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來源 : 行政院環境保護署-環境檢驗測定機構許可資料
欄位 : PermitNo、LabNo、OrgName、PermitExpireDate、LabName、LabAddress、LabTel、LabFax

PermitNo 003
LabNo EC
OrgName 亞太環境科技股份有限公司
PermitExpireDate 2027-02-12
LabName 亞太環境科技股份有限公司檢驗室
LabAddress 高雄市三民區灣興街39巷8號
LabTel 07-3928088
LabFax 07-3927054


來源 : 行政院環境保護署-環保專案摘要資料
欄位 : ProjectId、Title、Abstract、Keyword、EngTitle、EngAbstract、EngKeyword、GovCategory、ProjectType、ProjectNo、ProjectYear、ProjectBudget、ProjectStartDate、ProjectEndDate、SponsorOrg、Undertaker、ExecutingOrg、ProjectDirector、AssistDirector、CoDirector、PublicFullVersionURL

ProjectId "1040990914"
Title "104年度苗栗縣土壤及地下水污染調查及查證計畫"
Abstract "104 年度苗栗縣土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫(以下簡稱本計畫)主要為控管及建立苗栗縣內長期土壤及地下水環境品質資料,以作為後續相關管理政策推動之參考依據,以及適時依法適當進行處置相關緊急應變之需求,協助進行必要之作為。本計畫工作主要包括:地下水監測井巡查及維護、監測井完井作業及異物排除、場置性監測井水質監測作業、污染追查、加油站測漏管氣體 GC 分析及圖譜判釋、土水宣導資料製作、法規說明會辦理及緊急應變措施執行等。各項工作進度皆達預期規劃項目。本計畫工作內容及完成成果簡要說明如下: 1.完成縣內監測井名單及資料更新彙整工作,並依監測井巡查作業提出需井體維護更新及設施修復名單。 2.已完成 10 口監測井井體設施修復及 19 口監測井井體維護更新作業。 3. 完 成 上 下 半 年 度 場 置 性 監 測 井 檢 測 作 業 , 並 利 用 趨 勢 分 析(Mann-kendall-Test)進行分析各區域水質變化情形。 4.已完成縣內需持續監測農/土地與底泥採樣檢測作業,兩農/土地超過管制標準。 5.已完成縣內加油站污染潛勢排序工作、資料查核、測漏管功能檢測、油氣篩測作業及 GC 圖譜分析作業。 6.已完成廣源科技園區與竹南科學園區間之地下流向及兩園區間之預警網設置 7.-完成三義鄉拐子湖段 815-45 地號驗證作業,土壤樣品皆未超過管制/監測標準。 7.完成 1 場次土壤及地下水污染法規說明會、9 場次校園宣導說明會及 1場次民眾宣導。 8.完成辦理 7 場次土壤及地下水緊急應變措施工作,提出 1 處農地污染改善建議工法。 "
Keyword "土壤及地下水"
EngTitle ""
EngAbstract ""
EngKeyword ""
GovCategory "土壤及地下水"
ProjectType "科技研究類專案"
ProjectNo ""
ProjectYear 104
ProjectBudget "13746"
ProjectStartDate 2015-01-28
ProjectEndDate 2015-12-20
SponsorOrg "苗栗縣政府環境保護局"
Undertaker "范安達"
ExecutingOrg "亞太環境科技股份有限公司"
ProjectDirector "董仁"
AssistDirector ""
CoDirector ""

ProjectId "1052000552"
Title "105年度苗栗縣土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫"
Abstract "105 年度苗栗縣土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫(以下簡稱本計畫)主要為控管及建立苗栗縣內長期土壤及地下水環境品質資料,以作為後續相關管理政策推動之參考依據,以及適時依法適當進行處置相關緊急應變之需求,協助進行必要之作為。本計畫工作主要包括:地下水監測井巡查及維護、監測井完井作業及異物排除、場置性監測井水質監測作業、加油站測漏管監測、法規說明會辦理及緊急應變措施執行等。各項工作進度皆達預期規劃項目。本計畫現階段工作內容及完成成果簡要說明如下: 1.完成縣內監測井名單及資料更新彙整工作,並依監測井巡查作業提出需井體維護更新及設施修復名單。 2.已完成 10 口監測井井體設施修復、20 口監測井井體維護更新作業及1口次廢井作業。 3.已完成上下半年度場置性監測井檢測作業,並進行分析各區域水質情形。 4.已完成縣內加油站污染潛勢排序工作、資料查核、測漏管功能檢測及油氣篩測作業,已完成初篩及複測,其中上新加油站及正達加油站於複測時 FID 測值超過 500ppmV,已進行 GC 氣體分析作業。 5.具污染潛勢區域民井水質監測 10 口次已完成,均無異狀。 6.斗煥和昌加油站已於 9 月份進行驗證作業,驗證結果土壤污染物濃度皆低於土壤污染管制及監測標準,即將公告解除列管;通霄鎮內島段 0004地號提交改善完成報告已審查,安排 11 月 24 日進場驗證。 7.已完成 9 場次校園宣導說明會及 1 場次民眾地下水安全使用說明會。 8.完成辦理 1 場次土壤及地下水污染法規宣導說明會。 9.額外承諾事項:廣源科技園區單井流速流向測定 4 口次、擴散袋採樣 11口次與微洗井採樣檢測數值比對及新復溝底泥採樣檢測皆已完成。 10.20支農地污染列管場址告示牌(木頭材質)製作完成。 11.完成辦理 7 場次土壤及地下水緊急應變措施工作。 "
Keyword "土壤及地下水"
EngTitle "Soil and Groundwater Contamination Investigation Project in 2016 Environmental Protection Bureau, Miaoli County"
EngAbstract "“Soil and Groundwater Contamination Investigation Project in 2014 Environmental Protection Bureau, Miaoli County” is purposes to prevent and control the soil and groundwater pollution.Several tasks were included in this project: maintenance of monitoring well, groundwater quality monitoring of site-specific monitoring well, potential water polluting investigation in Toufen Area, emergency response, and other administrate assistances. "
EngKeyword "soil and groundwater"
GovCategory "土壤及地下水"
ProjectType "科技研究類專案"
ProjectNo ""
ProjectYear 105
ProjectBudget "11220"
ProjectStartDate 2016-01-21
ProjectEndDate 2016-12-20
SponsorOrg "苗栗縣政府環境保護局"
Undertaker "周俐潔"
ExecutingOrg "亞太環境科技股份有限公司"
ProjectDirector "董仁"
AssistDirector ""
CoDirector ""

ProjectId "1010698174"
Title "101年度花蓮縣河川揚塵預警、宣導及防制計畫"
Abstract "本計畫自合約簽約日(101.04.18)執行,截至執行結束時間日止(101.12.31),工作成果提報摘要如下:(1)河川易揚塵裸露地清查(2)砂石業者巡查(3)揚塵預警系統維護(4)粒狀物自動監測(5)人工粒狀物採樣與成分分析(6)花蓮溪與立霧溪裸露地揚塵事件緊急應變演練演習(7)河川揚塵預警、防制宣導說明會(8)教育訓練(9)文獻收集(10)網業維護更新(11)新增其它交接事項"
Keyword "河川、河床、揚塵、裸露地、風飛砂、花蓮溪、立霧溪、粒狀物、TSP、PM10、PM2.5、自動監測、警急應變"
EngTitle ""
EngAbstract ""
EngKeyword ""
GovCategory "科技計畫"
ProjectType "科技研究類專案"
ProjectNo ""
ProjectYear 101
ProjectBudget "3880"
ProjectStartDate 2012-04-18
ProjectEndDate 2012-12-31
SponsorOrg "花蓮縣環境保護局"
Undertaker "劉秀婷"
ExecutingOrg "亞太環境科技股份有限公司"
ProjectDirector "懂仁"
AssistDirector ""
CoDirector ""

ProjectId "1017195485"
Title "100年度雲林縣石油化學業新增放流水排放標準研訂計畫"
Abstract "本計畫工作期程自民國101年9月24日起執行12個月(至102年9月23日),本工作計畫預定進度及查核點及實際工作進度查核點如表1.4-1所示,截至102年9月23日止,均依約執行計畫進度並彙整各項工作成果,並於101年11月16日召開第一次專家學者諮商會議、101年12月22日提送第一次工作報告、102年2月26日召開第二次專家學者諮商會議及102年3月22日提送期中報告初稿、102年6月28日召開第三次專家學者諮商會議及102年9月23日提送期中報告初稿。各項工作的量化成果,摘要如表1.4-2所示,計畫各查核點說明如下:一、檢測機構合作協議書:已於101年10月2日提送本計畫生物急毒性與總毒性有機物之檢測合作協議書及相關資料。(需於101年10月3日前提送)二、計畫人員學經歷資料:已於101年10月2日提送本計畫執行人員相關學經歷資料。(需於101年10月3日前提送)三、六輕工業區原廢水與放流水水質採樣分析:本計畫已完成14點水質採樣分析作業。四、第一次工作報告提送:本計畫契約規定執行日起3個月內提出第一次工作報告,本計畫已於101年12月22日提送。(需於101年12月24日前提送)五、期中報告提送:本計畫契約規定執行日起6個月內提出第一次工作報告,本計畫已於102年3月22日提送。(需於102年3月24日前提送)。六、期末報告提送:已於102年9月23日提送初稿。"
Keyword "放流水;加嚴標準;石化業"
EngTitle "The study of new effluent emission standard formulation to petrochemical industry in Yunlin county 2"
EngAbstract "The focus of this plan is on the international and domestic petrochemical industry effluent control, the current situation regarding biological wastewater acute toxicity, data collection of total toxic organics processing technology analysis of the sixth naphtha cracker district petrochemical industry, water quality, waste water treatment facility, swage mass balance map data, and the sixth naphtha cracker district petrochemical industry raw wastewater and effluent sampling plang. The Data show the foreign petrochemical effluent control are more stringent than those used domestically, regardless of cause. For example, china has different control standards which makes it difficult to compare performance with international standards.However, countries such as the U.S. and Germany continue to collect information on other countries effluent standards in order to better evaluate and reduce the toxicity of biologically activated carbon, ozone or activated sludge.The water quality analysis results show that Nan Ya Plastics Haifeng factory in biological acute toxicity of raw wastewater, in addition to the raw wastewater the Acute toxicity TUa of invertebrates 5.00; in effluent aspects, Formosa Petrochemical Mailiao factory, stage chemical fiber dimensional sea Fung factory (invertebrates), Taiwan the chemical fiber Weimai Laos Factory (invertebrates) and Mai-Liao Power Corporation biological acute toxicity mediated1.64 to 5.00, the rest of the wastewater treatment plant effluent biological acute toxic TUa of less than 1.0. The test results to the station chemical fiber the dimensional sea Fung factory and Nan Ya Plastics the Haifeng Plant of the TTO reduction rate is very good and Nan Ya Plastics the Mailiao Plant and Chang Chun Plastics Mailiao plant TTO and biological acute toxicity reduction showed significant efficiency , but the process of receiving water, the small number of samples was less than the effect of their specific assessment handler. This plan has try to combine the result of investigation and built standard, submit three proposal to restrict wastewater standard at biological acute toxicity and total toxic organics."
EngKeyword "petrochemistry, effluent Standard, Total Toxic Organic"
GovCategory "水質保護"
ProjectType "科技研究類專案"
ProjectNo ""
ProjectYear 101
ProjectBudget "1900"
ProjectStartDate 2012-09-24
ProjectEndDate 2013-09-23
SponsorOrg "雲林縣環境保護局"
Undertaker "紀建丞"
ExecutingOrg "亞太環境科技股份有限公司"
ProjectDirector "董仁"
AssistDirector ""
CoDirector ""

ProjectId "1019435647"
Title "台中市大里及豐原區農地土壤地力回復、田間復原暨監督計畫(監督驗證) "
Abstract " 「台中市大里及豐原區農地土壤地力回復、田間復原暨監督計畫(監督驗證)」之執行成效及其品質,於執行過程是否確實依據工作計畫書執行,進行相關監督查核作業,同時充當第三者公正角色進行污染控制場址污染改善後之檢驗分析,確保將重金屬污染濃度降至實用作物農地監測標準值以下,以驗證污染改善成果,使污染場址得以解除列管,回復農地永續利用之目的。"
Keyword "大里及豐原區農地土壤地力回復、田間復原暨監督計畫(監督驗證)"
EngTitle ""
EngAbstract ""
EngKeyword ""
GovCategory "土壤及地下水"
ProjectType "科技研究類專案"
ProjectNo ""
ProjectYear 100
ProjectBudget "2500"
ProjectStartDate 2011-11-24
ProjectEndDate 2012-11-23
SponsorOrg "臺中市政府環境保護局"
Undertaker "許宗霖"
ExecutingOrg "亞太環境科技股份有限公司"
ProjectDirector "顏瑞容"
AssistDirector "張欣欣"
CoDirector ""

ProjectId "0999936106"
Title "99年度花蓮縣海岸線調查及港區污染稽查管制暨海洋污染演練計畫"
Abstract "本年度計畫執行成果與討論如下:一、海域水質監測1. 本年度執行花蓮漁港、石梯漁港、鹽寮船澳等3處進行監測。2. 監測項目計有:水溫、鹽度、氫離子濃度指數(pH)、溶氧量(DO)、生化需氧量(BOD)、懸浮固體(SS)、總油脂、礦物性油脂、葉綠素a、重金屬(鉛、銅、鉻、鋅、汞、鎘)、營養鹽(硝酸鹽、亞硝酸鹽、矽酸鹽、氨氮、磷酸鹽)、大腸桿菌群等共二十項。3. 目前國內尚無準則規範漁港水質標準,本計畫係用甲類海域水體之水質標準之規定訂定之。4. 已完成四次之採樣分析,除7月份鹽寮船澳生化需氧量測值為2.4 mg/L、8月、11月石梯漁港測站大腸桿菌測得2400 CFU/100mL與2300 CFU/100mL,其餘各測站水質監測結果皆符合甲類海域環境品質標準。二、海岸線調查工作及其基本資料庫建檔工作內容包括海岸線資料庫更新,海岸設施調查,緊急應變動線規劃,現場應變中心規劃建議,海岸線適用污染處理建議,環景照片等,均需以資料庫方式建置,並能配合GIS系統使用。調查資料架構,由環保署統一提供《依『91年台灣海洋水質環境管理資料調查與資料庫系統建置專案工作計畫』之SOCRATES架構建立》:包括海岸特性資料庫(Coastline Characteristics Database) 、海岸敏感地區資料庫(Sensitive Sites Database) 、救援通道口資料庫(Access Sites Database) 、除油機具資料庫(Equipment Bases Database)。三、執行花蓮港、和平港及花蓮漁港、石梯漁港船舶及海域航行船舶污染稽查,包含漁港及船舶之稽查及建檔工作,稽查數量共計56艘。四、本年度海洋、河川水環境海污演練已於花蓮港(第三號碼頭)完成演練,並於7月16日及辦理第一次分工協調會;7月27日第二次分工協調會及各單位聯合現場會勘;7月28日辦理設備操作訓練課程第一場次及第一次預演;並於8月5日上午辦理第二次預演,8月6日上午辦理實際演練。五、本年度於10月19日上午辦理「99年度船舶、陸源海洋污染防治宣導說明會」,下午辦理「99年度漁民海洋污染防治宣導說明會」,係為加強縣轄內可能造成海洋污染之事業單位及相關機構等,對於相關法規之瞭解,避免因不知法而違法,期望能藉由法令研討會之舉辦讓事業單位及相關機構等能盡到法規所賦予的責任及義務,並加強與環保機關之間的互動。六、本年度於11月15日辦理第二場次「花蓮縣海洋污染防治緊急應變教育訓練」,地點為花蓮港務局會議室及貨櫃區,課程分為室內及室外課程,給參與學員實地操作的機會,目的熟悉各種應變器材的使用要領,使課程內容達到最佳教學效果。"
Keyword "港區污染稽查管制、海洋污染演練、海域水質監測、船舶污染稽查"
EngTitle ""
EngAbstract ""
EngKeyword ""
GovCategory "水質保護"
ProjectType "科技研究類專案"
ProjectNo ""
ProjectYear 099
ProjectBudget "870"
ProjectStartDate 2010-06-09
ProjectEndDate 2010-12-31
SponsorOrg "花蓮縣環境保護局"
Undertaker "湯清仁"
ExecutingOrg "亞太環境科技股份有限公司"
ProjectDirector "董仁"
AssistDirector ""
CoDirector ""

ProjectId "1031544082"
Title "103年度臺灣北部海域環境品質調查監測及海洋垃圾調查計畫"
Abstract "從海域之非生物與生物環境的角度著手,配合資料庫之建置,建立臺灣北部海域水文環境、水質監測基本背景資料,確保海域環境、景觀與生物資源之永續利用。本計畫同時辦理監測區域海面垃圾調查作業,藉由掌握鄰近區域海面垃圾情形,以有效維護海域整體環境。"
Keyword "北海監測"
EngTitle ""
EngAbstract ""
EngKeyword ""
GovCategory "環境監測及檢測"
ProjectType "科技研究類專案"
ProjectNo ""
ProjectYear 103
ProjectBudget "3334"
ProjectStartDate 2014-04-23
ProjectEndDate 2014-12-02
SponsorOrg "苗栗縣政府環境保護局"
Undertaker "劉正祥"
ExecutingOrg "亞太環境科技股份有限公司"
ProjectDirector "古蕙嘉"
AssistDirector ""
CoDirector ""

ProjectId "1080677915"
Title "108年度雲林縣環境保護局檢驗室操作管理計畫"
Abstract "雲林縣環境保護局檢驗室操作管理計畫執行期程自簽約 日108年08月20日起至109年05月31日止,共計10個月。 確保檢驗室品質管理系統中各項品質管制措施能持續確 實執行及運作,以符合TAF認證規範,並維持認證有效性 及檢測數據品質保證,協助雲林縣環境保護局辦理檢驗室 檢測分析工作及各項品質管理作業。"
Keyword "雲林縣環境保護局檢驗室,品質手冊, 標準作業程序"
EngTitle "The Operations Management of Environmental Protection Bureau of Yunlin County analysis laboratory"
EngAbstract "The Operations Management of Environmental Protection Bureau of Yunlin County analysis laboratory lasted for 10 months from August 20, 2019, activation date till May 31, 2020, expiration date. We ensure that all quality control measures in the laboratory quality management system can continue to really perform to meet the TAF certification specification. Furthermore, we maintain the laboratory certification and the quality assurance assurance of the testing data to assist Yunlin County analysis laboratory in analysis and quality control works."
EngKeyword "Environmental Protection , Yunlin County Analysis laboratory,Quality Manual,Standard operating procedures "
GovCategory "環境監測及檢測"
ProjectType "科技研究類專案"
ProjectNo ""
ProjectYear 108
ProjectBudget "3300"
ProjectStartDate 2019-08-20
ProjectEndDate 2020-05-31
SponsorOrg "雲林縣環境保護局"
Undertaker "王麗鈞"
ExecutingOrg "亞太環境科技股份有限公司"
ProjectDirector "紀美智"
AssistDirector ""
CoDirector ""

ProjectId "1080373872"
Title "108 年新竹市綠屋頂/建築節能推廣計畫"
Abstract "本計畫今年度主要目標為輔導新竹市各單位參與綠屋頂及建築節能相關設施建置,並搭配宣導活動從不同面向向民眾推廣宣傳低碳家園及城市綠化的理念,將低碳家園與城市綠化執行成效逐年提升。本計畫工作內容包含:綠屋頂及建築節能示範補助推廣以及其他行政配合。計畫期程自民國108 年 06 月 03 日至 108 年 12 月 31 日止,經費共 6,618,500 元。本計畫期末成果摘要如下:綠屋頂及建築節能示範系統補助部分,協助新竹市環保局訂定「108年新竹市推動綠化節能及建築改造補助原則」,並於 7 月 23 日辦理一場「新竹市推動綠化節能及建築改造補助原則說明會」,使有意願前來申請的單位更能了解今年的補助內容及原則,說明會中也邀請到國立交通大學高正忠教授以及藍山園藝藍梁文先生至現場分享他們執行綠屋頂的多年經驗。後續輔導 35 個有興趣的單位提出申請,截至申請日共計有 22 個單位提出申請,並辦理六場現勘遴選作業,由遴選委員做綜合性的評分,最後環保局核定 19 個單位獲得補助,總補助金額為 3,400,000 元。今年執行成果豐碩,總計新增綠化面積 772.4m2 、二氧化碳固碳量 80,556.7 kg、節電 17,988.8度/年、減碳量 9,588.1 kgCO 2 e/年、節水量 24 公噸/年。在綠屋頂推廣部分,於 7 月 30 日在康樂里集會所辦理一場「綠化節能設計宣導活動」,以宣導會的方式進行推廣,邀請到新北市低碳社區進階規劃師江育賢老師及康樂里林再興里長分享屋頂綠化的改造手法。而為了推廣及鼓勵市民參與綠屋頂,發送小型種植箱給有提出申請補助的22個單位。其他行政配合方面,結合本市認證評等績優村里規劃辦理兩梯次低碳環境旅遊行程,9 月 19 日辦理體驗低碳飲食的「千甲農場低碳樂活之旅」及 9 月 26 日體驗低碳生活的「康樂社區低碳永續旅遊」。以及透過 11 月 2日於北大公園辦理 1 場新竹市社造聯合成果展,結合銀級康樂社區來展現今年綠屋頂及低碳永續家園推動之成果。另外配合完成三場次的宣導以及發布 3 則成果新聞資料至環保局環保新聞,使民眾瞭解市政推動績效。"
Keyword "綠屋頂、建築節能、低碳家園"
EngTitle "Hsinchu City Green Roof / Building Energy Saving Promotion Plan"
EngAbstract "The green roof and building energy demonstration system subsidy part assisted the Hsinchu Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau in formulating the 108 Hsinchu City''s Greening Energy Conservation and Building Transformation Subsidy Principles and applied for a Hsinchu City''s Greening Energy Conservation and Building Transformation Subsidy on July 23 Principles briefing session , so that those who wish to apply You can better understand the contents and principles of this year''s subsidy. During the briefing session, Professor Gao Zhengzhong of National Jiaotong University and Mr. Lan Liangwen of Blue Mountain Gardening were invited to share their many years of experience in implementing green roofs. Follow-up counseling applications from 35 interested units, as of the application date, a total of 22 units Apply for and conduct six on-site investigation and selection operations, and the selection committee will make a comprehensive score. Finally, the EPA approved 19 units to receive subsidies, with a total subsidy amount of RMB 3,400,000. This year''s fruitful results have been achieved, with a total of 772.4 m2 of green area added, a fixed amount of carbon dioxide of 80,556.7 kg, electricity savings of 17,988.8 degrees / year, carbon reduction of 9,588.1 kgCO 2 e / year, and water savings of 24 metric tons / year. In the green roof promotion part, on July 30th, a “greening and energy-saving design promotion event” was held at the Kangleli Assembly Hall, and it was promoted in the way of the promotion conference. The low-carbon community in New Taipei City was invited to enter Mr. Jiang Yuxian, a planner, and Mr. Zai Xingli from Kangle Village shared the green roof renovation methods. In order to promote and encourage citizens to participate in the green roof, small planting boxes were sent to 22 units that had applied for subsidies. In terms of other administrative cooperation, two-level low-carbon management was implemented in combination with the city''s excellent performance in certification and rating. Environmental tourism itinerary, the Qianjia Farm Low-Carbon Live Trip to experience a low-carbon diet on September 19 and the Carbon Community Low-Carbon Sustainable Tour to experience a low-carbon life on September 26. And through a Hsinchu City-made joint achievements exhibition in Peking University Park on November 2nd, combined with the silver-level recreational community to show the results of this year''s green roof and low-carbon sustainable home improvement. In addition, it completed three publicity sessions and released three results news materials to the Environmental Protection Agency''s environmental news, so that the public can understand the performance of municipal administration."
EngKeyword "Green roof, building energy saving, low carbon homes"
GovCategory "科技計畫"
ProjectType "科技研究類專案"
ProjectNo ""
ProjectYear 108
ProjectBudget "6618.5"
ProjectStartDate 2019-06-03
ProjectEndDate 2019-12-31
SponsorOrg "新竹市環境保護局"
Undertaker "曾香婷"
ExecutingOrg "亞太環境科技股份有限公司"
ProjectDirector "鍾昭儀"
AssistDirector ""
CoDirector ""

ProjectId "1080812946"
Title "108年度花蓮縣機車排氣暨停車怠速熄火稽查管制計畫"
Abstract "本計畫自簽約完成日起,為求 108年度計畫能順利推動,本團隊對於執行計畫內相關所需設備及相關人員等進行硬體建置及人員招募,由於亞太公司對於執行移動污染源相關計畫已有多年經驗,故對於所需設備能在時間內順利完成,並依據計畫規範之進度期程內完成期末報告,其餘各工作項目及進度皆亦符合。 (一)依環保局規劃,本計畫各工作項目於計畫執行期程內皆已達規劃之累計目標數。 (二)統計108年1月至108年12月,機車定檢到檢率依回歸車籍計算為74.05%,已完成檢驗數101,873輛,依回歸定檢站定檢率為69.13%,已完成檢驗數95,105輛。 (三)統計108年1月至108年12月共完成移動式定檢服務7,356輛,路邊攔檢3,030輛,車牌辨識系統138,082輛,停車怠速熄火宣導5,091輛次,校園停車怠速熄火宣導2,091輛次,淘汰二行程機車2,862輛次,二行程機車稽查處分1,041件,烏賊車檢舉38件,換購電動二輪車補助74件,新購電動二輪車補助1,812件。(四)對於提升淘汰二行程機車情形,工作團隊除安排移動式定檢車加強路邊攔檢管制作業,也積極逐戶訪談二行程機車車主,配合村里長及各級機關活動進行宣導;今年度為提升淘汰二行程機車提出創新作為「老車關懷計畫」,進行逐戶訪談及寄發補助訊息作業。 (五)定檢站負荷部分,秀林鄉、萬榮鄉及卓溪鄉為無檢驗站鄉鎮;目前以壽豐鄉及富里鄉檢測站檢驗負荷為最大,應可評估是否有需要新設檢測站,以提升各偏遠地區的到檢率。(六)花蓮縣機車污染濃度,CO≧4.5%污染濃度佔總檢測的2.7%,HC≧9,000ppm污染濃度佔總檢測的0.2%,大部分檢測濃度小於1,000ppm,佔了93.50%。(七)花蓮縣二行程機車CO平均濃度為2.91%、HC平均濃度為5,270ppm,四行程機車CO平均濃度為1.11%、HC平均濃度為221ppm,二、四行程混合後總平均濃度CO平均濃度為1.19%、HC平均濃度445 ppm。"
Keyword "機車排氣、空氣污染、花蓮縣"
EngTitle "2019 Hualien City Mobile Pollution Source control and Parking idling flameout management Project"
EngAbstract "From the date of completion of the contract signing, in order to make the project smoothly promoted, the team will carry out hardware construction and personnel recruitment for equipment and personnel related to the implementation of work, and Asia Pacific Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. has implemented mobile pollution sources. The project has many years of experience, and the contract work items can be successfully completed in time, and the report is completed within the progress schedule of the plan, and the other work items and progress are also met.1.The number of work items in the project reached the planned target during the project implementation period.2.Statistics From January to December 2019, the locomotive inspection rate was 74.05% based on the number of returned cars and the number of completed tests was 101,873. The inspection rate returned to the inspection station was 69.13% and the number of completed tests was 95,105 .3.Statistics In January 2019, a total of 7,356 mobile inspection services were completed, 3,030 road blocks, 138,082 vehicle license plate recognition systems,5,091 vehicle idling stoppages, 2,091 motorcycles were eliminated, 2,862 motorcycles were eliminated from the two-stroke locomotives, 1,041 were inspected for locomotives with two-trip motorcycles, 38 were seized by Squid Engines, 74 were redeemed for electric two-wheeled vehicles and 1,812 were newly purchased for electric motorcycles.4.In order to strengthen the elimination of the second-cycle locomotive control, the team will arrange mobile inspection services to strengthen roadside interception control operations, and actively interview the owners of the second-cycle locomotives, and cooperate with the village leaders and agencies at all levels to promote the activities; The locomotive proposed innovation as an Old car care plan, conducting interviews and sending grant information operations.5.The loading section of the inspection station, Xiulin Township, Wanrong Township and Zhuoxi Township are towns without inspection stations. At present, the inspection load at the stations of Shoufeng Township, Guangfu Township, Mizuho Township and Fuli Township is the largest and should assess whether there is a need New test station to enhance the arrival rate in remote areas.6.Hualien County locomotive pollution concentration, CO ≧ 4.5 The total concentration of pollution was 2.7%, HC ≧ 9,000ppm The concentration of unqualified pollution was 0.2%, most of the concentration less than 1,000ppm, accounting for 93.5%.7.Hualien County, two-stroke locomotive CO average concentration of 2.91%, HC average concentration of 5,270ppm, four-stroke locomotive CO average concentration of 1.11%, HC average concentration of 221ppm, two or four trip mix total average concentration of CO average concentration of 1.19% , The average concentration of HC 445 ppm."
EngKeyword "Motorized bicycle air pollutant, Motor vehicle, Hualien City"
GovCategory "大氣空氣"
ProjectType "科技研究類專案"
ProjectNo ""
ProjectYear 108
ProjectBudget "16280"
ProjectStartDate 2019-01-01
ProjectEndDate 2019-12-31
SponsorOrg "花蓮縣環境保護局"
Undertaker "劉美杏"
ExecutingOrg "亞太環境科技股份有限公司"
ProjectDirector "董仁"
AssistDirector "馮啟智"
CoDirector ""

ProjectId "1070239840"
Title "107年度澎湖縣土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫"
Abstract "本計畫截至107年10月31日止已完成91.5%工作項目,剩餘工項為107年11月及12月之例行性工項,以下概要說明各工項內容。 監測井巡查及維護修復作業已完成修復作業(補修警示柱),以及針對井況評估呈現異常之監測井,執行再完井及異物排除等井內部維護作業均已完成執行。 地下水監測作業枯、豐水期監測分別於107年4月11~15日及7月7~9日執行完成,本年度10口監測井於枯/豐水期僅於一般項目(如: 總硬度、總溶解固體、氨氮、氯鹽或總有機碳等)具有超出第二類監測標準之情形,因興崁掩埋場X00016因屬第一類管制標準區域,於107年4月及7月之TPH測值(1.42及1.29 mg/L)超出第一類地下水管制標準(1 mg/L)情形。 加油站測漏管調查作業本年度已於107年4月完成17站測漏管初測,顯示異常者有2站為大家加油站及文東加油站,並於7月進行測漏管複測,同時採集異常測漏管之氣體進行定量分析,依據測漏管PID/FID篩測值及氣體定量分析結果,污染潛勢分級為大家加油站A級及文東加油站B1級。 調查驗證作業分別進行控制場址天祥加油站驗證以及漁船加油站調查,於控制場址天祥加油站驗證結果地下水於重金屬及VOCs項目均遠低於第二類地下水管制標準,已辦理完成其場址解除列管之程序。於鎖港、龍門、外垵及赤崁等4站漁船加油站調查部分,僅赤崁加油站土壤之TPH超出土壤污染管制標準,另測得微量甲苯、乙苯及二甲苯測值情形;另協助辦理湖西供油中心陳情案件地下水採樣分析,結果顯示具有TPH、苯及MTBE超出第二類地下水管制標準,已於107年8月22日公告為控制場址,其初步評估結果達1200分,已達整治場址分級,故提送至環保署審查。後續已依107年10月9日環保署初評審查會議結論,於107年10月22日於土壤及地下水資訊管理系統之初評及等級評定系統中,完成場址初步評估報告提送。 緊急應變作業,針對205縣道7公里處陳情,已完成設置乙口次地下水標準井,並分析BTEX及TPH項目,結果顯示均遠低於第二類地下水管制標準。"
Keyword "土壤、地下水、加油站"
EngTitle "Soil and Groundwater Investigation and Verification Project in Penghu County in 2018"
EngAbstract "Till Dec 20th 2018, the project has conducted the following 6 items: 1. Filling station investigation: 271 soil vapor monitoring samples have detected at 17 filling stations in Penghu. The results show that the monitoring values are below the regulatory alert (500 ppmV) at 15 of 17 filling stations. The values of monitoring soil vapor have reached standards at the other 2 filling stations, so there will be followed-up. 2. Groundwater monitoring: The Sampling and Analysis of 20 groundwater monitoring wells in April and July. There is no any values which have reached regulatory standards of the 2 category. 3. Verification of site remediation: The groundwater sampling in Tienhsiang filling station had finished which lower than groundwater contaminated control standard. The contaminated site had deregulated. 4. Investigation of Soil and Groundwater Contamination: 1of 4 filling station had should be regulated because of exceeding the control standard. There were 2 samples in Hushe was found that the TPH, benzene, MTBE concentration is higher than groundwater control standards, suggesting the surveillance should be continued. 5. Emergency treatment work: The project had completed 1 groundwater emergency treatment works, and the result of test is within the standard. "
EngKeyword "soil, groundwater, filling station"
GovCategory "土壤及地下水"
ProjectType "科技研究類專案"
ProjectNo "EP108001"
ProjectYear 107
ProjectBudget "4810"
ProjectStartDate 2018-01-29
ProjectEndDate 2018-12-20
SponsorOrg "澎湖縣政府環境保護局"
Undertaker "呂昆憲"
ExecutingOrg "亞太環境科技股份有限公司"
ProjectDirector "董仁"
AssistDirector ""
CoDirector ""

ProjectId "1060774934"
Title "106年度澎湖內灣海域環境品質監測應變計畫"
Abstract "「106年度澎湖內灣海域環境品質監測應變計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫)本年度期末報告計畫工作期程自106年2月簽約起至民國106年11月20日止,期末執行成果摘要如下:在內灣海域水質部分,第一次(106年4月份)、第二次(106年7月份)及第三次(106年11月份)已執行5處測點,其中3次調查結果可發現,各項目皆符合甲類海域水體水質標準。漁港及造船廠水質調查部分,4及11月份漁港及造船廠水質檢測結果可知大腸桿菌群、pH、溶氧及礦物性油脂皆符合甲類海域環境品質標準。另於6~9月之旅遊旺季監測轄內9家次海上平台業者由本年度調查之數據結果顯示,大腸桿菌群與腸球菌群之數據顯示,各海上平台及外海區域測皆為優良之休憩海域,pH、氨氮、總磷及生化需氧量測值全數皆符合甲類海域海洋環境品質標準。海洋污染防治工作部分,於4月26日辦理「海洋油污染辦理緊急應變人員教育訓練、器材操作維護訓練」;7月7、14日辦理「前進安檢所之海洋污染緊急應變計畫及法規說明會」,參加人次達61人;另於9月8日辦理「106年度澎湖縣海洋、水環境油污染及毒性化學物質災害緊急應變演練-兵棋推演」,模擬污染案件之演練,協調相關單位,採取各種必要之緊急應變措施,防止污染災害擴大。海洋污染稽查管制工作,統計已完成424次港口污染稽查管制工作;120船次漁港船舶稽查管制,30艘船次商船船舶稽查管制。其餘工作項目,完成10次外籍漁工宣導工作,每月針對局內海洋污染緊急應變器材進行盤點與保養,以及每月提送新聞稿進行海洋污染防治媒體宣導。最後於5月7日辦理創新作為活動「守護海洋精靈寶可夢」,邀請澎湖縣風櫃國小50位四~六年級學生,藉由參與生動活潑的海洋體驗活動,分享其體驗經驗,從親近海洋歷程,導引熱愛海洋情操與增進探索海洋知識的興趣。"
Keyword "內灣海域水質、漁港及造船廠水質、海上平台"
EngTitle "106 Penghu Bay Area Environmental Quality Monitoring Contingency Plan"
EngAbstract "106 Plan for Environmental Quality Surveillance in the Penghu Inner Harbor Area (hereinafter referred to as the Plan) This Year-end Report The duration of the project is scheduled to contract from February 106 to November 20, 106, and the summary of the implementation results at the end of the period As follows: In the water quality section of the Inner Harbor, five sites have been tested for the first time (in April 106), the second (in July 2006) and the third (November 106), of which three were surveyed It can be found that all the projects are in conformity with the water quality standards of Class A waters.In the survey of water quality of fishing ports and shipyards, the test results of water quality in fishing ports and shipyards in April and November showed that the coliform bacteria, pH, dissolved oxygen and mineral oils and fats meet the environmental quality standards for Class A waters. In addition, the data from the survey conducted in this year''s survey of 9 sub-maritime platform operators during the peak season of monitoring from June to September showed that the data of E.coli and enterococcal flora showed that all offshore platforms and offshore areas were excellent open areas , PH, ammonia nitrogen, total phosphorus and biochemical oxygen demand all meet the marine environmental quality standards for Class A marine areas.Marine pollution prevention and control work section, on April 26 for offshore oil pollution emergency response personnel training, equipment operation and maintenance training; July 7, 14th for Advancement of the marine pollution emergency response plan and regulations In addition, on September 8, the 2006 Emergency Drills for the Marine Pollution and Environmental Pollution Caused by Water and Environmental Pollution in Water and Environmental Pollution Caused by Water Pollution-Chess Chess was conducted to simulate the cases of pollution, and the relevant units were coordinated. Take all necessary emergency measures to prevent the expansion of pollution disasters.Marine pollution control inspection work, statistics have been completed 424 port pollution inspection control work; 120 fishing vessels in the port inspection control, 30 ship inspection of commercial vessels. The remaining work items, the completion of 10 foreign fisherman advocacy work, the monthly inventory of marine emergency equipment for inventory and maintenance, as well as submit monthly press releases marine pollution prevention media advocacy. Lastly, on May 7, we conducted innovation as Guarding the Sea Proud Pokemon and invited 50 to 4-6 students of Fengguo Elementary School in Penghu County to share their experience and experience by participating in the lively and vivid marine experience activities. Close to the course of the oceans, leading the love of ocean sentiment and the promotion of the interest of exploring marine knowledge."
EngKeyword "Inner Bay water quality"
GovCategory "水質保護"
ProjectType "科技研究類專案"
ProjectNo ""
ProjectYear 106
ProjectBudget "2187"
ProjectStartDate 2017-02-09
ProjectEndDate 2017-12-31
SponsorOrg "澎湖縣政府環境保護局"
Undertaker "呂瑋駿"
ExecutingOrg "亞太環境科技股份有限公司"
ProjectDirector "古蕙嘉"
AssistDirector ""
CoDirector ""

ProjectId "1040491050"
Title "花蓮縣移動污染源稽查暨執行停車怠速熄火計畫"
Abstract "統計104年1月至104年12月,機車定檢到檢率依回歸車籍計算為 64.70%,已完成檢驗數98,430輛,依回歸定檢站定檢率為62.63%,已完成檢驗數95,286 輛。共完成移動式定檢服務 6,208輛,攔查、巡查39,542輛,路邊攔檢3,583 輛,車牌辨識系統111,346輛。對於偏遠鄉鎮檢測比率偏低情形,工作團隊除安排移動式定檢車巡迴服務,也積極推動偏遠鄉鎮認養活動,輔導檢測站申請戶外定檢業務。定檢站負荷部分,秀林鄉、萬榮鄉及卓溪鄉為無檢驗站鄉鎮;目前以壽豐鄉、光復鄉及富里鄉檢測站檢驗負荷為最大,應可評估是否有需要新設檢測站,以提升各偏遠地區的到檢率。移動式定檢服務,本年度共執行了268次移動式定檢服務,檢測6,208輛車,合格 5,625 輛,不合格583輛,截至12月底花蓮納管率為80%。花蓮縣機車污染濃度,CO≧4.5 污染濃度為總檢測不合格為 6.4%,HC≧9,000ppm 污染濃度檢測不合格為 0.9%,大部分檢測濃度小於 1,000ppm,佔了81.8%。花蓮縣二行程機車CO平均濃度為3.04%、HC平均濃度為5,145ppm,四行程機車CO平均濃度為1.44%、HC平均濃度為265ppm,二、四行程混合後總平均濃度CO平均濃度為2.24%、HC平均濃度2,705ppm。執行停車怠速熄火之宣導作業 本計畫選定之重點巡查宣導地點,主要為民眾常發生怠速情況的地點,包括運輸轉運站、各行政機關、大專院校、中小學校、便利商店、速食餐廳、風景區或其他公眾出入頻繁之場所。截至12月止,共計完成巡查宣導作業7,286輛次,其中包含校園巡查宣導2,092輛次。主要目的以鼓勵民眾多利用低碳運輸交通工具,讓縣民有正確反怠速觀念,減少廢氣排放。同時配合空污管制,加強宣導烏賊車汰舊老舊二行程機車及換購電動摩拖車,並鼓勵民眾多利用低碳運輸交通工具,減少廢氣排放,進而提升良好空氣品質。"
Keyword "移動污染源、機車、定檢站"
EngTitle ""
EngAbstract ""
EngKeyword ""
GovCategory "大氣空氣"
ProjectType "科技研究類專案"
ProjectNo ""
ProjectYear 104
ProjectBudget "970"
ProjectStartDate 2015-01-14
ProjectEndDate 2015-12-31
SponsorOrg "花蓮縣環境保護局"
Undertaker "劉美杏"
ExecutingOrg "亞太環境科技股份有限公司"
ProjectDirector "董仁"
AssistDirector "馮啟智"
CoDirector ""

ProjectId "1050174264"
Title "105 年度桃園市龜山柴油車動力計排煙檢測及污染管制計畫"
Abstract "世界衛生組織已將PM2.5列為一級致癌物質,因此需加強管理容易排放PM2.5之柴油車,以維護民眾健康,本計畫負責執行柴油車稽查管制作業,針對高污染柴油車進行管末處理,並透過各種管制手段,使車主改善車輛排煙情形,以控制空氣污染。本計畫統計自105年9月12日起至106年9月11日各項工作進度皆已完成,路邊攔查1,758輛次,預篩後污染之虞車輛有562輛次,路攔不合格數223輛次,不合格車輛以2、3期柴油車為主。目測判煙通知檢測數3,002輛次,受通知車輛主要以2期柴油車最多,分析目判通知車輛至檢測站檢測後,馬力比有偏低情形,顯示車輛可能以擅調方式通過檢測。主動到檢通知數20,000輛,已到檢車輛共4,094輛(到檢率20.5%),佔設籍桃園市大客貨車18.6%,符合契約規定,而不合格車輛暫不開罰,並給予車主於2周之改善期限,避免車輛持續影響本市空氣品質。除被動性管制外,另也推動源頭管理,透過自主管理分級標準制度及空氣品質淨區劃設,使車主主動了解車輛排煙情形,統計至106年9月11日,共核發3,224件,市區公車已有1,320輛(佔所有車輛85%以上)符合自主管理分級標準,並輔導業者逐步汰換老舊公車,105至106年老舊市區公車已淘汰近170輛;而針對授權自主管理標章之保養廠查核與比對部分,106年9月至106年9月比對45件,且比對查核結果皆小於0.25 m-1,並核發370件自主管理標章,經追蹤核發情形後,皆未有遭目視判煙通知及民眾檢舉等,顯示授權保養廠品質已達一定水準。對於柴油車管制需先了解本市需要管理的對象及污染排放負荷,分析桃園市兩座車牌辨識系統及目視判煙辨識車輛,柴油大客貨車仍有34.1%為1、2期柴油車,比例甚高;另計算進入空品淨區之1、2期柴油大客貨車全數汰換為5期車,約可減少342.9公噸,檢量效益明顯,因此需鎖定1~2期柴油大型車輛首要目標。本公司為今年進入執行柴油車稽查管制及檢測業務,因此針對人員訓練相當慎重,已於計畫期程內舉辦第四場教育訓練,針對柴油車檢測相關技術、法規及計畫工作內容說明,以增加計畫人員之專業性。"
Keyword "粒狀污染物、柴油車動力計檢測、柴油車污染管制"
EngTitle "Taoyuan Guishan Diesel Vehicle Inspection Station and Air Pollution Control program for 2016"
EngAbstract "PM2.5 has already been classified as category A(group1) carcinogen by the World Health Organization (WHO). In order to maintain populace’s health, to tighten manage over diesel vehicles which emission PM2.5 easily is necessary. This project is to be in charge of implementing inspecting operation of diesel vehicles, to conduct final strategy against high pollution diesel vehicles. Through all kinds of controlling methods to instruct owners to improve the situation of exhaust emission for the purpose of air pollution controlling.According to statistics, this project has accomplished all progress rates from September 12, 2016 to September 11, 2017. Including roadside inspection of 1,758 vehicles, pre-screened of 562 vehicles that were pollution dangers. Most are before June 30,1999 diesel vehicles among 223 unqualified cases. By visual determination, we have informed 3,002 vehicles that had to be inspected. After analyzed, informed vehicles were mainly in EURO 2 and the horsepower rate were low which shows that vehicles might pass the inspection through irregular ways. Initiative inspected vehicles were 20,000 in number, 4,094 vehicles have already completed the inspection (inspection rate: 20.5%), Unqualified vehicles which are initiative inspected won’t be punished under the laws of Air Pollution Control Act.In addition to passive supervision, we also promote source management through the grading standards of self-management and districted of clean zone, to enable owners realize the situation of exhaust emission. Based on statistics, 3,224 cases were issued by the end of September 11, 2017. 1,320 city buses met the grading standards of self-management (It accounted for 85% of all vehicles). Furthermore, to tutor dealers change outmoded buses progressively. In 2016 to 2017 dealers have already scraped almost 170 outmoded buses. In regard to maintenance works that authorized the mark of self-management grading standards, through comparison of 330 cases from November 2016 until now and the numerical value are all below 0.25m-1, these results indicate that authorized maintenance works have reached a certain level.Managing diesel vehicles needs to find out first, who needs to be controlled and the burden of pollutant emission. Also analyze growth quantity of bus, big truck and light vehicle, amount of tradition pollutants and the proportion of outmoded diesel vehicles that are actual on the road recent years. Therefore, before June 30, 1999 diesel vehicles and diesel big truck are main aims.In view of the fact that our company has been engaged in inspection and management of diesel vehicles this year, we have been very cautious in personnel training, and have organized the four educations since the project has started. To illustrate related technologies, legislations and project’s contents to increase the professionalism of project personnel."
EngKeyword "Particulate pollutants, Diesel Vehicle Dynamometer Sampling and Testing, diesel vehicle Pollution Prevention Project"
GovCategory "大氣空氣"
ProjectType "科技研究類專案"
ProjectNo ""
ProjectYear 105
ProjectBudget "22240"
ProjectStartDate 2016-09-12
ProjectEndDate 2017-09-11
SponsorOrg "桃園市政府環境保護局"
Undertaker "蕭彥良"
ExecutingOrg "亞太環境科技股份有限公司"
ProjectDirector "黃婷婷"
AssistDirector ""
CoDirector ""

ProjectId "1061433518"
Title "澎湖縣106年度水污染源緊急應變處理能力提升及巡守計畫"
Abstract "本計畫團隊執行106年度澎湖縣水污染源緊急應變處理能力提升及巡守計畫,分為水污染源管制及巡守隊管理兩大部份。以下就計畫至106年11月底止之執行成果作說明。一、完成水污染源管制資料庫管理維護更新作業截至106年11月30日止,本計畫所建立的水污染源系統相關稽查作業計642件,其中定檢申報資料建檔計108件、水污染防治措施計畫建檔計23件、營建工地逕流廢水削減計畫計11件、稽查記錄單數量計450件,以及水質檢驗報告50件。二、水污染源定檢申報及審查作業本計畫執行定檢審查件數,在106年1-6月須申報定檢家數為60家次,包括網路申報(共23家)及書面申報(共37家),均已完成申報作業。在106年7-12月須申報定檢家數為60家次,目前僅網路申報已完成申報者7家,尚餘53家未完成申報作業,因多為半年申報之事業,其申報期限為107年1月,後續仍持續追蹤及輔導事業申報情形。三、執行事業污染源稽/巡查作業本計畫例行稽查工作係依地區、對象排定稽查行程表,對列管污染源進行稽查工作,並規劃稽查重點,針對污染熱區、重點稽查區域及重大污染源加強稽巡查採樣。截至106年11月底止,已完成50件次,達成率為100%。其中針對關鍵污染區目前已針對熱區執行87件次稽查作業,約佔總稽巡查之19.3%,並無發現重大違規情事,後續持續監督。四、辦理水污染緊急應變人員訓練、講習及緊急應變演練本計畫預計於8/8、8/21配合尖山發電廠,召開本年度緊急應變演練之協調會議及預演,並於8/23上午9時,於尖山發電廠之11號變壓器,完成辦理實地演練作業,以提昇各相關單位之應變能力。五、辦理水質水量自動監測相關作業本計畫協助水質水量自動監測設施與錄影連線推動情形管控及監控系統操作,截至11月30日止,經檢視連線狀況,除台灣電力股份有限公司尖山發電廠每定期進行溫度儀器校正作業外,台灣電力股份有限公司尖山發電廠,共發生7次異常狀況;國統國際股份有限公司發生2次異常狀況。六、維護本縣巡守隊Facebook社群網站截至11月30日止,加入澎湖縣政府環境保護局Facebook粉絲團人數已達512次。七、行政院環境保護署-水環境通報件數截至11月30日為止,手機APP系統通報次數共113次,APP系統通報率達100%。八、推動本縣巡守義工訓練及巡守工作,並將巡查結果及活動舉辦情形登錄及發布於綠網上。截至11月30日為止,共計有113個巡守隊通報案件,通報案件內容主要為髒污點(水環境其他)通報。九、協助完成巡守隊環保志工認證50人次。截至11月30日為止,本計畫已輔導完成51位水環境巡守隊員利用空閑時間,完成志工基礎及特殊訓練,取得志工資格。十、辦理水污染防治、水污染法規說明會3場次截至11月30日為止,本計畫已完成辦理3場法規說明會。十一、辦理5場次水污染防治、生活污水減量相關教育宣導活動截至11月30日為止,本計畫共完成辦理5場生活污水減量宣導活動,參加民眾約550人。十二、截至11月底為止,主動與巡守隊通聯達83次。十三、辦理巡守隊專業講習、教育訓練18場截至11月底為止,本計畫團隊已安排1場次巡守隊領袖會議、1場次巡守隊座談會議、1場次巡守隊增能講座課程、1場次巡守隊年終檢討會議、8場次的講習教育訓練活動、1場次的講習暨淨灘活動,以及5場次的淨灘活動,參加人數共867人次十四、每月至少發布2則宣導新聞稿本計畫從計畫執行開始至106年11月30日為止,共計發佈有18篇文章。"
Keyword "澎湖"
EngTitle "Penghu County Water Pollution Source Emergency Response Capability Enhancement and Inspecting Project"
EngAbstract "The project team implemented the 106-year program of emergency response capacity improvement and patrol of water pollution sources in Penghu County. It is divided into two parts: water pollution control and patrol team management."
EngKeyword "Penghu"
GovCategory "水質保護"
ProjectType "科技研究類專案"
ProjectNo ""
ProjectYear 106
ProjectBudget "1990"
ProjectStartDate 2017-02-15
ProjectEndDate 2017-12-30
SponsorOrg "澎湖縣政府環境保護局"
Undertaker "高敏修"
ExecutingOrg "亞太環境科技股份有限公司"
ProjectDirector "古蕙嘉"
AssistDirector ""
CoDirector ""


全國營業(稅籍)登記資料集。因考量營業稅歷年停歇業資料量太大,開啟檔案困難,故所開放檔案僅涵蓋營業中資料,並建議使用Microsoft Word Viewer開檔,中文請選UTF-8中文碼;或使用Notepad++、UltraEdit等其他工具開檔。 資料連結於109年6月22日調整為
來源 : 財政部財政資訊中心-全國營業(稅籍)登記資料集
欄位 : 營業地址、統一編號、總機構統一編號、營業人名稱、資本額、設立日期、組織別名稱、使用統一發票、行業代號、名稱、行業代號1、名稱1、行業代號2、名稱2、行業代號3、名稱3

營業地址 高雄市三民區灣興里灣興街39巷8號
統一編號 22755240
營業人名稱 亞太環境科技股份有限公司
資本額 28000000
設立日期 0770215
組織別名稱 股份有限公司
使用統一發票 Y
行業代號 702099
名稱 其他管理顧問
行業代號1 740200
名稱1 工業設計
行業代號2 712999
名稱2 未分類其他技術檢測及分析服務
行業代號3 712100
名稱3 環境檢測服務


來源 : 勞動部職業安全衛生署-工作守則備查名冊
欄位 : 登錄編號、登錄日期、事業單位名稱(工程名稱)、來文字號、來函日期、備註

登錄編號 B109003202
登錄日期 1090520
事業單位名稱(工程名稱) 亞太環境科技股份有限公司
來文字號 (109)亞專字第050487號
來函日期 1090513
備註 台中液化天然氣廠廠區設備施工增建期間環境監測服務工作

登錄編號 B109002892
登錄日期 1090507
事業單位名稱(工程名稱) 亞太環境科技股份有限公司
來文字號 (109)亞檢字第035號
來函日期 1090505
備註 承攬日月光公司噪音檢測

登錄編號 B105000503
登錄日期 1050121
事業單位名稱(工程名稱) 亞太環境科技股份有限公司
來文字號 (105)亞檢字第007號
來函日期 1050120
備註 指定工作場所:台灣中油股份有限公司煉製事業部高雄煉油廠水質及空氣品質檢測工作(案號:MEB0420006)。

登錄編號 B097003172
登錄日期 0970827
事業單位名稱(工程名稱) 亞太環境科技股份有限公司
來文字號 97亞字第0232
來函日期 0970825

登錄編號 B095000600
登錄日期 0950301
事業單位名稱(工程名稱) 亞太環境科技股份有限公司
來文字號 (一)01703
來函日期 0950301

登錄編號 B095000201
登錄日期 0950119
事業單位名稱(工程名稱) 亞太環境科技股份有限公司
來文字號 (一)00630
來函日期 0950119

登錄編號 B099000839
登錄日期 0990303
事業單位名稱(工程名稱) 亞太環境科技股份有限公司
來文字號 (99)亞專字第020108號
來函日期 0990301


來源 : 勞動部職業安全衛生署-工作守則備查名冊
欄位 : 登錄編號;登錄日期;事業單位名稱(工程名稱);來文字號;來函日期;備註









來源 : 國家圖書館-全國圖書書目資訊網(NBINet)
欄位 : ISBN (020$a)、書名 (245$a$d)、編著者 (245$c)、版本 (250)、出版項 (260)、面頁數尺寸 (300)、集叢名(490/$a)、出版年 (008/07-10)、館藏地及索書號(949$a$d$e)、NBI紀錄號 (907$a)

ISBN (020$a) 9789860426236
書名 (245$a$d) 環保科技國際論壇 :
編著者 (245$c) 新竹縣政府環境保護局主辦 ; 新竹縣區域語言暨文化資源發展協會, 亞太環境科技股份有限公司承辦 ; 臺灣新竹綠色產業聯盟協辦
版本 (250) 第1版
出版項 (260) 新竹縣竹北市 :; 新竹縣環境保護局,; 民103.10
面頁數尺寸 (300) 59面 :; 圖, 像 ;; 30公分 +; 2張數位影音光碟
出版年 (008/07-10) 2014
館藏地及索書號(949$a$d$e) 國家圖書館; 445.907; 8797
NBI紀錄號 (907$a) .b155851792


來源 : 行政院環境保護署-環保署裁罰處分
欄位 : no、name、time、case、fact、low、fine、appeal、result、restricted、improve

no 239
name 亞太環境科技股份有限公司
time 110/09/03
case 亞太環境科技股份有限公司違反土壤及地下水污染整治法及環境檢驗測定機構管理辦法
fact 未依公告之檢測方法(NIEA W103.56B)規定執行檢測作業。
low 違反土壤及地下水污染整治法第10條第2項授權訂定之環境檢驗測定機構管理辦法第17條第1項第2款規定,並依土壤及地下水污染整治法第42條第1項第1款及環境檢驗測定機構管理辦法第24條第1項第1款之規定裁處,及依環境教育法第23條之規定裁處環境講習。
fine 50000
restricted 110/09/24

no 126
name 亞太環境科技股份有限公司
time 108/07/03
case 亞太環境科技股份有限公司違反土壤及地下水污染整治法及環境檢驗測定機構管理辦法
fact 未依檢測方法「水中總溶解固體及懸浮固體檢測方法-103~105℃乾燥 (NIEA W210.58A)」規定,執行地下水檢測類監測類監測井地下水採樣之檢測業務。
low 違反土壤及地下水污染整治法第10條第2項授權訂定環境檢驗測定機構管理辦法第17條第1項第2款規定,爰依同法第42條第1項第1款規定裁處及限期改善;及依環境教育法第23條之規定裁處環境講習。
fine 100000
restricted 108/07/24

no 76
name 亞太環境科技股份有限公司
time 107/11/01
case 亞太環境科技股份有限公司違反土壤及地下水污染整治法及環境檢驗測定機構管理辦法
fact 未依檢測方法水中金屬及微量元素檢測方法-感應耦合電漿原子發射光譜法 (NIEA W311.53C)執行地下水檢測類監測井地下水採樣之檢測業務。
low 違反土壤及地下水污染整治法第10條第2項授權訂定環境檢驗測定機構管理辦法第17條第1項第3款規定,爰依同法第42條第1項第1款規定裁處,並限期改善;及依環境教育法第23條之規定裁處環境講習。
fine 50000
restricted 107/11/26

no 69
name 亞太環境科技股份有限公司
time 107/10/01
case 亞太環境科技股份有限公司違反空氣污染防制法及環境檢驗測定機構管理辦法
fact 未依檢測方法「空氣中粒狀污染物檢測法-高量採樣法(NIEA A102.12A)」,執行空氣檢測類空氣中粒狀物之檢測業務。
low 違反空氣污染防制法第49條第2項授權訂定環境檢驗測定機構管理辦法第17條第1項第2款規定,爰依同法第70條規定裁處及限期改善,並依環境教育法第23條之規定裁處環境講習。
fine 200000
restricted 107/10/25


來源 : 經濟部商業司-公司登記(依營業項目別)-管理系統驗證業
欄位 : 統一編號、公司名稱、公司地址、實收資本額、公司狀態、產製日期

統一編號 22755240
公司名稱 亞太環境科技股份有限公司
公司地址 高雄市三民區灣興街39巷8號
實收資本額 28000000
公司狀態 核准設立
產製日期 2022-09-01 02:43:30.037


來源 : 行政院環境保護署-EPQSummary_Air
欄位 : eng_title、eng_Subject、proj_year、org_name、exe_unit、allfileid、publish_date

eng_title "2016 Hualien County Inspection and control plan for pollution sources"
eng_Subject "Hualien County 2016 Annual Hualien County Flying Pollution Source Control and Control Plan Excerpts at the end of the report excerpts from the period from January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2016, lasted for 12 months, by the sub-unit Asia-Pacific environment Technology Co., Ltd. to assist the Environmental Protection Agency for the implementation of the operation of 10 large industry pollution control, Hualien port area escape pollution control operations, management methods to check counseling, open burning inspection operations, catering industry case handling and publicity and other related control Operations, quantitative implementation of the results please refer to the quantitative work schedule, statistical period with the data query source to the end of December 2016, the details of the work content and results are divided into chapters, the results are summarized below.Since the announcement and implementation of the pollution control scheme has been in existence for seven years, the 2016 annual plan began on January 1, and on January 1, the team was stationed in January, 2016. To 12 months to inspect the investigation (including with the survey, review and furnishings) database file 1250, of which 1090 inspection fee contract inspection, respectively, 106 project inspections, 984 inspections, the overall compliance rate of 89.02%.This year the implementation of road dirt inspection, divided into two areas: First, the road dirt inspection carried out a total of 2069.3 km, including A-level 360 accounted for 93.14%, B-level 100 accounted for 6.86%, belonging to the B, C-class road part Have been asked to immediately improve the scene, and failed to immediately improve the part of the letter by way of regulatory requirements for cleaning units. Second, the enterprise road cleaning statistics to the end of December the total washing street length of 24529.7 kilometers, according to the length of washing TSP can be reduced by 338.5 tons, PM10 reduction of 63.8 tons, PM2.5 reduction of 14.7 tons.This year, in order to enhance the pollution control of roads in industrial areas, we will continue to implement the control strategy for the cleansing of the joint road network around the industrial area in 2014 and 2015, and will be implemented from January to December in 2016. Meilun Industrial Zone, Guanghua The proportion of Grade A roads in the industrial area is 75.6% and 74.1% respectively, and the follow-up will continue to promote road maintenance, cleaning and counseling improvement, and enhance the proportion of Grade A roads in industrial areas.Significant completion of the rehabilitation area of 4, improve the completion area of 5.0802 hectares, TSP reduction of 1.798 metric tons, PM10 reduction of 0.899 tons, PM2.5 reduction of 0.36 metric tons.Gravel car with the shooting part of a total of 1223, the illegal situation for the 8 times without sewage barrels, 7 times for the cover is incomplete, 12 times without sewage pipes, 3 uncover, 6 times for the sewage pipe is not inserted Sewage bucket, 36 vehicles have been issued for the goods industry has completed the improvement of the deadline, so far completed the improvement of 32 times, the overall improvement rate of 88%, the follow-up team will continue to track the improvement of the situation.For the fugitive granular pollution sources of pollution at the risk of being affected by the public and private places, and by the escape of the source of management approach to check the missing points of serious industry, from time to time, fixed-point perimeter TSP inspection and testing, 20 points Inspection results in 1 o''clock more than the emission standards, plans to report the report to the Bureau, the Environmental Protection Agency on July 25 fined the factory 100,000 yuan the whole, the remaining 19 points are in line with regulatory limits 500μg / m3 re..."
proj_year 2016
org_name "Environmental Protection Bureau, Hualien County"
exe_unit "亞太環境科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20170303

eng_title "2016 Hualien City Mobile Pollution Source control and Parking idling flameout management Project"
eng_Subject "Hualien County locomotive inspection rate has reached nearly 7 percent, the general roadside inspection operations more than the flow of vehicles larger sections, so the efficiency has gradually deteriorated, the future will be arranged towards the road and not patrol the building, Check the vehicle to inform the operation; the other to promote the concept of subordinate to the code is still not ideal, 106 years of 2 mobile fixed inspection station, in the implementation of time, the number is more comfortable, should not be scheduled for the remote villages, And broadcast to know, to enhance the county to the rate; to enhance the township to the rate, license plate identification system placed in the lower rate of the township to identify and notify the inspection, so in Hualien City, Ji''an Township and The new city and township display time than in previous years to reduce, so the three townships to test the rate of decline, due to the number of vehicles in three townships, so the number of vehicles to improve the number of more effective, the future car identification should be included in the three townships."
proj_year 2016
org_name "Environmental Protection Bureau, Hualien County"
exe_unit "亞太環境科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20170401

eng_title "2017 Annual Hualien County Fugitive pollution source Control Plan"
eng_Subject "An excerpt of the report of the “2017 Annual Hualien County Fugitive pollution source Control Plan” in Hualien County was extracted from the period from January 1 to December 31, 106. The total duration was 12 months. Technology Co., Ltd. assisted the EPB. Hualien city in the implementation of our exposure verification and proliferation operations, catering industry case handling and promulgation and other related control operations, quantify the implementation of the results, please refer to the quantitative work schedule, The conjunction is the sources of various data queries until the end of December of the year 106, the detailed work contents and results are described in each chapter. The results are summarized below. 1.Open burning control and paper money centralized burning and reduction missions(1) During the implementation of the open-air burning program from January to December of 106, a total of 441 inspections were conducted and 154 inspections were conducted, involving a total of 595 items. Estimated reduction of burning emissions was based on the calculation method provided by the Environmental Protection Agency (TEDS Version9.0). The total reduction of TSP was 78.972 metric tons, PM10 was 56.246 metric tons, SOX was 0.420 metric tons, NOX was 19.031 metric tons, CO was 484.527 metric tons, THC was 70.867 metric tons, and NMHC was 41.851 metric tons.(2)From the end of January to the end of December of 106, a total of 9474 square meters of 15 art works in 7 townships were promoted, and a total of 82.906 square meters of 30 rice straws in 8 villages and towns, a total of 9077 hectares of paddy fields in the first phase, and rice in the second phase. With an area of 8,600 hectares, a total area of approximately 17,687.17 hectares is promoted, and approximately 106,123.02 metric tons of straw are burned out, a total reduction of PM10 is 535.73 metric tons, PM2.5 is 487.03 metric tons, SOX is 91.46 metric tons, NOX is 442.06 metric tons, and NMHC is 363.55 metric tons. The total reduction was 1,919.82 metric tons.(3) Decrease of paper money and prohibition of open-air combustion announcements. By the end of December of 106, a total of 1,220 temples had been declared, 106 were merchant buildings, 432 were other units, and 1,758 were promulgated for a total of 6,077 person-times, among which there were 745 homes (42.38%) are willing to cooperate with incense sticks, paper money reductions, and temples will strengthen their proclamation for unmatched businesses.(4)Promote rice promotion and promote white rice instead of paper money worship. After the worship, white rice can be retrieved or donated to charity organizations in this county to achieve the purpose of paper money reduction. The total amount of white rice donated to the end of December 106 is 37.566 metric tons. The conversion can reduce the burning of paper money by 26.296 metric tons. The total reduction of TSP was 0.093 metric tons, PM10 was 0.082 metric tons, PM2.5 was 0.064 metric tons, NOX was 0.018 metric tons, and CO was 0.805 metric tons.(5) To promote the use of gold for promotion, to promote donations directly or to purchase donations of materials for donations to charitable organizations for the purpose of reducing the amount of paper money, and to count up to 6,122 donated materials by the end of December of 106. The reduction of 35.712 metric tons of paper money incineration resulted in a reduction of 0.126 metric tons of TSP, 0.112 metric tons of PM10, 0.087 metric tons of PM2.5, 0.025 metric tons of NOX, and 1.093 metric tons of CO.(6)To promote network Purdue so as to achieve the goal of reducing the air pollution by “sacrificing and not burning gold”. According to the statistics, by the end of December of 2006, a total of 6,038 person-times will be involved. The conversion will reduce the burning amount of 15.095 metric tons of pap..."
proj_year 2017
org_name "Environmental Protection Bureau, Hualien County"
exe_unit "亞太環境科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20180601

eng_title "2017 Hualien City Mobile Pollution Source control and Parking idling flameout management Project"
eng_Subject "Hualien County locomotive inspection rate has reached nearly 70 percent, the general roadside inspection operations more than the flow of vehicles larger sections, so the efficiency has gradually deteriorated, the future will be arranged towards the road and not patrol the building, Check the vehicle to inform the operation; the other to promote the concept of subordinate to the code is still not ideal, in 2017 set up two mobile inspection stations in the implementation of the time, a relatively abundant number of unplanned remote villages, the village service and broadcast known , To enhance the county to the rate; to enhance the township to the rate, but also actively promote the adoption of remote township activities, counseling and testing stations to apply for outdoor fixed-seizure business in Hualien City, Ji''an Township and the new towns and cities focus less time, so the three townships to There is a downward trend in the rate, because the number of vehicles in three townships is more, so it is more effective to improve the number of seized vehicles."
proj_year 2017
org_name "Environmental Protection Bureau, Hualien County"
exe_unit "亞太環境科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20180315

eng_title "Climate change implementation plan"
eng_Subject "First, the project name: Hsinchu City, 106 annual response to climate change implementation planSecond, the organizers: Hsinchu City Environmental Protection AgencyThird, the implementation of the unit: Asia Pacific Environmental Science and Technology Co., Ltd.Fourth, the program host: Zhong ZhaoyiFifth, the implementation of the program schedule: Republic of China May 19, 106 to the Republic of China December 31, 2006 onlySix, the project funding: NT 2,335,000 yuanKey Words: Greenhouse Gas Reduction, Adaptation to Climate Change, Carbon NeutralizationNine, Chinese Abstract:This program includes: (1) planning and implementation of greenhouse gas reduction projects; (2) research projects on greenhouse gas reduction and climate change adaptation; (3) international cooperation in low-carbon cities; (4) promotion of climate change and Greenhouse gas reduction education and advocacy work; (5) Implementation of emissions-source operations and emissions-related facilities and related information of the inspection; (6) Implementation of carbon neutrality and greenhouse gas emissions reporting. The following are the implementation results of the various work items of this project at the period-end:(A) planning and implementation of greenhouse gas reduction projects1. To develop a plan for the implementation of greenhouse gas control in Hsinchu City. This plan is formulated with reference to the autonomous regulations on climate change in all counties and cities. Initially proposed Hsinchu City green city autonomy regulations, including general provisions, greenhouse gas management, climate change adaptation, green life and climate change environmental education projects.2. Measurement and Improvement Program of High-energy Ice-cooled Host Measurement From October 23 to October 26, it will go to 5 high-energy private and public sectors in Hsinchu City, including Hsinchu City Government, Hsinchu City Government Environmental Protection Bureau, Hsinchu City Government Inland Revenue Department, Hsinchu City North District Office, Hsinchu City Government Police Department, the ice water host system measurement operations, except Hsinchu City, the Inland Revenue Department to strengthen host maintenance and self-management measures, and the remaining four are proposed to replace ice water host. (Ii) Matters relating to adjustment of greenhouse gas reduction and climate change1. Hsinchu City background information includes geographical location, population, hydrology, climate, land use, industrial structure, greenhouse gas emissions.2. Hsinchu City Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment Based on the definition of IPCC, Vulnerability refers to the degree to which a system is negatively affected by climate change and can not cope with it. This section includes vulnerability assessment methods and Hsinchu City climate change vulnerability assessment.3. Analysis of energy use in Hsinchu City, including assessment of sources of vulnerability in energy supply and industries, data on activity of sources in various sectors and key variables in the field of energy adaptation. The impact of the heat island effect will change the demand for energy. The effects of the heat island effect include the following factors: temperature rise, increase of energy supply pressure, decrease of sunshine hours, decrease of relative humidity, change of precipitation pattern, increase of urban flood risk, Increased air pollution.(C) low-carbon city international cooperation1. To assist the Municipality in planning for participation in international organizations and exchange activities. The project team discussed with the EPA the contents of the seminar and selected the most appropriate meeting to discuss the topics to help plan the itinerary and contact window, and after that, Report on the related achievements.2. To collect the l..."
proj_year 2017
org_name "Bureau of Environmental Protection Hsin-Chu"
exe_unit "亞太環境科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20180224

eng_title "Taoyuan Guishan Diesel Vehicle Inspection Station and Air Pollution Control program for 2017"
eng_Subject "World Health Organization (WHO) has declared PM2.5 as Group 1A carcinogens. In order to protect the health of public, it’s necessary to tighten control over diesel vehicles which release PM2.5 easily. This project is in charge of implementing inspecting operation of diesel vehicles, to execute final strategy against high pollution diesel vehicles. Through all kinds of controlling methods to instruct owners to improve the situation of exhaust emission for the purpose of air pollution controlling.This project has accomplished all the task from September 12, 2017 to Dec 31, 2018. In Guishan diesel vehicle emission inspection station, 6961 vehicles has been inspected, 550 vehicles were rejected due to low horsepower, and unqualified rate is 6.8%. In roadside task, we has achieved including roadside pull-over examination of 4259 vehicles, roadside pull-over emission inspection of 3315 vehicles, and 282 vehicles exceeded emission standards. Among those 282 vehicles, most of them are EURO 2 and 3 diesel vehicle. In visual identification on emission, we have informed 2414 vehicles to be inspected. Those 2614 vehicles were mainly EURO 2 and the horsepower rate were relatively low which shows that vehicles might pass the inspection through irregular ways.Notification of Initiative inspection were 26000 in number. 2787 vehicles have completed the inspection process (inspection rate: 11.3%), unqualified vehicles which were initiative inspected won’t be fined under the laws of Air Pollution Control Act.We also promote source management through the grading system of self-management and air quality clean zone to enable owner realize the situation of exhaust emission. Before Dec 31, 2018, 5353 labels of self-management were issued, 1359 city buses achieved the grading standards of self-management. In regard to comparison works of Taikoo motor , we have finished 21 cases from Sep 2017 to Dec 2018, and the numerical value are all below 0.25m-1, which means the authorized maintenance works have reached a fairly high level. And second authorized maintenance plant has obtained certification in Aug 2018. Furthermore, we acquired certification of ISO/IEC 17025 by TAF (Taiwan Accreditation Foundation).In order to improve our project quality, we have also hold 12 education training between the project period to demonstrate related technologies, legislations and project contents, which would enhance professionalism for the staff of the project."
proj_year 2017
org_name "Taoyuan County Government Environment Protection Bureau"
exe_unit "亞太環境科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20190521

eng_title "Taoyuan Guishan Diesel Vehicle Inspection Station and Air Pollution Control program for 2016"
eng_Subject "PM2.5 has already been classified as category A(group1) carcinogen by the World Health Organization (WHO). In order to maintain populace’s health, to tighten manage over diesel vehicles which emission PM2.5 easily is necessary. This project is to be in charge of implementing inspecting operation of diesel vehicles, to conduct final strategy against high pollution diesel vehicles. Through all kinds of controlling methods to instruct owners to improve the situation of exhaust emission for the purpose of air pollution controlling.According to statistics, this project has accomplished all progress rates from September 12, 2016 to September 11, 2017. Including roadside inspection of 1,758 vehicles, pre-screened of 562 vehicles that were pollution dangers. Most are before June 30,1999 diesel vehicles among 223 unqualified cases. By visual determination, we have informed 3,002 vehicles that had to be inspected. After analyzed, informed vehicles were mainly in EURO 2 and the horsepower rate were low which shows that vehicles might pass the inspection through irregular ways. Initiative inspected vehicles were 20,000 in number, 4,094 vehicles have already completed the inspection (inspection rate: 20.5%), Unqualified vehicles which are initiative inspected won’t be punished under the laws of Air Pollution Control Act.In addition to passive supervision, we also promote source management through the grading standards of self-management and districted of clean zone, to enable owners realize the situation of exhaust emission. Based on statistics, 3,224 cases were issued by the end of September 11, 2017. 1,320 city buses met the grading standards of self-management (It accounted for 85% of all vehicles). Furthermore, to tutor dealers change outmoded buses progressively. In 2016 to 2017 dealers have already scraped almost 170 outmoded buses. In regard to maintenance works that authorized the mark of self-management grading standards, through comparison of 330 cases from November 2016 until now and the numerical value are all below 0.25m-1, these results indicate that authorized maintenance works have reached a certain level.Managing diesel vehicles needs to find out first, who needs to be controlled and the burden of pollutant emission. Also analyze growth quantity of bus, big truck and light vehicle, amount of tradition pollutants and the proportion of outmoded diesel vehicles that are actual on the road recent years. Therefore, before June 30, 1999 diesel vehicles and diesel big truck are main aims.In view of the fact that our company has been engaged in inspection and management of diesel vehicles this year, we have been very cautious in personnel training, and have organized the four educations since the project has started. To illustrate related technologies, legislations and project’s contents to increase the professionalism of project personnel."
proj_year 2016
org_name "Taoyuan County Government Environment Protection Bureau"
exe_unit "亞太環境科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20180301

eng_title "2018 Hualien City Mobile Pollution Source control and Parking idling flameout management Project"
eng_Subject "From the date of completion of the contract signing, in order to make the project smoothly promoted, the team will carry out hardware construction and personnel recruitment for equipment and personnel related to the implementation of work, and Asia Pacific Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. has implemented mobile pollution sources. The project has many years of experience, and the contract work items can be successfully completed in time, and the report is completed within the progress schedule of the plan, and the other work items and progress are also met.1.The number of work items in the project reached the planned target during the project implementation period.2.Statistics From January to December 2018, the locomotive inspection rate was 71.63% based on the number of returned cars and the number of completed tests was 100,162. The inspection rate returned to the inspection station was 68.16% and the number of completed tests was 95,308 .3.Statistics In January 2018, a total of 7,446 mobile inspection services were completed, with 35,159 vehicles intercepted and checked, 4,310 road blocks, 249,781 vehicle license plate recognition systems,4,883 vehicle idling stoppages, 2,136 motorcycles were eliminated, 5,102 motorcycles were eliminated from the two-stroke locomotives, 108 were inspected for locomotives with two-trip motorcycles, 19 were seized by Squid Engines, 186 were redeemed for electric two-wheeled vehicles and 1,538 were newly purchased for electric motorcycles.4.In order to strengthen the elimination of the second-cycle locomotive control, the team will arrange mobile inspection services to strengthen roadside interception control operations, and actively interview the owners of the second-cycle locomotives, and cooperate with the village leaders and agencies at all levels to promote the activities; The locomotive proposed innovation as an Squid car strengthens control, conducting interviews and sending grant information operations.5.The loading section of the inspection station, Xiulin Township, Wanrong Township and Zhuoxi Township are towns without inspection stations. At present, the inspection load at the stations of Shoufeng Township, Guangfu Township, Mizuho Township and Fuli Township is the largest and should assess whether there is a need New test station to enhance the arrival rate in remote areas.6.Hualien County locomotive pollution concentration, CO ≧ 4.5 The total concentration of pollution was 4.3%, HC ≧ 9,000ppm The concentration of unqualified pollution was 0.31%, most of the concentration less than 1,000ppm, accounting for 91.75%.7.Hualien County, two-stroke locomotive CO average concentration of 2.72%, HC average concentration of 4,789ppm, four-stroke locomotive CO average concentration of 0.97%, HC average concentration of 218ppm, two or four trip mix total average concentration of CO average concentration of 1.11% , The average concentration of HC 571 ppm."
proj_year 2018
org_name "Environmental Protection Bureau, Hualien County"
exe_unit "亞太環境科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20190315


來源 : 行政院環境保護署-EPQSummary_WaterQualityProtection
欄位 : eng_title、eng_Subject、proj_year、org_name、exe_unit、allfileid、publish_date

eng_title "107 Penghu Bay Area Environmental Quality Monitoring Contingency Plan"
eng_Subject "In the water quality part of the Inner Bay, the first time (April 107), the second (July 107), and the third (October 107) have been carried out 5 points, of which the results can be found in The total phosphorus content of the first inland sea area measuring point 1 (near the iron line and the middle of Wude) exceeded the environmental quality standard of Class A sea area (0.05 mg P/L), and all the other stations in the station met the water quality of the Class A sea area. The standard, speculated that there may be no rain in April, causing the water exchange rate to be poor, causing the measured value to exceed the standard. This part reflects two problems. First, the water exchange rate of the inner bay of the vegetable garden is not high, resulting in the water quality in the bay being ineffective. Diffusion, and the source of pollution in the inner bay may be surface pollution. The results of the second and third monitoring surveys are all in line with the environmental quality standards of Class A sea areas, and follow-up monitoring will continue. In the water quality survey of the fishing port and the shipyard, the water quality test results of the fishing port and the shipyard in April and October showed that the E. coli group, pH, dissolved oxygen and mineral oils all met the environmental quality standards of Class A sea areas. In the peak season of the tourism season from June to September, the data of the survey conducted by this year''s survey of 9 offshore (including 3 sub-platform offshore areas) shows that the data of E. coli and enterococci show that each offshore platform and The measured values ??in the outer sea area are all excellent resting areas. The values ??of pH, ammonia nitrogen, total phosphorus and biochemical oxygen demand are all in line with the marine environmental quality standards of Class A sea areas. In the marine pollution prevention and control work section, on April 24, the “Emergency Response Personnel Education and Training, Equipment Operation and Maintenance Training” was handled. On July 4 and 5, the “Forward Security Inspection Center’s marine pollution emergency response plan and regulations were issued. At the meeting, the number of participants reached 73. On October 11th, the “107 Marine Disasters in Marine and Water Environment and Emergency Responses to Toxic Chemical Substances in the Chaoyang County” were conducted on October 11 to simulate the pollution cases, coordinate the relevant units, and adopt various Necessary emergency measures to prevent the spread of pollution disasters. Marine pollution inspection and control work, by the end of November, statistics have completed 423 port pollution inspection control; 120 ship fishing port ship inspection control, 30 ship charter ship inspection and control. For the remaining work projects, 10 foreign fishermen''s propaganda work was completed, monthly inventory and maintenance of marine pollution emergency equipment were carried out, and monthly press releases were submitted for marine pollution prevention media. Finally, on June 9th, we will cooperate with World Ocean Day to innovate as an activity “Underwater Exploration Experience Camp”, and invite 20 people from 18 to 35 years old in Penghu to visit the local people and Taiwanese islands to share their lively marine experience activities. Experience the experience, from the close to the ocean, guide the love of ocean sentiment and increase the interest in exploring marine knowledge."
proj_year 2018
org_name "Environmental Protection Bureau, Penghu County"
exe_unit "亞太環境科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20190126

eng_title "Water quality monitoring plan for rivers and seas in Taichung City in the year of 107"
eng_Subject "(1) At present, the water quality of the rivers in Taichung City (18 stations) is generally stable and affected by geological influences. Manganese is the main element in the earth''s crust. Under the condition that the pH of the water is medium and alkaline, most of them are non-dissolved. The state exists, the content of natural water is high.) The heavy metal manganese (Mn) is a project that often exceeds the standard. Some of the targeted stations, such as Daduxi and Da''anxi, are affected by the rising and falling tides in the river section of the river, and the conductivity is high, while the total phosphorus and ammonia nitrogen in the downstream of the Da''an Zhongke Phase III discharge. In the case of a high situation, a total of 1344 tests were performed between January and December, of which 1,103 were in compliance with the Bingy water standards, and the highest rate of compliance was 90.2% in September. 75.9 %~86.6 %, the total compliance rate was 82.1%. (2) The urban area drainage station (14 stations) except for the green river, the Liuchuan River and the south side of the river, all of which show the degree of water pollution of moderate pollution. Among them, the green river RPI=2.17 is light pollution this year. , Liuchuan RPI = 6.06 is serious pollution, and Nanbian Creek RPI = 1.84 belongs to not (slightly) contaminated. (3) The drainage of the Taichung Port Area of ??the Haidian River and the regional drainage (17 stations) showed “not (slightly) polluted” to “serious pollution”, while Wenyuxi RPI=1.96, the second largest row of RPI in Dingdian =1.59, Dingdian Shenzhen RPI=1.85 area drainage shows not (slightly) contaminated water pollution level. (IV) The water quality of the sea area (5 stations) showed that the water quality in the coastal areas of Taichung was very good. At present, 80 out of a total of 80 tests were in compliance with the water quality standards for surface waters in the Jiayu area, with a compliance rate of 100%. (5) Beach water quality (2 stops) The number of beach waters in the period from February to May is “not suitable”; the beach water quality in January, September, December and December is “normal”, reaching in June, July, August and October. The level of excellent, in which E. coli, enterococci, and turbidity were affected by the current and the flow of Da''anxi, led to the failure of the beach to maintain a good grade throughout the year."
proj_year 2018
org_name "Environmental Protection Bureau, Taichung City"
exe_unit "亞太環境科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20190201

eng_title "Penghu County Water Pollution Source Emergency Response Capability Enhancement and Inspecting Project"
eng_Subject "The project team implemented the 107-year program of emergency response capacity improvement and patrol of water pollution sources in Penghu County. It is divided into two parts: water pollution control and patrol team management."
proj_year 2018
org_name "Environmental Protection Bureau, Penghu County"
exe_unit "亞太環境科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20190201

eng_title "Project of ocean pollution control inspection and environmental education propaganda for Yunlin county."
eng_Subject "This project was carried out from Feb. 26th, 2018 to the end of Nov. 30th, 2018. To help Yunlin county territory’s ocean pollution control inspection and environmental protection business, our team assists two parts. One is port inspection, another one is ship inspection. Port inspections are total 174 pieces; the result of inspections showed that the environment in harbors is fine. Ship inspections are total 118 pieces, the result of inspections mostly were pollution-free situations. And the project we check and maintain the emergent response equipments monthly. Also assist to collect the recent year’s data of seawater quality monitoring and the sediment monitoring.On the marine waste, mainly to beach play and daily necessities (such as plastic bottles) for the most trash. Set up an environmental fleet of about 120 and keep in touch with fisheries and consensus, recruiting more environmental protection fleet, to enhance the marine environment maintenance, to be friendly to our environment."
proj_year 2018
org_name "Environmental Protection Bureau Yunlin County"
exe_unit "亞太環境科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20190124

eng_title "Project of ocean pollution control inspection and environmental education propaganda for Yunlin county"
eng_Subject "This project was carried out from Feb. 23th, 2017 to the end of Nov. 20th, 2017. To help Yunlin county territory’s ocean pollution control inspection and environmental protection business, our team assists two parts. One is port inspection, another one is ship inspection. Port inspections are total 175 pieces; the result of inspections showed that the environment in harbors is fine. Ship inspections are total 146 pieces, the result of inspections mostly were pollution-free situations. And the project we check and maintain the emergent response equipments monthly. Also assist to collect the recent year’s data of seawater quality monitoring and the sediment monitoring (2013~2016)."
proj_year 2017
org_name "Environmental Protection Bureau Yunlin County"
exe_unit "亞太環境科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20180101

eng_title "106 Penghu Bay Area Environmental Quality Monitoring Contingency Plan"
eng_Subject "106 Plan for Environmental Quality Surveillance in the Penghu Inner Harbor Area (hereinafter referred to as the Plan) This Year-end Report The duration of the project is scheduled to contract from February 106 to November 20, 106, and the summary of the implementation results at the end of the period As follows: In the water quality section of the Inner Harbor, five sites have been tested for the first time (in April 106), the second (in July 2006) and the third (November 106), of which three were surveyed It can be found that all the projects are in conformity with the water quality standards of Class A waters.In the survey of water quality of fishing ports and shipyards, the test results of water quality in fishing ports and shipyards in April and November showed that the coliform bacteria, pH, dissolved oxygen and mineral oils and fats meet the environmental quality standards for Class A waters. In addition, the data from the survey conducted in this year''s survey of 9 sub-maritime platform operators during the peak season of monitoring from June to September showed that the data of E.coli and enterococcal flora showed that all offshore platforms and offshore areas were excellent open areas , PH, ammonia nitrogen, total phosphorus and biochemical oxygen demand all meet the marine environmental quality standards for Class A marine areas.Marine pollution prevention and control work section, on April 26 for offshore oil pollution emergency response personnel training, equipment operation and maintenance training; July 7, 14th for Advancement of the marine pollution emergency response plan and regulations In addition, on September 8, the 2006 Emergency Drills for the Marine Pollution and Environmental Pollution Caused by Water and Environmental Pollution in Water and Environmental Pollution Caused by Water Pollution-Chess Chess was conducted to simulate the cases of pollution, and the relevant units were coordinated. Take all necessary emergency measures to prevent the expansion of pollution disasters.Marine pollution control inspection work, statistics have been completed 424 port pollution inspection control work; 120 fishing vessels in the port inspection control, 30 ship inspection of commercial vessels. The remaining work items, the completion of 10 foreign fisherman advocacy work, the monthly inventory of marine emergency equipment for inventory and maintenance, as well as submit monthly press releases marine pollution prevention media advocacy. Lastly, on May 7, we conducted innovation as Guarding the Sea Proud Pokemon and invited 50 to 4-6 students of Fengguo Elementary School in Penghu County to share their experience and experience by participating in the lively and vivid marine experience activities. Close to the course of the oceans, leading the love of ocean sentiment and the promotion of the interest of exploring marine knowledge."
proj_year 2017
org_name "Environmental Protection Bureau, Penghu County"
exe_unit "亞太環境科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20190124

eng_title "Penghu County Water Pollution Source Emergency Response Capability Enhancement and Inspecting Project"
eng_Subject "The project team implemented the 106-year program of emergency response capacity improvement and patrol of water pollution sources in Penghu County. It is divided into two parts: water pollution control and patrol team management."
proj_year 2017
org_name "Environmental Protection Bureau, Penghu County"
exe_unit "亞太環境科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20180201

eng_title "Project of Ocean pollution control inspection for Yunlin county"
eng_Subject "This project was carried out from Feb. 26th, 2016 to the end of Nov. 30th, 2016. To help Yunlin county territory’s ocean pollution control inspection and environmental protection business, our team assists two parts. One is port inspection, another one is ship inspection. Port inspections are total 189 pieces; the result of inspections showed that the environment in harbors is fine. Ship inspections are total 115 pieces, the result of inspections mostly were pollution-free situations. And the project we check and maintain the emergent response equipments monthly. Also assist to collect the recent year’s data of seawater quality monitoring and the sediment monitoring (2013~2015)"
proj_year 2016
org_name "Environmental Protection Bureau Yunlin County"
exe_unit "亞太環境科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20170201

eng_title "The study of new effluent emission standard formulation to petrochemical industry in Yunlin county 2"
eng_Subject "The focus of this plan is on the international and domestic petrochemical industry effluent control, the current situation regarding biological wastewater acute toxicity, data collection of total toxic organics processing technology analysis of the sixth naphtha cracker district petrochemical industry, water quality, waste water treatment facility, swage mass balance map data, and the sixth naphtha cracker district petrochemical industry raw wastewater and effluent sampling plang. The Data show the foreign petrochemical effluent control are more stringent than those used domestically, regardless of cause. For example, china has different control standards which makes it difficult to compare performance with international standards.However, countries such as the U.S. and Germany continue to collect information on other countries effluent standards in order to better evaluate and reduce the toxicity of biologically activated carbon, ozone or activated sludge.The water quality analysis results show that Nan Ya Plastics Haifeng factory in biological acute toxicity of raw wastewater, in addition to the raw wastewater the Acute toxicity TUa of invertebrates 5.00; in effluent aspects, Formosa Petrochemical Mailiao factory, stage chemical fiber dimensional sea Fung factory (invertebrates), Taiwan the chemical fiber Weimai Laos Factory (invertebrates) and Mai-Liao Power Corporation biological acute toxicity mediated1.64 to 5.00, the rest of the wastewater treatment plant effluent biological acute toxic TUa of less than 1.0. The test results to the station chemical fiber the dimensional sea Fung factory and Nan Ya Plastics the Haifeng Plant of the TTO reduction rate is very good and Nan Ya Plastics the Mailiao Plant and Chang Chun Plastics Mailiao plant TTO and biological acute toxicity reduction showed significant efficiency , but the process of receiving water, the small number of samples was less than the effect of their specific assessment handler. This plan has try to combine the result of investigation and built standard, submit three proposal to restrict wastewater standard at biological acute toxicity and total toxic organics."
proj_year 2012
org_name "Environmental Protection Bureau Yunlin County"
exe_unit "亞太環境科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20160201

eng_title "2010 Oceanic Environmental Quality Investigation and monitoring program in central Taiwan"
eng_Subject ""
proj_year 2010
org_name "Environmental Protection Bureau Yunlin County"
exe_unit "亞太環境科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20150501

eng_title "Project of vitality ocean and green harbor promotion plan for Yunlin county."
eng_Subject "Yunlin county has unique marine resources. The diverse aquatic ecology attracts many tourists because Yunlin has rich and high seafood value, therefore, the economic very active also much waste increasing in this area. The Environmental Protection Bureau of Yunlin County maintains that the sustainability of land and ocean of Yunlin coastline, the actions of the county government promotes the concept of environmental protection of the marine environment and the maintenance of clean ocean waters. The concept of No plastics is actively involved in the prevention and control of pollution in adjacent sea areas. It is including, marine pollution and port ship inspections, submarine (floating) garbage investigation and removal by education advocacy marine environment, the establishment of the field of environmental protection fleet and marine guard team, greening and beautification port environment.The results report of the end of 108th year shown, (1) Total 2 submarine (floating) garbage investigation and removal operations, a total of 652 Kg of marine waste, mainly to beach play and daily necessities (such as plastic bottles) for the most trash. (2) To help Yunlin county territory’s ocean pollution control inspection and environmental protection business, our team assists two parts. One is port inspection, another one is ship inspection. Port inspections are total 173 pieces; the result of inspections showed that the environment in harbors is fine. Ship inspections are total 148 pieces, the result of inspections mostly were pollution-free situations. And the project we check and maintain the emergent response equipments monthly. (3) In the marine environmental education promotion section handled a total of 8 sessions. Total 609 participants from in the schools and communities. (4) Set up an environmental fleet of about 130 and keep in touch with fisheries and consensus, recruiting more environmental protection fleet, to enhance the marine environment maintenance, to be friendly to our environment."
proj_year 2019
org_name "Environmental Protection Bureau Yunlin County"
exe_unit "亞太環境科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20191224


來源 : 行政院環境保護署-EPQSummary_EnvironmentalEducation
欄位 : eng_title、eng_Subject、proj_year、org_name、exe_unit、allfileid、publish_date

eng_title "2016 Hsinchu County Environmental Education Project"
eng_Subject "This Project is focused on promotion of environmental educational activities. The budget of the Project is 4.58 million NT dollars, while contract period is from February 5th to November 30th, 2016. Main tasks of this Project includes the following six missions: (1)holding Hsinchu County’s annual environmental knowledge contest; (2)conducting environmental volunteers’ environmental knowledge competition; (3)food and agriculture education; (4)developing an environmental board game; (5)US-Taiwan eco-school partnership program; and (6)holding an environmental play competition. "
proj_year 2016
org_name "HsinChu County Environment Protection Bureau"
exe_unit "亞太環境科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20170201

eng_title "Promotion of Environmental Education andVolunteer Service in Taipei City"
eng_Subject "This project is focused on conducting experiential environmentaleducation, through the mobilization and utilization of environmental educationvolunteers to raise environmental awareness of the public. The budget of theproject is 8.635 million dollars, and the contract period is from March 14th toDecember 30th, 2016. This project consists of the following five missions: (1)conducting a series of experiential environmental education activities; (2)conducting environmental knowledge competition for volunteers; (3)organizing Taipei City’s annual environmental knowledge contest; (4)organizing environmental education training sessions, management, andutilization of the volunteers; and (5) raising environmental awareness ofgeneral public and businesses. All findings and achievements are as detailedbelow.1. Conducting a series of experiential environmental education activitiesIn order to promote concepts of environmental protection to thepublic, governments of all levels conducted various activities to celebrateimportant environmental dates. This year, a series of environmentaleducation activities had been organized to celebrate four well-knownenvironmental dates:(1) Earth Day(2) World Environmental Day(3) World Animal Day(4) International Day for Natural Disaster Reduction2. Conducting environmental knowledge competition for volunteersEnvironmental volunteers help cities and counties by patrolling andmaintaining cleanliness of their neighborhoods. In order to encourage thesevolunteers and enhance their environmental knowledge, Taiwan EPA hadheld environmental knowledge competitions for these volunteers for fourconsecutive years. This year, the competition was held on 10th of July.3. Organizing Taipei City’s annual environmental knowledge contestThe environmental knowledge contest was held annually to enhancepublic’s environmental knowledge. There were four categories ofattendees: students from elementary school, junior high, high school, andages beyond high school. This year, the competition was held on 5th and6th of October.4. US-Taiwan eco-school partnership programSix schools were elected to participate in the US-Taiwan eco-schoolpartnership program. Among them, three were enrolled last year. Thisproject was to help the Taipei City EPB to conduct the election process andto help the elected schools to execute the eco-school path.5. Organizing environmental education training sessions, management, andutilization of the volunteersTaipei City has 197 environmental volunteers. Among them, 97 arestill very active in the participation of environmental activities. The firsttraining session for volunteers was held on April 25th.6. Raising environmental awareness of general public and businesses.Taipei City has three different approaches to raising public’senvironmental awareness: (1) conducting environmental training courses forbusiness sectors; (2) conducting summer camps for students; and (3)organizing various environmental events for the public."
proj_year 2016
org_name "Department of Environmental Protection, Taipei City Government"
exe_unit "亞太環境科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20170318

eng_title "2016 Hsinchu County Environmental Education and Green Consumption Promotion Project "
eng_Subject "This report presents the contents and results of the Hsinchu County Environmental Education and Green Consumption Promotion Project. The budget of this project was 5.56 million NT dollars and its main tasks included the following four missions: (1) To provide a business handle for environmental education, (2) To promote green consumption, (3) To use volunteers for environmental education and green consumption related briefings and counseling, and (4) To promote environmental education and green consumption in a creative manner. "
proj_year 2016
org_name "HsinChu County Environment Protection Bureau"
exe_unit "亞太環境科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20170201

eng_title ""
eng_Subject "This Project is focused on promotion of environmental-educationexperiencingactivities. The budget of the Project is 4.405 million dollars, whilecontract period is from March 6th to November 30th, 2015. Main tasks of thisProject includes the following five missions: (1)conducting environmentaleducation-experiencing activities; (2)conducting Taipei City’s environmentalvolunteers environmental knowledge competition; (3)holding Taipei City’sannual environmental knowledge contest; (4)climate change education; and (5)US-Taiwan eco-school partnership program. All findings and achievements aredetailed in below.1. Conducting environmental- education-experiencing activitiesIn order to promoting concepts of environmental protection in publics,governments of all level in Taiwan conduct various activities during EarthDay and World Environmental Day annually.This year, Taipei EPB initiated a different idea. Unlike one-day eventas before, there are a series of events held every week from April 22nd toJune 5th. 7 flea markets were held in different districts every Saturday andmore than 3,000 people attended the markets in total.Besides that, 3 more activates were held in autumn to celebrateTaiwan’s local Environmental Day. Among that, “Picnic at Night” drewmore than thousand people to participate. The event call people to turn-offtheir light at home and to go out to enjoy music and moonlight at the DaAncity park.2. Conducting Taipei City’s environmental volunteers environmentalknowledge competitionThe environmental volunteers help cities and counties patrolling andmaintaining cleanness of their neighborhood. In order to encourage thosevolunteers and enhance their environmental knowledge, Taiwan EPA hadheld environmental volunteers environmental knowledge competition forconcessive 4 years.This Project help Taipei EPA to hold Taipei City’s environmentalvolunteers environmental knowledge competition. More than 300 peopleattend this event in July 11th. Fore teams were selected to representing theTaipei City to attend national competition held in Taichung in August 19th.All of them won “excellent” award for their outstand performance.3. Holding Taipei City’s annual environmental knowledge contestThe environmental knowledge contest was held annually to enhancepublic’s environmental knowledge. There are for categories of attendees:elementary school students, junior high, high school, and ages beyond highschool. This year, there were some 460 people attended this contest andmany of them had received good records.4. Climate change educationClimate change education is a highly noticeable issue recently. ThisProject had developed a 3-year Climate Change Education Executive Planand published a collection of Case Studies of Climate Change Education, inorder to boost citizens’ climate change knowledge.5. US-Taiwan eco-school partnership program3 schools were elected to participating the US-Taiwan eco-schoolpartnership program. This Project was to help the Taipei City EPB toconducting the election process and to help the elected schools to executingthe eco-school path."
proj_year 2015
org_name "Department of Environmental Protection, Taipei City Government"
exe_unit "亞太環境科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20160601


來源 : 行政院環境保護署-環保專案摘要資料_水質保護
欄位 : chi_title、Chi_Subject、proj_year、org_name、exe_unit、allfileid、publish_date

chi_title "105年度雲林縣海洋稽查管制計畫"
Chi_Subject "本計畫主要針對雲林縣各類港口及船舶進行海污稽查工作,目前已查核港口189次、漁船92船次、工業港船舶查核23船次,港區環境稽查結果顯示皆屬良好,各類船舶亦皆依規定辦理相關保險工作。活動辦理部份,本年度辦理海洋污染應變設備教育訓練1場次、海污洋染緊急應變演1場次並協助緊急應變設備之清點及維護工作,並協助彙整本縣近年(102~104年)海域水質及底泥監測資料。 "
proj_year 105
org_name "雲林縣環境保護局"
exe_unit "亞太環境科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20170201

chi_title "106年度雲林縣海洋稽查管制及海底垃圾清除處理暨海洋環境教育宣導計畫"
Chi_Subject "本計畫主要針對雲林縣各類港口及船舶進行海污稽查工作,目前已查核港口175次、漁船122船次、工業港船舶查核24船次,港區環境稽查結果顯示皆屬良好,各類船舶亦皆依規定辦理相關保險工作。活動辦理部份,本年度辦理海洋污染應變設備教育訓練1場次、海污洋染緊急應變演1場次、海底垃圾清除處理活動6場次、海洋環境教育宣導10場次,並協助緊急應變設備之清點及維護工作,並協助彙整本縣近年(102~105年)海域水質及底泥監測資料。"
proj_year 106
org_name "雲林縣環境保護局"
exe_unit "亞太環境科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20180101

chi_title "106年度澎湖內灣海域環境品質監測應變計畫"
Chi_Subject "「106年度澎湖內灣海域環境品質監測應變計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫)本年度期末報告計畫工作期程自106年2月簽約起至民國106年11月20日止,期末執行成果摘要如下:在內灣海域水質部分,第一次(106年4月份)、第二次(106年7月份)及第三次(106年11月份)已執行5處測點,其中3次調查結果可發現,各項目皆符合甲類海域水體水質標準。漁港及造船廠水質調查部分,4及11月份漁港及造船廠水質檢測結果可知大腸桿菌群、pH、溶氧及礦物性油脂皆符合甲類海域環境品質標準。另於6~9月之旅遊旺季監測轄內9家次海上平台業者由本年度調查之數據結果顯示,大腸桿菌群與腸球菌群之數據顯示,各海上平台及外海區域測皆為優良之休憩海域,pH、氨氮、總磷及生化需氧量測值全數皆符合甲類海域海洋環境品質標準。海洋污染防治工作部分,於4月26日辦理「海洋油污染辦理緊急應變人員教育訓練、器材操作維護訓練」;7月7、14日辦理「前進安檢所之海洋污染緊急應變計畫及法規說明會」,參加人次達61人;另於9月8日辦理「106年度澎湖縣海洋、水環境油污染及毒性化學物質災害緊急應變演練-兵棋推演」,模擬污染案件之演練,協調相關單位,採取各種必要之緊急應變措施,防止污染災害擴大。海洋污染稽查管制工作,統計已完成424次港口污染稽查管制工作;120船次漁港船舶稽查管制,30艘船次商船船舶稽查管制。其餘工作項目,完成10次外籍漁工宣導工作,每月針對局內海洋污染緊急應變器材進行盤點與保養,以及每月提送新聞稿進行海洋污染防治媒體宣導。最後於5月7日辦理創新作為活動「守護海洋精靈寶可夢」,邀請澎湖縣風櫃國小50位四~六年級學生,藉由參與生動活潑的海洋體驗活動,分享其體驗經驗,從親近海洋歷程,導引熱愛海洋情操與增進探索海洋知識的興趣。"
proj_year 106
org_name "澎湖縣政府環境保護局"
exe_unit "亞太環境科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20190124

chi_title "澎湖縣107年度水污染源緊急應變處理能力提升及巡守計畫"
Chi_Subject "以下就計畫至107年之執行成果作說明,本計畫所建立的水污染源系統相關稽查作業計405件,放流水水質採樣53件,其中放流水不符合標準3件次,不合格率約為5.6%,而在稽巡查調重中發現缺失32件,目前均已完成改善及複查作業,亦將持續追蹤。 在水質水量自動監測設施與錄影連線推動情形管控及監控系統操作方面,截至12月31日止,共計有8次異常狀況回報,並均已完成改善。截至107年12月31日,已完成辦理3場次水污染防治相關法規說明會、水污染巡檢技術教育訓練二場次,以及1場生活污水減量宣導活動、4場次水庫集水區低磷清潔劑宣導研商會。此外,在巡守隊輔導方面,本年度已辦理完成18場次的講習教育訓練活動、5場次的淨灘活動,達到提昇水環境巡守隊知能、充分溝通意見,以及淨灘活動之輔導目的。 "
proj_year 107
org_name "澎湖縣政府環境保護局"
exe_unit "亞太環境科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20190201

chi_title "105年度澎湖內灣海域環境品質監測應變計畫"
Chi_Subject "「105年度澎湖內灣海域環境品質監測應變計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫)本年度期末報告計畫工作期程自105年2月簽約起至民國105年11月20日止,期末執行成果摘要如下:在內灣海域水質部分,第一次(105年4月份)及第二次(105年7月份)已執行6處測點,其中4月份調查結果可發現,各項目皆符合甲類海域水體水質標準;另7月份調查結果除內灣海域測點2表、底層溶氧量有略低於標準值外,其餘內灣海域各監測水質符合甲類海域水體水質標準,溶氧超標事件為非續發性單一事件,溶氧標準為≧5.0 mg/L,本次測得4.7及4.9 mg/L,數值接近標準值,非明顯偏低之情況,觀察現場採樣環境並無特殊異常情形,研判屬單一事件。內灣海域底泥部分4月份調查結果可發現鉻測值於測站1有超過下限值但低於上限值之情況;鎳測值於測站1、測站2、測站4、測站5及測站6皆有超過下限值但低於上限值之情況;另7月份僅鎳測值於測站1及測站3皆有超過下限值但低於上限值之情況。鉻、鎳超過下限值趨勢,屬原生母質中即含有該測值為主,為自然背景之地質母岩特性,非人為污染所致。漁港及造船廠水質調查部分,4及7月份漁港及造船廠水質檢測結果可知大腸桿菌群、pH、溶氧及礦物性油脂皆符合甲類海域環境品質標準。另於6~9月之旅遊旺季監測轄內9家次海上平台業者由本年度調查之數據結果顯示,大腸桿菌群與腸球菌群之數據顯示,各海上平台及外海區域測皆為優良之休憩海域,pH、氨氮、總磷及生化需氧量測值全數皆符合甲類海域海洋環境品質標準。海洋污染防治工作部分,於4月28日辦理「海洋油污染辦理緊急應變人員教育訓練、器材操作維護訓練」;7月29日辦理「前進安檢所之海洋污染緊急應變計畫及法規說明會」,參加人次達73人;另於8月17日辦理「105年度澎湖縣海洋、水環境油污染及毒性化學物質災害緊急應變演練」,模擬污染案件之演練,協調相關單位,採取各種必要之緊急應變措施,防止污染災害擴大。海洋污染稽查管制工作,統計已完成430次港口污染稽查管制工作;20船次漁港船舶稽查管制,14艘船次商船船舶稽查管制。其餘工作項目,完成10次外籍漁工宣導工作,每月針對局內海洋污染緊急應變器材進行盤點與保養,以及每月提送新聞稿進行海洋污染防治媒體宣導。"
proj_year 105
org_name "澎湖縣政府環境保護局"
exe_unit "亞太環境科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20170201

chi_title "澎湖縣106年度水污染源緊急應變處理能力提升及巡守計畫"
Chi_Subject "本計畫團隊執行106年度澎湖縣水污染源緊急應變處理能力提升及巡守計畫,分為水污染源管制及巡守隊管理兩大部份。以下就計畫至106年11月底止之執行成果作說明。一、完成水污染源管制資料庫管理維護更新作業截至106年11月30日止,本計畫所建立的水污染源系統相關稽查作業計642件,其中定檢申報資料建檔計108件、水污染防治措施計畫建檔計23件、營建工地逕流廢水削減計畫計11件、稽查記錄單數量計450件,以及水質檢驗報告50件。二、水污染源定檢申報及審查作業本計畫執行定檢審查件數,在106年1-6月須申報定檢家數為60家次,包括網路申報(共23家)及書面申報(共37家),均已完成申報作業。在106年7-12月須申報定檢家數為60家次,目前僅網路申報已完成申報者7家,尚餘53家未完成申報作業,因多為半年申報之事業,其申報期限為107年1月,後續仍持續追蹤及輔導事業申報情形。三、執行事業污染源稽/巡查作業本計畫例行稽查工作係依地區、對象排定稽查行程表,對列管污染源進行稽查工作,並規劃稽查重點,針對污染熱區、重點稽查區域及重大污染源加強稽巡查採樣。截至106年11月底止,已完成50件次,達成率為100%。其中針對關鍵污染區目前已針對熱區執行87件次稽查作業,約佔總稽巡查之19.3%,並無發現重大違規情事,後續持續監督。四、辦理水污染緊急應變人員訓練、講習及緊急應變演練本計畫預計於8/8、8/21配合尖山發電廠,召開本年度緊急應變演練之協調會議及預演,並於8/23上午9時,於尖山發電廠之11號變壓器,完成辦理實地演練作業,以提昇各相關單位之應變能力。五、辦理水質水量自動監測相關作業本計畫協助水質水量自動監測設施與錄影連線推動情形管控及監控系統操作,截至11月30日止,經檢視連線狀況,除台灣電力股份有限公司尖山發電廠每定期進行溫度儀器校正作業外,台灣電力股份有限公司尖山發電廠,共發生7次異常狀況;國統國際股份有限公司發生2次異常狀況。六、維護本縣巡守隊Facebook社群網站截至11月30日止,加入澎湖縣政府環境保護局Facebook粉絲團人數已達512次。七、行政院環境保護署-水環境通報件數截至11月30日為止,手機APP系統通報次數共113次,APP系統通報率達100%。八、推動本縣巡守義工訓練及巡守工作,並將巡查結果及活動舉辦情形登錄及發布於綠網上。截至11月30日為止,共計有113個巡守隊通報案件,通報案件內容主要為髒污點(水環境其他)通報。九、協助完成巡守隊環保志工認證50人次。截至11月30日為止,本計畫已輔導完成51位水環境巡守隊員利用空閑時間,完成志工基礎及特殊訓練,取得志工資格。十、辦理水污染防治、水污染法規說明會3場次截至11月30日為止,本計畫已完成辦理3場法規說明會。十一、辦理5場次水污染防治、生活污水減量相關教育宣導活動截至11月30日為止,本計畫共完成辦理5場生活污水減量宣導活動,參加民眾約550人。十二、截至11月底為止,主動與巡守隊通聯達83次。十三、辦理巡守隊專業講習、教育訓練18場截至11月底為止,本計畫團隊已安排1場次巡守隊領袖會議、1場次巡守隊座談會議、1場次巡守隊增能講座課程、1場次巡守隊年終檢討會議、8場次的講習教育訓練活動、1場次的講習暨淨灘活動,以及5場次的淨灘活動,參加人數共867人次十四、每月至少發布2則宣導新聞稿本計畫從計畫執行開始至106年11月30日為止,共計發佈有18篇文章。"
proj_year 106
org_name "澎湖縣政府環境保護局"
exe_unit "亞太環境科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20180201

chi_title "澎湖縣105年度水污染源緊急應變處理能力提升及巡守計畫"
Chi_Subject "本計畫執行105 年度澎湖縣水污染源緊急應變處理能力提升及巡守計畫,分為水污染源管制及巡守隊管理兩大部份。以下就計畫自2/25 至11/29止,為期9 個月之執行成果作說明。一、完成水污染源管制資料庫管理維護更新作業截至105 年11 月29 日止,本計畫所建立的水污染源系統相關稽查作業計556 件,其中定檢申報資料建檔計83 件、水污染防治措施計畫建檔計11 件、營建工地逕流廢水削減計畫計9 件、稽查記錄單數量計402 件,以及水質檢驗報告51 件。二、水污染源定檢申報及審查作業本計畫執行定檢審查件數,104 年7-12 月共57 家次,包括網路申報(共20 家)及書面申報(共37 家),均已完成申報作業。在105 年1-6 月須申報定檢家數為55 家次,目前網路申報已完成申報者22 家及書面申報已完成申報者32 家,尚餘1 家未完成申報作業。三、執行事業污染源稽/巡查作業本計畫例行稽查工作係依地區、對象排定稽查行程表,對列管污染源進行稽查工作,並規劃稽查重點,針對污染熱區、重點稽查區域及重大污染源加強稽巡查採樣。本計畫已完成稽巡查400 件次,達成率為100%,協助採樣及送驗作業,已完成51 件次,達成率為100%。其中針對關鍵污染區執行59 件次,約佔期初總稽巡查量之15%。四、辦理水污染緊急應變人員訓練、講習及緊急應變演練本計畫已於8/4、8/10、8/12 以及8/16 召開本年度緊急應變演練之協調會議,並於8/17 上午9 時,於龍門尖山輸油碼頭,完成辦理實地演練作業,以提昇各相關單位之應變能力。五、辦理水質水量自動監測相關作業本計畫協助水質水量自動監測設施與錄影連線推動情形管控及監控系統操作,截至11 月29 日止,經檢視連線狀況,除台灣電力股份有限公司尖山發電廠每3 月定期進行溫度儀器校正作業外,台灣電力股份有限公司尖山發電廠,共發生3 次異常狀況。分別為105 年3 月18日因海水泵室維修停電,現場溫度計連線中斷異常,主機無法更新溫度計資料,溫度保持最後數值,已於檢修完成後送電,恢復正常。105年6 月17 日因監測電腦主機至現場控制器連線中斷異常,上傳資料錯誤。發現後重啟程式回復正常連線,並已手動回補資料。105 年9月30 日預告排定停電維修梅姬颱風損失之線路,將暫停資料收集及上傳。六、維護本縣巡守隊Facebook 社群網站,截至11 月29 日止,加入澎湖縣政府環境保護局Facebook 粉絲團人數已達506 次。七、持續進行水環境巡守隊的輔導,進行通聯測試,截至11 月29 日為止,主動與巡守隊通聯共計162 次,電訪121 次及親訪22 次,配合19 次教育訓練及淨灘,現地訪查每一隊巡守隊。八、行政院環境保護署-水環境通報件數,APP 系統通報率達10%以上截至11 月29 日為止,手機APP 系統通報次數共104 次,APP 系統通報率達100%。九、推動本縣巡守義工訓練及巡守工作,並將巡查結果及活動舉辦情形登錄及發布於綠網上。截至11 月29 日為止,本計畫彙整本縣巡守隊巡檢紀錄,共有9 次巡檢紀錄;清理日誌共有112 次;通報次數為104次,主要為髒污點通報。十、協助完成巡守隊環教志工認證5 人以上及上網登錄終生學習護照至少50 人次。截至11 月29 日為止,本計畫已完成巡守隊環教志工認證13 人,以及登錄終生學習護照50 位。十一、 辦理水污染防治、水污染法規說明會5 場次本計畫已於105.3.29、105.6.1 及105.9.26 完成辦理水污染防治相關法規說明會3 場次。十二、 辦理5 場次水污染防治、生活污水減量相關教育宣導活動截至11 月29 日為止,本計畫共完成辦理5 場生活污水減量宣導活動,參加民眾約735 人。十三、 辦理巡守隊專業講習、教育訓練18 場截至11 月29 日為止,本計畫團隊已完成1 場次巡守隊領袖會議、1場次巡守隊座談會議、1 場次的巡守隊橫向交流活動、11 場次的講習、3 場次的講習暨淨灘活動、2 場次的淨溪灘活動,以及1 場巡守隊期末檢討會,參加人數共636 人次。十四、 每月至少發布2 則宣導新聞稿本計畫從計畫執行開始至105 年11 月29 日為止,共計發佈有18 篇文章。"
proj_year 105
org_name "澎湖縣政府環境保護局"
exe_unit "亞太環境科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20170201

chi_title "104年苗栗縣河川流域污染總量管理及污染削減計畫"
Chi_Subject "中港溪流域屬於遭受事業、生活污水及畜牧業污染的混合型污染河川,環保局為配合環保署之政策,致力於中港溪流域水質環境之改善維護作業,歷年規劃各項污染源削減目標及整治方案,為使策略能逐一落實與展開,規劃104 年「苗栗縣河川流域污染總量管理及污染削減計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫)。本計畫執行期程為計畫執行開始至104 年12 月20 日止,計畫工作的項目包含列管事業廢(污)水污染稽查管理作業、非法暗管查核作業、輔導改善作業、水污染緊急應變演練、事業廢(污)水功能評鑑作業、支援死魚案、射流溝畜牧業稽查及相關水污染防治觀念教育宣導等各事項。本計畫期程自104年6月3日至104年12月20日止,除每月例行工作項目外,各項計畫工作項目均已完成,各項工作數量詳「104年苗栗縣河川流域污染總量管理及污染削減計畫」,其中事業稽查管制、生活污水污染削減(減量)宣導說明會、每月至少一則生活污水削減(減量)宣導新聞稿、全縣事業廢(污)水法令宣導說明會及東興橋人工濕地水質檢測皆符合契約規定數量。"
proj_year 104
org_name "苗栗縣政府環境保護局"
exe_unit "亞太環境科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20160301

chi_title "103年苗栗縣河川流域污染總量管理及點源污染削減計畫"
Chi_Subject "為有效改善中港溪、後龍溪流域水體水質,本縣環保局近年來配合環保署政策推動河川污染防治工作,過去隨著工商業發展與經濟成長,衍生出許多環境污染的問題,是需要被重視與解決的課題。雖然目前未(稍)受污染河段已逐年提升,顯示過去管制作為已獲得實質改善,但為防止污染惡化,仍應持續針對流域內污染來源加強稽查管制,不容許業者有法律假期及心存僥倖,以督促事業單位做好廢(污)水處理設備的操作與維護,落實法規面的管制行為。"
proj_year 103
org_name "苗栗縣政府環境保護局"
exe_unit "亞太環境科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20150301

chi_title "103 年度台灣外島及澎湖內灣海域環境品質及污染來源調查監測暨強化緊急應變計畫"
Chi_Subject "澎湖海域各監測水質之pH值、溶氧量、氨氮、大腸桿菌群、總磷及生化需氧量等項目皆符合甲類海域水環境品質標準。海域底質調查結果顯示6月份砷測項部分測站(望安鄉北側海域、馬公市東側海域、大池村海域、七美海域、望安南側海域及外垵外海4海浬海域)測值超過底泥品質指標項目下限值,但低於上限值,值得注意,其餘監測項目皆低於底泥品質指標下限值。金門海域水質調查已完成4次監測工作。海域水質分析結果整體水質屬正常範圍,各監測水質之pH值、溶氧及生化需氧量等項目皆符合乙類海域水環境品質標準。本年度海域底質調查結果顯示皆低於底泥品質指標下限值。馬祖海域水質調查已完成4次監測工作。海域水質分析結果整體水質屬正常範圍,各監測水質之pH值、溶氧及生化需氧量等項目皆符合乙類海域水環境品質標準。海域底質調查結果顯示砷測項6月份東引島北方外海深測值超過底泥品質指標項目下限值,但低於上限值,值得注意,其餘項目皆低於底泥品質指標。內灣海域水質由本年度6、10月份調查結果可發現,各項目皆符合甲類海域水體水質標準。另特殊項目調查結果,氯苯類化合物、有機錫、壬基苯酚及多環芳香烴化合物測值皆低於方法偵測極限而無法檢出。內灣海域底質由本年度調查結果可發現,重金屬(汞、砷、鎘、鉻、銅、鉛、鋅) 檢測結果顯示各測站測值均低於底泥品質指標下限值,;而鎳測值於測站1~測站5皆有超過下限值但低於上限值之情況;另氯苯類化合物、壬基苯酚及多環芳香烴化合物測值多低於方法偵測極限而無法檢出,而有機錫部份,測值有機錫部份,測值介於0.334 ~ 3.16 μg/kg,以測站1測得相對高值,測值較去年度低,另各測站沉積物之總有機物介於7.48%~17.7%之間。"
proj_year 103
org_name "澎湖縣政府環境保護局"
exe_unit "亞太環境科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20150401

chi_title "104年度澎湖內灣海域環境品質監測應變計畫"
Chi_Subject "一、內灣海域水質:由本年度4月份調查結果可發現,各項目皆符合甲類海域水體水質標準;另9月份調查結果除內灣海域測點1表層溶氧量有略低於標準值外,本次內灣海域測點1表層超標狀況為非續發性單一事件,溶氧標準為≧5.0 mg/L,本次測得4.9 mg/L,數值接近標準值,非明顯偏低之情況,觀察現場採樣環境並無特殊異常情形,研判屬單一事件,其餘內灣海域各監測水質符合甲類海域水體水質標準。另特殊項目調查結果,氯苯類化合物、有機錫、壬基苯酚及多環芳香烴化合物測值皆低於方法偵測極限而無法檢出。二、內灣海域底泥:由本年度4月份調查結果可發現,重金屬(汞、砷、鎘、鉻、銅、鉛、鋅) 檢測結果顯示各測站測值均低於底泥品質指標下限值,;而鎳測值於測站1、測站2及測站5皆有超過下限值但低於上限值之情況;另各測站沉積物之總有機物介於7.33%~12.9%之間。三、漁港及造船廠水質調查:本年度漁港及造船廠水質重金屬(汞、砷、鎘、鉻、銅、鉛、鋅)檢測結果皆遠遠低於保護人體健康之海洋環境品質標準,有機錫部份與歷年比較,無明顯偏高情形發生,重金屬部份與歷年年度測值比較皆無明顯異常之現象。四、漁港及造船廠底質調查:本年度漁港及造船廠底質檢測結果重金屬部份,今年度西嶼漁港(造船廠)、案山漁港(造船廠)、馬公第二漁港及馬公第三漁港測站銅測值高於底泥品質指標上限值。另前寮漁港及鐵線漁港鎳測值亦高於底泥品質指標上限值,宜特別留意。五、海上平台及休憩海灘水質本年度計畫在澎湖縣目前已完成3次之海上平台及1次之10處休憩海域水質調查,調查時間集中於6~9月之旅遊旺季。(一)海上平台水質由本年度調查之數據結果顯示,大腸桿菌群介於<10~500CFU/100mL間。由腸球菌群之數據顯示,各海上平台及外海區域測值介於<1~7 CFU/100mL,皆為優良之休憩海域,未顯示海水水質受人為廢水排入影響。pH、氨氮、總磷及生化需氧量測值全數皆符合甲類海域海洋環境品質標準。(二)近海觀光休憩海域海水水質本年度檢測結果顯示10個測站的大腸桿菌群測值介於ND(<10CFU/100mL)~280 CFU/100mL;腸球桿菌測值介於<1 ~ 130 CFU/100mL,當月8~9日間受中颱蘇迪勒影響,兩日合計降雨量達300毫米以上,屬暴雨等級,可能導致本月份兩處測站海灘水質為普通等級,其餘澎湖沿岸觀光休憩海域海水水質皆屬優良海域;生化需氧量測值皆為 <2.0 mg/L,相對於我國甲類海域海洋環境品質標準,皆低於規定之標準值六、其他協辦事項(一)說明會辦理部份,3場海洋污染應變蒐證及法規說明會,統計本年度已完成3場,於5月28日辦理「海洋油污染辦理緊急應變人員教育訓練、器材操作維護訓練」;7月23日辦理「前進安檢所之海洋污染緊急應變計畫及法規說明會」;10月14日辦理「毒性化學物質災害應變程序與案例分享」。(二)海污考核之海洋污染稽查管制工作:(1)港口污染稽查管制工作:統計本年度已完成419次。(2)商港與工業港、漁港等船舶稽查管制:統計本年度已完成120船次(漁船),商船部分完成10艘船次。(3)緊急應變器材盤點:統計本年度已完成9次。(三)本計畫每月進行漁港宣導,宣導對象主要係針對外藉漁工,主要宣導內容為(1)漁船汰換之廢潤滑油不亂排放,(2)船上產生之廢棄物請帶回岸上清運,(3)不隨意丟棄垃圾,愛護觀光資源,(4)不隨意丟棄漁網、蚵殼、蚵架等廢棄物,(5)可配合巡守或淨灘活動,主動清理岸邊垃圾,本年度(至11月底)完成10次宣導工作。(四)海洋污染緊急應變兵棋演練:本年度應變演練已於完成推演手冊,於8月5日辦理分工協調會、8月18日辦理預演,另於8月20日實際正式演練,期望藉由模擬污染案件之演練,協調相關機關,採取各種必要之緊急應變措施,防止污染災害擴大,期使意外災害對環境衝擊之損害降至最低程度。(五)海洋污染防治媒體宣導提送:統計本年度(至11月底)已完成18篇新聞稿。"
proj_year 104
org_name "澎湖縣政府環境保護局"
exe_unit "亞太環境科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20160201

chi_title "103年度雲林縣海洋稽查管制計畫"
Chi_Subject "本計畫主要針對雲林縣各類港口及船舶進行海污稽查工作,目前已查核港口175次、漁船98船次、工業港船舶查核21船次,港區環境稽查結果顯示皆屬良好,各類船舶亦皆依規定辦理相關保險工作。本年度為能有效推廣綠色港灣亦已擬定相關推廣企畫書;同時協助海洋污染防治考核業務。活動辦理部份,本年度辦理漁港海洋污染宣導3場次、海洋污染防治法規說明會1場次、海洋污染應變設備教育訓練1場次、海污洋染緊急應變演1場次、環境敏感區污染應變兵棋推演1場次,並協助緊急應變設備之清點及維護工作,將於計畫期程內協助完成各項工作要求及持續彙整歷年海域水質及底泥監測資料。"
proj_year 103
org_name "雲林縣環境保護局"
exe_unit "亞太環境科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20150201

chi_title "100年度雲林縣石油化學業新增放流水排放標準研訂計畫"
Chi_Subject "本計畫工作期程自民國101年9月24日起執行12個月(至102年9月23日),本工作計畫預定進度及查核點及實際工作進度查核點如表1.4-1所示,截至102年9月23日止,均依約執行計畫進度並彙整各項工作成果,並於101年11月16日召開第一次專家學者諮商會議、101年12月22日提送第一次工作報告、102年2月26日召開第二次專家學者諮商會議及102年3月22日提送期中報告初稿、102年6月28日召開第三次專家學者諮商會議及102年9月23日提送期中報告初稿。各項工作的量化成果,摘要如表1.4-2所示,計畫各查核點說明如下:一、檢測機構合作協議書:已於101年10月2日提送本計畫生物急毒性與總毒性有機物之檢測合作協議書及相關資料。(需於101年10月3日前提送)二、計畫人員學經歷資料:已於101年10月2日提送本計畫執行人員相關學經歷資料。(需於101年10月3日前提送)三、六輕工業區原廢水與放流水水質採樣分析:本計畫已完成14點水質採樣分析作業。四、第一次工作報告提送:本計畫契約規定執行日起3個月內提出第一次工作報告,本計畫已於101年12月22日提送。(需於101年12月24日前提送)五、期中報告提送:本計畫契約規定執行日起6個月內提出第一次工作報告,本計畫已於102年3月22日提送。(需於102年3月24日前提送)。六、期末報告提送:已於102年9月23日提送初稿。"
proj_year 101
org_name "雲林縣環境保護局"
exe_unit "亞太環境科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20160201

chi_title "101年度新竹縣養豬業源頭減量清潔養豬(豬廁所)推廣計畫"
Chi_Subject " 101年度新竹縣養豬業源頭減量清潔養豬(豬廁所)推廣計畫執行期程為自決標日(101年2月24)起至101年12月20日止。主要透過辦理清潔養豬示範宣導座談會時,瞭解本縣各畜牧業者設置豬廁所之意願,安排工作人員現勘並彙整安裝設置數量,掌握設置情形及與水體水質間相互關係,藉以瞭解各養豬畜牧場業者需求,並進而輔導建立清潔養豬流程,最後將針對裝設豬廁所之示範戶進行後續廢水處理設置及再利用輔導工作。本計畫至11月為止已完成所有合約工作項目。玆將工作項目及調查結果摘要如下: 一、辦理宣導說明會及成果發表會 (一)宣導說明會 (二)辦理成果發表會 二、篩選示範養豬病設置300個簡易型豬廁所 (一)本計畫所用之豬廁所依環保署清潔養豬宣導影片內容建議之規格設計。 (二)依問卷調查及電訪結果,彙整並篩選有意願設置之養豬戶進行實地訪查結果。 三、設計清潔養豬操作紀錄表單。 四、指標測站及養豬戶水質採樣工作。 五、輔導改善三段式廢水處理設施及操作。 依據現況調查結果分折設置效益,可發現養豬場豬舍在豬廁所設置後,豬隻經訓練已逐漸出現定點排糞行為,受天氣炎熱影響,畜舍沖洗尚需為豬體降温,夏季省水成效較不顯著,在10、11月份調查中,用水量已有較顯著的下降,相較設設置前,示範戶每日約可節省共10噸/用水量,用電量在豬廁所設置前後差異較小,每日約可減少4度電力使用。另肉豬舍可維持98%以上育成率。 針對本案水質改善效益部份,101年度示範戶因設置豬廁所後,每日用水量可降低30%。本年度12場示範戶歷次放流水質監測中有過半已出現水質改善情況,隨著用水減少伴隨放流水量下降,污染總量有下降趨勢。示範戶放流承受水體水質保持最輕微的未(稍)受污染,符合本計畫執行情形。"
proj_year 101
org_name "新竹縣政府環境保護局"
exe_unit "亞太環境科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20150301

chi_title "99年度台灣中部海域環境品調查監測計劃"
Chi_Subject "本計畫針對台灣中部海域進行海域環境品質之監測,藉以建立本區海域之背景資料,作為未來評估中部海域環境變化所需之基礎參考資料,研擬必要之防範措施,以達到環境監測及防止污染之目的。本計畫調查範圍為中西部五縣市海域共設置17個採樣點,進行海域水質、海域底質及海域生態調查監測工作,分別於5月、7月、10月及11月完成各項調查工作,本年度海域水質分析結果顯示,除部份測站測得之pH、溶氧、礦物性油脂及總磷外、其餘各測站皆能符合其所屬之海域水質標準;海域底質及海域生態調查方面亦顯示本海域變動並無異常情形發生。本年度並於計畫期程內辦理海污染相關法令說明會一場次,並於計畫期程內完成各項工作要求。"
proj_year 099
org_name "雲林縣環境保護局"
exe_unit "亞太環境科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20150501

chi_title "99年度花蓮縣海岸線調查及港區污染稽查管制暨海洋污染演練計畫"
Chi_Subject "本年度計畫執行成果與討論如下:一、海域水質監測1. 本年度執行花蓮漁港、石梯漁港、鹽寮船澳等3處進行監測。2. 監測項目計有:水溫、鹽度、氫離子濃度指數(pH)、溶氧量(DO)、生化需氧量(BOD)、懸浮固體(SS)、總油脂、礦物性油脂、葉綠素a、重金屬(鉛、銅、鉻、鋅、汞、鎘)、營養鹽(硝酸鹽、亞硝酸鹽、矽酸鹽、氨氮、磷酸鹽)、大腸桿菌群等共二十項。3. 目前國內尚無準則規範漁港水質標準,本計畫係用甲類海域水體之水質標準之規定訂定之。4. 已完成四次之採樣分析,除7月份鹽寮船澳生化需氧量測值為2.4 mg/L、8月、11月石梯漁港測站大腸桿菌測得2400 CFU/100mL與2300 CFU/100mL,其餘各測站水質監測結果皆符合甲類海域環境品質標準。二、海岸線調查工作及其基本資料庫建檔工作內容包括海岸線資料庫更新,海岸設施調查,緊急應變動線規劃,現場應變中心規劃建議,海岸線適用污染處理建議,環景照片等,均需以資料庫方式建置,並能配合GIS系統使用。調查資料架構,由環保署統一提供《依『91年台灣海洋水質環境管理資料調查與資料庫系統建置專案工作計畫』之SOCRATES架構建立》:包括海岸特性資料庫(Coastline Characteristics Database) 、海岸敏感地區資料庫(Sensitive Sites Database) 、救援通道口資料庫(Access Sites Database) 、除油機具資料庫(Equipment Bases Database)。三、執行花蓮港、和平港及花蓮漁港、石梯漁港船舶及海域航行船舶污染稽查,包含漁港及船舶之稽查及建檔工作,稽查數量共計56艘。四、本年度海洋、河川水環境海污演練已於花蓮港(第三號碼頭)完成演練,並於7月16日及辦理第一次分工協調會;7月27日第二次分工協調會及各單位聯合現場會勘;7月28日辦理設備操作訓練課程第一場次及第一次預演;並於8月5日上午辦理第二次預演,8月6日上午辦理實際演練。五、本年度於10月19日上午辦理「99年度船舶、陸源海洋污染防治宣導說明會」,下午辦理「99年度漁民海洋污染防治宣導說明會」,係為加強縣轄內可能造成海洋污染之事業單位及相關機構等,對於相關法規之瞭解,避免因不知法而違法,期望能藉由法令研討會之舉辦讓事業單位及相關機構等能盡到法規所賦予的責任及義務,並加強與環保機關之間的互動。六、本年度於11月15日辦理第二場次「花蓮縣海洋污染防治緊急應變教育訓練」,地點為花蓮港務局會議室及貨櫃區,課程分為室內及室外課程,給參與學員實地操作的機會,目的熟悉各種應變器材的使用要領,使課程內容達到最佳教學效果。"
proj_year 099
org_name "花蓮縣環境保護局"
exe_unit "亞太環境科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20161001

chi_title "雲林縣108年推動活力海洋與綠色港灣計畫"
Chi_Subject "雲林縣擁有得天獨厚的海洋資源,豐厚高額的海產漁獲價值,帶來活絡的經濟活動,但同時也帶來了日益增加的海洋廢棄物。本縣積極推動海洋環境保護之觀念及維護海域環境清潔,環保局積極投入清除鄰近海域污染的防治工作;包括海洋污染應變及港口船舶稽查、海底(漂)垃圾調查及清除作業、海洋環境教育宣導、成立轄區環保艦隊暨海洋巡守隊,與美化綠化港口環境。本年度期末成果報告,於(1)海底(漂)垃圾調查及清除作業,共計辦理2處海底(漂)垃圾調查及清除作業,共清理652公斤之海洋廢棄物,主要以生活垃圾與遊憩行為(如塑膠瓶罐)產生之垃圾為最大宗。(2)海洋污染應變及港口船舶稽查部分,共計查核港口173次、漁船128船次、工業港船舶查核22船次,港區環境稽查結果顯示皆屬良好,各類船舶亦皆依規定辦理相關保險工作。本年度已辦理海洋污染應變設備教育訓練及海洋污染緊急應變演練各1場次,並協助每月緊急應變設備之清點及維護工作。(3)於海洋環境教育宣導部分,共辦理8場次,計有609人參與。(4)成立環保艦隊130艘,並與漁會保持聯繫及共識,召募更多環保艦隊,俾提升海洋環境維護,藉此友善海域環境。"
proj_year 108
org_name "雲林縣環境保護局"
exe_unit "亞太環境科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20191224

chi_title "107年度澎湖內灣海域環境品質監測應變計畫"
Chi_Subject "在內灣海域水質部分,第一次(107年4月份)、第二次(107年7月份)、第三次(107年10月份)已執行5處測點,其中調查結果可發現,在第一次內灣海域測點1(接近鐵線、五德中間處)總磷部份超過甲類海域環境品質標準(0.05 mg P/L),其餘測站各項目皆符合甲類海域水體水質標準,推測可能為該4月份連日未降雨,導致水體交換率不佳而致使測值超標,此部分反應出二個問題,一為菜園內灣的水質交換率不高,導致灣內水質無法有效擴散,二為內灣中之污染來源可能屬表層污染。而第二次及第三次監測調查結果皆符合甲類海域環境品質標準,後續將持續監測注意。 漁港及造船廠水質調查部分,4及10月份漁港及造船廠水質檢測結果可知大腸桿菌群、pH、溶氧及礦物性油脂皆符合甲類海域環境品質標準。另於6~9月之旅遊旺季監測轄內9家次(含3家次平台外海區域)海上平台業者由本年度調查之數據結果顯示,大腸桿菌群與腸球菌群之數據顯示,各海上平台及外海區域測值皆為優良之休憩海域,pH、氨氮、總磷及生化需氧量測值全數皆符合甲類海域海洋環境品質標準。 海洋污染防治工作部分,於4月24日辦理「海洋油污染辦理緊急應變人員教育訓練、器材操作維護訓練」,7月4、5日辦理「前進安檢所之海洋污染緊急應變計畫及法規說明會」,參加人次達73人;另於10月11日辦理「107年度澎潮縣海洋、水環境油污染及毒性化學物質災害緊急應變演練」,模擬污染案件之演練,協調相關單位,採取各種必要之緊急應變措施,防止污染災害擴大。 海洋污染稽查管制工作,至11月底統計已完成423次港口污染稽查管制工作;120船次漁港船舶稽查管制,30艘船次商船船舶稽查管制。其餘工作項目,完成10次外籍漁工宣導工作,每月針對局內海洋污染緊急應變器材進行盤點與保養,以及每月提送新聞稿進行海洋污染防治媒體宣導。最後於6月9日搭配世界海洋日辦理創新作為活動「海底探索體驗營」,邀請18~35歲澎湖在地民眾及台灣本島民眾共計20名,藉由參與生動活潑的海洋體驗活動,分享其體驗經驗,從親近海洋歷程,導引熱愛海洋情操與增進探索海洋知識的興趣。 "
proj_year 107
org_name "澎湖縣政府環境保護局"
exe_unit "亞太環境科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20190126

chi_title "107年度臺中市河川、海域水體水質監測計畫"
Chi_Subject "(一)目前臺中市河川水質(18站次)狀況歷年來大致穩定,受到地質影響(錳為地殼中主要元素,在水質之pH為中及鹼性之條件下,大多以非溶解性之氧化態存在,自然水體中含量本高)使重金屬錳(Mn)為經常性超標之項目。部分針對性測站如大肚溪與大安溪部分,因位於河川出海口河段而受漲退潮之海水影響至導電度偏高,而大安溪中科三期放流口下游之總磷與氨氮值有偏高的情形,於1月至12月間共計執行1344項次之檢測,其中有1103 項次符合丙類水體標準,其符合率最高者為9月份的90.2%,其他月份符合率則介於75.9 %~86.6 %,總符合率為82.1 %。 (二)市區區域排水測站(14站次)除了綠川、柳川及南邊溪外,其餘皆呈現「中度污染」之水質污染程度,其中本年度綠川RPI=2.17屬「輕度污染」、柳川RPI=6.06屬「嚴重污染」、南邊溪RPI=1.84屬「未(稍)受污染」。 (三)海線河川及區域排水(17站次)之臺中港區區域排水呈現「未(稍)受污染」~「嚴重污染」,而溫寮溪RPI=1.96、頂店第二大排RPI=1.59、頂店圳RPI=1.85之區域排水則呈現「未(稍)受污染」之水質污染程度。 (四)海域水質(5站次)檢測結果顯示,臺中地區沿海水質狀況十分良好,目前總共80項次檢測中,共計80項次符合甲類海域地面水體水質標準,符合率為100%。 (五)海灘水質(2站次) 2~5月份海灘水質數「不宜」之等級;1、9、11、12月份海灘水質呈現「普通」之等級,6、7、8及10月份則達「優良」之等級,其中大腸桿菌群、腸球菌群、濁度受海流及大安溪匯入影響而偏高,導致海灘水質未能全年度維持「優良」等級。"
proj_year 107
org_name "臺中市政府環境保護局"
exe_unit "亞太環境科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20190201

chi_title "107年度雲林縣海洋稽查管制及海底垃圾清除處理暨海洋環境教育宣導計畫"
Chi_Subject "本計畫主要針對雲林縣各類港口及船舶進行海污稽查工作,107年度查核港口174次、漁船94船次、工業港船舶查核24船次,港區環境稽查結果顯示皆屬良好,各類船舶亦皆依規定辦理相關保險工作。活動辦理部份,本年度已辦理海洋污染應變設備教育訓練及海洋污染緊急應變演練各1場次、海底垃圾清除處理活動6場次、協助辦理海洋環境教育宣導活動10場次,並協助緊急應變設備之清點及維護工作,並協助彙整本縣近年海域水質及底泥監測資料。海底垃圾調查部份,主要以生活垃圾與遊憩行為(如塑膠瓶罐)產生之垃圾為最大宗。成立環保艦隊120艘,並與漁會保持聯繫及共識,召募更多環保艦隊,俾提升海洋環境維護藉此友善海域環境。"
proj_year 107
org_name "雲林縣環境保護局"
exe_unit "亞太環境科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20190124


來源 : 行政院環境保護署-EPQSummary_EnvironmentalHealth
欄位 : eng_title、eng_Subject、proj_year、org_name、exe_unit、allfileid、publish_date

eng_title "The Operations Management of Environmental Protection Bureau of Yunlin County"
eng_Subject "The Operations Management of Environmental Protection Bureau of Yunlin County analysis laboratory lasted for 12 months from July 16, 2018, activation date till July 15, 2019, expiration date. We ensure that all quality control measures in the laboratory quality management system can continue to really perform to meet the TAF certification specification. Furthermore, we maintain the laboratory certification and the quality assurance assurance of the testing data to assist Yunlin County analysis laboratory in analysis and quality control works."
proj_year 2018
org_name "Environmental Protection Bureau Yunlin County"
exe_unit "亞太環境科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20190828

eng_title "2011 Annual Hsinchu County Drinking Water Quality Management Project"
eng_Subject "Drinking Water Quality Management Project"
proj_year 2011
org_name "HsinChu County Environment Protection Bureau"
exe_unit "亞太環境科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20180201


來源 : 經濟部商業司-高雄市公司登記資料-I專業、科學及技術服務業
欄位 : 統一編號、公司名稱、公司地址、實收資本額、核准設立日期、營業地址(財政資訊中心匯入)、行業代號(財政資訊中心匯入)、財政資訊中心匯入日期、股票代號(金融監督管理委員會匯入)、產業別(金融監督管理委員會匯入)、金融監督管理委員會匯入日期、商標資料(智慧財產局匯入)、智慧財產局匯入日期

統一編號 22755240
公司名稱 亞太環境科技股份有限公司
公司地址 高雄市三民區灣興街39巷8號
實收資本額 28000000
核准設立日期 0770215
營業地址(財政資訊中心匯入) 高雄市三民區灣興里灣興街39巷8號
行業代號(財政資訊中心匯入) 702099,740200,712999,712100
財政資訊中心匯入日期 30-AUG-22
商標資料(智慧財產局匯入) ASIA,亞太,
智慧財產局匯入日期 2022-09-01


來源 : 經濟部商業司-高雄市公司登記資料-C製造業
欄位 : 統一編號、公司名稱、公司地址、實收資本額、核准設立日期、營業地址(財政資訊中心匯入)、行業代號(財政資訊中心匯入)、財政資訊中心匯入日期、股票代號(金融監督管理委員會匯入)、產業別(金融監督管理委員會匯入)、金融監督管理委員會匯入日期、商標資料(智慧財產局匯入)、智慧財產局匯入日期

統一編號 22755240
公司名稱 亞太環境科技股份有限公司
公司地址 高雄市三民區灣興街39巷8號
實收資本額 28000000
核准設立日期 0770215
營業地址(財政資訊中心匯入) 高雄市三民區灣興里灣興街39巷8號
行業代號(財政資訊中心匯入) 702099,740200,712999,712100
財政資訊中心匯入日期 30-AUG-22
商標資料(智慧財產局匯入) ASIA,亞太,
智慧財產局匯入日期 2022-09-01


來源 : 國家發展委員會檔案管理局-Web版公文製作之全國通訊錄
欄位 : 機關名稱、機關代碼、單位代碼、郵遞區號、地址、電子交換、發文方式

機關名稱 亞太環境科技股份有限公司
機關代碼 ''EB22755240''
單位代碼 ''''
郵遞區號 231628
地址 新北市新店區民權路88-3號4樓
發文方式 電子交換


來源 : 行政院環境保護署-EPQSummary_EnvironmentalMonitoringAndTesting
欄位 : eng_title、eng_Subject、proj_year、org_name、exe_unit、allfileid、publish_date

eng_title "The Operations Management of Environmental Protection Bureau of Yunlin County analysis laboratory"
eng_Subject "The Operations Management of Environmental Protection Bureau of Yunlin County analysis laboratory lasted for 10 months from August 20, 2019, activation date till May 31, 2020, expiration date. We ensure that all quality control measures in the laboratory quality management system can continue to really perform to meet the TAF certification specification. Furthermore, we maintain the laboratory certification and the quality assurance assurance of the testing data to assist Yunlin County analysis laboratory in analysis and quality control works."
proj_year 2019
org_name "Environmental Protection Bureau Yunlin County"
exe_unit "亞太環境科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20200722

eng_title "Taichung City, 106 river, sea quality monitoring program"
eng_Subject "456/5000Mùqián táizhōng shì héchuān shuǐzhì zhuàngkuàng lìnián lái dàzhì wěndìng, shòudào dìzhí yǐngxiǎng zhòngjīnshǔ měng (Mn) wèi jīngcháng xìng chāobiāo zhī xiàngmù. Bùfèn zhēnduì xìng cè zhàn rú dà dù xī yǔ dà''ānxī bùfèn, yīn wèiyú héchuān chū hǎikǒu hé duàn ér shòu zhǎng tuìcháo zhī hǎishuǐ yǐngxiǎng zhì dǎodiàn dù piān gāo, ér dà ānxī zhōng kē sān qí fàngliú kǒu xiàyóu zhī zǒng lín yǔ āndàn zhí yǒu piān gāo de qíngxíng. Dà jiǎ xī chū hǎikǒu yúmín lāo bǔ mányú miáo hé duàn chūxiàn duō cì xuánfú gùtǐ piān gāo zhī qíngxíng,SS yìcháng běn (106) niándù chūxiàn fāshēng yú 4,10 yuèfèn shàng, xiàyóu cè zhàn, yīng fēi shǔ jìjié xìng zhī yīnsù yǐngxiǎng. Shì qū qūyù páishuǐ cè zhàn chúle nánbian xī wài, chéngxiàn `zhōng dù wūrǎn''~`yánzhòng wūrǎn''zhī shuǐzhì wūrǎn chéngdù, nánbian xī shǔ `qīng dù wūrǎn''. Hǎi xiàn héchuān jí qūyù páishuǐ zhī táizhōng gǎng qū qūyù páishuǐ chéngxiàn `wèi (shāo) shòu wūrǎn''~`yánzhòng wūrǎn'', ér dà ān dà jiǎ dìqū qūyù páishuǐ zé chéngxiàn `wèi (shāo) shòu wūrǎn''zhī shuǐzhì wūrǎn chéngdù. Hǎiyù shuǐzhì jiǎncè jiéguǒ xiǎnshì, táizhōng dìqū yánhǎi shuǐzhì zhuàngkuàng shífēn liánghǎo, jūn fúhé `yǐ lèi hǎiyù dìmiàn shuǐtǐ shuǐzhì biāozhǔn''. Hǎitān shuǐzhì 2~5 yuè jí 8 yuèfèn shǔ `yōuliáng''děngjí;1,7,10 yuè jí 11 yuèfèn shǔ `bùyí''děngjí;6,9 yuè jí 12 yuèfèn zé shǔ `pǔtōng''děngjí, qízhōng dàcháng gǎnjùn qún, cháng qiújùn qún, zhuó dù shòu hǎiliú jí dà ānxī huì rù yǐngxiǎng ér piān gāo, dǎozhì hǎitān shuǐzhì wèi néng quán niándù wéichí `yōuliáng''děngjí.At present, the river water quality in Taichung City is generally stable over the years, and the heavy metal manganese (Mn) affected by the geology is a recurrent project. Some of the targeted stations such as Dawood Creek and Tai An Creek were affected by rising tide of seawater located in the estuarine reach of the river with high conductivity. However, the total phosphorus and ammonia nitrogen values High situation. The case of excessive suspended solids in the section of river fishing by the fishermen at the mouth of the large river in the estuary occurred many times. The occurrence of SS anomaly (106) occurred in the upper and lower reaches of the upper and lower reaches of the station in April and October should not be affected by seasonal factors . In addition to the south side river stream in the urban area, the water quality of the moderately polluted to severely polluted water is polluted. The southern stream is slightly polluted. Drainage in the sea areas of Taiwan, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Taiwan has been not (slightly) contaminated to heavily polluted, while that of the Greater Tai Tung area has been shown to be not (slightly) contaminated with water quality. The result of sea area water quality test showed that the coastal water quality in Taichung area is very good and both of them are in conformity with the Surface Water Quality Standards of Class B Sea Areas. The beach water quality was excellent from February to May and August. It was classified as unfit in January, July, October and November, and normal in June, September and December, of which coliform, intestine The bacterial flora and turbidity were high due to the influence of current and Tai An River. As a result, the water quality of the beach failed to maintain good grade throughout the year."
proj_year 2017
org_name "Environmental Protection Bureau, Taichung City"
exe_unit "亞太環境科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20180301

eng_title "The Operations Management of Environmental Protection Bureau of Yunlin County analysis laboratory"
eng_Subject "The Operations Management of Environmental Protection Bureau of Yunlin County analysis laboratory lasted for 12 months from June 21,2017,activation date,till June 20,2018,expiration date. Ensure laboratory quality management system of the quality control measures and operations can continue to really perform to meet the TAF certification standards, certification and maintain the effectiveness of quality assurance and testing data to assist in Yunlin County analysis laboratory analysis and detection the quality management jobs."
proj_year 2017
org_name "Environmental Protection Bureau Yunlin County"
exe_unit "亞太環境科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20190601

eng_title "Monitoring Project for the River & Ocean Water Quality of Taichung City in 2016"
eng_Subject ""
proj_year 2016
org_name "Environmental Protection Bureau, Taichung City"
exe_unit "亞太環境科技股份有限公司 "
publish_date 20170201


來源 : 行政院環境保護署-環保專案摘要資料_環境教育
欄位 : chi_title、Chi_Subject、proj_year、org_name、exe_unit、allfileid、publish_date

chi_title "104年度「臺北市環境教育體驗活動推廣計畫」"
Chi_Subject "臺北市104 年度環境教育體驗活動推廣計畫總體經費為 440.5 萬元整,工作項目概分為五大類,包括:一、辦理環境教育體驗活動;二、環境志(義)工環境知識競賽;三、環保知識挑戰擂臺賽;四、氣候變遷教育特色執行計;五、辦理臺美生態學校聯盟推廣計畫。以下為本計畫各工作項目執行成果摘要:臺北市身為我國首善之都,擁有豐沛的資源及多元的人文背景,在各單位的努力下,近幾年環境教育的廣度與深度均有大幅度的提升,不僅在政策上規劃完整,更能將環境教育融入各領域,並且向下扎根。此外,還能結合多元人才成為環境教育志工,讓臺北市除了外在硬體改變外,更能提昇環境素養,懂得知恩惜福,打造內外兼具的環境永續都市。(一)辦理環境教育體驗活動今年度配合三大國際環境節日,本計畫辦理:呼應地球日的『SHOW 出我的綠生活 春日惜物創意市集』系列活動、呼應世界環境日的『港湖新綠帶,新肺新呼吸』活動及呼應世界清潔日之『點亮月光 熄掉炭火 城市靜思』活動。呼應4/22 地球日「地球日」,有別於以往的個別慶祝活動,臺北市以每周一次愛物惜物的綠色市集方式,在各個行政區巡迴推廣,使市民能就近參與、體驗,共同實踐綠色生活。今年度的活動主軸,也呼應了臺北市柯市長鼓吹的愛惜地球資源之精神,以二手物市集的方式辦理,使資源能循環再利用。『SHOW 出我的綠生活 春日惜物創意市集』系列活動結合臺北市各地之文化特色,自4/22 起跑活動算起,每周一次,在臺北市不同的行政區分別辦理愛物惜物市集,一共辦理七場次。今年度響應「世界環境日」辦理『港湖新綠帶,新肺新呼吸』內湖復育園區開幕活動,由臺北市柯文哲市長親自主持,在該片復育綠地種下代表「愛與快樂」的臺北市市花「杜鵑花」,希望能藉此分享愛的喜悅給臺北市民,慶祝內湖垃圾山的重生。另外,在今秋環境季,響應「世界清潔日」,提供中秋過節,友善環境的新方法!透過城市靜思音樂野餐,達到親近自然、友善環境、連繫家人、朋友情感與節電減碳的效果。9 月25 日邀請市民朋友,關燈走出戶外,在秋夜一起享用月光野餐,感受城市靜謐之美。(二)環境志(義)工環境知識競賽環保志(義)工是臺北市維護環境及推廣環境教育的第一線尖兵,為提倡環保志(義)工運動風氣,促進團體間榮譽感,並拓展人際關係,以利之後環保活動的推動,特舉辦104 年全國環保志(義)工環境知識競賽運動會,凝聚全國環保志(義) 工的向心力。本項目主要工作成果摘要說明如下:1.於5 月13 日舉辦初賽說明會,介紹環保知識競賽比賽規則及全國賽晉級流程。2.於7 月11 日辦理臺北市環境志(義)工環境知識競賽,選出四組參賽隊伍,分別是:環保啦啦隊組-中山區、環境志(義)工環境知識競賽-中華電信、認識環教場所-北投區、環保吸鐵樂-中正區3.於9 月19 日參加全國賽,臺北市各組隊伍皆獲得優勝的佳績。(三)環保知識挑戰擂臺賽「環境教育法」已實施多年,為提升民眾環保知識,自民國99 年起建置「環境E 學院」網站,並配合舉辦環保知識挑戰擂臺賽,期望以競賽方式,鼓勵民眾吸收環保知識。本項目主要工作成果摘要說明如下:1.於6 月22 日公告今年度擂臺賽辦理之方式、報名時間、比賽時間、競賽地點、臺北市內比賽規則及流程。2.今年度四組共有524 人報名(分別為國小組134 人、國中組195人、高中職組131 人、社會組64 人) ,相當踴躍。3.於9 月30 日假內湖高工辦理臺北市環保知識挑戰擂臺賽,實際到考人數近450 人(分別為國小組111 人、國中組186 人、高中職組121 人、社會組26 人)。活動圓滿完成,各組選出十名獲獎參賽者,其中各組前五名將代表臺北市參加全國賽。4.今年度全國賽將於12 月5 日假致理技術學院辦理,本計畫將協助後續參賽事宜。(四)氣候變遷教育特色執行計畫「氣候變遷環境教育」的重點在於量能建構(capacity building)- 透過知識的深化、態度的建立與技能的熟悉,使民眾對於氣候變遷有更深刻的理解,並且在受到培力(empower)之後,能夠參與,甚至主導氣候變遷的減緩、調適等各種作法。本項目主要工作成果摘要說明如下:1.彙編既有氣候變遷教案本計畫首先收集及彙整「本市中小學環境教育暨防災教育資訊網」與氣候變遷調適及減緩相關優質教材,藉由舉辦氣候變遷教育研討會,收集環境教育民間團體、中小學教師、志義工、或相關科系學生意見對氣候變遷教育架構及本市市民最急需建立的觀念與作為意見及看法。相關會議期程如下:A.四場次研商會議: 7/15 辦理臺北市氣候變遷局處協商會議 8/14 辦理第二場氣候變遷研商會,邀請臺北市國中小教師及環境教育志工參加 8/17 辦理第三場氣候變遷研商會,邀請臺北市國中小教師及環境教育志工參加 9/16 辦理第四場氣候變遷研商會,邀請臺北市國中小教師工參加B.四場次氣候變遷教案推廣工作坊:分別於10/6 假臺北市迪化污水處理廠、10/7 假臺北市圖書館北投分館、10/8 假臺北市貴子坑水土保持教室及10/14 日假臺北市自來水園區辦理氣候變遷教案推廣工作坊,邀請臺北市國中小教師及環境教育志工參加。 7/15 辦理臺北市氣候變遷局處協商會議C.氣候變遷專家會議:於10/15 假臺灣大學第二活動中心亞里斯多德廳,邀請專家學者進行教案審查。2.研擬氣候變遷教育三年計畫規劃105~107 年三年的氣候變遷教育主軸,並研擬執行策略。各年度主要推行主軸依序為:規劃與建置臺北市氣候變遷學習資源、深化臺北市各級學校教師及環教人員氣候變遷知能、全面推廣氣候變遷融入教學、普及氣害變遷概念於社區民眾。(五)辦理臺美生態學校聯盟推廣計畫生態學校之成立宗旨是為了將永續發展的理念植根於學校課程中,並將環境覺知和環境行為融入校園生活和校園風氣之中,從而改變學生行為,產生全校性的環境行動。本次計畫除了生態學校,另外加入臺美校間合作,希望藉由姊妹校的方式,能激盪出更多生態學校、計畫教學模式、方法,並且也可以增加我校學生及老師英文程度的提升、拓展國際視野。本項目主要工作進度與成果摘要如下:1.於4 月27、29 日舉辦兩場說明會,說明計畫及認證流程。2.於5 月1 日至5 月18 日進行各校查訪,協助及推廣臺美生態學校聯盟辦理。3.於5 月18 日報名截止日,共有萬芳高中、五常國中、關渡國中及福安國中等四所學校報名申請加入臺美生態學校聯盟。四所學校均通過書面審查。4.於6 月8 日辦理簡報審查,選出萬芳高中、五常國中、關渡國中三所學校代表臺北市參加臺美生態學校聯盟,並給予每校五萬元補助。5.今年度輔導萬芳高中、五常國中取得銅牌認證,關渡國中取得銀牌認證。"
proj_year 104
org_name "臺北市政府環境保護局"
exe_unit "亞太環境科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20160601

chi_title "104年度新竹縣環境教育專案計畫"
Chi_Subject "新竹縣擁有豐富環境與生態資源,長久以來一向重視環境保護與多樣性發展,不只政策規劃,策略執行亦嚴謹有序,利用本縣優質環境特色、產業文化、河川景觀、自然生態、人文遺產等資源,提供優質化、多元化、豐富化的課程發展素材,結合縣內社區、學校及民間團體,由個別行動匯集成為集體力量,帶領新竹縣成為「希望、亮麗、科技城」的永續城市。 本計畫呈現新竹縣104年度環境教育專案內容及成果,總體經費為416萬元整,工作項目概分為五大項,包括:一、配合環境節日與其他環境教育相關活動;二、氣候變遷教育特色執行計畫;三、環保知識擂臺賽;四、環保志(義)工環境知識競賽;五、臺美生態學校遴選計畫。 執行成果概述如下:(一) 配合環境節日與其他環境教育相關活動: 引導民眾體會與實踐環境教育,結合「10,000點自掃門前雪」,以自主性環境維護為議題發布「萬人掃雪、垃圾變黃金」學習任務,鼓勵民眾關注自家周遭環境、家家戶戶齊動手實踐環境美化、清除髒亂,在與環境的直接接觸與創造整潔舒適生活條件的過程中,學習與環境間之友善互動,總計13812人參與。(二) 氣候變遷教育特色執行計畫: 提升教師對氣候變遷與調適融入社會學習領域課程的發展、設計、實施,以及教學設計、教材發展、教學策略、教學指導等方面的專業知能成長與發展,進而增進與揚升其教學職能與效能,並將新竹縣氣候變遷執行計劃推動主軸,帶入會議討論議題當中,經由各界參與會議之研擬探討,可增加本縣教師對此議題在社會學習領域教學上的應用,並進一步轉化至其它學習領域的教學運用,提升教學品質總計13件教案投稿徵選。(三) 環保知識擂臺賽: 透過擂台賽之舉辦,推動縣內中小學及高中(職)學生與社會人士積極參與環境保護相關議題之活動,落實環境保教育之紮根,廣布環保知能,藉以提昇國民環境品質,確保國民健康提升,活動總計共2015人參與。(四) 環保志(義)工環境知識競賽: 藉由趣味競賽凝聚新竹縣環保志義工的向心力,促進環保志義工間的互相交流,並激勵環保義工之榮譽感,更提供一個活絡筋骨、強健體魄,寓環境教育於創意樂活的機會。有鑑於志(義)對於本計畫活動之熱情參與,建議未來可持續辦理相關活動,促進志(義)工之交流,提昇凝聚力,且陪伴訓練拉近與社區、志工們的距離,提昇政府機關與民眾互動、情感及往後志(義)工參與環境教育意願,初賽決賽超過400人參與。(五) 臺美生態學校遴選計畫: 發掘新竹縣潛力學校,參加臺美生態學校聯盟,與全球生態學校夥伴交流學習,推動永續校園與環境教育,策劃環境教育議題實施,臺美生態學校遴選計畫說明會以及審查會議人數共有18所學校、58人參與。此外藉由校長會議向各校宣傳計畫內容,最後參與遴選計畫之學校達到11所,共2所學校得到銀牌認證。"
proj_year 104
org_name "新竹縣政府環境保護局"
exe_unit "亞太環境科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20160301

chi_title "103年度新竹縣環境教育推動執行工作計畫"
Chi_Subject "近年來地球環境的持續惡化,氣候變遷所導致的各類複合型災難屢見不鮮,足見環境問題對人類的衝擊與威脅已由地域性擴大至區域性,甚至全球性。要解決環境問題,唯有由環境教育做起,基此,我國在民國99年6月5日正式通過環境教育法,並於100年6月5日正式實施,顯見對環境教育的重視。 新竹縣政府環保局考量落實環境教育,於今年度推動「103年新竹縣環境教育推動執行工作計畫環境教育專案計畫」,藉此推廣環境教育與辦理一系列環境教育體驗活動及相關講習課程,另外,本計劃也因應行政院環境保護署之政策,協助環保志工參與相關活動,塑造志工多元認知與學習,進而成為環境教育的宣導種子實現「整合環教政策、建設永續家園、發展區域課程、實踐綠色生活及深耕環教知能」的目標。"
proj_year 103
org_name "新竹縣政府環境保護局"
exe_unit "亞太環境科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20150301

chi_title "105 年度新竹縣環境教育專案計畫 "
Chi_Subject "本計畫呈現新竹縣105年度環境教育專案內容及成果,總體經費為458 萬元整,工作項目與計畫目標概分為六大項,包括:一、環保知識擂臺賽, 初賽活動當日參賽人數目標 400 人,最低應達成 320 人;二、環保志(義) 工環境知識競賽參賽人數目標 300 人,最低應達成 240 人;三、創新作為 之我的環教食代目標為各組 10 隊報名,最低應 8 隊報名;四、創新作為之 環教玩樂趣需完成 2 個版本的桌遊,且需辦理 18 場次試玩工作坊;五、臺 美生態學校遴選計畫目標為 10 所學校報名,最低應 8 所學校報名,且需 3 所學校銅牌認證;六、環保戲劇競賽縣內初賽目標為 10 隊報名參與。 "
proj_year 105
org_name "新竹縣政府環境保護局"
exe_unit "亞太環境科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20170201

chi_title "臺北市環境教育活動及志工訓練運用計畫"
Chi_Subject "臺北市身為我國首善之都,擁有豐沛的資源及多元的人文背景,在各單位的努力下,近幾年環境教育的廣度與深度均有大幅度的提升,不僅在政策上規劃完整,更能將環境教育融入各領域,並且向下扎根。此外,還能結合多元人才成為環境教育志工,讓臺北市除了外在硬體改變外,更能提昇環境素養,懂得知恩惜福,打造內外兼具的環境永續都市。臺北市政府環境保護局為配合環境教育法之施行,積極爭取環保署上開計畫,並進而擬定符合臺北市地方特色之105年度「臺北市環境教育活動及志工訓練運用計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫),本計畫今年度工作內容包括:(1)辦理環境教育社群體驗年活動;(2)辦理環保志(義)工環境知識競賽;(3) 環保知識挑戰擂臺賽;(4) 辦理臺美生態學校聯盟推廣計畫;(5) 辦理環教志工培訓管理及運用;(6) 辦理環境講習及義工幹部研習;(7) 環境教育推廣、創新及行政配合。"
proj_year 105
org_name "臺北市政府環境保護局"
exe_unit "亞太環境科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20170318

chi_title "105 年度新竹縣環境教育暨綠色消費推動執行計畫"
Chi_Subject "本計畫呈現新竹縣 105 年度環境教育暨綠色消費推動執行計畫內容及成果,總體經費為 556 萬元整,工作項目概分為四大類,包括:一、辦理 環境教育基礎業務;二、綠色消費推廣;三、志工運用及環境教育、綠色 消費相關說明會與輔導訪查;四、環境教育、綠色消費之推廣行銷及宣傳創新。"
proj_year 105
org_name "新竹縣政府環境保護局"
exe_unit "亞太環境科技股份有限公司"
publish_date 20170201


來源 : 台灣中油股份有限公司-台灣中油股份有限公司_探採事業部採購公告
欄位 : 機關代號、招標單位、聯絡人、標案案號、標案名稱、決標方式、是否屬共同供應契約、採購金額、預算金額、標的分類、招標方式、採購金額級距、投標家數、得標廠商、決標日期、決標公告日期、底價金額、總決標金額、履約執行機關、標比

招標單位 台灣中油股份有限公司探採事業部
聯絡人 傅苔英
標案案號 BEF9900010
標案名稱 探採事業部飲用水採樣分析(100年度)
決標方式 最低標
採購金額 125520
預算金額 125520
標的分類 勞務類-技術測試及分析服務
招標方式 公開取得報價單或企劃書
採購金額級距 未達公告金額
投標家數 3
得標廠商 亞太環境科技股份有限公司
決標日期 20101228
決標公告日期 20101229
底價金額 85000
總決標金額 76045
標比 89.46


來源 : 交通部觀光局-溫泉業務
欄位 : 編號、溫泉檢驗機構、聯絡地址、連絡電話、認可檢驗項目

編號 1
溫泉檢驗機構 亞太環境科技股份有限公司
聯絡地址 高雄市三民區灣興街128號
連絡電話 07-3928088
認可檢驗項目 泉溫:溫度計法 總溶解性固體:原水過濾法 碳酸氫根離子:滴定法 硫酸根離子:濁度法 氯離子:硝酸汞滴定法 游離二氧化碳:推算法 總硫(硫化物及硫化氫):分光光度計/甲烯藍法 總硫(硫代硫酸根離子):呈色時間定量法 總鐵離子:火焰式原子吸收光譜法


來源 : 行政院環境保護署-室內空氣品質公告場所定期檢測結果
欄位 : PlaceId、PlaceName、inspect_placename、inspect_time、inspect_people、Exam_name、Exam_unit、value

PlaceId 10401170022
PlaceName 內政部移民署南區事務大隊臺東縣服務站
inspect_placename 民眾書報區
inspect_time 2016-05-19 17:00:00
inspect_people 亞太環境科技股份有限公司
Exam_name 甲醛
Exam_unit ppm
value 0.02

PlaceId 10401170022
PlaceName 內政部移民署南區事務大隊臺東縣服務站
inspect_placename 民眾書報區
inspect_time 2016-05-19 17:00:00
inspect_people 亞太環境科技股份有限公司
Exam_name PM10
Exam_unit μg/m3
value 21

PlaceId 10401170022
PlaceName 內政部移民署南區事務大隊臺東縣服務站
inspect_placename 民眾書報區
inspect_time 2016-05-19 17:00:00
inspect_people 亞太環境科技股份有限公司
Exam_name 二氧化碳
Exam_unit ppm
value 618.4

PlaceId 10203020001
PlaceName 國家圖書館
inspect_placename 5-6樓漢學服務台
inspect_time 2016-03-31 12:03:00
inspect_people 亞太環境科技股份有限公司
Exam_name 細菌
Exam_unit CFU/m3
value 205

PlaceId 10203020001
PlaceName 國家圖書館
inspect_placename 12-5樓政府資訊後閱覽席
inspect_time 2016-03-31 10:46:00
inspect_people 亞太環境科技股份有限公司
Exam_name 細菌
Exam_unit CFU/m3
value 195

PlaceId 10203020001
PlaceName 國家圖書館
inspect_placename 22-總服務台
inspect_time 2016-03-31 14:48:00
inspect_people 亞太環境科技股份有限公司
Exam_name 細菌
Exam_unit CFU/m3
value 300

PlaceId 10203020001
PlaceName 國家圖書館
inspect_placename 25-2樓中文新書閱覽席後
inspect_time 2016-03-31 14:36:00
inspect_people 亞太環境科技股份有限公司
Exam_name 細菌
Exam_unit CFU/m3
value 685

PlaceId 10203020001
PlaceName 國家圖書館
inspect_placename 25-2樓中文新書閱覽席後
inspect_time 2016-03-31 14:15:00
inspect_people 亞太環境科技股份有限公司
Exam_name 甲醛
Exam_unit ppm
value 0.04

PlaceId 10203020001
PlaceName 國家圖書館
inspect_placename 25-2樓中文新書閱覽席後
inspect_time 2016-04-01 13:00:00
inspect_people 亞太環境科技股份有限公司
Exam_name PM10
Exam_unit μg/m3
value 29

PlaceId 10203020001
PlaceName 國家圖書館
inspect_placename 25-2樓中文新書閱覽席後
inspect_time 2016-03-31 21:00:00
inspect_people 亞太環境科技股份有限公司
Exam_name 二氧化碳
Exam_unit ppm
value 845

PlaceId 10203020001
PlaceName 國家圖書館
inspect_placename 19-3樓期刊閱覽席前
inspect_time 2016-03-31 10:30:00
inspect_people 亞太環境科技股份有限公司
Exam_name 細菌
Exam_unit CFU/m3
value 350

PlaceId 10203020001
PlaceName 國家圖書館
inspect_placename 21-3樓期刊報區閱覽席
inspect_time 2016-03-31 10:23:00
inspect_people 亞太環境科技股份有限公司
Exam_name 細菌
Exam_unit CFU/m3
value 735

PlaceId 10203020001
PlaceName 國家圖書館
inspect_placename 21-3樓期刊報區閱覽席
inspect_time 2016-03-30 14:05:00
inspect_people 亞太環境科技股份有限公司
Exam_name 甲醛
Exam_unit ppm
value 0.01

PlaceId 10203020001
PlaceName 國家圖書館
inspect_placename 21-3樓期刊報區閱覽席
inspect_time 2016-03-31 12:00:00
inspect_people 亞太環境科技股份有限公司
Exam_name PM10
Exam_unit μg/m3
value 23

PlaceId 10203020001
PlaceName 國家圖書館
inspect_placename 21-3樓期刊報區閱覽席
inspect_time 2016-03-30 20:00:00
inspect_people 亞太環境科技股份有限公司
Exam_name 二氧化碳
Exam_unit ppm
value 805

PlaceId 11004150114
PlaceName 愛買高雄店
inspect_placename 餅乾促銷區-32
inspect_time 2016-05-04 15:06:00
inspect_people 亞太環境科技股份有限公司
Exam_name 甲醛
Exam_unit ppm
value 0.01

PlaceId 11004150114
PlaceName 愛買高雄店
inspect_placename 餅乾促銷區-32
inspect_time 2016-05-05 12:00:00
inspect_people 亞太環境科技股份有限公司
Exam_name PM10
Exam_unit μg/m3
value 20

PlaceId 11004150114
PlaceName 愛買高雄店
inspect_placename 餅乾促銷區-32
inspect_time 2016-05-04 20:00:00
inspect_people 亞太環境科技股份有限公司
Exam_name 二氧化碳
Exam_unit ppm
value 694

PlaceId 11004150114
PlaceName 愛買高雄店
inspect_placename 餅乾促銷區-32
inspect_time 2016-05-04 20:00:00
inspect_people 亞太環境科技股份有限公司
Exam_name 一氧化碳
Exam_unit ppm
value 0.5

PlaceId 11004150114
PlaceName 愛買高雄店
inspect_placename 鮮奶區-21
inspect_time 2016-05-03 14:59:00
inspect_people 亞太環境科技股份有限公司
Exam_name 甲醛
Exam_unit ppm
value 0.01

PlaceId 11004150114
PlaceName 愛買高雄店
inspect_placename 鮮奶區-21
inspect_time 2016-05-04 11:00:00
inspect_people 亞太環境科技股份有限公司
Exam_name PM10
Exam_unit μg/m3
value 23

PlaceId 11004150114
PlaceName 愛買高雄店
inspect_placename 鮮奶區-21
inspect_time 2016-05-03 20:00:00
inspect_people 亞太環境科技股份有限公司
Exam_name 二氧化碳
Exam_unit ppm
value 678

PlaceId 11004150114
PlaceName 愛買高雄店
inspect_placename 鮮奶區-21
inspect_time 2016-05-03 20:00:00
inspect_people 亞太環境科技股份有限公司
Exam_name 一氧化碳
Exam_unit ppm
value 0.6

PlaceId 11004080110
PlaceName 愛買復興店
inspect_placename 餅乾區-34
inspect_time 2016-04-07 16:16:00
inspect_people 亞太環境科技股份有限公司
Exam_name 甲醛
Exam_unit ppm
value 0.02

PlaceId 11004080110
PlaceName 愛買復興店
inspect_placename 餅乾區-34
inspect_time 2016-04-08 11:00:00
inspect_people 亞太環境科技股份有限公司
Exam_name PM10
Exam_unit μg/m3
value 29

PlaceId 11004080110
PlaceName 愛買復興店
inspect_placename 餅乾區-34
inspect_time 2016-04-07 19:00:00
inspect_people 亞太環境科技股份有限公司
Exam_name 二氧化碳
Exam_unit ppm
value 548

PlaceId 11004080110
PlaceName 愛買復興店
inspect_placename 餅乾區-34
inspect_time 2016-04-07 19:00:00
inspect_people 亞太環境科技股份有限公司
Exam_name 一氧化碳
Exam_unit ppm
value 0.2

PlaceId 11004080110
PlaceName 愛買復興店
inspect_placename 男性服飾-9
inspect_time 2016-04-07 14:45:00
inspect_people 亞太環境科技股份有限公司
Exam_name 甲醛
Exam_unit ppm
value 0.03

PlaceId 11004080110
PlaceName 愛買復興店
inspect_placename 男性服飾-9
inspect_time 2016-04-08 11:00:00
inspect_people 亞太環境科技股份有限公司
Exam_name PM10
Exam_unit μg/m3
value 24

PlaceId 11004080110
PlaceName 愛買復興店
inspect_placename 男性服飾-9
inspect_time 2016-04-07 19:00:00
inspect_people 亞太環境科技股份有限公司
Exam_name 二氧化碳
Exam_unit ppm
value 602

PlaceId 11004080110
PlaceName 愛買復興店
inspect_placename 男性服飾-9
inspect_time 2016-04-07 19:00:00
inspect_people 亞太環境科技股份有限公司
Exam_name 一氧化碳
Exam_unit ppm
value 0.2

PlaceId 10306030005
PlaceName 新北市立仁愛之家
inspect_placename 1樓交誼廳撞球區-3
inspect_time 2016-03-28 12:49:00
inspect_people 亞太環境科技股份有限公司
Exam_name 細菌
Exam_unit CFU/m3
value 240

PlaceId 10306030005
PlaceName 新北市立仁愛之家
inspect_placename 1樓交誼廳撞球區-3
inspect_time 2016-03-28 12:25:00
inspect_people 亞太環境科技股份有限公司
Exam_name 甲醛
Exam_unit ppm
value 0.01

PlaceId 10306030005
PlaceName 新北市立仁愛之家
inspect_placename 1樓交誼廳撞球區-3
inspect_time 2016-03-29 10:00:00
inspect_people 亞太環境科技股份有限公司
Exam_name PM10
Exam_unit μg/m3
value 43

PlaceId 10306030005
PlaceName 新北市立仁愛之家
inspect_placename 1樓交誼廳撞球區-3
inspect_time 2016-03-28 18:00:00
inspect_people 亞太環境科技股份有限公司
Exam_name 二氧化碳
Exam_unit ppm
value 469

PlaceId 10306030005
PlaceName 新北市立仁愛之家
inspect_placename 1樓交誼廳撞球區-3
inspect_time 2016-03-28 18:00:00
inspect_people 亞太環境科技股份有限公司
Exam_name 一氧化碳
Exam_unit ppm
value 0.2

PlaceId 10402140015
PlaceName 臺南市政府(民治市政中心)
inspect_placename 1F展示廳
inspect_time 2015-08-27 11:00:00
inspect_people 亞太環境科技股份有限公司
Exam_name 甲醛
Exam_unit ppm
value ND

PlaceId 10402140015
PlaceName 臺南市政府(民治市政中心)
inspect_placename 1F展示廳
inspect_time 2015-08-27 11:00:00
inspect_people 亞太環境科技股份有限公司
Exam_name PM10
Exam_unit μg/m3
value 20

PlaceId 10402140015
PlaceName 臺南市政府(民治市政中心)
inspect_placename 1F展示廳
inspect_time 2015-08-27 11:00:00
inspect_people 亞太環境科技股份有限公司
Exam_name 二氧化碳
Exam_unit ppm
value 358


來源 : 行政院環境保護署-焚化廠飛灰穩定化檢測資料
欄位 : IncineratorName、ReportDate、FlyAshStableExamDate、Pb、Cd、Hg、Cr、Sn、HexCr、CompressiveStrength、Dioxin、Cu、Se、Ba、ExamAgency

IncineratorName 屏東縣崁頂垃圾資源回收(焚化)廠
ReportDate 2017-02
FlyAshStableExamDate 2017-02-07
Cr 0.028
HexCr <0.1
CompressiveStrength NA
Dioxin 0.008
Cu 0.011
Se 0.017
Ba 1.430
ExamAgency 亞太環境科技股份有限公司

IncineratorName 屏東縣崁頂垃圾資源回收(焚化)廠
ReportDate 2017-03
FlyAshStableExamDate 2017-03-07
Pb 0.554
Cd 0.685
Hg 0.006
Cr 0.034
HexCr 0.020
CompressiveStrength NA
Dioxin 0.002
Cu 0.576
Se 0.019
Ba 0.652
ExamAgency 亞太環境科技股份有限公司


來源 : 國家發展委員會檔案管理局-公文電子交換系統地址簿

ORGID EB22755240
ORGNAME 亞太環境科技股份有限公司
UPDATETIME 2023-09-11 15:01:23


來源 : 國家發展委員會檔案管理局-公文電子交換系統地址簿

2023-09-11 15:01:23


來源 : 經濟部商業司-董監事資料集
欄位 : 統一編號、公司名稱、職稱、姓名、所代表法人、持有股份數

統一編號 22755240
公司名稱 亞太環境科技股份有限公司
職稱 監察人
姓名 劉孔文
持有股份數 0

統一編號 22755240
公司名稱 亞太環境科技股份有限公司
職稱 董事
姓名 馮艷娥
持有股份數 400000

統一編號 22755240
公司名稱 亞太環境科技股份有限公司
職稱 董事
姓名 馮嘉祺
持有股份數 1126000

統一編號 22755240
公司名稱 亞太環境科技股份有限公司
職稱 董事長
姓名 黃俊仁
持有股份數 0


來源 : 經濟部商業司-高雄市公司登記資料-J文化、運動、休閒及其他服務業
欄位 : 統一編號、公司名稱、公司地址、實收資本額、核准設立日期、營業地址(財政資訊中心匯入)、行業代號(財政資訊中心匯入)、財政資訊中心匯入日期、股票代號(金融監督管理委員會匯入)、產業別(金融監督管理委員會匯入)、金融監督管理委員會匯入日期、商標資料(智慧財產局匯入)、智慧財產局匯入日期

統一編號 22755240
公司名稱 亞太環境科技股份有限公司
公司地址 高雄市三民區灣興街39巷8號
實收資本額 28000000
核准設立日期 0770215
營業地址(財政資訊中心匯入) 高雄市三民區灣興里灣興街39巷8號
行業代號(財政資訊中心匯入) 702099,740200,712999,712100
財政資訊中心匯入日期 30-AUG-22
商標資料(智慧財產局匯入) ASIA,亞太,
智慧財產局匯入日期 2022-09-01


來源 : 經濟部商業司-高雄市公司登記資料-E營造及工程業
欄位 : 統一編號、公司名稱、公司地址、實收資本額、核准設立日期、營業地址(財政資訊中心匯入)、行業代號(財政資訊中心匯入)、財政資訊中心匯入日期、股票代號(金融監督管理委員會匯入)、產業別(金融監督管理委員會匯入)、金融監督管理委員會匯入日期、商標資料(智慧財產局匯入)、智慧財產局匯入日期

統一編號 22755240
公司名稱 亞太環境科技股份有限公司
公司地址 高雄市三民區灣興街39巷8號
實收資本額 28000000
核准設立日期 0770215
營業地址(財政資訊中心匯入) 高雄市三民區灣興里灣興街39巷8號
行業代號(財政資訊中心匯入) 702099,740200,712999,712100
財政資訊中心匯入日期 30-AUG-22
商標資料(智慧財產局匯入) ASIA,亞太,
智慧財產局匯入日期 2022-09-01


(1)政府研究資訊系統(Government Research Bulletin, 簡稱 GRB)收錄82年迄今行政院所屬各機關研究計畫資料,並就可公開之研究計畫資料提供查詢、瀏覽及全文下載。 (2)所收錄之研究報告,智慧財產均屬研究計畫所屬機關或計畫主持人,如欲進一步瞭解報告內容或提供改進意見,請直接連絡計畫主辦機關或計畫主持人。 主要欄位說明︰系統編號、計畫編號、計畫中文名稱、計畫英文名稱、執行單位名稱、年度、計畫主管機關、研究方式、研究性質、研究領域、本期研究期間、本期經費(千元)、計畫主持人、研究人員、中文關鍵詞、英文關鍵詞、中文摘要URL、英文摘要URL
來源 : 國家科學及技術委員會-政府研究資訊系統(GRB)資料目錄集(82年度~迄今)
欄位 : 名稱;網址;說明

TsuoYing;Ta-Lin-Pu;Ocean Outlet;Industrial Wastewater;Marine Biological Impact Assessment;Ocean Pollution Index;Ocean Biological Indicators;Water Quality Database


(1)政府研究資訊系統(Government Research Bulletin, 簡稱 GRB)收錄82年迄今行政院所屬各機關研究計畫資料,並就可公開之研究計畫資料提供查詢、瀏覽及全文下載。 (2)所收錄之研究報告,智慧財產均屬研究計畫所屬機關或計畫主持人,如欲進一步瞭解報告內容或提供改進意見,請直接連絡計畫主辦機關或計畫主持人。 主要欄位說明︰系統編號、計畫編號、計畫中文名稱、計畫英文名稱、執行單位名稱、年度、計畫主管機關、研究方式、研究性質、研究領域、本期研究期間、本期經費(千元)、計畫主持人、研究人員、中文關鍵詞、英文關鍵詞、中文摘要URL、英文摘要URL
來源 : 國家科學及技術委員會-政府研究資訊系統(GRB)資料目錄集(82年度~迄今)
欄位 : 名稱;網址;說明

The Penghu county in the Year 98’s about Water Pollution Source Auditor Control and Ocean Volunteer Cruising Project


(1)政府研究資訊系統(Government Research Bulletin, 簡稱 GRB)收錄82年迄今行政院所屬各機關研究計畫資料,並就可公開之研究計畫資料提供查詢、瀏覽及全文下載。 (2)所收錄之研究報告,智慧財產均屬研究計畫所屬機關或計畫主持人,如欲進一步瞭解報告內容或提供改進意見,請直接連絡計畫主辦機關或計畫主持人。 主要欄位說明︰系統編號、計畫編號、計畫中文名稱、計畫英文名稱、執行單位名稱、年度、計畫主管機關、研究方式、研究性質、研究領域、本期研究期間、本期經費(千元)、計畫主持人、研究人員、中文關鍵詞、英文關鍵詞、中文摘要URL、英文摘要URL
來源 : 國家科學及技術委員會-政府研究資訊系統(GRB)資料目錄集(82年度~迄今)
欄位 : 名稱;網址;說明



澎湖縣100 年度土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫

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