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csv 102年30歲以上嚼檳榔或吸菸者最近兩年內接受口腔癌篩檢率-依年齡別分 資料來源:本署癌症篩檢資料庫,篩檢統計至2014.02.08。 備註:1.篩檢率計算方式:近2年曾接受過口腔癌篩檢人數 / (當年12月人口數*抽菸或嚼檳榔比例)。 2.2010年起,全面提供30歲以上嚼檳榔或吸菸民眾2年1次口腔黏膜檢查。 Source:Cancer Screening Database, HPA. Data by February, 8, 2014. Note:1.Oral cancer screening rate: Percentage of people aged 30 or over who chew betel quid or smoke reporting a oral mucosa test in the past 2 years. 2.Screening policy: The government has incorporated oral cancer screening into preventive health care services for people aged 30 or over who chew betel quid or smoke with once every 2 years since 2010. 2023/10/26