"
exe_unit "思維環境科技有限公司"
publish_date 20150501

chi_title "98 年臺中縣推動溫室氣體減量及空污管制宣導計畫"
Chi_Subject "「98年臺中縣推動溫室氣體減量及空污管制宣導計畫」,其計畫執行期程自簽約日98年11月23日起至99年11月22日止。本計畫各工作項目包括建立臺中縣溫室氣體排放清冊、推動綠色運輸活動、節能減碳宣導示範設備設置、蒐集國內外碳捕獲與封存相關技術資料、舉辦溫室氣體減量管制策略規劃會議、辦理節能減碳簽署活動、各項宣導作業等本計畫工作團隊自98年11月23日至99年11月22日止,完成更新和分析97、98年臺中縣溫室氣體排放清冊之工業部門、住商部門、運輸部門、農業部門和廢棄物部門溫室氣體排放量建立。並分析臺中縣96、97、98年度電燈用電量和臺中縣政府大樓97、98年度辦公大樓能源使用情況。另外,彙整95至98年臺中火力發電廠排放量、溫室氣體減量措施規劃和國內外碳捕獲與封存相關技術與文獻資料各報告1式。本計畫工作團隊於計畫執行期間辦理2場次臺中縣溫室氣體減量管制策略規劃會議,並由會議結果擬定臺中縣溫室氣體減量策略1式。以及辦理參訪北部空品區節能減碳績優單位觀摩及中部4縣市減碳合作夥伴會議1場次,以瞭解未來規劃和建構大臺中低碳都市願景方向。本計畫工作團隊於計畫執行期間追蹤和彙整臺中縣98、99年內政部「既有市區道路景觀與人本環境改善計畫」之經核定計畫及後續設置情形,並提出大臺中地區自行車道建置現況報告。於8月和10月辦理宣導住商部門省電及簽署節能減碳電子抽獎活動4場次和完成辦理機關、學校及村里溫室氣體減量競賽活動相關工作項目,分別為溫室氣體減量競賽活動說明會和種子教師訓練各1場次,推動機關、學校等單位所屬人員通勤共乘(併入減量競賽作業辦理)1場次和舉辦表揚大會並頒發新臺幣60萬元之獎勵金。本計畫建置相關專屬網站,放置各項溫室氣體減量、氣候變遷等相關訊息,提供民眾閱覽和查詢;於計畫執行間辦理相關工作項目成果,也上傳至專屬網站,並每日定期維護臺中縣網站和Ecolife網站。本計畫租用太陽能電力系統設備,設置於臺中縣環保局1樓大廳外,提供洽公民眾手機或筆記型電腦充電使用。98年度本計畫於計畫執行期間,辦理節能減碳簽署活動共計40場次,並由環保署登錄綠網結果得知,十大宣言簽署人數為17,207人(合約量15,000人)、電表號數量為3,861筆(合約量3,000筆)和節能減碳生活檢核表數量為2,176筆(合約量2,000筆);相關媒體宣導作業方面,新聞稿共計見報44則(含節能減碳宣導和溫室氣體減量、空氣污染防制及氣候變遷宣導,2大類主題),宣導住商部門省電及簽署節能減碳10分和30分鐘專題,各4檔次和1檔次,有線電視跑馬燈40則。"
proj_year 098
org_name "臺中市政府環境保護局"
exe_unit "思維環境科技有限公司"
publish_date 20150601

chi_title "104年臺中市低污染車輛推廣暨怠速熄火管制計畫"
Chi_Subject "計畫執行期程自簽約日 104 年 1 月 1 日起至 104 年 12 月 31 日 止,整體工作完成度已達 100%。目 前已完成 工作項目包含蒐集 國內外低污染車輛推廣現況及六都資料差異分析 1 式。巡查臺中市 電動汽車充電站 704站 次,另也完成 四季的電動機車充電站巡查,電動汽、機 車巡查結 果目前皆 可正常充 電使用。在停車怠速熄火查核2,092 輛次 ;另外亦於臺中市 政府環境保護局清淨園區辦理 1 場次 環保騎士隊成軍記者會,當天參與人數達100人 及 10 家 次媒體報導。 於 104年 5 月 1 日起為期 6 個月電動車輛推廣暨電池交換示範計畫,電池交換次數達 3,576 次,另外於 臺中市政 府環境保 護局辦理 2 場次綠能交通宣導夏令營,參與人數達 86 位,並在臺中市部分廟宇、學校、公園與觀光景點辦理 13 場次電動車輛 體驗試乘活動。在廣播媒體進行低污染車輛推廣暨怠速熄火管制宣導方面,計完成廣播廣告 801檔 次,主持人口播 280 檔次,以及在民眾主要活動地點 30 處 的 LCD螢幕進行播放為期 30 天以上。平面媒體 與紙張宣 導部分,完成平面媒體宣導 2 則、製作宣導摺頁 20,000 份、500 張宣導海報製作及 300張硬質材料 海報製作。最後,在 104 年 10 月底進行第一次契約變更後完成辦理 1 場次移動污染源減量短、中、長期管制策略 協商會議及 3 場次移動污染源減量聯繫平台暨諮詢會議。"
proj_year 104
org_name "臺中市政府環境保護局"
exe_unit "思維環境科技有限公司"
publish_date 20160301

chi_title "104年臺中市餐飲油煙、紙錢減污、農廢露燃及室內空品宣導管制計畫"
Chi_Subject "  本計畫至12月31日執行期間,於餐飲業方面已執行693家業者進行油煙防制設備查核及輔導,並成功推動設置及改善空氣污染防制設備79家次,經計算約削減NMHC 16,888公斤及TSP 9,508公斤之污染排放,迄今均未再發生民眾陳情案件;油煙污染防制宣導說明會或座談會完成3場次、共計235人參與;紙錢集中燒及源頭減量方面,已完成辦理紙錢集中清運宣導說明會3場次,紙錢集中清運共計2,572.2公噸,經計算約削減TSP 9,070公斤之污染排放,能有效維護本市空氣品質。淨爐法會完成6場次。露天燃燒方面,好發季節現場查核完成481件,地籍資料查詢完成481處,以排放係數估算可協助消減TSP 2,774公斤、PM10 2,746公斤、SOx 469公斤、NOx 2,266公斤、CO 25,124公斤、THC 2,071公斤,以及NMHC 1,864公斤等污染逸散;室內空氣品質管制方面,針對環保署第一批公告場所進行巡檢及辦理法規說明會議,目前二氧化碳巡檢已完成110家次,四項巡檢已完成31家次,幼稚園微生物相真菌、細菌檢測完成10家次,檢查結果均合乎法規規範,公共場所室內空氣污染物公告方法檢測已完成13處,檢查結果有兩處超過法規標準。"
proj_year 104
org_name "臺中市政府環境保護局"
exe_unit "思維環境科技有限公司"
publish_date 20160301

chi_title "104年「高污染車輛管制暨汰舊補助計畫」"
Chi_Subject "計畫執行期程自簽約日104年4月1日起至104年12月31日止,整體工作完成度達100%。已完成蒐集六都高污染車輛管制策略差異分析報告1式、二行程機車汰舊補助12,053件、二行程機車汰舊暨換購電動二輪車335件、辦理民眾烏賊車檢舉案件23,203件、辦理烏賊車檢舉案件複審會議74場次、獎勵金(品)發放作業14次、處分告發案件845件、青白煙檢測通知到檢作業4,748件、定檢明信片寄發1,229,765件、辦理汰舊補助申請案件說明會2場次、電動二輪車電池交換充電儲值獎勵方案1式、特定地區燃油機車汰換環保電動機車補助及獎勵方案1式、綠色運輸策略推動白皮書1式。"
proj_year 104
org_name "臺中市政府環境保護局"
exe_unit "思維環境科技有限公司"
publish_date 20160301

chi_title "103年臺中市移動污染源稽查暨停車怠速管制計畫"
Chi_Subject "本年度計畫目標主要針對臺中市轄區內執行機車定檢之宣導與管制,以達成民眾了解機車定檢相關政策及自主前往檢驗,進一步有效管制移動源排放之污染,繼而達到共同維護空氣品質獲得改善之目的。計畫執行期程為簽約日103年1月1日起至103年12月31日止,目前工作進度皆符合預計規劃。在未定檢機車管制作業中,車牌辨識作業共計辨識701,532車輛數,其中未定檢機車占9.1%,經通知後回檢率為79.1%。路邊不定期攔檢作業共計攔檢3,029輛次,其中不合格車輛數為558輛次,經通知後複驗率為94.4%。老舊車輛通知寄發73,960件,通知回檢率為40.8%,報廢率為9.4%。辦理民眾檢舉烏賊車案件共29,022件,複審通過率為71.8%。青白煙檢驗共完成1,665輛次,粒狀污染物不合格率為31.8%,通知或檢驗後報廢率達23.1%。怠速熄火管制共完成317輛次。定期檢驗宣導於20處大型路口電視牆完成1個月期間播放。印製機車定檢宣導海報600張。"
proj_year 103
org_name "臺中市政府環境保護局"
exe_unit "思維環境科技有限公司"
publish_date 20150601

chi_title "105年度彰化縣低碳永續家園運作體系與執行成效管考計畫"
Chi_Subject "計畫執行期程自決標次日起至105年11月30日止,整體工作完成度達100%。完成工作為105年度執行績效報告及本縣106年低碳永續家園評等認證推動方案。蒐集低碳永續家園資訊網105年管制考核系統低碳永續相關計畫第1至4季執行資料彙整填報;完成辦理 9場次低碳永續教育培訓、1場次觀摩宣導活動,共1,567人次參與活動,另製作1,200份宣導品於相關活動或會議進行發送,並辦理2場次資源循環技術與資訊諮詢小組會議,且取得每場之環保低碳活動標章;每月至「低碳永續家園資訊網、綠色生活網及低碳活動平台」登錄相關活動或會議資訊且按月提報本縣環保局備查。另外輔導面上,縣市層級:協同1位專家學者協助輔導本縣5個局處執行之低碳永續相關計畫轉化5份縣級成果文件,經本縣環保局同意備查後登錄低碳永續家園資訊網;鄉鎮(市)層級:輔導7處鄉鎮市達入圍以上評等認證,並取得3點鄉鎮市認證數量點數;村里層級:輔導72個村里(社區)達入圍以上評等認證,並取得12點村里認證數量點數;完成輔導5處低碳示範社區、2處潛力社區之認證專案審查,除此之外,也成功輔導大有村取得銀級評等。最後依據環保署提供101年度及103年度行政轄區溫室氣體排放量之盤查成果撰寫轄內行政轄區溫室氣體盤查報告書,登錄於「城市層級溫室氣體碳揭露服務平台」。"
proj_year 105
org_name "彰化縣環境保護局"
exe_unit "思維環境科技有限公司"
publish_date 20170501


來源 : 經濟部商業司-公司登記(依營業項目別)-環保服務
欄位 : 統一編號、公司名稱、公司地址、實收資本額、公司狀態、產製日期

統一編號 28563212
公司名稱 思維環境科技有限公司
公司地址 臺中市西屯區天水西街2之1號
實收資本額 0
公司狀態 核准設立
產製日期 2022-10-01 02:44:58.34


來源 : 行政院環境保護署-環保專案摘要資料
欄位 : chi_title、chi_subject、eng_title、eng_subject、proj_year、org_name、exe_unit、allfileid、publish_date

chi_title 106年彰化縣低碳永續家園運作體系與執行成效管考計畫
chi_subject 計畫執行期程自決標次日起至106年11月30日止,完成工作為106年度執行績效報告及本縣107年低碳永續家園評等認證推動方案。蒐集低碳永續家園資訊網106年管制考核系統低碳永續相關計畫第1至4季執行資料彙整填報;完成辦理2場次低碳永續教育培訓、1場次觀摩宣導活動,共486人次參與活動,另製作500份宣導品於相關活動或會議進行發送,並辦理2場次資源循環技術與資訊諮詢小組會議,且取得每場之環保低碳活動標章;每月至「低碳永續家園資訊網、綠色生活網及低碳活動平台」登錄相關活動或會議資訊且按月提報本縣環保局備查。另外輔導面上,縣市層級:輔導本縣5個局處執行之低碳永續相關計畫轉化5份縣級成果文件,經本縣環保局同意備查後登錄低碳永續家園資訊網;鄉鎮(市)層級:輔導5處鄉鎮市達入圍以上評等認證,並取得2點鄉鎮市認證數量點數;村里層級:輔導48個村里(社區)達入圍以上評等認證,並取得6點村里認證數量點數;完成輔導5處低碳示範社區、2處潛力社區之認證專案審查。最後依據101年度至104年度行政轄區溫室氣體排放量之盤查成果撰寫轄內行政轄區溫室氣體盤查報告書,登錄於「城市層級溫室氣體碳揭露服務平台」。
eng_title 2017 Changhua County low carbon sustainable homeland operation System and performing evaluation program
eng_subject Program implementation period started from the award of contract date until December 31th, 2017.The execute performance report of 2017 and the low carbon sustainable homeland promoting certification program for Changhua County in 2018 has been completed. The data were also collected and filled in the low carbon sustainable homeland operation network in four seasons of 2017. During the program period, 2 lessons of low-carbon sustainable education and training and one observe outreach activity had been completed. The total masses joined in the two activities is 486. In addition, this program has been prepared 500 promotional goods which were given during the activities or conferences. We hosted the resource recycling technology and information advisory Group meeting twice time. We also had been certified the low carbon environmental protection mark with each activity. Log-in information about the events and conference meetings data to three websites, "low-carbon sustainable homeland", "Green Life" and "low-carbon activities platform", and provided data to the county Environmental Protection Agency for future reference. On the counseling of County level: assist with a co-counseling expert to implement of low-carbon sustainable development plans with five bureaus and outcome the documents which can represent the county. After approve from Changhua county Environmental Protection Agency, the database of outcome documents has logged into the website of low-carbon sustainable homeland. The township city level: tutoring 5 townships to pass finalists rating certification, and earning 2 townships certification Points. The village level: counseling 48 village communities to pass finalists rating certification, and earning 6 village certification Points. The Community level: completed to review and certify of 5 low-carbon model communities and a 2 potential Community, In addition, the success of counseling large village made silver rating. Finally, according to the base of 2012 and 2015 annual administrative jurisdiction of the greenhouse gas emissions inventory, we composed the GHG report about jurisdiction and registered in the "city-level greenhouse gas Carbon Disclosure service platform."
proj_year 106
org_name 彰化縣環境保護局
exe_unit 思維環境科技有限公司

chi_title 106年臺中市逸散源、室內空品及溫室氣體減量計畫
chi_subject 近年來臺中市工商業發展迅速,人口急速增加,餐飲油煙、民俗活動及農業廢棄物露天燃燒等所造成之空氣污染,以及室內空氣品質,成為市民關注的議題。 本計畫包括餐飲業稽查管制、推動紙錢集中燃燒及源頭減量、露天燃燒管制及室內空氣品質管制等4項作業。 在「餐飲業稽查管制」方面,加強餐飲業或屢遭陳情業者之污染防制設備查核及輔導,結合市府相關單位辦理聯合稽查,成功推動業者及攤商設置或改善防制設備,對於具一定規模餐飲業,以儀器現場測量,由專家進行深度診斷,提出改善建議書,以為業者落實改善之依循,並結合衛生局及餐飲業公會,辦理宣導講習會,藉以提升從業人員污染防制觀念,且針對餐飲業有空氣污染之虞者執行周界異味官能測定,有效改善餐飲油煙污染問題。 在「推動紙錢集中燃燒及源頭減量」方面,於清明、春節及中元辦理紙錢集中燃燒淨爐儀式,以消彌市民對於紙錢送至焚化爐焚燒會有所不敬之想法,推動住宅大樓及社區參與以功代金,配合全家Famiport服務,向市民宣導以功代金之好處,調查臺中市寺廟各項環保作為,並邀請民政局及環保廟宇於宣導會中現身說法,有效進行管制與宣導,維護寺廟空氣品質。 在「露天燃燒管制」方面, 彙整臺中市歷年農廢露天燃燒好發地點資料,製作近3年好發點線上地圖,提供各相關單位參考,於一、二期稻作收割期間,以各種宣傳管道向農民宣導不燃燒稻草,結合農政單位辦理農業廢棄物再利用替代措施推廣作業,並出動空拍機進行空拍,輔導及遏止農民不燃燒稻草,有效減少燃燒稻草所帶來的空污問題。 在「室內空氣品質管制」方面,擇臺中市各大公共場所,進行室內空氣品質查核與管制,針對臺中市已完成設置專責人員及室內空氣品質維護管理制度等對象,查核維護管理計畫書落實度並每月建立資料庫分析彙整,以落實管制作業,針對室內空氣品質有疑慮之公共場所,安排專家學者現場輔導,維護本市公共場所室內空氣品質。 最後,「溫室氣體減量」方面,辦理公寓大廈省電照明補助作業、辦理市立學校節能減碳設施設置補助作業、辦理低碳社區認證作業;配合本市自治條例辦理臺中市政府自主管理計畫審查作業;依照環保署「溫室氣體排放量申報管理辦法」,辦理本市公私場所溫室氣體定期申報審查作業、現場抽查公私場所排放資料正確性確認、推估前 200 大溫室氣體排放量等,以掌握產業 排放現況;彙整本市城市層級之轄區地理邊界溫室氣體排放現況,盤查結果由第三者查驗機構進行認證;配合環保署績效考評作業,辦理節能減碳推動計畫之補助作業、節能減碳宣導活動、每月更新環保署綠網推廣作業等。 透過上述相關執行工作,現階段達成空氣污染物減量成果為PM10:428.91噸、NOx:43.51噸、PM2.5:154.19噸、NMHC:15.6噸、SOx:7.46噸及各溫室氣體減量管理作為已於臺中市紮根,並逐步朝向未來中部「低碳生活圈」之綠色願景。希冀未來持續執行改善空氣品質工作,維護大家共同生活的環境。
eng_title The Project of Taichung City fugitive emissions sources、indoor air quality control and Greenhouse Gas Emission In 2017 Year
eng_subject Taichung city which was once known for its clean air quality has taken a dramatic dip since the rise of rapid development of commerce. With this growth the increase of population has risen, the cause of air pollution from local restaurants, religious ceremonies, and the open burning of agricultural waste. The indoor air quality has become the subject for public concern. This project program including 4 main focus : regulating restaurant inspections, centralized joss paper burning and reduced the joss paper quantity, open burning regulation on agricultural waste and indoor air quality control regulation total 4 main focus. In “restaurant business regulation inspection”, increasing inspection and consulter of kitchen exhaust hood and oil mist collector hardware on restaurant business owner or those restaurants who got file complain a lot about oil mist smell problem restaurants. Combining city related department and relevant units join force on the inspection, fully promote restaurant owner and food stands owners to equip the oil mist collect and improve the quality of exhaust oil mist matter. For a certain scale catering industry, instrument-site measurements, depth diagnosis by experts, recommendations for improvement books that follow the industry to implement improvements. Combined with the Health Bureau and Catering Association, for advocacy workshops, in order to enhance the concept of pollution control practitioners. Focus catering for air pollution danger to execute perimeter odor functional assay, improve catering oil mist pollution problems. In the "centralized burning joss paper money and promote source reduction" aspect, During festive events such as the Spring festival and ghost festival, collecting and centralized joss paper money and clean the joss money burning stove ceremony to eliminate the public bad lucky feeling and disrespectful though of collect and burn the joss money in incinerator. Promote residential building and community involvement to do works of charity merit instead of burning joss paper money. Partnership with Famiport convenience store service, promote the propaganda to public about the benefits involve works of charity merit instead of burning joss paper money. Investigating those Temples environmental behavior in Taichung city and inviting the Civil Administration and the Environmental friendly temples to share their own experiences, effectively promote and educate regulation to other temples, to maintain the overall surrounding temple air quality. In the "open burning regulation" aspect, collecting and integrated over the years for those location data who has occurs farming open burning of waste predilection hot spot in Taichung city. Making the past three years online maps, provide the reference to all relevant units. During the period of first or second rice harvest season, inform to farmers not to burn straw pipeline in anyways. Combined with agricultural authorities handle the agricultural waste recycling alternative way. Send out the unmanned flying vehicles drone to the field and take evidence photos. Counseling and curb farmers not to burn rice straw pipeline and effectively reduce air pollution caused by the burning straw pipeline. In the "Indoor air quality control" aspect, Choose major public spots in Taichung, excute indoor air quality check and air control regulation. For the indoor air qualities inspectors from Taichung city, check the implementation of maintenance management plan book and establish the montly database analysis to implement the control operations. To those public places who has concert about the indoor air quality, there will be a necessary experts and scholars to arrange on-site counseling to maintenance the city public places indoor air quality. Finally, in the "Greenhouse gas reduction" aspect, processing for subsidy to community energy saving lightings renovation, processing for subsidy to school carbon reduction and energy saving facilities renovation, processing for low carbon community evaluation and certification; review of mandatory greenhouse gas emissions reporting data from industry as required by EPA law ; Conduct on-site auditing to confirm on reported data, estimation of greenhouse gas emissions for top 200 companies to control the emission status; complete the investigation of greenhouse gas emissions inventory for the city government. Inventory results will be certified by the third-party inspection institution; processing for subsidy to carbon reduction and energy saving facilities renovation according to EPA performance evaluation, sponsored of carbon reduction promotional activities, and monthly updated the progress of EPA Green Net. Through the implementation of the correlation, Stage reached in the reduction of air pollutants outcome PM10:428.91 tons、NOx:43.51tons、PM2.5:154.19 tons、NMHC:15.6 tons、SOx:7.46 tons, and all of the completed work items would help to establish greenhouse gas management for Taichung City towards the development of a low carbon life circle in central Taiwan. Hoping to improve air quality and sustained implementation of the future work, maintenance of common living environment.
proj_year 106
org_name 臺中市政府環境保護局
exe_unit 思維環境科技有限公司

chi_title 106年臺中市機車排氣稽查與定檢站管理計畫
chi_subject 本年度計畫目標主要針對臺中市轄區內執行機車定檢之宣導與管制,以達成民眾了解機車定檢相關政策及自主前往檢驗,進一步有效管制移動源排放之污染,繼而達到共同維護空氣品質獲得改善之目的。計畫執行期程自簽約日106年8月1日起至107年3月31日止,整體工作完成度達96. 3%。在未定檢機車管制作業中,車牌辨識作業共計辨識161706車輛數,其中未定檢機車占11%,經通知後回檢率為82%。路邊不定期攔檢作業共計攔檢1008輛次,其中不合格車輛數為150輛次,經通知後複驗率為43%。老舊車輛通知寄發35018件,通知回檢率為39%。於機車排氣檢驗站查核部分,定期品質查核共646站次、標準氣體比對646站次;機車排氣檢驗站相關會議部分,完成檢驗站人員教育訓練2場次;以上工作對於空氣品質改善,達成空氣污染物減量成果為NOx:約61噸、PM10:約37噸、PM2.5:約30噸、NMHC:約654噸,逐步減少移動污染之排放。
eng_title "2017 Taichung motorcycle exhaust inspection regulation and regular inspection station management plan."
eng_subject "Our goal this year is to focus on the propaganda announcement and regularly emission inspection on motorcycle scooters in Taichung city in order for people to understand the related policy of regularly emission inspection on motorcycle scooters and spontaneous behavior of the emission inspection. Making effectively control of emissions from mobile sources of pollution and achieving common goal on improving the air quality. Program implementation period stated from the signing date of August 1st, 2017 until March 31th, 2018 the overall completion has reached 96.3%. During the operation checking, those who have not completed motorcycle emission inspection, out of license plate recognition totaling 161,706 vehicle identification number, which accounted for 11% of them did not complete the regularly emission inspection, but after receiving the inspection note, 82% of motorcyclist started to participate in the inspection. Occasional roadside spot check operation seized a total of 1,008 motorcycles. The numbers of vehicles failed on emission inspection are 150 units and 43% of the reinspection rate after they received the notification note. A total 35,018 reinspection notification sent out to those old year’s vehicles register owners, notification back to the reinspection was 39%. In motorcycles exhaust Inspection check station part, there was 646 times check on the station equipment and station environment quality, 646 of standard gas specimen collecting samples cross matching result comparison. On the other hand, a total investigation completed on vehicle speed, traffic volume surveys and prohibited area with two-stroke motorcycle preliminary assessment plant. With those jobs done above, we expecting the improvement of air quality will be. The reached at this stage of reduction of air pollutants outcome are NOx: 61 tons, PM10: 37 tons, PM2.5: 30 tons, NMHC: 654 tons. Moving gradually, we expecting the reduce pollution emissions in the future."
proj_year 106
org_name 臺中市政府環境保護局
exe_unit 思維環境科技有限公司

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